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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
The haters are voting down for spite
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm binge watching BB again in 2024. My memory isn't that great which is good for me as I can't remember everything that happened, so it's almost like watching it all again.

Sure there are flaws in some aspects of this episode. But that shouldn't detract from the reasons why this has so many 10/10 reviews.

It quite simply is a masterpiece of writing, direction, cinematography. I haven't watched a series that has me so gripped and invested in it. I loved the slower burn of Better Call Saul and I thank the writers and producers for giving us 2 great series that I can't see being bettered any time soon.

Spoiler Alert

I'm glad Hank is dead.
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Sexy Beast (2024– )
Why the hate, it's just good fun
10 February 2024
On its own, without it being a prequel, it's good, funny, gripping.

As a prequel it may not live up to the film, but I'm not sure why all the hate. Sure there is a bit too much effort to get some of the original lines in, but overall it doesn't detract in any way shape or firm.

Tamsin Greig couldn't get any further from her character in Friday Night Dinner, but she is top notch in this-funby and horrible in equal measures.

Emun Elliott as Don Logan and Jane's McArdle as Gal Dove are equally as impressive in their roles in my humble opinion.

But without giving anything away, just enjoy the ride and don't try comparing to the film and enjoy it for what it is, a sometimes funny, sometimes gripping, sometimes violent crime drama.
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The Lion King (2019)
Visually good, it's ok
26 December 2023
I'm not sure what people were expecting from the remake of an old story. Maybe they were expecting Die Hard with lions?

It's a pretty faithful remake of the animated Lion King, but does miss something somewhere along the way.

Visually it's pretty good, some say the animals lack expression, but you either have realism or make the animals weird with too much expression.

Weirdly I thought Beyonce's voice ruined parts of the film as it just didn't seem to fit the character and her over the top shouty singing further ruining some of the music.

Overall, it's ok, enjoy it and just go along for the ride.
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I liked, not sure why
18 March 2023
I liked this more than I should.

Not sure why, but it is sort of captivating.

Essentially the boss of the company is murdered and in walks "The Consultant" to take over. Sure there are massive plot holes, but I suppose you could say that about anything.

It sort of goes along at a steady pace and you will get in the end why he has problems getting up the stairs ( don't want to spoil that for anyone) But in the end it just stops without any proper explanation or why etc etc The acting was pretty good, the cinematography good, it's enjoyable but I want more!!

I hope there's more to come from this wonderful weirdness.
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Midsommar (2019)
Marmite film just misses
19 June 2022
This could of been so much better if it was tidied up a bit, but the biggest problem is that it is just too long.

Visually it's great The acting is good The story is good (all be it a Wicker Man rip off) But It feels disjointed and doesn't flow, it's biggest problem is the length, it's 30-45 mins too long which is weird as it also feels shallow.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but it is just a bit meh!
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Chalk and cheese between series 1 and 2
2 June 2022
I will keep this really simple.

Series 1 was fresh, funny and clever. I really liked it,. I would rate it a good 9/10.

Series 2, it's just meh! It is boring and not clever. In fact Natasha Lyonne is really annoying and over the top like some old hammed up thespian actor. It's like the success has gone to her head.

So series 1, watch it, series 2, don't bother.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Teen tick box exercise
20 March 2022
It's ok is the best thing I can say about this obviously directed at teens drama. If it's not directed at teens then it's way off the mark.

It's too long and too clichéd.

If you liked drivel such as Twilight, then you will probably think this is the best series ever.

The idea is there, the execution isn't. Watchable ish. Who sone it? I really didn't care.
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Intriguing and interesting
26 February 2022
Based on the true story of the Russian born con woman Anna (Delvey) Sorokin I found this pretty enjoyable and interesting, if not maybe a tad too long.

One criticism is the accent of Julia Garner in portraying Sorokin, which I initially thought was the worst Russian/German accent ever.

However I will eat some humble pie as if you have ever heard Sorokin speak Garners portrayal is 100% accurate.
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Waterloo Road (2006– )
Grown up Grange Hill
14 November 2021
I missed this first time round and have recently gone through most of the series on iPlayer.

It can be gritty and funny in equal measures. I'm sure there there will be a situation that people will be able to personally relate to (good and bad).

If I'm being honest, there are more plot holes than Swiss cheese with teachers and pupils disappearing never to be referenced again in following series, but go along for the ride and you will enjoy it.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Not sure if this is the way
27 August 2021
Enjoyable in parts, but a bit too repetitive. Needs to be more story driven and less Marvel, DC or Disney, oh wait that won't work as it is Disney!

It's not bad but just not great and those giving it 10s are either very easily pleased or on Disney's payroll.
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Son of Saul (2015)
Wanted to appreciate, but just doesn't draw you in
4 June 2020
First the 4.3 perspective I found annoying, I'm not sure if the purpose was to make the film claustrophobic, but either way it doesn't work for me.

Secondly, although there was many aspects of the film I liked, overall it just seemed really unrealistic as Saul can seemingly just wonder around from one place to another in a Nazi death camp. I think in reality he would of been shot in the first 10 minutes.

Thirdly and lastly, the over the head camera view I just couldn't get on with.
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Westworld: Genre (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
It's Westworld Jim, but not as we know it
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So far removed from the original and morphed into something completely different. I enjoy bits of it, but on the whole it's become pretentious and up itself. What I hated about this episode Dolores The slowest car chase ever Another side story that doesn't need a whole episode Music that is too loud and doesn't fit.
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Great potential, poor, slow reality series
15 March 2020
I was really looking forward to this, I hoped it would explain, educate in a way that would grip you as much as an outbreak of ebola, what I was left with was little more than a runny nose.

It follows various health care professionals in what is little more than a slow and boring reality series. It is far too long, the subject matter could be told in 2 episodes let alone 6. There are some interesting things, some interesting facts, but nothing that you will either feel you are entertained or informed.

There is an 8 minute video online made by the same people about the current coronavirus outbreak that is more interesting than this.
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Westworld: Les Écorchés (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
It's good and silly in equal measures
3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's just unbelievable when a host seduces a soldier /guard to lower his gun. It just wouldn't happen. I found some of the narrative good, the action scenes are just a bit boring. This episode sums up everything that was right with season 1 and everything that is wrong with season 2. I still enjoy it, but the lows for me far outweigh the highs. And Delores, a character I liked, I just don't care anymore, in fact I wish she was killed off.
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It is a Star Wars Story
1 March 2020
I have got to admit, I didn't really fancy it, loads of negative reviews,however with some downtime I decided to take the plunge. I enjoyed this more than episodes 7,8 & 9. They don't feel like Star Wars to me, just a similar more polished dumbing down of the originals, but this felt more in keeping with the true Star Wars universe, a bit like Rogue One. It's not brilliant, but equally it's not bad, just enjoy the ride and it's pretty good.
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Westworld: Akane no Mai (2018)
Season 2, Episode 5
Yes I get it, just don't like it
25 February 2020
This episode is not as bad as some make out. There is also a lot of patronising comments from people that think they are somehow above everyone else. But, I do get it, I just found it unnecessary, dare I say it stale rather than lazy writing. Although I am enjoying Westworld, it sometimes literally loses the plot. I have never watched anything that makes me feel so marmite, one episode I love and another I hate.
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The Favourite (2018)
It's all a bit meh!
2 February 2020
I remember this getting rave reviews on release. I only got round to watching it January 2020. If you are expecting some sort of accurate historical drama then you will be disappointed, I wasn't but I was expecting something more from it, but what I can't really put my finger on it. If you don't already know The Favourite is loosely based on the life of Queen Anne who was the British Queen in the early 1700's

Coleman, Stone and Weisz all deliver good performances, the settings are lavish, the costumes great, but it just a bit boring.

The humour is all a bit meh and misses rather hits the mark. Saying the word a lot doesn't make it funny. Overall, it's OK, just not great, it's not going to be a Favourite of mine.
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Interesting, inaccurate, but ok
27 January 2020
This film is interesting, but it is certainly not a true depiction of the holocaust or events surrounding it. Somehow it just doesn't feel authentic in the way it looks. Reading the reviews, most will love it or hate it, but I just thought it was OK, or to be fair just a bit better than ok. Those that say in their reviews that children were not in concentration camps and were immediately sent to their deaths obviously have no real knowledge of concentration camps in nazi Germany as although most were, not all were and it is no surprise that those that don't really have any knowledge of the subject generally score this film really low.

My advice is watch this film as a piece of fiction and not historical fact and you will enjoy it more.
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Cats (2019)
More fun coughing up fur balls
23 December 2019
No no no and no, I was unlucky enough to be dragged along to a pre screening of this absolute drivel. I can't find anything redeeming about this film. It's cringy beyond cringy. Don't do it. You will waste nearly 2 hours of your life if you go to watch this that you can never get back and you might be mentally scarred for life. It is really that grim.
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This is not the franchise I was looking for
20 December 2019
It's not bad, but it's certainly not great either. I remember watching "A New Hope" as a kid and being mesmerised by it, causing a manhunt when 10 as my mum let me watch "The Empire Strikes Back" on my own but I hid in the cinema and watched the next 2 showings before emerging from the cinema at about 10.30pm to be greeted by my distraught mum and half of Kent Constabulary. Still I didn't care, I had witnessed what I thought was the greatest film ever. Jedi (episode 6) was flawed, but still very Star Wars. I remember the excitement as an adult when the first 3 episodes were muted, only to be met by some of the worst drivel I have ever witnessed (Mr Lucas you should be ashamed) . So we fast forward to Disney's adaptation of the Star Wars universe, Its all just a bit meh, this film included, yes its more polished and spectacular, but if it wasn't Star Wars it would be panned even more than I expect it will be. I don't really buy into the characters, they are all safe and boring. It's messy, long and dare I say it, tired with no direction just ticking boxes. Nothing really makes any sense. I don't want to give anything away from this film, but even the return of an old enemy feels desperate like the writers were trying to appease die hard fans, but it's no Vader. Overall I don't think the Disney juggernaut has brought anything to the Star Wars universe (although I enjoyed the stand alone Rogue One) this film may conclude the seties, but by no means as a true Star Wars fan do I feel satisfied, but the sadder thing is I don't think I want any more.
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Batman Begins (2005)
10 November 2019
This has got to be one of the most boring overrated films I have ever seen. It is so slow, does much happen, No. If it's your bag, then fine but sorry not for me. That's 2 hours + of my life wasted.
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Things that make you go mmmmn, but not in a good way!!!
30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love Star Wars, I grew up with it (I'm 46 years old) and although I enjoyed this film in part, it just doesn't feel like a Star Wars film for the following reasons. **These answers may be plot spoiling-so read on only if you don't want anything revealed** Where is the bad guy, the Vader, the emperor etc. There just isn't one and hasn't been one since Return of the Jedi. Kylo Ren is like a spoilt brat rather than a baddie, Snoke has had zero character development, came from nowhere and before you can blink has bogged off again-completely pointless!!!!

There is very little continuity from Star Wars of old and the characters that are still there are paid very little lip service. I kinda get Disney need to make more fluffy toys and new robots (I actually like BB8) but he is just really a rolling R2D2 after all-it just feels like a money making exercise.

I have read some other reviews and totally agree that there is a massive part of the film that doesn't really need to be in it and could of been done in 10 minutes instead of wasting approximately 35-40 minutes of the film. It served no purpose at all.

To sum up, is the film Star wars-kind of is what I can say, if I'm honest I don't really know? Did I enjoy it, kind of-but again I don't really know. Will episode 9 be any good, well on this showing, it can't be as there isn't really anything to come before it except a cheesy Rey and Ren thing going on which has no past to link it with anything and it is to late to do anything about it. So in a nutshell, watch it, but don't expect a bona fide Star Wars experience. Of all the new films thus far the stand alone Rogue One has captured the Star Wars space opera far more than both Awakens and the Last Jedi.
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