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Ultimate Spider-Man (2012–2017)
The worst spider-man show
18 June 2017
This show is just awful but you gotta give it credit it certainly showed you that the marvel animated universe is going to be absolute obsolete garbage. Drake bell does an awful job as the web head with a whiny irresponsible screaming brat and his teammates are some of the most boring additions to a TV show ever with white tiger being uninteresting like cage and iron fist not being written well and nova bring even more annoying than spidey. The animation is OK but choppy as they didn't put much care into it and the intro is nonexistent. It's a huge shame that spectacular spider-man was replaced with this but hey they are going to make a new spider-man show but it really doesn't look any better so in my opinion we should buy the Blu Rays and DVDs of spectacular.
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Guardians of the Galaxy (I) (2015–2019)
An awful addition to an awful universe
16 June 2017
This show like the rest of the current awful marvel shows is nothing but an advertisement for the movies. The animation is sloppy, the story lines are half baked, and there is nothing noteworthy to speak of it just kind of exists for the heck of it. Avengers emh, spectacular spider-man, and wolverine and the x men were all made with love and care but they got canceled because of the marvel/Disney merger. What marvel should do to get the approval of its fans is renew those 3 shows and release the Josh Keaton Spider-Man episodes of emh and even if they don't we can still have hope that Netflix renews them one day. So all in all boycott these piles of garbage they're putting out, show your love for the canceled marvel animated shows/universe and let us bring them back from the dead. #Joshkeatonisspiderman #specspidey4netflix #bringbackavengersemh #fireloeb
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Gangland (2009)
Season 2, Episode 10
Wonderfully crafted!
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ending another great story arc this one is special for being a Valentine's Day episode and it made use of it greatly with the love triangle between Pete Liz and Gwen playing an integral and interesting part as well as having the cool group sit down with nerd group which leads into one of my favorite relationships in the show with Peter and flash bonding on that night. We finally get introduced to silver mane and his daughter silver sable who are both great additions to the overall cast with an interesting relationship between sable and hammerhead I hope we get more of soon. The final battle was one of the most wonderful in the show with the opera music playing as well as tombstone refusing to fight spider man in front of the citizen's which would ruin his public image and their fight underground. This whole fight scene was only made possible however by the intricate planning of the green goblin who's story arc we will delve into soon. A wonderful Valentine's Day episode.
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Wolverine vs. Hulk (2008)
Season 1, Episode 7
A worthy introduction to the hulk
22 May 2017
This episode feels a little odd in this shows continuity since it introduces nick fury and the hulk who are both voiced by their same respective voices from avengers earths mightiest heroes making it clear that they are set in the same universe however one weird continuity error is nick furys eye patch being one the wrong side. The episode itself is great it shows the dark side of shield and fury introduces the hulk in a great way and even has a cool fight scene with him and even some fun humor which mixed in forms an excellent episode which ties into the equally great avengers earths mightiest heroes.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Reaction (2008)
Season 1, Episode 8
Great introduction to doc ock
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show has always been good at mixing elements from all sorts of spidey material the one they pulled from in the beginning of this episode was spider man with great nod to train sequence it's also really great how they chose to reference spider man 2 in the episode where they introduced doc ock. This is also the same episode in which we see Liz and peters relationship grow which leads to them becoming a couple in season 2. Harry's addiction to globulin green continues to grow and the green goblin caused the creation of Doctor octopus. Speaking of doc ock he was a real treat in this episode his voice actor was spot on and they managed to capture his personality really well with him being a shy nice guy and all before turning into the infamous spidey villain. Also I really love how spidey defeated him by using his spider light.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Competition (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5
Now king sandman reigns supreme
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows us some of the friction between Harry and Peter when he decides to join the football team so the flash and Kenny don't end up messing with him but it backfires as usual since when he's playing he's using his spider powers to his advantage but Harry becomes jealous and that forces Peter to stop using his powers and fail at the tryouts. The villain this time is sandman who keeps robbing banks and getting thwarted by spidey and after he's had enough he decides to take him down in the final action sequence in which we see sandman so powers affect spideys powers from his inability to crawl on walls because of sand to his web shooters being utterly useless he has to resort to using mud to freeze sandman in his place and as spidey puts it "build a statue in your honor". One last thing to mention is Gwen showing her affection for Peter but Peter not showing her his feelings it was a great way to show us how she feels after they've hinted at her feelings towards him in previous episodes.
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A great a season.
20 May 2017
Because of Jeph Loeb wanting to cancel avengers earth's mightiest heroes for avengers assemble the creators felt the need to make this episode feel like the series finale which isn't right, but I'll get to that in a minute. This episode brings all the avengers together to fight Galactus and his heralds and while some found this to be rushed, I found it to be an enjoyable treat as we got a bunch of different avengers working together and interacting while taking down the heralds of Galactus. There's not much else to say about the episode itself but there is plenty to talk about what surrounds it such as drake bell voicing spider man when it should be Josh Keaton and if us fans want them to release this episode with his voice intact we have to spread the #joshkeatonisspiderman and #drakebellisnotspiderman. The last thing to note is the shows cancellation however we can try to bring it back by suggesting it on Netflix, signing petitions to bring it back, buying the Blu Rays and DVDs and spreading the #bringbackavengersemh, but until this happens we'll have to put with avengers assemble. Any way this was a great episode.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Catalysts (2008)
Season 1, Episode 7
That my loyal fan is what grown ups call greatness
20 May 2017
With two story arcs already in the can it's time to start another with catalysts. This episode finally introduces spider mans big bad the green goblin voiced by the o so maniacally enjoyable Steven Blum as he threatens the big man which shows us his side that he shows to the world with people not knowing he's the big man of crime. We also have mj being introduced to all of peters friends showing their jealousy to her looks and how Peter landed her. The most interesting thing however is Harry Osborns addiction to globulin green after glory dumps him ethics implies that he is the green goblin. Another character they introduced was John Jameson who was shown to be a heroic ply nice guy and his character is a great way of showing that there are more dimensions to Jonah Jameson's character, last thing to mention is Eddies dismissal of Peter when he comes to formal with mj further setting him up to become venom in a believable way oh and the interaction between tombstone and spidey at the end was a nice touch that I hope we get to see more of.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Market Forces (2008)
Season 1, Episode 4
Even villains have responsibilities
20 May 2017
Responsibility is the main theme of this one which is a shocker considering that this is a spider man episode. This one introduces the shocker and even changes his identity to Montana because the writers thought his original identity was too bland and boring and while it may seem like bad change I loved this version of shocker with his cowboy accent and how spidey makes of it. Peter failing his responsibilities because he has too much to deal with was an integral part of this episode as he forgets to help his best friend Harry study gets thrown in the dumpster and made fun of has his check ruined and even accidentally throw a ball on Gwen's head making her angry at him all this culminates with Peter going home and giving aunt may the money she needs pay those bills. The way spidey took down shocker was the classic "you missed keep trying" scenario which was fun to see unfold and in season 2 we get a callback to this when rhino and spidey team up. All in a great episode but with a little more misery in Peters life.
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A great episode hampered by Drake Bell.
19 May 2017
This episode is a strange one as it introduces spider-man to the show, but in a very controversial way. You see originally Josh Keaton and Darran Norris originally did the voices for spider-man and J. Jonah Jameson, but because Joe Quesada wanted to cross promote ultimate spider-man, they were replaced with Drake Bell and J.K. Simmons. While J.K. Simmons does a fine job, Darran Norris is the superior Jameson voice actor. However Drake Bell really does suck as spider man, it hurts even more considering the fact that Keaton is considered the best spider man of all time and was supposed to voice the web head. Well then that was awfully negative, lets get to the episode which is a great one that sees Captain America being treated wrongly by the humans thanks to the Skrulls ruining his reputation, but then being appreciated toward the end of the episode for his help in protecting the citizen's. Also seeing spider-man interact with cap was a really nice touch with him wanting to be cap's sidekick and all, viper was as fun as ever in this with her rivalry with cap being one of the more interesting parts of the episode. I'm still really bummed we didn't get to hear the spectacular voice actors however their lines were recorded so the episodes with their voices intact are stored somewhere in the marvel animation closet and if we want to get them out of there we're gonna have to spread the word on this, make petitions and spread #joshkeatonisspiderman and #drakebellisnotspiderman.
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Finally the big man
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Like the episode before it this one begins with a petty thug Peter used to fight turning into a classic spider man villain in this case being the rhino. What I love about this episode is how it breaks down many characters to the core the first one being J Jonah Jameson when he told rhino he knew nothing about Parker in an act to protect him, the second being when spidey comes face to face with tombstone. Not only did they make an exceptionally great version of the character they also managed to make us forget about kingpin but the real great part is when tombstone offers spidey a job and he responds "I can't ever look the other way again" it perfectly sums up the character and what he stands for. As for the villain rhino was extremely fun this was one of the funnier villains spidey faced off against from the bowling ball stuff to the whole only mama calls me Alexander it was really fun. The last thing to speak of is Mary Jane who appeared at the very end with her classic line, this one was on a whole new level of good and I hope the show continues to impress.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Blueprints (2009)
Season 2, Episode 1
A thrilling beginning
19 May 2017
After the last season of this show one would not expect that a second season will be able to reach that caliber of greatness but when watching this episode one would not doubt it. This episode starts off perfectly with Peter swinging and thinking about teens kiss in the last episode before being interrupted by venom and waking up to find out that it's all a dream. This is the perfect Segway into Pete looking for Eddie after that and checking off his to do list which includes some of the major plot lines of this season such as his romance with Gwen the reintroduction of venom and peters responsibility of taking care of aunt may. The villain in this one was mysterio and he was expertly handled as at first it seemed like he hated technology but as we all know Quinten beck is the master of it, he manages to give us one of the most fun fight sequences in the show with spidey fighting him through different settings. This episode also gives us a little taste of how the spider sense works which was really neat, but the best thing about this episode has got to be the Stan lee cameo it was an unexpected treat and it happened in a season opener not just any random episode which made it all the more special. If this episode doesn't hype you up for what is surely gonna be a fantastic season then i don't know what will as this episode checks all the boxes unlike Peter.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Persona (2008)
Season 1, Episode 10
A great beginning to a perfect story arc
18 May 2017
This episode does many things right, but the best and most proponent thing it does is introduce us to black cat voiced expertly by Tricia Helfer. She is an excellent character and unlike the 90's show this version is an actual cat burglar with a clear affection for spidey. I love how we got to see her partner up with black suit spidey it was like a dream come true and I was surprised by how many things she got away with saying. Another great part is how Eddie showed a dismissal of both Pete and spider man in after chameleon frames him, speaking of which chameleon was the main baddie for this episode and he was assisted by the alter egos of mysterious and tinkerer(awesome). The end of the episode was perfect as black cat kisses spider man the sky turns to its usual spidery colors but then fades to black, an underrated gem in an outstanding series.
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An excellent close to an excellent season
18 May 2017
After last weeks episode it was hard for this one to top it, but it managed to be of equal quality as it finally introduced venom. Right off the bat my favorite thing in this episode was the scene in which Peter thanks flash for the reality check it showed that even a minor character like flash and still have dimensions to his character. Oh and when venom appeared and said that they are venom it made all of the build up worth as this venom was certainly more talkative and there's even a reference to spider man 3 in there when Eddie pulls the face back. Also the fact that spideys spider sense didn't work on him was masterfully incorporated showing who Peter really loved while showcasing a really power for venom. The best thing in this episode however was how Peter managed to get rid of the symbiote by saying "me not us" I mean it was just incredible. And the last part of this episode that I have to mention is when Gwen kisses Peter which provides a great setup for season 2.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Interactions (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
A great new spin on electro
17 May 2017
After the great pilot the shows quality continued to increase with this fun twist on electrons character. Instead of being a nerd with a gap in between his teeth or red skulls son (really?) he was electrician Max Dillon who wanted a cure for his transformation into spiders electrical villain. This episode did an interesting thing by introducing peters love interest Liz Allen who dismisses him at first but after Peter stands up to her she starts to respect him and later on she manages to hook up with him and we see that her mean personality comes from pier pressure. Now as for electro himself they did an incredible job with his character design changing it from the yellow booties and the mask to a cool electrical outfit. I also kinda felt bad for him as everything was working against him until he finally forced to be a villain. It also did a great job setting up curts turn into the lizard as electro electrified curts vile of lizard DNA. Really this episode checks all the marks as it gives us a new villain sets up a future episode and introduces a pivotal element of spideys high school life.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Group Therapy (2008)
Season 1, Episode 11
A sinister treat
12 May 2017
Group therapy continues the symbiote story arch in an incredible fashion, since many people like to talk about how black spidey would interact with most of his villains this episode addresses that with one of the best and quite frankly most brutal fights in the series with the sinister six. Also on a side note I love how when toomes give sandman the food he says he only takes raw silicones which provides a great setup for his future appearance in first steps, and how doc ock let spidey take aunt May to safety. The black suit in this is also one of the major highlights as this show did something really cool with it it was first the spidey 3 suit them at the end it the comic suit but in this episode it's a mix of both and it looked great. If Sony and marvel want to make a sinister six movie they just need to take a look at this.
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A satisfying payoff to the lizard storyline
11 May 2017
Right off the bat this episode starts with some classic spidey charm as he stops a bunch of criminals from robbing a bakery, then we get the o so catchy theme song to Peter arriving home expecting bank from the bugle for his spidey pics but alas our hero fails yet again. But my favorite part of this episode has to be the way they handled the lizard, unlike other incarnations this version is just there to cause chaos while his other counterparts has this dumb idea of turning everyone into lizards. It also raises an interesting question "would doc Conners have regained his arm without the transformation if electro hadn't electrocuted it". And at the end we see peters friends fire him because of taking pics of the lizard which not only is a great setup for Eddie Brock's eventual turn as the lizard it also has one of my favorite moments in the show why Peter must not give up being spider man. Another great episode with an incredible ending.
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pilot that does not disappoint
5 May 2017
Here it is the first episode of this fine series, it was released one year after spider mans marriage with mj was broken and spider man 3 so it's safe to say spidey wasn't looking too good in the eyes of fans but thankfully this show redeemed him in the most spectacular way possible. Right from the get go we see spidey having a great time being himself, the incredibly catchy intro, and all of peters high school social life as well Norman Osborn dismissal of Adrian toomes causing him to become the vulture and get revenge on Osborn for this. We also get the introduction of the enforcers who later get a massive upgrade in season 2. Really this episode sets up the show wonderfully and it's just the first gem in a series filled with gems.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Final Curtain (2009)
Season 2, Episode 13
The final episode......but not for long
4 May 2017
Spectacular spider man was a show that appealed to everyone and seeing it go out with an episode that sets up so much for season 3 is a real shame WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD this episode manages to touch upon everything you love about spider man from the mystery of the green goblin which will have you going in circles trying to guess who it really is to love triangle that will make you cry to the exciting action that will bewilder you beyond belief it's all there and also not to mention all the season 3 set ups such as Norman getting off the phone with Mac gargan Norman reappearing at the end to the Conners going to Florida to the love triangle set up there is so much that was left unfinished and no loyal fan will stop until this show comes back. To do so I recommend spreading the hashtag #specspidey4netflix by buying the blu Rays and DVDs and recommending it on Netflix through their title request page and also like videos about the show and spread the word on how spider man homecoming looks great and how it's clearly based off spectacular spider man and sign petition while your at it until the show comes back we'll continue to do this and hope for the best but at least the show ended on a high note.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Identity Crisis (2009)
Season 2, Episode 7
We like this!
2 May 2017
Venom! Now this is how you do it WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD with the excellence of intervention it would've been difficult to follow it up but they did it tremendously by building suspense for Eddie Brock's turn as our favorite symbiote consumed villain from the third episode this was a great payoff. This episode continues the arch of who Peter is with the whole gene cleanser thing,clarifies that Gwen is the one who peters gonna hook up with,and gives us more insight into Eddie Brock's character as we see him talking about how he had no one as a kid until the goo showed up. Also seeing peters darker more aggressive side when venom tries to attack aunt may was also really fun to see,and the action sequences were something to behold in this episode. Really this one hits all the right marks and is another great addition to a show that is known for quality such as this.
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The Spectacular Spider-Man: Intervention (2008)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best episode in the show!
26 April 2017
I'm a big advocator of spectacular spider man and I'm not going to waste time explaining why because this episode proves everything I think about the show.WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD Now the episode starts off with Peter at the hospital but when the drama really starts to boil is when he goes to school and gives his friends an ultimatum either give me money or don't try which sets up the perfect development for the character of flash as he knocks some sense into Peter. Once he does that Peter goes to the bell tower to remove the symbiote but it ties him up and shows him flashbacks of his life when he was once bitten by the spider which shows excellent respect for the spider man movie as many of the scenes are directly pulled from it and we get the true essence of Peter Parker when uncle Ben dishes out everything symbiote and Shows Peter his true self allowing him to get rid of the symbiote. The end of the episode provides a great setup for the next episode with Eddie Brock becoming venom,all in all this encompasses all the things I love about the show and it's one of the best episodes in any TV show ever.
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Amazing, superior.....Spectacular.
25 April 2017
I am a huge spider-man fan but I've never been able to find a definitive version of the character until I came across this masterpiece. The spectacular spider man encompasses everything we love about the wall crawler from the humor, to the drama,to the thrilling action sequences, it's all there and accounted for. The story arcs in each season perfectly intertwine and set up future story lines without feeling forced and this really shows when it comes to the villains, as we are introduced to many of them before their transformations giving us time to truly delve into them and their motivation. After finishing off the second season one would expect an incredible third season which was said to have hobgoblin, scorpion and carnage, but unfortunately the show was canceled way before its time (although fans have been working to bring the show back by spreading hashtags such as #specspidey4netflix and making petitions). Episodes like intervention and final curtain go to show just how much respect and understanding the creators have for the character that no other show has been able to convey to us before. Everything is perfect from the voice acting, (Josh Keaton still remains to be the best spider man) to the weird art style, to the insanely catchy intro. This is a show I can recommend to anyone, spider-man fans, fans of good cartoons, or just people in general as it has a little bit of everything for everyone and will forever be missed.
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Avengers Assemble (2012–2019)
Garbage replacing avengers earth's mightiest heroes, how fitting.
25 April 2017
Look it's no secret that I, as well as tons of other fans, loved avengers earth's mightiest heroes and when it was canceled we were all heartbroken. It's safe to say i didn't have much hope for avengers assemble considering it's set in the same universe as ultimate spider man which is known to many as one of the worst marvel cartoons of all time. And after watching the first season I was really sad seeing all my favorite characters ruined with bland story lines, (seriously the twist in the first episode is about as generic as it gets) and boring lifeless animation which couldn't match earth's mightiest heroes anyway but they could've tried at least. This wasn't the first time an incredible show was canceled then replaced with an incredibly inferior one, we had this happen with spectacular spider man and young justice. Until someone goes to marvel and knocks some sense into them we'll have to deal with this garbage for now. #bringbackavengersemh
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