
13 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Shortcomings, mis-steps, and tropes galore
21 April 2024
Would've been a good TV series if it focussed on a Civil War.

However, this Chick flick esque, film...despite it's on and off screen talent has glaring issues - from editing, casting, to cinematography.

The main cast never convinces and looks like they were never the first or second pick to play their parts. Visually they don't hold their own against the bright lights and tend to blend with the scenery. Spaeny is sometimes eye catching but laugably out of place and completely unbelievable. While Moura looks to diminutive for the role, and Henderson unrealisticaly large. Dunst's sandy features are too blunt to carve any kind distinction.

The job of direction was to be a big step up for Garland from his previous smaller casts and slower efforts but falls well short. Too often eveything is 'almost, but not quite'. Either the camera lingers to long, the editing doesn't flow, or the framing is just not tight when it needs to be and too broad it shouldn't be. Garland needs to rewatch again and again the likes of Full Metal Jacket for inspiration.

PS the soundtrack also is poorly put together.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
One of the best series ever made
6 February 2020
One of the best series ever made. The series grew richer and more engaging with every episode. It's hard to find any flaws in any aspect of the production including writing, acting, casting, costume, sets, sound and cinematography.
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Great fun family movie
6 February 2020
Much better than I anticipated. This movie takes you on a fun thrilling ride with good fx, solid script, good casting and performances. Isabela Merce(Dora) is fantastic - both funny and engaging she'll go on to do more good work.
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Tarantino's best since Jackie Brown
6 February 2020
Finally Tarantino has pulled it off. A finely crafted dramatic and comedic epic. At times beautiful, this movie has a tight and rewarding script for LDC and Pitt who can sink their teeth into their parts and not be washed out in Tarantino's typical ensemble casts. Worth more than one viewing.
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Based on a second viewing
6 February 2020
The movie like so many people have experienced is great the first time around. However, watching it a second time it's apparent the story and some key scenes look comical - with much of the emotion lost. The real star of the movie is the Italian scenery: the lakes, small town squares, rivers, mountains and waterfalls.
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Belongs on the small screen
6 February 2020
From the beginning it's obvious Johansson was mis-cast. She's been great in a few things but looks, sounds and feels out of place here. It's hard to see there was any connection between Driver and herself - Driver does a pretty good job.

In general the movie meanders big-time and has the look and feel of a filmed stage play that is suited to the small screen where most people would've seen it.

Who ever thinks that Netflix movies shouldn't be included in the Oscars are probably right. They look terrible on the big screen (or on the small screen). They haven't so far worked on both.
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Tarantino's best since Jackie Brown
6 February 2020
It's been a long time coming but Tarantino has finally managed to pull together a thought provoking and beautifully shot movie. The draw-card is the stand-out performances by LDC and Pitt. They both have an opportunity to get their teeth into a a well crafted script rather than being washed out in typical Tarantino ensemble movies.
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1917 (2019)
Beyond overrrated
6 February 2020
I suspect many of the positive reviews are not impartial or by reviewers who missed Full metal jacket, Dunkirk, Platoon, All quiet on the Western Front (1930) etc etc.

One of the biggest problems with this film is the two young protagonists. Both boys are very forgettable and lack any kind of gravitas to carry a film on the big screen. As a result it's very hard to care about them and their video game like quest. Though this problem is not entirely their fault.

The script is run of the mill (didn't people curse in those days?).The director doesn't employ necessary dramatic close ups to break the mundane midshot. We don't effectively see their blood, sweat, tears and the horror or determination in their eyes. Also the panoramic shots aren't particularly panoramic. The scale of the battle fields and surrounding areas are poorly filmed. The cinematography as a whole wasn't up to the scale of story.

At the end of the film one gets the sense you've just sat through a long YouTube video of mice in a maze with a few fx thrown for fun. However, this film could be a very good two part BBC miniseries.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Most overrated movie in years
3 March 2018
For starters Gal Gadot is not great actor or leading lady and in WW it's painfully obvious as she fails to make me cheer her on. This movie comes sometime after it's release and it's fair to say the hype has died and the bland truth is in plain sight. WW is not even in the top 5 DC movies let alone movie of the year (laughable idea now).
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Lady Bird (2017)
Generic and forgettable coming of age story
3 March 2018
Not a great addition to the 'coming of age'/'touching comedy' genre which has so many great movies e.g The Perks of being a Wallflower. Ronan is miscast in a role that would have better suited an American. Gerwig herself would have been perfect had she been younger. Lady Bird is not on the same level as the gender and sexual opposite - though similarly themed Call me by Your name or even 2016's 20th Century Women which Gerwig was delightful in. You'll be struggling to recall this movie next year.
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3 March 2018
Del Toro finally comes of age. From the opening scene he creates a beautiful, heartfelt adult fantasy that takes you on a well-paced scenic and intelligent journey.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Twilight zone for millenials
3 March 2018
Entertaining yet predictable and pretty forgettable. Kinda like a drawn out Twilight Zone episode complete with network TV acting. Can't help but feeling I'd seen this movie before.
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3 March 2018
Underrated. A fitting end to a great career for DDL. Skillful and spell-bounding this is a movie for the ages. Anderson creates a world like a rich, plush Persian rug: colorful, complex, ordered and yet intriguing. The more you look the more you see. However, the trick is what's hiding under the rug.
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