22 Reviews
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Cleaning Up (2019)
Compelling story that builds up
9 April 2024
For those people who want 75% of a big budget spent in the first episode to draw you into a loooong deminising story that's desperate to shock, then this is certainly not that.

It starts sl ok w and the story builds, maybe I have lived a life of making ends meet, struggling and taking risks whilst raising kids. Whilst comfortable now, I look back to those times with some fondness. This series captures that struggle and dramatises it, well written, fair acting.... Who needs the big budget.

Of course, the story has floors and easy to pick on. A little imagination is needed to enjoy it more. Great stuff and I hope they leave it there and work on another project.
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Nicely made
3 March 2024
First. Being a gen x, every time they say bender, it means something else. So phrases like 'you have to learn the ways of the bender', and 'to be a bender you must...'. I can't help but figure.

So, aside from rusty, it's quite cool, better for younger viewing as everything is childish and clean, pressed, clean clothes, fantastic makeup etc. But a good story and fantasy.

The photography is excellent,effects good enough and the acting quite good. Netflix had not gone overboard on the diversity camp and gone for better actors instead, a good move for the series. Shame it's only a 6 part story really.
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Boom bam but fun
6 January 2024
Effects are OK, robot is cool, usual thing these days. Steals from other films and cultures and brings nothing new, but it's fun.

A pet hate of mine is when they try to make a girl look strong but their acting, statue or writing fails. It starts with a slight of a woman whose got fantastic hair, perfect teeth, botox and trimmed to perfection eyebrows working a single plough and has seemingly done a while field. She bends down to pick up dirt with her fantastically manicured nails.... Oh come on, stop this rubbish will you. Has any of these film makers done a day's graft in their life? I know it's fantasy but to me it just sits wrong and tells me it's all bad acting or directing. Still, the slow mo fighting scenes help her look better.

Love the ship designs, like... Well, ships of the sea, quite cool and unique.
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One Piece (2023– )
OK for kids
30 December 2023
Loosely based on pirates, taking snippits of pirate words ect. If millenials were pirates, then this is it. Clean, good teeth, fantastic hair etc... But fine as a kids show, don't expect to be entertained if you're over 12.

Some of these pirates are the least piraty I've seen on TV. Acting is sub par, except the main character, he's good.

Glad things turned silly and extreme as they had no chance of mimicking life on the sea. This saves it a bit as its then just laughable rather than engaging. Struggled through a few of these but could not watch complete series, just not a great story and you need to just have it as background.
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Very engaging and thought provoking
16 December 2023
Great film, but don't watch it if you want aliens or the usual war crap with naff obvious endings. This film builds the characters well, has a few technical holes in it of course, it does seem to grab you. I'm so pleased they didn't try to conclude the ending like a lot of films try, bit like bed time stories for children... Did they live happily ever after? Did the wolf blow down the brick house. It's more grown up than that and it does not need any kind of obvious conclusion, after, turn to your partner and discuss what's in the news now and what could happen in the world... Not this obviously, but real world things similar to this could happen.

All actors were good, special effects... Meh, but it's not lord of the rings.

PS, awesome ending.
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Old (2021)
Good story
31 May 2023
Great story actually, had me pinned. Sure, there were plot holes and I almost reached for the calculator to work things out but that was unnecesary. Not sure why it got such bad ratings, the story is sound, acting quite good, aside that blonde bimbo, aweful acting, Maybe the directing could have been a little better.

What I will say, is that thank god netflix did not make a series out of this, one of the best features of story telling is making an ending, if this didn't end and was left hanging then I would have cursed it. (Lost).

But they ended it like a film should do. If they made a series I would most definately not watch it. This is a problem of today, I see a good story and then notice it's a series, so I don't watch it because it will not conclude, it'll just rattle on until it's rubbish.

Overall, good watch.
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Slow, dribbly, colourful but completely unbelievable.
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dribble at start me waffling, emotional blah. King of wakandu dead, so 50 people in the entire country turn up... Did they run out of cgi people?

Blue people seem to have leather outfits that stop an 1800mph bullet but not a kick from a person, physics overload here.

So I stab a spear through the back seat of an old car avoiding fuel tank and creating a ramp for a cop car to drive up. What? And how the hell does this magical tech operate a classic car then, real crap.

Wait, more dribble... Waiting for next bit of story, crying, blah, blah etc Hang on, more crying... While I wait for the boo hoos to stop, I can't help wonder how that 19 year old student had such an awesome garage.

Some nice photography though.

Hang on, long drawn out history lesson coming up... Wait, blue boy was an evolutionary change but as a kid he had grown ups around him with pointy ears, so... Not the first then, he got the evolved ears but grown ups already had them, how? Such continuity errors.

Hang on, more slow talking dribble and wishy washy stuff.

I've come to the conclusion that whilst a 12+, any older and you'll question things. I'd say it's more like 8+ kiddies film.

That queen, if she spent more time learning tech rather than changing clothes and hat, she'd be better off. The blue peeps, have a mask with 200ml of water in to breath... Uhu.

That ship that lifts people up with a beam... That's from the 70s right?

I'm out.

Crap film.
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Outlast (2023– )
Terrible acting
12 March 2023
If you watch this thinking its about survival, forget it, it's just about how scummy people can be. It's not real, it's acting.. Obviously, very bad acting. Most scenes are set up, you can almost detect them retaking the scenes. Laughable how the baddies act (sort of), that cliche bad ass. Hilariously cringy. I also very much doubt anyone was in any kind of danger or risk at any point like it constantly mentions. The first episode or 2 starts OK, but it's orchestrated to bring out that ever present and overused human arguing.

I was hoping for some survival tasks but no, just naff shouting at each other. And boo-hooing.
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Nice story, great photography
19 November 2022
I read some reviews that rated this bad, I've only ever watched the first cloverfield film and nothing else, this stands well on its own. I don't understand why people think it makes no sense, it's very understood when dealing with mixing another reality and all very feasible. Story progresses well, albeit with the usual misunderstandings of physics and how gravity works, but that's par the course these days. I particularly like the way paradox is handled, indeed, people from an alternate reality will have very different take on things, this is handled well without breaking too many sensibility rules.

Probably won't watch the series, (didn't know that existed), I can only guess the series would be a long drawn out story (eg, lost), that would waste my time. This film has great start and end, which is rare these days.
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Oh dear
23 September 2022
Such inconsistencies, I can only assume the edit jumbled everything up as its a mess. Coupled with the god awefull acting, story, makeup, sound. Why do they have to make a really loud noise ever time something happens, quite irritating., not even scary. The brightness is ok, but I can get that right on a smart phone. Location is OK, nice for rest, got nothing for the story. Utter dribble. Wife forced me to watch it as she likes rubbish films, for me it was slow and boring. Wrote this 15m from the end. I suppose it gives you time to check your email whilst watching it, you know, read your spam or something.
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Captain Nova (2021)
Good story
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course without the multi million budget and effects with top actors trying too hard it makes this film look bad but its not, there are mistakes but the story is strong. Problem is with good stories, they are up against a world of effects and time travel stories a impossible to get right. . Eg the goofs say that when the red alert goes off a soldier is seen walking and this is wrong. Is it? Would everyone run about, like the big blockbusters? I don't think so, they would walk swiftly to command or exit, like a fire drill. This is the problem with bigger films, they are too unrealistic. This is more believable as a story.

How does the man in the wheelchair know things were different though? Maybe he is outside of normal time?

Time travel eh!
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Time wasted
11 April 2022
My wife keeps finding this rubbish to watch at dinner time. This one is so bad, I had to write this while I think of something else to do. Acting is wooden, it's as though they have never acted ever. Was there a director on set? Hard to tell. The story is so obvious, continuity is out in many places, the rapids scene was the last straw for me, absolutely rubbish.
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Cheesy and way off
15 December 2021
I'm not normally bothered when a film gets things wrong but this one makes me cringe. Usual fake American, warm feeling, predictably inaccurate tripe. The photography manages to miss all that's nice in Scotland too.
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MF this, MF that really!
5 November 2021
Acting is wooden, more like a cheap musical of some weird kind. I don't quite understand why it's modern gangsters in a western backdrop, the story line is very weak and predictable.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Melissa is funny
10 April 2021
Melissa made me laugh a lot, but octavia is not great at all, in fact, very flat and dull.
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What Men Want (2019)
Ottom of the barrel acting here
26 February 2021
I guess if this had not been done before it would have been better. Acting is so wooden though it struggles to rise above mediocre.
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Good fun
11 February 2021
Just good fun, great idea, some invention stuff, some comedy and some acting. Beautiful island
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Good story, sprinkling of bad actors
3 December 2020
Story is good, could have been so much better though if they got good actors in it. Very wooden. Photography is good. It's clearly written for the stage.
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So many 1 star reviews, shame
30 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I find this film entertaining, sure there's stuff wrong but no more than most films. Quite fed up with films that have to explain everything, this film you have to fill the gaps and watch carefully. Love the weapons, they can knock someone down as well as kill, if you think of it this way, the aliens may have had a tech that allowed them to travel in space, maybe shared with a neighbouring planet. The mind machine hints to that, they can't learn things well so they use this. So here you have these dumb aliens striping planets of gold, all makes sense to me. A few things wrong, like the planes that are 1000 years old but work. Film needs to be 4h long to explain how they spent a year fixing up the planes, but the milenials can't sit and watch a film for that long so they skip a whole chunk out of the potential story line. I feel sorry for the people whos' reviews that slate things that only need imagination to get. The nuclear thing is good too, imagine a race that did not discover this, its easy to see how if they were given tech that allowed them to travel to other planets, advantage humans. Original story, crappy mine, small minded profiteers underestimating what appears to be dumb animals. Love the film, watched it many times. Just watch it and try hard to imagine what could be.

Just wish, like every other film no matter how good, a girl that lives off the land in squaller has perfect trimmed eyebrows, lovely skin and luscious hair... All wrong and it's the first thing I see in all movies.
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Outlander (2008)
OK, bit naff but entertaining
28 September 2020
Some effects and alright acting. Little bit of a worn out story line I suppose.
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The Beyond (2017)
Why the wobbly out of focus camera
13 May 2020
This is like a film produced for a college project and they got a drunk kid to operate a 1970s camera. Even the cheapest smartphone don't wobble and go out of focus like this, bloody awefull. Story is OK, if a little tired, but the camera work ruins it completely for me. Oh and some awful acting thrown in. Clearly a college project on a budget, hope they learnt a lot from making this movie and go on to make some proper films.
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Lovely looking film
5 May 2020
Unique story, guessing a lot of people don't understand the storyline about planet ownership. Apart from some cheesy lines, it's a good film.
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