
20 Reviews
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Justified (2010–2015)
3rd Time Watching Still Amazing
23 April 2024
I decided to visit the residents of Harlem County once again and was not let down. This has been one of my favourite tv shows since it aired due to it consistently good stories, acting and sets.

The acting in each and every episode is spot on especially Raylan and Boyd's interactions which always leave me smiling, Timothy and Walter have some great chemistry and friendship and it shows in each scene they're in. The other actors are truly great too inc Tim, Rachel, Winona, Ava and I especially like Ellen May ( got a soft spot for her ) due to her lifestyle and how she just wants out.

The various villains within each season are great and I'm glad the kept Wynn Duffy in the show as he's great along with Mikey. All the others have had an impact on the show and with me.

Each season just gets better and better though I'd give an average 9.4 of each as the first took a few episodes to let us viewers know what's going on in Harlem County plus as I said before it's been consistently impressive.

Will I rewatch the show next year...very good chance I will. I even looked into getting it on Apple TV and Blu Ray and I hardly do that for tv shows but this one holds a place in my heart showing the other side of America which I hardly see nowadays.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Great First 3 Episodes
6 March 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed the first three episodes and look forward to the remaining seven episodes. The whole show was mesmerising from the backdrop of 1600's Japan to the intricacy of character development is done with finesse.

The clash of different people and the language barrier at the beginning made this intriguing then Mariko acting as the translator made it more enjoyeable especially when James is trying to get his point across to the other Japanese characters.

It'll be very more interesting with the Catholic and Protestant line in the story and how it'll all come to a head sometime near the end

I absolutely love Mr Sanada and his acting ability especially from John Wick 4 but here in his own language he can express himself much more freely. The rest of the cast do a great job too and bring the characters to life

I have already bought the audiobooks by James Clavell and ordered the paperback edition of Shogun which I'm excited to read.

Overall the first few episodes were a great start to this amazing series and look forward to my weekly fix of storytelling.
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Elden Ring (2022 Video Game)
This Is A 10/10 Game
20 January 2024
This is an absolutely beautiful game that plays amazingly. You set into the world of Limgrave and you know you're playing something special especially when you encounter the first boss roaming around in the get humbled by him straight away. It's there I learnt to level up and come back later !

I loved the gameplay and the controls ain't too complex like some You Tubers said. Learn the controls and learn how to dodge, timing etc and you will defeat the boss ( any boss ) and when you do defeat a boss the feeling you get is absolutely incredible and you just want more.

I also loved how the map had kind of different biomes and wasn't one palette of colour, we have grassy areas, snow areas, fire areas etc which made it more immersive to me anyway.

FromSoftware hit a home run with this game to me it's perfect and I look forward to more DLC being included in the future.
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Wow Just Wow
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow and not in a good way !

The first part of this trilogy was good enough for me and set up the 2nd perfectly, the 2nd film with the whole " evil dies tonight " was so over the top it became funny. I might be in the minority that enjoyed the 2nd part of this trilogy apart from the hospital scene I just mentioned.

Now on to the mess of an so much potential wasted that was set up in the 2nd part. I was hoping Michael went on an absolute killing spree to get Laurie and anyone in the way gets it but nope they made a stupid and I mean stupid love story which didn't make sense ( who wants to leave a town with someone they've spent roughly a few days with ? Jeebus f.... it was so boring waiting on Michael to come out and be the badass that he is.

I thought Michael was immortal considering the amount of shots and knife stabs in the 2nd part he had done to him and I wish they kept him immortal for future directors/producers to keep this awesome franchise ( all the movies made ) going forward. Instead he's killed in a satisfying way to me but stupid how they got there in the first place. I don't see how they can make any more unless a reboot comes along in 5 years time with someone who loves the lore and the whole Michael vs Laurie as I felt that Michael wasn't even after Laurie in the first part of this trilogy until he was at her house out the blue plus how did he know where she lived ?

They did say the 3rd part would be decisive but from all comments seems like 98% hated it and me included do not know how this got released after the green light. Do Not Give David Gordon Greene and the writers of the 3rd part Ends any other franchise to make more of as they'll just ruin the crap out it.
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Extraction II (2023)
Another Hit
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This sequel is much more than the first, more action, more dialogue and the same acting standards as the first.

The story starts off with Rake ( Hemsworth ) being saved and his recuperation from the first then he meets Mr No Name ( Idris Elba 6") who gives him a mission to save his ex wife's sister who's being forced to live in a prison with her gangster husband.

The action kicks off soon as Rake is in the prison and never lets up.

The whole crew do an outstanding job on this and it deserves the 10/10 I gave it...I'm going to rewatch it again tonight it was that good.

The ending shows that a highly possible 3rd movie is going to be made, hopefully they just leave it after a 3rd as you can spoil a franchise by having too many of the same sort of storylines.
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The Matrix (1999)
Deserving Of A 10/10
21 May 2023
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This movie is so deserving of a 10/10...this is what cinema should be about nowadays ( 20+ years later ).

From the get go the film draws you straight in, the intrigue of the screen talking to Neo to Trinity talking to him in the club. The movie creates the character Neo and builds him throughout the movie and never stops until the very end scene.

The visuals are absolutely amazing especially the green tint when inside the Matrix letting the audience know what parts real and not. The cinematography is astounding and other films should take note of how this was made and perceived by the audience.

The action scenes ie fighting are amazingly choreographed and I know Keanu and Laurence spent months rehearsing their fight scenes and getting it right and it shows on screen.

The end when Neo stops the bullets made me tingle and smile so much knowing that something so beautiful was made.

20+ years later this movie still hits the top sci fi mark of top notch cinema and will never get old.
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Astounding Epic Finale
3 April 2023
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This was such an astoundingly epic finale to the trilogy. I was so taken by these 3 movies I watched them twice in a week and now I'm watching all the incredible behind the scenes bonus extras I got by purchasing them on iTunes.

The movie kicks off differently than the 2nd one, we see how Smeagol becomes Gollum by way of the strength of the one ring. Very interesting start to the movie.

Then it really kicks off from where 2nd one finished.

The cinematography was astonishing and breathtaking even though you only seen it via a display monitor.

I loved the acting and performances by the actors and stunt people alike. The epic battle scenes were amazingly choreographed which showed what can be done by professionals.

The ending was really good and I was content with the way Peter Jackson ended it

Now I've seen what Peter Jackson did it's time to go watch The Hobbit trilogy.
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Worth the 10/10
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a bit late to watching this trilogy even though I've got the book collection but never read it. I like watching then reading so I can have the images of characters in my mind while reading.

The story starts off perfectly introducing us to the main people who will be going on the long journey to Mordor which then starts the great pacing of the movie from leaving to Frodo and Sam standing on the mountain top looking in Mordors direction.

I found the casting was brilliant and they all played their part perfectly which made you feel like you were on the journey with them...some movies seem to miss this mark of taking you with the main protagonist/s

Overall 10/10 for me and will definitely rewatch this more than a few times ( I'll start reading the books once I've finished the last movie ) onwards to Mordor and what awaits in between !
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I have to give it a 8/10
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just have to give this chapter of John Wick 8/10.

The action set pieces are absolutely incredible and some choreography must've taken days if not weeks to get everyone prepared for the scenes but some of the fights show how it could've been done tighter ie an enemy in armour waits staggering about for Keanu to return and finish him off...keep an eye out and you'll notice this a few times.

The inclusion of the new characters brings freshness to the movie and the don't feel out of place could've done with a bit more of a background to them though.

John is carrying on his journey for freedom while taking on the Marquis DeGramont & his henchmen to arrive at a certain destination by sunrise and the journey there is just non stop action.

The pacing of the movie runs perfectly and you never get tired or bored, each set piece shot perfectly near enough especially the Arc De Triomph

The ending of the movie is and will be decisive to people and for me I'm happy with the ending and hope they end it here...don't know what to think about the end credit scene though !

If you loved the first 3 in this franchise then I believe you'll thoroughly enjoy this chapter from Mr Reeves and Mr Stahlelski.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Nope Nope Nope
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first episode on Amazon Prime and thought they cast Al and Jake quite well, well roll on and Jake does some surveillance on DeMohrenschildt which he does well into the 2nd half of the book not within a day or two of travelling back to 1963.

He meets Sadie ( love interest ) while escaping the area and bumps into her while she's reading a book on a bench waiting for her husband. In the book Jake meets Sadie at one of the teachers/librarian get to gethers.

I know they take creative liberties stuff when making shows based off books but this takes the piss...instead of 8 episodes it could've been upto 12 episodes showing more but slower. Will I watch the rest...I do not know !
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The Mist (2007)
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the 3rd Stephen King movie I've watched that had me glued to the screen. The atmosphere of this was astounding from the fog rolling in over the town and the first death of the teenager, the bible spewing lady who manages to grain a gathering that turns against the main protagonist and his group to the of the hardest hitting saddest endings I've ever endured. Will stick with me for quite a while.

I've gained a bit of a Stephen King addiction which is getting audiobooks and paperbacks of his most famous works, I'm on Dreamcatcher the now which is another great movie I'd recommend.
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Brilliantly Done
8 November 2022
I'm writing this middle of the way through season 3 which I'm really enjoying. I decided to watch this due to an interest in the Israel - Palestine conflict and how Israel handles itself by being surrounded by enemies. The storylines are gripping and the actors and especially great in this show. Also if you enjoyed this show I'd highly recommend reading or getting the audiobook Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman which is all about how Israel came to be and it's mostly about the targeted assassinations carried out by the Mossad. I'm waiting patiently on season 4 which should hit Netflix sometime before the end of 2022.
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Pathetic Awful Acting
5 May 2022
This movie is so bad. The story was ok but the acting has something to be desired especially the kind of unknown actresses and actors. Wouldn't recommend or watch again.
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6* Just For The Gore
20 February 2022
Man what an entirely dull movie this was, the gore was great but that's about it. The story was...not good and could've been much better. The actual location looked like it was and probably was built on a parking lot, it didn't seem like a little American Town even though I'm from Scotland. The only decent thing and I mean it was the end credits all flashing and bloodied tools. I thought that was cool. Would I watch a sequel...probably but just for the gore !
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A December Enough Movie
17 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed watching this movie due to the time travel and world ending event. The actors all play their parts quite good especially Chris Pratt and JK Simmons though I'd liked to have seen a bit more interaction between Chris's character and JK's character stretching out the father son dynamic.

The aliens were decent enough to be scary and lethal and I wouldn't have liked to come across them, the whole scene where they are in the city and the mob of aliens advancing on them looked crazy.

Time travel in this movie was just straight forward with it easily explained how it worked but had some holes in the plot of it but suspend belief at that point.

Just sit back and watch what was entertaining movie.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
A Decent Reboot
8 November 2021
I found this to be a decent reboot of the franchise but kind of hope that when next year's Halloween Ends comes out that that's it it's over forever as there's been too many reboots, sequels etc that makes the whole franchise all over the place and we have to suspend belief about characters and scenes etc.

The acting in this was pretty decent ( compared to Halloween Kills ) and it had the right amount of atmospheric scenes and gore for me to enjoy. It's not as great as the originals but what does nowadays ? I've left a review for the 2nd part in this reboot trilogy where I leave my thoughts about next years entry Halloween Kills.
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It's Jackie Chan * Contains A Little Spoiler Scene *
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I quite enjoyed this movie, stunts, action and at a decent pace what's not to like...well one thing I noticed which I sort of don't understand in movies is the beginning when the action first kicks in with the scientist guy and Mr Chan is in the car with the enemy pushing the front, why did Jackie shoot at the heart from that range....headshot ! That's all I'll say about that ! Other than that bit I suspended belief and just sat and enjoyed the movie for what it is..a decent action film.
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Tenet (2020)
Another Masterpiece
6 November 2021
This is another masterpiece from the legend Mr Nolan. I've enjoyed all his movies apart from Dunkirk for some reason, maybe I expected too much from it or that it was a bland story with brave civilians based on a true story.

From the opening I knew I'd really enjoy this after watching the trailers a few times and reading up on it. I loved the time travel aspect keeping entropy stable and how it all worked. I watched it twice back to back just like I do with all his other movies apart from yes Dunkirk.

Some people hate the protagonist but I found him enjoyable to watch and a decent end job acting in this. The other actors stood out on their own merits especially Branaghs character, played perfectly.

Will I watch this again....definitely just like I do with 2 others of Mr Nolan's movies being Inception and my favourite movie ( top 3 ) Interstellar ( I love space themed movies not matter what they are about I'll give them a try ).

Overall I gave it 10/10 because for me it was perfect with just a few flaws. Highly enjoyable experience.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Not Bad, Not Great Either
6 November 2021
I gave this 7/10 just for the action sequences as the story is a mix of other films before it Edge of Tomorrow being one of them.

The acting was so so. I never read anything about this or heard of the comic book so went in fresh mind with no bias.

Vin Diesel acted ok, nothing special about his or others performances but watchable. Will I watch it again...quite possibly just for the action bits. No need for a sequel as I don't know where they could go with the characters.

If you've nothing else to watch then watch this once and see for yourself if you enjoy or hate it. It's only about an hour and a half long.
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The Division 2 (2019 Video Game)
Great Sequel
12 July 2019
After playing the first game I was wary about getting this one but my worries were not needed. The game is excellent in every way, yeah there's a few bugs but not game breaking ones like in the first game.

The decision to make it in Washington D.C. was a great idea the atmosphere is like the movie I Am Legend just walking about D.C. bump g into random people or enemies. They have done a decent job of balancing the ' bullet sponge ' aspect as it doesn't take longer to kill enemies.

If you loved the first one you'll not regret purchasing this one !
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