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Better than Part 1 but...
3 May 2024
Yeah this wasn't actually good but it was better than part 1 but that's not hard to do. The animation is still an odd choice. With all the amazing animation in DC animations history and this is what they went with to tell their Arguably largest story arc. Or was it simply down to budget.

The worst part is the actress who is voicing Wonder Woman. I can't be sure but I think she was trying to copy Gal Gadot's accent but she comes across far more Russian than Israeli. I mean did she record her part and send it in? I can't imagine that production heard her take on Wonder Woman and thought it was good. Then again they chose the animators so clearly some people shouldn't have creative control.

The only thing this movie is doing is making wish I'd just watched Arrowverse Crisis crossover. It may not be perfect but compared to this it's the Citizen freaking Kane of comic book adaptations.
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Almost Stopped it in the first 10 min
3 March 2024
The story and alterations from source I don't take issue with as I don't want to know everything that happens before if happens however I get the desire for it to simply be the much loved (and rightfully so) source material in this a comic book event just be those comics but animated staying 100% true to the original. When done well I'm okay with either. This film however has an animation style I'm not a fan of. So much so that I only managed to finish this film by not actually watching it. I worked on an art project while the movies played behind me and I was in love with it but it was good. However I doubt I'll watch the other 2 parts. I can't see spending money again for something I can only enjoy if I can't see it. If I can only listen it needs to cost considerably less for me to consider.
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Good but frustrating episode.
13 October 2022
This episode reminded me a lot of the episodes of Arrow when the newer team members of team arrow were crying about not being consulted and kept in the dark by Oliver and Diggle. Tonight we have Yolanda & Rick first attacking Cindy refusing to hear a word she says and then despite their own hypocrisies on the subject or their own transgressions they lay into Courtney for not consulting them once she learned Icicle Jr inherited his father's cryo-kinesis. You know because why wouldn't she tell them? They don't let their emotions guide them and they've clearly shown they don't judge people or hold them to a standard they don't meet themselves as I'm sure Cindy could attest to. Beth is the only one who had a legit reason to be hurt by Courtney's silence. Yolanda is especially infuriating breaking & entering aren't exactly the actions of a superhero. Did I miss something does the wild cat suit has Ted Grants muscle memory cause I get why Cindy can fight being raised by a sociopathic mad scientist super villain would probably result in having skills most your age wouldn't but how is it that Yolanda was able to hold her own against Cindy alone.? To be fair I don't like the character anymore and haven't since last season so it's possible I'm not giving her enough credit. My issue isn't with the actress she's playing the role written for her really well I just don't like who the characters become. Rick too is another who should think twice before throwing stones at Courtney in his glass house.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this but Joel McHale was the PERFECT choice to play Sylvester/Starman. I didn't know he was this talented. I've always enjoyed his humor but prior to this role I would've passed on him being in anything serious but now I'd happily watch anything he does.
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All Rise: Lola Through the Looking Glass (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Could've been better
30 July 2022
It's an odd episode in a very strong series. This is one of the best legal based procedural drama series on tv today. It skews to left a bit more than I'd prefer but it does a decent job of painting both sides of an argument as having having merit. I was so mad when CBS canceled it especially since the tanking of its ratings & decline in viewership wasn't due to story telling but instead of CBS's inability to air it consistently in same time slot every week and having several weeks off and then back for an episode and off for 2 weeks and back for 3 then off again for a month.

The return of season 3 on Own has made me so happy and they've made every strong episode until this one. I especially enjoyed the 2 parter that looks to be setting up a potential multi episode or possibly multi season antagonist for the series in the form of an apparent sociopath who Luke gets cleared of murder charges only for Mark to learn he may in fact be a serial killer but doesn't yet have adequate evidence to charge him.

This episode I have no doubt was fun for the brilliantly talented cast to film. It however didn't fit too well in a series that is so based in a world that looks to be nearly identical to our own. In the preview I suspected the premise was going to be a 'what if' like story in which we were going to see what the lives of our leads would look like had they made other choices in their lives specifically what would Lola's like look like had she and law school boyfriend Dre remained together. However the episode turned out to be dream Lola has after fighting with both Mark & Robin. I don't want to pan the story too much but suffice it to say it wasn't the actors who phoned in their work in this episode. Most of the flaws were the fault of production and specifically a misstep by those in the writers room. While normally I don't have any negative critiques for the brilliantly talented cast I will say the actor who plays Luke was depicted in a way that all I can do is hope it was a joke that merely didn't land however based on some of the very "interesting" character choices that were made it came across as boarderline mocking and offensive. I'm unsure if the character was written to be this way or if the actor made a choice however seeing as how I may never know I'd like to think that it's resemblance to certain stereotypes was unintentional.

Still one bad episode isn't enough to alienate me. After how many hours of entertainment this show has brought into my life I won't be so fickle to turn my back on it due to one bad episode and I just hope OWN picks up a 4th season and even a 5th. I never watched Own till All Rise and I doubt I'd watch if it weren't on OWN.
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The Challenge: All Stars: Save the Palace (2021)
Season 2, Episode 7
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm confused why is it that Laterrian last week got paired with a new partner when his partner received a medical disqualification yet the same thing wasn't done this week for Cohutta when his partner is medically disqualified. How is that fair. They should've still done the elimination and just not had the girls compete like they did the previous week. Otherwise last week they shouldn't have had an elimination either and just disqualified Laterrian when they disqualified Casey and let Tyler remain in the game. Maybe it was due to Laterrian already being in the elimination round when Kendall exited and while this week Cohutta & Casey we're both safe when the production found out about Casey being pregnant. Oh well guess it can't always be fair.
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Heels (2021–2023)
I want more
10 October 2021
This show is good. Could it have more wrestling? Sure I guess but here's the thing, if you're only complaint is that they aren't in the ring enough id like to point out that there are plenty of shows on every week that are nothing but wresting. Shows where the storyline is secondary to ring & the athleticism in it. This isn't a show about wresting and what happens in the ring. This is a show about amateur Wresters and the lives they live outside the ring. These are actors not professional athletes/wrestlers so let them do what they do best and let 'em tell this story. Anyone who dislike's Heels because Glow is gone that's unfortunate. It's not Glow you are correct it's not Glow any more than Glow was Heels. Heels didn't take Glows time slot there's room for 2 dramas about amateur wrestling. Blame Netflix for seizing in opportunity to save money and having a global crisis take responsibility for the justified frustration of the fans and people who made Glow. My one rule with any new Netflix series is never get too invested because unless the show bring in Orange is the New Black & Stranger Things levels of attention/viewership/press then 3 or 4 seasons is the best you can hope for. I just hope that despite Comcast making Starz À la carte killing a lot the networks viewership that starz doesn't cancel this show before we get a few more seasons. I won't spoil the season finale but it was was gratifying albeit slightly predictable but good none the less.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
It changed my original opinion
5 October 2021
I was one of the many people who loved the original and did not want this show. I watched the first few episodes and was annoyed by the canonical changes to make the show more inclusive. Yes even me a gay man, was originally not okay with Michael being bisexual & having a love triangle with Maria & Alex. I shipped Michael & Maria in the original series & I liked the geekier version of Alex although I wasn't fond of his falling at the hands of Tess, or mind I guess would be the more accurate weapon in this case. I didn't have an issue with Liz and her family no longer being white. It honestly made sense in this series for the change. That was one of the only changes I was okay with. I didn't like the gender swap of the sherif probably because I loved the bond Valente and Max developed over the short run of the original series. Reboots by definition tend to be lady film making. Cash in on nostalgia & avoid the brunt of the risk that comes with producing something original. From the start i feared it was mirroring the path the Charmed reboot took with its first season. Take key plot points and characters from the original change them slightly and then harvest the terms and names from the source material and Re-task them to suit your needs & if anyone objects call them the problem or toxic. Luckily Charmed realized that path didn't work and they corrected their course in season 2. It took a little time watching this show to realize that they weren't doing that. That aside from some names and character bonds (romantic/friends/rivals) this was not the same show. It actually threw out key characters and plot points from the original and created something new. I can see why Jason Behr and Sheri Appleby have been involved in front of and behind the camera. It's not their Roswell. It neither disrespects or devalues their series. It makes occasional respectful nods to it but aside from those few similarities I previously mentioned it very much is it's own show. If you changed the series name as well as those of the main characters it's only remaining link would be location and that it's about aliens who've been hiding in plain sight since the events in 1947 that forever linked Roswell New Mexico with Aliens. Sure the production could've chosen another name and renamed every character and the shows location but it would've been called a rip off so they did the smart thing and embraced the fact that it was a retelling of Roswell & rather than distance themselves from it or give into needless fan service they allowed the show to speak for its self. I love the differences and I love the similarities and equally important I has renewed my love of the original. I still ship Brendan Fehr & Majandra Delfino's Michael & Maria and now I also ship Michael Vlamis & Tyler Blackburns Michael & Alex. I still love Jason Behr's Max Evans & Katherine Heigl's Isabel Evans as the two alien siblings I wanted when I was younger bond & I also love the sibling bond that Nathan Parsons & Lily Cowles's Max & Isabel Evans have. The actors are as talented as their predecessors and the writers are equally as gifted. If this show can make me a fan then it can anyone who's willing to give it a chance and checks their emotions at the door. This for me is a series that has done what only Battlestar Galactica was able to do and that's create a reboot that is actually as good as the original and could potentially be better without sh##ing on the original.
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Supergirl: Blind Spots (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
Felt so Forced it had the opposite effect than it intended
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Supergirl has always been a show that gets a little heavy handed with commentary on the issues of today. Sometimes well and then other times not so much. Tonight was one of those episodes that didn't work. In my opinion at least and that's only thing I can speak on is my opinion on what I saw. So others will say it was good and others will say it wasn't and they're both right because as with all art it's subjective. Here's what didn't work for me. I think the points Kelly was making would all be valid and true in any other show but for me it felt so forced to get her to that place that lead to speaking up that it actually made her look unreasonable. Had this been some other show and not a superhero show yes she should be asking her partner and her friends why they aren't taking her concerns more seriously why aren't they hearing her. But when that partner and those friends are a team of super powered super heroes she looks unreasonable demanding they stop looking for the evil alien who caused all that damage to help her... do what exactly since until that moment that she fought the council woman Kelly didn't even know what was causing people to be sick. Considering that neither Supergirl nor anyone on her team are doctors or healers I don't exactly get what it was she felt they should be doing. She's angry at supergirl for not being there when she fought the council woman yet she didn't even know she would be fighting her since she had no idea that she had been siphoning energy off those injured so So supergirl should've what waited at the hospital while the one who did the damage is doing god knows what to god knows who just in case the was a fight that not even Kelly herself saw coming. I don't mind being given a social message In my superhero series but please in the future have the context fit the story. Also the Martian who can shape shift and is basically invulnerable shouldn't be the one talk about race inequality since while he may have been seen & treated like a black man in America but he's never actually been a black man because he's never had face the obstacles that black men have too. If he gets pulled over he doesn't have to worry about the character of the one who pulled him over since that regardless of how events go he'll be fine. Episode was poorly written but beautifully acted. Actually the actress playing Kelly did really well. She's not to blame the writers did didn't try very hard. While she seemed unreasonable for her feeling as outraged as she did I know that it wasn't due to her ability to convey emotion but the writers lack of talent the only saving grace for this episode is Kelly's acting. And I just learned one of the writers was the actress who plays Kelly. At least she knew her strengths as an actor and could show case them.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
When will I learn?
12 May 2021
This show was doomed from the moment they were picked up by Fox. The fact it last 2 seasons is the best possible outcome they could've gotten. Fox cancels everything that's slightly different and difficult to promote. The show is good. Has odd moments but I would love to have seen where it went. I just wish I could've seen what would've happened with Michael and whether or not he ever gave in to the demons his father and sister had. Fingers crossed Netflix cashed in on yet another blunder made by fox. I really need to just avoid interesting outside the box series if they're gonna air on fox otherwise I'm doomed to like shows that'll be canceled just when they've gotten me hooked. I mean have you seen Catherine Zeta Jones on this show!! Dang Gina!
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The new norm take a true story
30 March 2021
This isnt a documentary. The first half for the most part is factually accurate. It should be the footage from Gacy portion is practically lifted from a documentary about Gacy & while of course the same people would appear in both they're saying the exact same things... verbatim oh and they're wearing the same clothes so yeah. The only original content is a new Narrator who while reading the originals scrip she peppers it with misleading facts worded to push a new narrative and out right lies. Is this the new norm take real life horrific tragedy and spin it making it support the story you need to push because admitting to yourself it's not real would then mean acknowledging if you could have been fooled by that lie that maybe everything else you believe could be a result of the kool-Aid you willingly consumed and you alienated your friends and family for not because they're part of a global Conspiracy but because you're just too gullible?
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It's better...but not good.
19 March 2021
Omg this was sooo long and boring. I thought 4 hours cool. How often does a 2hr movie end and you wish it were longer? All the time right!? Well this is one that at 2 hours I was wanting the last hour back. I kept watching in hopes it would turn around. Everyone was "so excited" to see Snyder's cut I think they forgot that he also made Batman V Superman and regardless of the cut it was garbage and this just proved its not the studios interference that makes his DCEU movies unwatchable. Nope he does it all on his own. The only highlight and positive critique I can give this four hour root canal is that cyborg was made into a fully drawn out character rather than a plot devise used to speed up the story telling in the first version. I'm so glad the DCEU is being rebooted cause their work so far has been subpar which considering the source material it's almost criminal what's been put out and considering the DCEU has all of its film rights at one studio theirs literal zero reason it's been this bad aside from WB not willing to put in the time and effort to be what they could be, which is as big and likely even bigger than the MCU. So it's fitting that WB AT&T are one in the same since they are both known for taking money and providing sub par service and Justice League Snyder cut fits right in. Long as heck and doesn't even give you satisfaction or enjoyment for your time. This director should fade into the shadows like the man who attempted to complete it for WB the first time.
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I struggled to watch
5 November 2020
A Documentary is by definition supposed to be factual but when you site a book no matter how old it is no matter how many people love it as though it's fact and use quotes from said book as evidence to support your flawed opinions you've already lost any chance you had at your film being treated as valid & factual. You may as well quote Harry Potter to prove Trump is a disciple of Voldemort. I want the hour and a half this film took from me and I want the brain cells watching this killed. Maybe the sequel to this film could determine if there is A prophecy about him in the ministry of Magic's department of mysteries Hall of Prophecy to learn if he could in fact be not a Disciple of Voldemort but in fact he is Voldemort reincarnated!
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Next (2020)
Fox really loves canceling shows
3 November 2020
It's too bad but not surprising. Fox has always canceled good shows. Look at their track record Dark Angel, Terminator The Sarah Conner Chronicles Family Guy (yes they brought it back but they were still stupid enough to cancel it) Firefly, Dollhouse, Lucifer (than Satan himself for Netflix righting that Wrong) Gifted & Brooklyn Nine Nine. I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that I felt were canceled to soon. Fox never knows what to do with shows that...well if I'm honest any show. The people they pick to run the network are great at green lighting shows that don't fit the status quo of primetime but they never have the know how to promote it or the courage to wait and for those shows to click with fans & critics. They also foolishly play fast and loose with time slots and preempt their new shows for sports with such regularity that it's no wonder when a shows 3 episode's ratings dropped from episode 1 & 2 when the episode if you're lucky aired at midnight and you're DVR caught it but more than likely it didn't air and go figure people didn't watch the 3rd episode when episode 2 aired 6 weeks earlier. Out of sight out of mind. Or in Next's case episode 3 didn't even air on the network but on Hulu. Yet they wonder why viewership isn't what they want. Now has Fox been run by well anyone with a brain they would've aired the episodes during the time when everyone was stuck at home struggling to find something of quality to watch but then that would involve Fox actually having someone who actually knew anything about well anything.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
interesting but very hypocritical
18 October 2020
The documentary is interesting but very hypocritical to point where I just don't know if I want to watch the final 2 episodes let alone return in a year for a 2nd season. Now I guess I should admit I have a slight bias having watched Smallville for 10 years so I'll admit I can't fully state that I am completely objective. That being said what bothered me was that people paint themselves as victims and justify their "part" by blaming their having been taken in by their "vanguard" Keith aka the guy pushing the kool aid. That they may haven agreed to and participated in things that could & are seen as victimizing others but because they were manipulated they're essential free from repercussion since they were also victimized & brain washed & while I agree, their lack of willingness to see other women namely those who remained in the cult when they left & who were also higher ranking members are depicted not as potential victims but instead are being painted as victimizers meanwhile granting one amnesty who happens to have a famous mother who is involved in hopes of freeing her daughter and is also introducing the filmmakers to those needed to bring down the cult & who I'm guessing played a big part in why this docuseries despite having a mind numbingly slow pace even landed on HBOMax to start with. So why is the daughter of the famous actress from the 80s & 90s is given a free pass? Is it due to her having been brainwashed or because without mommy they wouldn't have been able to get the people needed to put an end to the cult to even listen them let alone sell a series to a streaming giant? Also they trust a "reporter" who one person on the show states that he had written lies about her yet the show ignores the obvious question of how you can trust a word he says since you know first hand that he publishes lies as truths.

To be clear I don't believe India should be demonized or painted as anything other than a victim of a monstrous man who manipulates people to satisfy his own ego and pride and to quench his perversions. I only think without some substantial proof I don't see Mack and others who remained in the cult or have had charges brought against them as anything other than victims too & they don't provide proof we are expected to just believe them since they obviously have zero reasons to be anything other than objective. I can admit I'm not 100% objective but I'm also not clouded by having been one of the victims. Nor am I one of the victims who as part of my victimization was made to victimize others nor am I looking to sell a docuseries. This it didn't lead to me having the realization that the series might have better luck being sold if along with the cult leader the story depicts a former Hollywood celebrity who gave up everything to follow this monster & turned out to be more than just another victim but is potentially just as much of a monster as the villain of this true story.
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Switched (2020)
4 September 2020
I couldn't even go past the first 10 minutes. The acting was so bad. Like so bad! The dialogue is clunky and beyond predictable. Normally I won't give up this quickly but Wow it was sooo bad!!!!
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Broke (I) (2020)
Natasha Leggero is EVERYTHING
22 May 2020
So this show isn't that great but I'm living for Natasha Leggero. Actually she's the only reasons I'm watching. Watching her on the Comedy Central Roast I fell in love and the role she plays on the show is perfect for her. I read this show has been canceled all I can do is hope Natasha gets another show soon. I LOVE HER she's my spirit animal.
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Maybe I Missed something.
1 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think I may have missed something while watching the first episode. I agree that the convictions had to be over turned. The fact that the person testing the evidence both scientifically as a in the same manner as the person who had been arrested for possessing them. So she fouled up the case. It's no different than evidence being procured from a suspects home without a warrant. I agree that the prosecutors and states attorney general should've actually participated in the trials they skived off. However I'm afraid I don't see how the people convicted were victims of anything. They were arrested for breaking drug laws. Unless arresting officer planted the drugs on those convicted they still had drugs on their person when arrested. So.... they weren't so much wrongly convicted as they were convicted with evidence that shouldn't have been admissible in their trial but that does me they weren't guilty. However you feel about the laws they broke they're still the law and if you don't think they should be then you can change the law but in the meantime until you've successfully change the law you have to adhere to it or face the consequences. So I agree their really wasn't much of a choice their convictions had to be over turned but that doesn't mean they were innocent it just means they got off due to the Prosecutors disregard for due process and following the letter of the law. The prosecutors and attorney general should be held accountable and those who had their convictions overturned shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. You got a rare get out of jail free card but don't forget had you not broken the law you never would have needed it so maybe filing lawsuits is a step too far. Unless I missed something they aren't victims.
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Batwoman: Take Your Choice (2020)
Season 1, Episode 12
Kinda Predictable But Still Good
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so it was obvious that Beth would Die and Alice would survive, I mean they're not going to lay the ground work to have Alice be to Batwoman what the Joker is to Batman and then kill her off at the midway point of season 1 when there's been no ground work for a bigger villain to arise. Once they revealed the whole only one version of each person could survive on each earth (which is kinda cool but worried about the possible plot holes it may have created. Also nice that we got an explanation why Oliver's sacrifice in crisis brought back the people it did, except for earth 1's laurel Lance but now it makes sense. Laurel earth - 1 Laurel had already died however earth 2's hadn't and so if Oliver brought Earth 1 Laurel then Earth 2's Laurel wouldn't have died) While I knew Beth was a goner I didn't see it unfolding the way it did. Kate isn't playing. I didn't think she'd pick her sister over the alternate version per-say I figured she'd struggle to make a choice and do what was best but then someone would make the choice for her, either by killing Beth themselves or by taking the "blood cure" and give it to Alice. So to see Kate sentence her twin to death and then stay with her while she died was not expected. This episode was good and while it could've been better the show has shown each week that it can get better and it has. I'm always gonna feel like there's something missing without Arrow but I'm with the Arrowverse till the end. #ForOliver
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
Good But...
18 February 2020
This show is actually pretty good but it has some issues that are holding it back. First story telling wise the show suffers from only having a 20 minute block each week to tell it's story. I get the show has lot of story to tell before the show can be what I think it intends to be. Each episode has so much story in it and then just abruptly ends and the following week either picks up the previous story or it tells another. Almost as if they're being aired out of order. Which in sitcoms usually is fine. However in a show that is cramming a lot of story into 20mins where story's aren't fully resolved the show suffers when episodes aren't aired chronologically. Sometimes it's not obvious but when your supporting Characters stroke was used to create the opportunity for the title characters to build their relationship, it's glaringly obvious when that character goes from being at unable to do much to being able to go back to work to then being at home celebrating buttoning her shirt herself. I think this would be a great show if it were binge watched in order.

Aside from those flaws I really enjoy the dynamic of this show. I love that they don't hesitate to show ignorance and then instead of canceling someone for that they educate them and it's not a show that only shows one side of ignorance and prejudice it shows both. It's cast is extremely talented and I really hope they get some recognition for it. It's Funny and it reminds you to laugh at yourself and it's okay. Anyone who feels that white people are the jokes stop being so sensitive it's just a joke. Some need to calm down and stop being angry over a joke.
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Arrow: Green Arrow & the Canaries (2020)
Season 8, Episode 9
I'm so over insecure men
23 January 2020
So okay the only negative comment I agreed with about this potential series is that I too didn't care for Mia as a vapid socialite. However I don't think if this does become a weekly series that is the version of Mia we would get weekly. I think the socialite Mia is a bit stereo typical of how a teenage heiress would live her life and it's kinda misogynistic to infer that lots of money + XX chromosomes - stable father Figure would result in slightly smarter Paris Hilton, especially when that child was raised by Felicity Queen. Granted she's no Sara Lance or Nyssa Al Ghule even without needing Nyssa to mentor and train her I doubt it was her that was responsible for the pre crisis Mia being a strong & fierce female. She may have aided in more than just fight education but I doubt Felicity who mind you didn't have her husband would raise someone slightly cooler than a kardashian. However I get why it was done and I all I can do is hope she reverts more and more back cause I would hope the pre crisis personality would be more dominate than the post crisis one. Okay that complaining aside I am intrigued by With this show and it has potential. Being set in the future also opens the door for the show to utilize one of the funnest part of the first 2 seasons, the flashbacks which would be useful to fill in the gaps for Dinah & Laurel. For example one could be used to explain how Dinah is able to use the Canary Cry without excruciating pain which was why she had given it up in 2019. However 20 years of medical advancement plus a world with the minds of Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow & Lynn Pierce it's not out of the realm of possibility they or someone equally brilliant helped her or it could even be that it happens during the time she has no memory of when she woke up in the future which could be used to incorporate the flashback in the series format. It was also smart to do the show as more of a team show that so if any of the leads wish to leave it doesn't mean the show will end as well. I find the tears over the show being too "woke" pretty funny. However you kinda show your real motive the minute you hate solely on the female lead shows and the one female show you'd support is the one they never did but that many hoped they had. Yes there should've been a birds of prey show done with Sara, Helena & Felicity way before we got the legends but oh well unless you have access to a breacher or you can tap into the speed force or at the least know someone who has a time ship that you can borrow we may just have to accept that complaining about yesterday will only ruin today and make you under prepared for what tomorrow has in store. I really hope that William is apart of the show and that he's not just a tool used to motivate the series protagonist to keep fighting. I love William and 2040 Star City wouldn't be the same without him. All I can say is I hope this tease gets paid off with a series. Long live the Arrowverse #ForOliver
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Party of Five (2020)
It's Not Party of Five but...
4 January 2020
So first I'll say that Freeform or whoever choose to call this show Party of Five clearly was hoping to stir up nostalgia in viewers of the original thinking it would provide viewers which would work for a single episode since aside from 5 siblings this show has little else in common with the original. Oh yeah and theres a family owned restaurant and there's one brother who's in his early 20s and there's both a brother and a Sister who are in their teens and then we have a tween little sister and a baby brother. That's the end of the similarities.

The original was about 5 siblings who'd parents were killed in a car accident and there fight to stay together as well as morn the loss of their parents as well as get back to as normal of a life they could have after such a tragedy.

In this version the parents are alive and were deported. In the first episode the eldest sister while talking to another student at her school about how they have a house without adult supervision and how cool it is the girl attempts to relate and mentions her parents divorce and gets shut down quickly with a annoyed it's not the same thing" which is about how I felt with this show and it changing parents dying to being deported and acting as if they are the same thing. It's horrible how families are being ripped apart but at least they're alive. At least they know while not together that seeing mom and dad is still a possibility.

That being said the show is good. The acting is pretty strong for a pilot and once you get over the dirty trick tv executives used to gain viewership it's an extremely moving and heart breaking story that needs to be told. If they had given the show a different name they could've made a show that's good and didn't have a show with history that it would be compared to and probably could've reached more people. However I fear those who need to be reached will more than likely not watch the shown due to the poor choice to call this party of five, giving the bigots and racist a reason to never even hear the message.

It's good and could've been great had they simply not called it Party of Five.
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Wu Assassins (2019)
Not perfect but...
13 August 2019
...it could be with very little work (on top of what's already being done I mean.) yeah sure the show has its flaws but what first season of a series can not only tell you the season's story, but also familiarize the audience with the shows mythos as well as develop the central characters enough to make the viewer actually become emotionally invested in them and to either root for them to win or care that whether or not the even make it out of the first season alive or even develop a character enough so you hope that the backstabbing little witch with a capital B in front of it get what's coming to her, doing all that and only having 10 episodes to do it isn't easy and you'd struggle to find many in this genre that have succeeded. My only complaint is the season finale felt a bit anticlimactic and fell short but the rest of the season moved at a great pace and honest aside from the finale I can genuinely say that every episode was better than the one before it. The lead actors acting could use a little work but he more than makes clear why he was cast when you see how naturally the fight choreography came to him. Besides he may in fact be a great actor and just not be completely in sync with his character yet. Truthfully I only mention it because I don't want to just rave about how great the show is and be thought of as a bot who just trying to make the show seem better than it is. I also loved that this show strongly deviated from the over used action series troupe of a super powered guy who spends half of the season saving the absurdly weak women in his life. In fact the 3 main women in the series can take care of themselves just fine and you subtract the mystical magical element and Kai wouldn't be needed (although it would be a very different show) still they kick major thing. The fight choreography and stunt work is spot on. I really hope they give this show a second season. Oh and I think I may be in love with Lewis Tan. Just sayin
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Abuse of Power
17 July 2019
I'm sorry but thus far the first episode this show comes across as an abuse of power. Or at least the last few minutes did. The majority of the show was interesting and I ... don't want to say I enjoyed what I watched cause hello this is a true story and so many people mourn the loss of the victim and no body should enjoy anything to do with such pain so I'll say I watched intrigued by what I was seeing and the facts of the case. What kinda got to me toward the end was the inability to acknowledge that the convicted murderer had been failed by those in his life. Yes grace acknowledge that they failed to report what they new but not how they failed him as well. Which being that it was someone she cared for that died it's completely understandable that she can't be impartial but that's where I view the show as an abuse of power. I totally understand why in the victim's husbands mind the man who killed his wife should never get out of prison but for Grace to say the killer hasn't changed one bit to this day I question whether that is based on observation and interaction with the man in prison or at the very least communicating with those who do or simply her emotions allowing her pain to speak in the place of logic and facts. She has a platform to influence whether this killer ever goes free and I'm not saying he should by any means he ended a woman's life and she'll never walk the streets of this world again so should he. I only question how appropriate it is to use ones "celebrity" to influence public opinion while no giving an unbiased opinion especially when doing so could mean the potential of another injustice being done. Playing devils advocate for a moment this killer was he himself a victim that's not to say it excuses his actions or crimes but that it stands to reason that time away from the people who actively ignored or even possibly contributed to his own Deteriorating mental health that lead him to not value human life he very may well be a different person by 2030 which I believe the law was changed to accommodate that. Again I don't think he's innocent of blame or fault only that I question giving the victim's friend and spouse who understandably can't see him as anything other than the monster who took someone they loved from this world a platform to influence others and their opinions without there at least being someone speaking who can speak without their pain guiding their point of view. I don't know all the facts only what the show shared and so I can't say for certain if he should or shouldn't ever be released and if it were my spouse or friend I'd probably feel the same but that's why we don't leave sentencing up to the family of victim's because it's nearly impossible to keep one's own emotions in check and not allow them to influence you if faced with deciding the fate of someone who's irrevocably changed your life in such a tragic way. This all that crossed my mind after the show ended. Which while I feel it's an abuse of power I still gave the show 5 stars because I appreciated being forced to exercise my brain.
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A well made fan film
4 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a well done fan film. Effects are pretty good considering they didn't have the resources of the franchise that inspired it. Acting was good as was the story telling. There was really only one part of the film that couldn't really stand on its own. They make it clear there's a rivalry between Snap and the Marauders. The only part that I felt reading the books or seeing the films came in handy was the understanding of the difficult life Snape lead to where you feel for him and they do show that James and Sirius target him but once revealed what he called Lily you feel less sympathy for him assuming of course you've realized "Mudblood" is the Wizarding World's 'N' word. However who hasn't see the films and chances are anyone who seeks this out will have see them so it's not to big of an issue. My only genuine moment where it didn't work for me was Snap fighting and beating James, Remus, Peter & Sirius all at the same time. So either Snape is the most skilled wizard to have left hogwarts or The Marauders are total rubbish. Visually it was a cool and fun fight to watch but I don't buy Snape fresh out of Hogwarts could've won a duel with Remus Sirius & James. The Snape we meet years later in the Sorcerer's stone, probably. However fresh out of Hogwarts doubtful. Still well done guys
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Midnight, Texas (2017–2018)
So frustrating.
23 December 2018
I'm a late comer to this series. Something I blame NBC for since I'd never seen any advertisements for the show till well into season 2. I honestly only watched because of its connection to another show I joined later but loved almost till the end True Blood. (The finale season of which wasn't that great) When I learned there was a show that at least in the books from which it was adapted from took place in the same world that Eric Northman and Snooki Jason Stackhouse did I was down to give it a go. The first episodes much like True Blood's were very under whelming & a lil high in the camp factor & the special effects could've been better but decent for network television. Some of the actors weren't fully immersed in their characters yet and were trying to be something I'm unsure of but came across over the top which is common for actors who've never even in a series that isn't based in a world of good and evil since playing those types of rolls is so different it can take a time for some of the best actors to stop looking like an actor playing magic and monsters & start being a person in a world where magic and vampires are just as common as seeing a bird flying in the sky. Luckily for this show some of the cast were familiar with the genre and were able to make up for how green others were. You may wonder if I felt the first few episodes were difficult to sit through why did I continue watching? The simple answer is I learned from a previous mistake of writing a show off due to a poor few episodes. I tried watching True Blood when it premiered but after episode 1 & half of 2 I gave up and it wasn't until a friend confirmed he to had trouble getting through the first 3 episodes but if I could do as he did and grit my teeth and tolerate the discomfort he was sure I'd like it. So I did it and by the end of episode 4 I was hooked and stayed even after the shows magic faded because they'd rallied once before I had hope it would again. You'd be hard pressed to find a show that from episode one it knew exactly who it was and what's it was gonna be. Some show stumble and don't find their footing right away. I watched while not completely caring for what I saw for several episodes in hopes that Midnight Texas might be that type of show. I was thrilled when I realized I was correct thinking it could be. I grew to love the show more and more every episode and even the actors I found underwhelming either got better or left. I went from not knowing of the show to seeing an episode in the DVR when board and wanting to watch something and going "oh yeah" to anxiously waiting for Friday nights. Now having just finished episode 8 of season 2 I wanted to see how many episodes to expect from the second season and I saw the show has been canceled. NBC like Fox is really bad at figuring out how to handle shows that don't fit a very specific mold and in NBC's case its show that either aren't made by Dick Wolf or more specifically Police procedural dramas. This show could've been even better had it been on HBO or even syfy channel or hell even the CW could've done better with marketing this type of show. It's disapointing but hopefully the finale episode airing on Dec 28 doesn't end in a cliff hanger but considering they finished filming prior to being canceled this type of show usually always ends each season with a cliffhanger to make you think of it during the break encourage you come back by giving you an answer to Whatever question the previous season finale posed
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