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I love Kieslowski, but this is his worst plot by far
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't quite understand if it's the time in history that should explain why this plot should be okay. Because when you watch it now 2023 almost 30 years after it came, I just can't wrap my head around it.

Karol is impotent, he probably got some type of erectile dysfunction. That is fine, it's a sickness that many have. Dominique is a newly married young woman, she like's to be able to have sex in her relationship. And for that reason she decides to divorce Karol. How is that a bad thing? And why should she be punished for it?

If it was reversed: Karol want kids, but Dominique can't have kids. Should he then be punished by being framed for murder because he left her to have kids with someone that can? Dominique just want some hard d*ck! How is that a bad thing!?

Yes, she moans at him in the phone when being with someone els. But he's being a creep by getting into their old saloon and after that living outside her window when she just want's to be left alone. Why does Kieslowski want to portray this as Dominique being something that Karol owns, and Karol being the only victim here? Yes, his situation s*cks, but she just want a normal life and she gets punished beyond sense for it.

In the end I was just hoping that Karol would get put out, because I just couldn't see the logic in this being a 1,5 hour long bashing of a innocent woman. But the movie failed me.

But everything els, the photo, the dialogue, the production design - everything are beautiful and I love it (as always with Kieslowski). But this plot is terrible, I hate it so much.
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I don't like the message of this movie
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Do you have problem with reading and writing? Then you should succeed in something creative instead. Because you will always need to be great at something. At least that's what this movie is trying to tell us. And that's missing a very important message to everyone: It's okay, it's always okay. You don't have to be a succesful painter, writer, actor, mathematician, engineer, lawyer, athlete or anything else that's ranked on the "high end" of proficiencies. You are as much needed in the society working construction, taking care of elderly, cleaning toilets or what ever it might be. You'll probably benefit the society even more with those occupations than many journalists, actors and painters do.

With that being said, what about Taare Zameen Par?

It's not that well executed. The runtime is pasted 2 hours 40 minutes, and these minutes are not used very well. This could have easily been told in 1,5-2 hours, which would have helped the storytelling in the movie a lot. Because everything is incredibly slow. Why do we have to see Ishaans struggle at home for the first hour, before he even gets sent to other school? We get it. We got it after like 10 minutes. His parents is bad, they don't give him the tools and support he needs to be able to succeed. I get that this is the case for many, but it's also very basic and one dimentional. It would be more realistic with more dynamic parents, that don't just conclude: "You're dumb, you're retarded." But for example ask him: "What is it that you feel's challenging?" It's pretty basic parenting. But sure, for some, this was and is the reality.

It's not before 80 minutes into the movie that Aamir Khan (who else..) shows up and represent the only reasonable character in this movie. If he wasn't on a pedestal in Bollywood already, he wants to cement his position up there even more.

Then during all this, there's these constant recurring montage with music over them. It's like very flat music videos. Like one in a movie can be fine, but how many are there in this one? 5-6? More? I even had to clock the last one, it went on for 6,5 minutes. It's like they don't even care that anyone takes there time of the day to watch this. It's like time doesn't even mean anything to them. This movie just robs you of it. Montages always slows the tempo down, and the tempo was slow already. And they don't use the montage to create any deeper feelings in the audience, they just put in random stuff there. Like someone took the latest 100 pictures in their camera roll, made a montage of it and put music to it. There's no point in them.

And with that also being said, this is still a decent movie. The acting is fine, it's good to highlight dyslexia and parts of the story works. If they re-edit this down to 1,5 hours I might even recommend it for others to watch. But now everyone should probably just stay away.
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One Day (2011)
Like The Notebook but in the 90s
7 January 2023
I would probably have rather read the book, it was quite popular when it came out. The film is actually both interesting and uninteresting at the same time. Even if you can't figure out what will happen, it still seems like you don't really care.

I would probably have rather read the book, it was quite popular when it came out. The film is actually both interesting and uninteresting at the same time. Even if you can't figure out what will happen, it still seems like you don't really care.

I would probably have rather read the book, it was quite popular when it came out. The film is actually both interesting and uninteresting at the same time. Even if you can't figure out what will happen, it still seems like you don't really care.
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Kenny Starfighter (1997–2022)
I usually don't write reviews, but this season 2 just made me too upset
24 November 2022
I had to force myself finishing this series. And doing so I was convinced that my taste as a child must have been so bad, if I had appreciated the first season from 1997. Because this was just awful. No humor, no charm, nothing over the top, nothing. And as they say in Tropic Thunder: Never go full ret*rd. Penny went full ret*rd.

So I was questioning my own young judgement, and just had to rewatch the original season from 1997. It was INCREDIBLE!

Pretty disgusting; they play with cow's eyes, a guy makes out with a lung and they walk around down in sewers.

Very unpleasant; a policeman stops by the school principal, the principal says: "Dra åt h*lvete!" "Excuse me?" "Det är åt h*lvete!". The guy making out with a lung says to the girl he likes: "Waiting for tetanus" and she replies: "Det vet jag väl, äckelj*vel!" Then a lot of other funny stuff, like Kenny who keeps arguing with one of the kids and says he is "helt sl*t", another of the kids called Burken who is obese and just eats all the time, a corrupt policeman, a Thomas Di Leva as weird as always - but in this story is right. 8/10, real anti-hero series that is kind of a mix of Deadpool and Star Wars. But this season 2? The production looks clean and the cost was definitely way more expensive, but it's just poor poor poor.
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438 Days (2019)
Felt like a movie about a legal battle over custody
23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Schibbye himself have condemned this movie for being inaccurate when it comes to the military uniforms and weapons being too modern and clean and the prison being too dirty and hostile. But that doesn't bother me at all.

Did the military in reality have older weapons and the fellow prisoners was even more polite than how they are portrayed in the movie? Good for them! Because I got a very friendly feeling from the prison, it didn't even feel that intimidating that I have imagine that Kaliti would be. I actually didn't get the feeling that Martin and Johan was intimidated at all.

It more felt like a movie about a legal battle, and that being the swedes main concern. Johan och Martin seems more frustrated about not being able to speak their mind, then the fact that they was living in a prison for over a year. They just say it with ease: "We wouldn't survive here 11 years". But there's really no desperation in that. You don't get the feeling of how terrible it must be(?) to sit in that kind of prison for that long time. I got the feeling that they was mainly annoyed over not getting set free, then desperate to get out of there. It seemed like Martin even considered to appeal against the penalty, just because he wanted to make his freedom of speech-point. Is that really what was on top of his mind? Then the prison life didn't seem to have been as bad as I thought it was.

Sure, maybe that was a way to keep themselves sane. Occupying their minds with what they were there for in the first place. But it made me feel like I was watching two kids that ran away from their mother to their abusive father, because 'We have the right to be with dad if we want'. And now the parents was battling over custody. The father, Ethiopia, being the destructive parent and really not wanting them there, but still feeling obligated to keep them in one way. And the mother, Sweden, that wants them home and safe, even if she have hard to understand why they would have to go to the abusive father in the first place.

When you read Martins critique about the movie, it's not about how it focuses on a legal battle or the lack of feeling for how it is to sit in a prison for 438 days. His problem with the movie is that the journalists being imprisoned in Ethiopia are not only being silenced in real life, but also in the movie. I feel the journalism and freedom of speech-thread is the main role of the movie. The legal battle over their right to express themselves. When I was expecting a movie about 438 days in a prison.
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Eragon (2006)
So sadly, that you can destroy such a promising story
29 February 2008
Stefen Fangmeier? Who is that guy? The director of this crappy creation is a former special effects-dude, and this is his film debut as a director! HURRAY! ..eeeh, What were they thinking!? I heard much about this film, before I first saw it, and I thought the whole time; "This can't be as bad as everyone says it is!" But then I saw it. WTF! This is just heartbreaking to live through. From the first second, it was just so uninteresting that I became terrified. "When is something going to happened? ..or is something going to happened at all..?" I'm serious when I tell you, I fell asleep before anything happened. Lucky me I got the movie on the computer, and could what the ending again. But I wasn't impressed there either. The film lost me long time ago, there wasn't any hope left, if you was left, to watch the whole movie.

It is just bad. Ed Speleers, Jeremy Irons, Robert Carlyle.. everyone did a weak impression at me. To bad. Strange how that kid could have beat 180 000 others for that part, and now his carrier is ruined, because of this peace of crap movie.

I like the nature thought, and Rachel Weisz got a sexy voice. Is that got enough for 3/10? Nah, I got to make sure than no one lays his time on this movie, so 2/10 will fit just perfect!
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Hitman (I) (2007)
Amuseing action
29 February 2008
To start with, the opening scene where you get to know, how Agent 47 became who he is, it's exactly what you want to know. Not to much of it, like Spider-Man, and not to poco, like Bourne identity. But to the rest of the film.. where the heck is the story!? Agent 47 get a mission, that he completes, and then they're trying to kill him. Okey?

Not much to ad about the story, more than it was just to weak and didn't got much of character.

But the characters, wou baby, here we got the movie! First out, T-Bag aka. Robert Knepper, as some Russian federal agent. And realized pretty soon something.. Keep up the good work in prison break! Cause like Russian, he ain't very good.. at all.. When he tries to talk with the Russian accent, I don't get any feelings at all. He just sounds clumsy and like a new beginner. And he often slip over to his T-bag accent.. Why do they put him in this Russian part? Peter Stormare would have been the perfect actor for this part I think.

And Dougray Scott, as the American fed. Still remember him as Sean Ambrose in MI2. And this time, reflect to the MI2-time, he does it really good! The little story about him and Agent 47 isn't very interesting, but through the film, you just got to enjoy his character and his hunt after "my man".

Timothy Olyphant or Vin Diesel? I placed that question for my self, some months ago. And after I viewed this, Timothy Olyphant is the only correct answer. He is just terrific as the Agent 47 character. Is cold, when it comes to everything. And the director do some great work here, with not destroying the Hit-man, and make him to some sloppy James Bond-fool. He is just correct, and so cool to much.

And Olga Kurylenko! Where the heck did they got her from? I haven't heard anything about her, and now BANG! Hit-man. BANG AGAIN! She's in the next Bond movie! Who is she? She's a very interesting actress, and she does a great job with her hooker alter-ego. She likes Agent 47, and she got a great body and some nice moves to offer him, and she knows it. The relation between Agent 47 and Nika is what really get this movie up till 7. And the fact that they didn't have sex, however she really turns you on, more than so many other movies with faint sex-scenes. Cred to Olga!

7/10, this is a entertaining peace of creation. Story sucks, but the characters make it work.
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11 November 2007
When I saw this movie, just a couple of weeks ago, I had no idea what year it was from. And I was really chocked when I found out that this masterpiece is created in 1990. Tim Burton is well-known for his way of making movies. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands... Every film he is involved in, you can expect something absolutely extra ordinary. And Edward Scissorhands is of course not any exception. We'll follow Edwards way into the real, human life. With a constant continual flash back of his early life, and how this have made him to what and who he is today. Edwards character demonstrate the way to acceptation for a newcomer, and then most of his actions, turns out to be wrong. The story and the world the characters live in, describes a very stereotypical view of things and situations. I get the "Truman show"-feeling that they all are watched, and we are the spectators. Winona Ryder as Kim, symbolize the goodness and purity in the world, Johnny Depp as Edward, the unknown and exciting, and Anthony Michael Hall as Jim, the evil and illiberal. Dianne Wiest got also an interest role as Peg, the kind woman that brings Edward to her own house. She sees no vicious in Edward and accepts him for who he is.

There's so much to say and discuss about this movie, and every time I mention it, I come up with more and more interesting things about it. If you haven't seen Edward Scissorhands yet, I thinks that there no question about it if you should see it or not, you have to.
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Superman as a Superhero
6 August 2006
First out. I always been kind of negative inclined to Superman as a Superheo. I mean, a superhero that could stand anything, stronger than everything and is just totally invincible, except krypton-it. I don't realize how you can make a story and all these comics out of that character.

Even if I aren't the biggest Superman-fan, I'm already tired of the Clark Kent-Louis Lane part. There love story is just uninteresting and pathetic. And it do not developed into something better in the movie either.

However, I really like the action in this movie, but that is almost as far as it goes. The ms is one of the most boring and quiet I ever experience. Lex Luthor/Kevin Spacey is the only character that makes any kind of impression on you, but that is Kevin Spaceys own profit.

If you watch the trailer, you can learn all Clark Kent/Superman lines by heart and if you got the right body and appearance, you can be the next superman! *yawn*
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Rotten? H*ll yeah!
5 August 2006
The Pirates of the Caribbean history is about rotten corps, rum, treasures and of course - pirates. Maybe the first movie contained many of these facts but number two only gets to rotten and to much rum. The first one is a masterpiece if you compare it with this crap.

First out, on of many, big disappointments - Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom is more awkward then ever when he through out his lines exact from the ms, where are the feelings.. where are the acting Orlando? Maybe he should talk to Woody Harrelson about a name change. He starts to feel like Ben Affleck, and that isn't a good sign.

Keira Knigthley is OK, until she starts yelling and just turns herself to pathetic. I read that the movie was like a living h*ell to record, and that feeling is also in the movie. It feels just like an movie. "Do this, say that!" And nothing more. And, unfortunately, Keira belong to that crowd of actors.

Jack Sparrow where just one of a kind in the first part, but now he just feels goofy and nag. He tries to be funny bit through the whole movie, and that's 2,5 hour.. I didn't laugh once! Many of his moves was predictable and I'm not enjoying a movie when I can tell the story to myself before I see it one the screen for the first time. It feels like they use the Jack Sparrow character in the second movie, just because he succeed in the first one. Like, why changing a winning concept? Well, if you turn a a good concept and character to bad, it drag also the first part down with it in the fall. I'm not sure that I can watch the first one again, without get annoyed on Jack Sparrow.

I would prevail you not to watch this movie, even if you have seen the first one.. if it wasn't for number 3. But if that sucks too... this is just waste of time and money. But, if you aren't going to see number 3. Then you can stop with have seen number one. It contains a good story, good ending and some interesting characters. This one however, is just "a movie" with nothing to offer.

The only thing that makes my vote go up to 3 instead of 1... is the crew under Davy Jones command and himself. But without the daily technology, even that would have sucked.
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