
12 Reviews
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Modern Family: Under Pressure (2014)
Season 5, Episode 12
Cried my eyes out
6 April 2021
I am a lot like Alex, in mind and personality. I graduated last year, and I experienced everything she was going through in my last few years. I always felt like no one understood how much stress I was under, and only judged me for my failures. I'm in the middle of my gap year now, and I'm terrified of going back to school because I was constantly stressed, but I'm also hating not being in school because already I feel stupider. And apparently stress can lower your IQ, so I'm stressed that my stress made me dumber. Suffice to say, I have never seen a tv show that so accurately portrayed the feelings of being a high schooler; it's not the stereotypical depiction of a girl who is popular, dates boys, hates sports, does phenomenal things, all while never studying once and graduating with a 4.0. This is the first time I've ever thought the stress of high school was so perfectly represented on screen. Ariel Winter is a phenomenal actress to embody this character so well. I cried because I've felt Alex's pain, and it made me want to hug her. I didn't expect a comedy to make me cry so hard, but it's 100% worth it.
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Shallow and hard to watch
19 March 2021
I understand the comedy aspect behind the "friend-zoned fat guy turned hot new boyfriend" troupe, and I can see how that would be funny with a heart-felt storyline. But this whole movie really aggravates me. First off, the female lead is super shallow. She didn't rescue her BEST FRIEND from ridicule in front of all their peers, and she rejected his advances. Then, he lost a lot of weight, and all of a sudden, she's jealous of any girl who comes near him. She never appreciated his personality or his friendship until he had abs, and then she feels like she's owed something.

Now, onto the dude. I love Ryan Reynolds with all my heart, but this character was one of the worst I've ever seen. He's rude, manipulative, and insecure, and he uses his insecurities to be cruel and guilt trip his so-called friend. He feels likes he's entitled to his friend's love after all he's been through, and he acts like he's a victim. Both of them do.

In the end, neither of the main characters are redeemable or good people in any way, so I guess they deserve each other. If you want to watch two shallow, manipulative, rude people hurt each other until they decide they owe each other a relationship, this is the perfect movie.
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The Great: Parachute (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Hell yes
7 March 2021
I gave it ten stars for the bite alone. I'm loving Catherine's attitude lately.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Therapist (2019)
Season 6, Episode 11
Great episode
25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode, but Amy's intrusiveness and mockery of Terry's sex life bothers me. After rewatching a few times, I've started disliking Amy a bit more. She can sometimes be snobby, judgmental, selfish, and rude. Of course, I still love her, and all of the characters have multi-faceted personalities. I love that they're all human, but Amy has bothered me more than most. Also, Charles seems a little unprofessional in this episode. I assume that, as a cop, he should explore every lead based on the evidence. The therapist had DNA at the crime scene and had knowledge of the layout of the victim's apartment. Just because Charles loves his therapist, he dismissed an extremely suspicious suspect. It feels like he should do better than that.
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Lucifer: All About Eve (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
Take that, Decker!
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty, I'm DeckerStar for life, but come on. She BETRAYED him. He has always loved, respected, and protected her. Even when he did stupid things, it was either for her or out of fear she would hate him. His whole world has become CHLOE. I love them together, but she honestly doesn't deserve Lucifer. He is always honest and open, and she has almost never believed him. In return for his honesty, she deceived him. She doubts him constantly and makes him feel horrible about himself because he puts her on a pedestal and loathes himself when she gets hurt. She takes him for granted. And then, when she finds out the man that NEVER lies turns out to be telling the truth, she almost gets him killed! Instead of talking with him and working it out like partners. The worst thing Linda did was hide away, and she's not the love of his life. She didn't truly love him, otherwise she would have accepted him. He showed his most vulnerable side, and she tried to destroy him for it. I don't like Eve any better, but at least she isn't judgmental. At least she accepts him. Chloe was too late, and Eve was there, so Lucifer chose the person who loved him unconditionally. Poor devil is going through hell right now.
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Lucifer: Everything's Okay (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
Poor Lucifer
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is my second time watching this series, and I kinda forgot about Chloe's (initial) betrayal, and I'm PISSED. All she had to do was BE HONEST!!! She KNOWS him!! Linda was terrified, but she KNEW him and came to terms with him, and she is just his therapist! Chloe is the woman he loves, who he trusts and is vulnerable with, more so than anyone else. I can't believe what she's doing. I mean, I understand it, yes, but COME ON!!

Honestly it breaks my heart, and this is just the beginning. My first reaction when I remembered what she chose to do was "BIIIIITTTTTTTCCCCCCHHHHHH?" So yeah, great show, pisses me off and breaks my heart. Have a good day.
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Lucifer: Boo Normal (2018)
Season 3, Episode 25
I love this episode
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We needed an Ella episode. She is by far the best person on the show in terms of sweetness and love, and she deserves the world. It was so precious to see her and Lucifer together. They just love each other and their friendship is the purest. And when she said she might consider moving, I love how he was just astonished and said "Don't you DARE go." Everything Ella touches is just a thousand times better, so much so that angels can't resist her light. I love this episode, this girl, and this show. And somehow, without even seeing Azrael before, this show made me cry over her. The fact that she can't be with those she loves, so she brings them together so they can love each other, it breaks my heart. She is a wonderful character and I hope we see her in the future because she seems to be the only sibling that loves, misses, and cares for Lucifer.
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Lucifer: Infernal Guinea Pig (2018)
Season 3, Episode 16
Good episode
12 February 2021
Not the best, not the worst, but it's funny and entertaining. I gave it the 10 stars just for Maze's Cain walk.
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New Girl: Elaine's Big Day (2013)
Season 2, Episode 25
Love it, love Ness, love this show
21 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the fact that I hated Jess when she assumed Nick sabo'd the wedding, I love this episode. I wish Schmidt didn't have to choose between Cece and Elizabeth, though because I know what he chooses to do and it makes the 3rd season less enjoyable, but Ness makes up for it. The music is wonderful, and the ending makes me so happy.
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Easy A (2010)
A new take on a teen movie
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is really fun to watch because it doesn't follow all the teen tropes. Sure, the guy gets the girl, and the girl goes from unpopular to being the talk of the school. But it's all about her, not what some guy did to her or how some guy helped her get through high school. She created her story, and she made her own decisions to build up her social status. Is it kind of silly how and why it all started? Yes. Would a real high school react the same way? Not at all. But it's entertaining because she is so radically different than most female characters in a teen movie. She smart and witty, and she's wholly responsible for everything that's happened to her. She knows she created this mess, and she doesn't beg for help fixing it. Her family is also witty and awesome, and they raised her to be independent and self-sufficient. It's really fun to see and competent girl make stupid choices and fix them without anyone's help (except with one scene in which a guy BARELY assisted her). The most surprising thing about this movie for me was the love interest Todd. Throughout the movie, Olive and Todd have these wonderful quick interactions that display chemistry and wit. They just work well together. She didn't really pine after him or even focus on him until the end. It's so fun to see a cute relationship between a guy and a girl who like each other that's not part of the main storyline. I've seen action films that focus on more romance than this movie. It's kind of obvious that Todd likes Olive, but there's also a real feeling that these characters could stay good friends at the end of the movie and it would be believable. It's also really awesome that Todd doesn't shame Olive as she transforms her reputation. Most of the time, the girl would be flying high and the guy she likes would criticize her new self and she'd have a breakdown and revelation. But Todd and Olive just stay as they are, and Todd respects her and doesn't believe anyone else's rumors because he knows who she is. Another great character is Olive's favorite teacher. He reminds me of one of my favorite teachers in that he's just a cool dude who can spot a smart and capable student and treats them as a peer. Overall, it's a good movie. There's some secondhand embarrassment that you'll want to avoid if you cringe real bad at it (like me). But I think it's a good watch.
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Great Movie!!
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
With any monster movie, there are many tropes consistent with the genre. A real sign of a good monster movie is one that surpasses the norm, as well as keeps the tropes entertaining. This movie does just that. The plot is interesting, the scenarios are funny and exciting, and somehow this movie sends important messages and emotional scenes without and clunkiness in the storyline. It is by no means a classic, but I would absolutely watch it again. It is a great movie. There is only one question I want answered: WHERE THE HECK IS BOY'S DRESS?! This is something I desperately need to know!!!
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Prom (2011)
Honestly not that bad
17 April 2020
I knew the second I watched the trailer that it wouldn't be a good movie. The quality, acting, and characters were all kinds of bad. But it was still cute and funny, and it had a happy ending. It was certainly enticing enough. It made me flip off a couple of characters for being sucky, so it can definitely keep your attention. Plus, the main guy Jesse was reeallllllllyyyyyyyyyyy cute. He was pretty much the main reason I watched. He reminded me of Flynn Rider. Anyways, this movie is good for curing boredom. If you like teen acting and happy-ending storylines, enjoy. It's a good pick-me-up.
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