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Oh, surely not bad...
3 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...If compared to "Miami Golem","Alien 2 on Earth" and many other fanta-horror flicks from US and Europe.Dawson mixed with a certain success the war cliché with the alien cliché. More and more he threw in some environmentalist morals, as he did in Indio I and II.And all three aren't bad at all.Great shoot-outs,despite they are often useless as "Predator" 's ones.The Alien is not built by the SFX sensation Edoardo Margheriti-Dan Edwards, it we can note it immediately.The creature moves with some sort of stop-motion, so it's a bit strange that he could kill so easily its enemies. The monster, that many lovers of this film have rechristened "Big Claw" -because the remaining claw is its most seen part on this flick-, is the less valuable feature of the movie.Its end in the volcano was a worthy end. Luckily the effects of its venom are ravaging! The explosion are a must.The actors acted decently, especially Pigozzi and Napier. Marina Giulia Cavalli (Actual Italian TV movie and sit-com main actress) offered also a good acting with her great body.I still love you Mari Julia...Oh God what I would have given to see you wrapped into a topless amazon robe or a military outfit. It's entertaining and violent, very violent.It was partially filmed in Latina, inside Recordati industry.But the biggest part of the scenes were naturally filmed in the Philippines that the late,great Anthony Dawson loved so much.

See this movie,and taste it. It's so funny! 8 out of 10
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A legendary flick
22 February 2006
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Oronzo Canà is a former football player a.k.a. "The Hyaena of Tavoliere" that became a good 2nd and 3rd level trainer.Borlotti,chairman of Longobarda,new promoted in Series A (our Premiership) hires him with the secret task of relegate the team back in Series B (2nd Level) due to management problems.With the "help" of Bergonzoni and Giginho (Roncato and Sammarchi), Canà finds a Brazilian player, Aristoteles (Urs Althaus from Warbus and Warrior of the Lost World!) that after a difficult beginning (defeats with Roma,Verona,Cremonese and after 7 matches 3 points) elevates the team far from relegation with his goals (Sampdoria,Torino,Avellino,Como defeated,8 points in 6 matches).A "comrade" ,that already loves chairman's wife (maybe a chairman's plan to slow him?), injures Aristoteles during the match with Milan that wins 7-1.Hopefully Canà, after a disqualification as he argued with the referee of Juventus-Longobarda,a tried explosive voodoo on Zico that then scores 4 goals in Udinese-Longobarda, a failed combine with former player and at that time football manager Picchio De Sisti before Fiorentina-Longobarda (4-0) that De Sisti intended as a charity match -at last Canà menaces "Io Picchio De Sisti (I beat De Sisti)..."-,losses with Napoli and Inter and repeated altercations with supporters (led by two fat twins),recovers the Brazilian in time to win the last matches with Lazio and Atalanta and save his team from relegation, despite Borlotti's opposition.Great movie,many chicks also Brazilian,a lot of real players (Chierico,Graziani,Pruzzo,Spinosi,De Sisti,Damiani,Maffei,Martellini r.i.p.),many double senses,great OST,a must-see for the Italian comedy!
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Leviathan (1989)
Excellent movie
20 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Partly turned in Italy aboard a Saipem Agip platform built on Adriatic Sea,this movie beats easily Deep Star Six and Endless Descent. We've a crew of workers on a ship placed on the bottom of the ocean and some of them go to make some explorations outside the base, near to a Russian wreck.Six-Pack (Daniel Stern of Home Alone) finds a bottle apparently containing vodka, but this particular is for a moment let aside because De Jesus (Carmine)is in danger.Only the ability and cool blood of Beck (Peter Weller-Robocop & Screamers!) ,the crew's leader, saves for the moment the life of De Jesus.Back on the ship, despite Beck's ban,Six Pack and the second female worker Bowman (Elibacher) drink the bottle of "vodka". Unfortunately it isn't vodka,but a mutant gene that will cause the 2 to become a powerful monster that will possess one by one the rest of the crew!Despite their best efforts and the massive use of hi-tech buzz-saws and flame-throwers,only 3 people are still alive at last:Beck,his love interest Elizabeth Williams (the gorgeous Amanda Pays-The Flash and Max Headroom) and Jones (Ernie Hudson-Ghostbusters!).More and more, Dr.Thompson (Crenna-Rambo 1,2,3!) has activated the escape pods still empty in order to avoid that the monster could reach the surface.So,are the three survivors doomed? Not at all!Beck arranges a system to reach the surface fitting three suits with oxygen cans,so he and his 2 friends manage to escape before the ship could implode on a very impressive scene!Once at light Beck and Williams manage to defeat the monster once at all causing him to explode with high amount of gore.Unfortunately Hudson is killed,the only low moment of the movie.At last back on the platform,Beck punches his boss (Meg Foster-Blind Fury,Tripwire,Masters of The Universe!) that formerly refused to rescue the crew and also considered them already all dead. Great FX,skilled actors,a beautiful heroine,continuous perils for the heroes,a powerful monster,a more than good script (that seems to foreshadow Mimic), make Leviathan a great sci-fi movie.And George Pan Cosmatos demonstrated that he wasn't skilled only for Rambo.

10 stars out of 10
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Iron Warrior (1987)
The best Ator movie,but you must not expect so much...
11 January 2006
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Brescia manages to improve the plot and technical background of Ator after the awful second installment directed by RIP Joe D'Amato and this movie pulls out from the muck of Blade Master. Better FX,some explosions and the hero using more weapons and sword techniques.And this time O'Keefe doesn't lost time with senseless phrases,like "Double Target" 's character he starred. Many clashes.Not one but two bad dudes,Phaedra is a little ridiculous (dangerous like...Madame Razz or Shadow Weaver, he he he), Trogar has more sense,his mask gives a little fright.But the good black witch that pops out in the middle of the flick could save his breath and not ruin the surprise informing us that Trogar was Ator's brother.There are some good chicks,the Yugoslavian actress Sabina Gersak, talent discovered by Brescia. looks good but her haircut is truly forgettable.Why Brescia did not equipped her with a normal fluent haircut and a sword or a dagger or a bow to kick enemies' crotch and ass? This movie can be saved and not at all ditched.But this doesn't say that is great.It's in "Deathstalker I" media. 6 out of 10
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Bomber (1982)
Wow,it is a great clone of Rocky
14 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Second movie for Bud Spencer shot in Northern Tuscany's coast after "Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer". Bud stars as Bud Graziano,former boxer that withdrew after being injured at his right punch just before a match with the dirty rival Rosco Dunn.Despite the broken hand Graziano showed up at the match,but was defeated.Now he has become a globetrotter with his ship,but at the beginning of the movie somebody (Dunn?) has ordered a wrecking crew to dismantle Bomber's boat.Then Bomber rescues in two occasions a boxe-manager,the explosive Jerry (Jerry Calà-WOW!).After a free-for-all with the regiment of Rosco Dunn -now a sergeant at US military base of Camp Derby- that wants a showdown with Graziano (probably Dunn was expelled after his dirty victory),our two heroes find a young bullet with a golden right punch,Giorgione Desideri (Mike Miller) and begin to teach him box.After a brilliant victory against Rosco's young champ Sam Newman (Bobby Rhodes) and the rebuilding of Jerry's gym -burned by Rosco's henchmen-,Giorgione turns on his teachers due of baddies' intervention.After voluntarily losing his second match,Giorgione becomes an henchman of Dunn's organization,forcing Bomber to begin a retaliatory action.Bud Graziano destroys a grill owned by Dunn's sidekick,then manages to bring Giorgione back with him.The time for a match Giorgio Desideri vs. Rosco Dunn comes after an hard training,but Rosco's henchmen are unleashed repeating with Giorgione the treatment made with Bomber.Without his right punch Giorgione is almost defenseless but doesn't give up and manages to resist the first round.After that Bomber discover the violent trick and faces Rosco Dunn on a clean brawl.Now Dunn is lost, since Bomber is at 100% "You see,now i can use my right,come on!". Rosco Dunn bites the dust many many times and then is send over the top rope crushing a table! Triumph for Bomber!Bomber!Bomber!Bomber!It's true,he didn't hit the enemies,he bombed them! And great performance of Jerry Calà! 10 stars out of ten.
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I love this flick,it's great,it's spicy,it's plenty of buxoms
13 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Decently directed by Wynorski, Deathstalker II offers action,breast shots,bloody duels,ever thrilling adventures,Terlesky is decent and entertaining,he knows how to handle a sword and is at last great.Monique Gabrielle kidnaps our hearts with his almost naked and soft body.Ohh,we love her.In the role of Reena she stars as a lovable,but not defenseless girl.At last we can see her GREAT ass and tits.The villains are also decent and the fights well choreographed. Keep an eye to Maria Socas -the topless witch of "Warrior and the Sorceress"- that helps our heroes to defeat the evil with her army of beautiful amazons...Hey,there are also outtakes at the end of the movie.A must see. Don't lose it...
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A shameful movie!
13 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This flick explains the quick decay of Italian cinema in the Eighties. It's a very piece of s**t.You see this blond asshole going around to be trapped,double-crossed,back-stabbed,and being each time saved by his mute Chinese sidekick,the only decent character on this flick. It's better remember O'Keefe for his roles on Double Target and La Morte è di Moda,not for this insulting movie. Lack of sense,budget,ideas,action that made this movie shameful and buried at the birth the Italian sword-and-sorcery genre.Burn to Hell Joe D'Amato. Talk about the non-plot is only painful. If you love REAL and GREAT Conan clones,switch to Conquest,Throne of Fire,The Barbarians,Deathstalker II (with the beloved and desired broad Monique Gabrielle),and Sangraal La Spada di Fuoco,that offer action,breasts,decent special effects and coherent plots! SCREW this one for God's sake!
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Last Feelings (1978)
Tearjerker with a reworked final...
9 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ruggero Deodato wanted to show his ability to switch to a film genre to another.So he chose the tearjerker cliché to realize "Ultimo Sapore dell'Aria", a movie in which appeared totally unknown actors and that had some success at box office.Still today it is constantly shown on Italian local TVs.In Italy there were many directors that made movies focused on dying child and orphans.Deodato decided to rectify the direction and found his inspiration from Zeffirelli's "The Champ".But Zeffirelli wasn't so happy,as we'll see later. Well,we see this poor boy,Diego,that after leaving his family wants to change his life.A teacher -swimming champion in the past but then forced to retire for some guilt (drug?robbery?rape?)- finds for him a job at "Sporting Club", initially helping the keeper.But Diego enters in conflict with the young swimmer Lorenzo, and when the night falls Diego decides to make clandestine training.Casually spotted by the teacher,he becomes a regular athlete and shows his talent beating Lorenzo, that doesn't accept the defeat and leaves.So Diego becomes the n.1 athlete of Sporting Club and wins easily national championships (the "Rocky" theme cover is a must!).But immediately after the victory a brain cancer unleashes its fury leaving our hero almost dead.Despite treatments the situation is getting worse and worse,and the cancer strikes repeatedly.But Diego, despite this, wants absolutely to enter the European Championships in Holland,saying "if i'll not participate,it will be as i would never born".The teacher brings the young hero to a country retreat in Piedmont beginning an intense training course.The cancer meanwhile takes a little pause,enough for Diego to gather back some forces.It's strange however that the teacher could let Diego eat so much pasta and so many steaks between the hard exercises...In the same times our young hero makes a deeper acquaintance of teacher's sister which ends with the two falling in love.Finally our hero, that is become a respected person and a favorite for many boys and child, starts to Holland with the teacher.The girl will join then later after knowing that Diego is about to die.We know the rest, our hero starts well and takes the lead, but the cancer (HEAVILY reported by speakers,but HOW could they know that??) gives its last strike, killing the boy just after he ends with a suffered LAST place the final.BUT... ...Deodato had written and made a slightly different final,that has been recently brought back on the Internet. To begin,there wasn't the false start.Then Diego took the lead as in the known version of the movie (some scenes of the first final were spared for the second),with the Italian speaker (Guess who? Mario Mattioli of "Bomber",that refused to act on the reworked final being replaced by an external voice!) saying only reasonably "The athlete is leading despite he is reported in not perfect physical conditions";then Diego had an apparently little crisis but not falling dramatically at last place.He was engulfed in the fight for 3rd-4th position:but at last our hero reacted and won defeating for a hairline the dutch "lokalmatador".Very exhausted Diego was brought out of the pool to the "showers",and once here suddenly fell down on the ground.Dead.While the girl started to cry (like in the known ending),the teacher closed Diego's eyes and mourning him not as a boy,but as a man.The Italian speaker,informed by his interviewer,also mourned his death,with the swimming pool's attendance totally indifferent.Mattioli fell into silence,and there was a last and still silent shot to Diego's corpse circled by the teacher and the girl. The End. Unfortunately Zeffirelli in person was learned of that and forced Deodato to delete this final,claiming it was too similar to "Champ's" one (the death after a brilliant and unexpected victory)and menacing legal actions.The director of "Cannibal Holocaust" reluctantly gave up and directed hurriedly a new final,the one that we know.The SAD final we know,and the lowest point of this Italian-Japanese co-production otherwise good.Rest in peace Diego,you were a great man and a great champ exactly like Billy Flynn,be sure that somebody will avenge the last place that others decided for you.

Six stars out of ten.
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