
42 Reviews
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
Nancy Drew meet Pollyanna
5 November 2023
The only reason it gets two stars it is for Nida Kurshids performance. But the two stars illustrates that even she could not save this sinking ship.

Jojo Fleites looks the part, but the poor writing has him overly queer. I mean, the flamboyance is devastating!

If the idea was to make Mary Campbell, some kind of bad ass, vampire Hunter, they should've cast an actress who at least looks like she seen the inside of a gym. Or one who's doesn't look like she stopped growing at eight years old. I mean Meg Donnelly is cuddly as an Ewok. When she turns to face drake Roger her eyes, her nipple level! And don't get me started on his bad acting.

With the exception of Nida, the acting is just plain bad, and the writing well, that might be even worse.

As for production value? It looks like a high school play... for real!

Just with more elaborate sets...some of the time. But then I haven't seen a high school play for sometime, in 2023 it might look just like this.

It's a show that tries to be serious, but comes off as a comedy. The worst part was the music. I laughed uncontrollably every time they played something.

If you're going to produce something that looks like it might be questionable? At least the one thing right.

It's just bad, plain, and simple.
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Shazam! (2019)
A well-made children's film
12 September 2023
It is a well-made film... the production was decent, the actor is fun to watch, and it addresses a major issue in the United States as far as children growing up in surrogate homes. But that's about the best I can do as far as the positives.

I've read comics all my life, in fact, I still do. The way that the characters in this film are portrayed in this film they would never understand most of the dialogue in a comic book.

I would say the target audience is for the 10 and under crowd. I wouldn't pay to watch this in the theater, but that's what subscription television is for. There is good comedy, but if you're a post adolescent, I think you would find it... Kiddy.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
This new Star Wars saga brings it!
24 August 2023
I'll save the detractors for the end, there are like two.

First of all the casting could not be more stellar! Most if not all of these talented people are A-list actors if not in the United States, then in the parent countries they come from. I had a momentary lapse of reason, when I second guessed Rosario Dawson as a choice for Asoka, boy was that stupid! That woman nails, every character she's ever portrayed! It's her damn superpower! They couldn't have chosen a better actress than Natasha Liu Bordizzo for Wren. It's like she jumps straight out of CG animation and into live action, still pigheaded and obstinate. Unfortunately, the years weren't kind to her as she suffers the same affliction as young young people around me, where their mental maturity lags about a decade behind their physical maturity. But after only two shows, we can always hope for better. But I think a lot of the young people (22 going on 12) can relate.

As for the detractors... The saber fight between Wren and Shin Hati was a train wreck!... And General Sindullas' skin most of the time looked like she took a nose dive into some green talcum. However, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, did an amazing job, though I remember Hera being shorter. Both she and Asoka became much more levelheaded than they were, when they were younger in rebels.

And one last thing.

About Mr. Ray Stevenson, I did not know Ray Stevenson, but I loved his work. He was well-rounded and gifted in his craft, and it showed him the characters he portrayed.

And to those who knew and loved him, his work will be enjoyed by generations to come,...for centuries.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
It could've been amazing
24 August 2023
What start it out to be an absolutely astounding series ended up flushing itself right down the toilet... Let me explain, first of all the cast was pretty much excellent. I thought that StarFire and Raven were the weak links in the casting process. When the Titans form raven is one of the more mature and older members of the team after her death, she is reincarnated as more of the sneaker, wearing sophomore, teenybopper that we see in the show. Additionally, they downplay her absolute, omnipotence. Meanwhile, the casting for StarFire looks like she ran off of the set of Wakanda forever to change costumes and play a character with the power of 1,000,049 suns or some stupidity. All of the other characters seemed to be pretty much spot on! The production quality was excellent, costumes were excellent! I know you could get used to the casting, the one thing you couldn't look past was the absolutely horrid writing. For a team of friends and teammates, there was the ever present. I have absolutely no trust in you, and I have to save the planet myself... Again! Sixth time is a charm... Oh, snap, I fell for that trap yet again. By the time, the fourth season rolls around, you could only be entertained if you were still in grammar school. I and then there were the insults to intelligence. They speak of one hero, saving a galaxy by controlling the explosion of a red dwarf. Not realizing that some of us understand that a single galaxy probably has hundreds of a red dwarves and hundreds of thousands if not millions of stars. With the exception of the putrid writing, the show was excellent. I the characters are real people, they swear, they drink, they have sex. Just like the rest of us. It's not the G rated wonder,never,whateverland that is so prevalent in many of these comic book adaptations. It is well worth watching. But by season four you already know what's going to happen next before it happens. And you know what they're going to say before they say it. But if you want to see a well decent comic adaptation, where the characters of fun to watch then this is probably good for you.
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S.W.A.T. (2017– )
Worst, writing, ever!
9 August 2023
Well, the show is entertaining for those who have a less than average, IQ, and the cast is decent. I mean they are fun to watch. However, the writing in this show is probably the worst I've seen in years only someone who is absolutely brain dead could ever believe some of the antics portrayed in the writing of this series, I mean, it is tilt your head like a confused dog bad. Some of the situation are so ridiculous. You almost forget that this is not a comedy series. However, the saving grace is that it has an attractive cast that does some pretty cool stuff. If that's all you're looking for then this is for you. But don't expect to be intellectually stimulated.
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This is what a manga adaptation should be
23 December 2022
This is what a manga adaptation should be. I realize how hard it can be, to take a book and make a movie, whether it be a novel, a manga, or short novel. There's only so much stuff you can pack into a two hour timeframe. So much of the time, the review stayed that essentially too much was lost. But in that small timeframe you have to tell a story. You have to get the major bits out there. You lose a lot... For me that's to be expected. I've simply seen it too many times to not understand that that is just going to happen.

This film captured the spirit of Alita. There are many films made with a strong female protagonist. Most of them, are so unbelievable that they're just a rolling ridiculous. It's been a long time since "serenity". She was truly the last tiny female that I believed that could take down a juggernaut. "Aleta" does this exceptionally. Not because she's tiny, not because she's a girl. But because she's just a bad ass.

The film is remarkable in many ways, from the costumes, to the sets, to the special effects. And as for all those bits and pieces they get lost because you only have two hours to tell a story?

I'll await the six prequels. And of course, another six sequels.
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Willow (2022–2023)
A production from 2022 is certainly not a production from 1988
15 December 2022
A production from 2022 is certainly not a production from 1988. Having said that, the main audience for both of these productions is a teen audience, and a teenager in 2022 is certainly not a teenager in 1988! Every aspect of their lives was essentially different. In this case, what one expects to be in a cinematic production.

There are ups and downs to be sure. But one can relate to the original, and the stories not too bad.

Most notably, is the character "kit". I can't be certain if it's just bad acting, or just really poor writing. If I had to be honest, I would say it is a mixture of the two.

If it weren't for the other cast members, this would've rated a much lower score as Ruby Cruz who plays kits character is certainly the low point in the series.

She simply doesn't get it done.

The cinematography is fairly horrible. Not that the locations are bad, just that the colors are drowned out, and the clarity is like 480. It's certainly no "the last of the Mohicans".

Additionally every time there is a dialogue that's not inside a building, it sounds like the actors microphone is taped to the corner of their mouth.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Nuns with guns!
20 November 2022
Nuns with guns! Or perhaps even, Ninja Nuns.

On par with all of the other mythological cinematic releases, this tells the story of a group of Catholic nuns from a obscure sect of the church. The show chronicles their battling the forces of evil, making the world safe for humanity.

Good acting, decent writing, lovable characters, great costumes and locations. Plenty of action and drama and even some decent comedy relief.

The show Chronicles the deeds of a young woman who's lived a hard knock life, and gets a second chance being a reluctant superhero "warrior nun" fighting for the Catholic Church. I must watch for fans of World religions, and their stories.
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Barbarians (2020–2022)
Season two sees the barbarians neutered
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season two sees the barbarians neutered! Well the trend continues in that it is a wonderfully produced series as far as FX, costumes, locations etc. The one damaging thing that destroys the entire series for anyone but the millennials... Is that it is a 21st-century production, targeted for 21st century people who have never known the meaning of the word "hardship".

The cast while exceptional, would've been considered middle to old age in a society where the life expectancy is 35 years old. The women of childbearing age, would've probably mostly been grandmothers by the time that they are seen in this production.

And while it's mentioned, that the "barbarians" smell like... Barbarians. They all look freshly showered, and freshly groomed. No dung matted hair for these folks. And while everybody seems to have a scarred on their face, everybody seems to be in very good health! One of the main characters has a scar that goes vertically right down her face across her eye, and amazingly! Both eyes are still fully functional!

In a world of Europe where only the strong survive, amongst war in clans, and the ever present Roman empire. There's a very strong "can't we just talk this out" atmosphere about this production.

And only in the very last episode do you actually see any kind of actual warfare.

All in all, it's a very nicely done season that is very disconnected from the past which it supposedly represents.

The depictions of daily life are about as realistic as if it were filmed in Hogwarts, or middle earth. Hipsters and millennials will never know the difference.
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Stitchers (2015–2017)
Agent001 Kirsten Clark.
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kirsten Clark has a savant level intellect, Nobel peace prize winning skills combating bio/crypto/techno terrorism. She's also an Olympic class runner, and the NSA's first special agent. Agent 001 Doesn't even need a 9 mm to stop a speeding van, she simply stares it down!

Listed as a crime drama, it's really more of something else. But I'll get to that in a moment. This program is so absolutely devoid of any originality that you could take any crime drama written in America after the year 2000 change the actors, and put them in a secret government facility (because that's original) where they put people in a fish tank to go into dead peoples minds, and you would have this show.

The cast is talented however, they seem like completely ludicrous baboons reading through their scripts. It makes me long for the days when people in this nation wouldn't, do anything for a dollar. Had some sense of morality, self-respect.

Pride in one's craft, profession.

The writing is simply just that bad!

I mean there's not even any build up to the cliché! I meaning it's so just like everything else, it's got to be a trick! But no... It's not a trick, it's just really rock-bottom writing!

As to what I aluded to earlier?

Not a crime drama... This is a sitcom! One that's so over the top stupid you can't help but just giggle.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Pivotal turning point in the MCU
9 October 2022
Pivotal turning point in the MCU. With the introduction of the man thing (one of my all-time favorites) this ties in with the entire multi-verse concept. The visuals were stunning, it was well acted by a great cast, and the characters were true to their portrayals in the Marvel comic verse. Two marvel entities that have been around for... Right around 50 years! Coming together in one epic (although way too short) outing and having them faithfully portrayed Finally may have given me faith in the cinematic universe, and it's parallel to the comic universe. Both things no matter what anyone says not being the same! Very happy with the production, can't wait for more! How about a mini series for both of the stars of this special, with costarring rolls of each other in each of the two!
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Out there? Jack Randall's definitely out!
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Close your eyes and imagine some kid with money, who hires a TV crew so he can be on TV like Steve Irwin.

Steve Irwin he is not... This person runs around like a five-year-old child catching a little critters in a mayonnaise jar. The show is unprofessional, and grossly over acted/scripted. In the first episode (pythons) he actually has a python expert with him. But you get the sense that this person wonders why on earth he ever signed on for this. His attempts to emulate the joyousness, and exhuberation of Steve Irwin (who he frequently references, and it's annoying) come across as rehearsed and overdone. With the myriad of wildlife shows, this one won't be hard to pass up.
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"Saved by the bell" with really big students
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
WOW... The way to really destroy a monster movie is to make it all about the people. I referenced "saved by the bell" because of the massive tween presence that lends nothing to the movie experience, just the script which is garbage.

( A sample of what to expect) I could have used any daytime soap to convey the injustice...the indignity perpetrated against the essence of humanity. Against love, goodness and the innate beauty that is...HUMAN!... Uh,What?

Oh and get this...there's a middle earth!!! Not that one. This ones ruled by monsters! I must have slept through that part in all the Godzilla and Kong movies I've seen over the past 4 decades. But wait there's more!

Apparently, the two Kaiju are mortal enemies!

Yeah, there's some counterfeit ancient Japanese imagery to prove it!

So we have to protect Kong ( because he's nice) under a dome, because apparently he's just been slipping under Godzillas' radar for like...Millennia!

On the subject of Godzilla, He's a helper of mankind!

Doesn't attack unless provoked; until he attacked Pensacola and now! Dudes gotta go! We never could kill him before! But this time he attacked the panhandle! It's on!

Back to Kong...Yeah, we need his help to find the most Mondo power source in the galaxy. So we're gonna chain him to a boat, leave him in the rain, and act surprised when he's "upset".

"but you're still gonna help us right?"

Writing of this calibre would blow past high school theatre to maybe 5th grade.

On a positive note...They spent the money to make the guys look pretty cool.

Wait for someone to stream it.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Good show for background white noise
12 September 2022
Good show for background white noise. I show written about sinkholes, aircraft, survival, and prehistoric animals. Written by people who know nothing about any of the above.

The show contains people of multiple skin tones, so politically I suppose that's a decent thing... Too bad they're all dumb as a box of rocks.

Perhaps the only thing more dumber, more stupider than the characters in the show are the writers.

Seriously who writes a show about a bunch of subjects that are fairly popular among United States citizens, and does absolutely no research into any of them. Almost every sentence that comes out of anyone's mouth about a prehistoric animal, about no having no food in a lush forest, or about airplanes is ludicrous. It's as if they're writing the show for 19th century citizens with a third grade education. Perhaps after the zombie apocalypse the undead would enjoy it. Until then... It's pretty good for the white noise.
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It's bad when I give my favorite hero five stars
9 September 2022
It's bad when I give my favorite hero five stars. Even the best soundtrack in three decades could not with me over with this movie. It is so much worse than "The dark world". The campiness that marvel is treating Thor with is a disservice to Chris Hemsworth. This character in this context, could easily be played by a young Tom Hanks. They were aspects of the film that were fulfilling and rewarding. I kept hoping that they would continue to drag that film up by its bootstraps, but each time it turned back into Barney's Playhouse. The treatment of "King Valkyrie "was ludicrous... I was under the impression that the Valkyrie identified as, It?, Shim? Or whatever name those people call themselves. Shouldn't there be an appropriate title for those folks of a different gender? Sex, Or whatever?

King, would be an XY chromosome, queen would be an XX chromosome... Perhaps "enlightened ruler", "ambiguous human ruler", You know, something for the HIJKLMNOP++ chromosome. And why is called "Valkyrie" throughout the movie. I mean what's Valkyrie's name? Even in the comics Valkyrie's name was Brunhild. Valkyrie was her title, her job description.

Thor goes from being a total badass, to having more trouble with some old dude with a sword that he had with Thanos. And there may have been a rumor of some boy band/hipster Hercules??

If you go to see the movie for the goats, You might like it...the goats were probably the best thing throughout the picture. Oh yeah, and there may or may not be a fight scene toward the end between "a bunch of the Worthey" and a bunch of ugly punks. That may be really worth watching.

The character Russell Crowe plays?? All I can do is shake my head.

Honestly folks if you took every interesting snippet and linked them together you might have a really cohesive 25 minutes worth of footage.

You'd have a single episode of a sitcom. I'm really glad I waited for it to come to Disney+.
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Shining a turd works even in Canada
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show follows three groups of flippers. In episode one we're greeted by a married couple who will do anything for the $. This couple must be swimming in money, they repurpose almost nothing. There sheer greed is astounding, and I'm sure they were so many a Canadian landfill. This meat leads me to the brother and sister duo, who has a fetish for pot fillers. I mean seriously how lazy do you have to get not to walk to the sink to fill a pot with water. The sister in the duel was a chef, so Innoway I get it? However most private homes will never have more than a maximum of two people in the kitchen. Probably one for moral support, the other to cook. It's not like there's 20 people that you have to maneuver around. Additionally her vibe on the core is alarmingly "IKEA" friendly. She rips up Hardwood parquet floor, to put down Home Depot plastic flooring. In one episode she tore down a brick feature that surrounded the furnace and water heater so that she could put up some art deco garbage. Most of her design accents to me are hideous, Are completely aesthetic?? Having no real quality installation (It's just cheap garbage) but apparently very attractive to Canadian buyers. True Home Depot houses, you really can polish a turd. The third group is a trio of brothers who are absolutely hilarious! If the show is not worth watching for anything else watching these guys flip the houses which are admittedly some of the worst in the show makes it all worth it. And best of all, these guys probably do the most quality remodel of the three groups showcased in the series.
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A boo-hoo tearjerker for the privileged
27 August 2022
A boo-hoo tearjerker for the privileged. Firstly, Elizabeth Vargas must be the most ignorant person I've seen in years on television! She must live on fantasy Island because her absolute ignorance is astounding. She is such a complete and utter product of her society that I would be surprised if she had an original thought in years.

And as such, she's predictably judgemental, a true Karen!

As for the program, most of it is small beans. There's a lot of boo-hooing about spanking, or having to eat weird foods, having to have your hair parted down the middle. The agony!!!

All of this is portrayed as being subhuman treatment, when probably 2/3 of the populace of the earth wish they had it that well!

Just another failed docu- drama about the privileged citizens of the United States, and their absolute ignorance of the rest of the world.
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Ancient Top 10 (2016– )
Informative but potentially damaging
26 August 2022
Informative but potentially damaging. While much of what is said on the show is factual, the blanks are filled in with a lot of hearsay, he said she had, conjecture, and misinformation. Additionally, like most of the history "documentaries" the specialists, and professionals in their fields actually become actors speaking outside of the earth specific field of expertise. More of a show to grab audiences and entertain them then to actually teach them factual information, it's really not much of a documentary at all. Watch with a grain of salt, there's some good stuff, but there's a lot of bad stuff too.
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Bubble gum romantic drama!
23 August 2022
Bubble gum romantic drama! Like most of the Korean romantic dramas, this one is so tame/lame that it makes little House on the Prairie, and Downton Abbey look R' rated! The romance portion is akin to the "oh shucks" romance that I would've had in the United States in perhaps fourth grade, you know... Before my adult teeth grew in! The writing is cliché and decades past to say the least. Is the 21st Century Korean version of a romantic drama in the United States in the 1970s. However what it lacks and everything else... It makes up for in a cast of lovable characters that you cheer for every episode.
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Not for snowflakes
18 August 2022
Not for snowflakes... this is essentially just another competition/game show themed program where it more or less takes on after people walk off the set of forged in fire. These are competitors who make their own knives, and use them through an obstacle course which tests their skill, spatial awareness, depth perception, and most of all, stamina! Refreshing to see so many female competitors. Yeah she was pretty socially open minded, but if you're a snowflake... You probably won't like it.
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Ax Men (2008– )
Another history channel Docu-Comedy
12 August 2022
After finishing the last of its kind that I saw "Swamp people". I found this little gem! Another docu- comedy by the history channel where teams of loggers play the stupidest people on earth. It is truly laugh worthy at least once in each episode! Worth a watch if you enjoyed the old slapstick of the three stooges, Laurel and Hardy, or Abbott and Costello.
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I would watch anything with Cat Burns
3 August 2022
If Cat Burns, and Nao Yamamoto where to get their own series... I would watch 10 seasons! I would absolutely get rid of the judges! The female judge talks all this about how skilled she is, and the viewers never see anything of her skill, she's all criticism. I'd call that "all blow and no go ". Additionally I would love to see if they could actually make a show on Netflix that does not push a political agenda! Bringing back an extremely unskilled glassblower just to add a little color to the melting pot, robbed another more skilled contestant from the opportunity to do so. Not only was this contests skills unpolished, he was also the most arrogant of the entire field of contestants. Just in the previous season in which he appeared, the bar was set low... The bare minimum was executed, and not executed well. Bringing back this contest in boggled my mind! Perhaps the week is contestant in three seasons, the only possible reason that could exist, was it was simply political? (Your resumes impeccable... But we need a blue skinned female for the position)
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Studio Ghibli in real life
27 July 2022
Studio Ghibli in real life! Whomever may know what that means... And if you don't, it means it's a must watch. A heartwarming day-to-day journey about a wonderful Attorney. Which says a lot, because I Loathe attorneys. Simply a beautiful person trying to find her way in society, her loves... And her triumphs. That's all I have to say.
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The Chef Show: Milk Bar Bake Sale (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Christina Tosi is a treasure!
13 July 2022
Christina Tosi is a treasure!

I just watched this and what a fun show it was. It was my first venture into this show of Jons', but anything with him in it is always a pleasure to watch. Then you throw in his friend Roy and it's a wrap.

Then...throw in the beautiful, eclectic, and talented Christina Tosi... Whose palate apparently never went past 10 years old! And this episode is just off the rails enjoyable!

Not really a spoiler, (It's all in the synopsis) but after watching this show you may want to brush your teeth and then drink a cup of stiff black coffee! It's just that-darn-sweet!
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Battlefish (2018– )
Finally, the real deal!
6 July 2022
Finally, the real deal! Finally a show that's not afraid of offending anyone. Just a bunch of scruffy dirty fisherman doing what fisherman do, catch fish... Swear... And smoke.

It's refreshing to actually see something that's not censored into oblivion in the hyper-super-sensitive society of the U. S.
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