
18 Reviews
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ECW One Night Stand (2006 TV Special)
ECW One Night Stand Review
12 June 2006
I'm not a big ECW fan , personally I find the whole concept of the company over-rated and I think ECW fans are nothing but a flock of sheep who would get excited over anything remotely linked with ECW that is put it front of them. Not to mention considering its a programme viewed by mostly over 18 males, they show an incredible amount of immaturity. Anyway to the show Firstly Heyman comes out and feeds his sheep some grass, otherwise known as milking up to the ECW crowd so they cheer his name.

1. Tazz Vs. The King - 3/10, not really a match more of a segment, ends in no time with an unsurprising end.

2. Randy Orton Vs. Kurt Angle - 7/10 A very good show put on by the WWE guys, but my main issue with this match was the ECW crowd, there chants towards Orton were very child like and silly, it was like being back in the playground at school, the best they could do were a few ridiculous homophobic jokes, I thought that was pretty low but it sums up the narrow mindedness of a common day ECW mark.

3. The FBI Vs. Super Crazy - 7/10 A very good cruiser-weight match, nothing different to the stuff we see on Smackdown most weeks.

4. Rey Mysterio Vs. Sabu WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE - 8.5/10 Iv always criticised Sabu for being no more then a glorified stuntman, but hey the guy can pull of some stunts, there is an awesome spot at the end of this match, truly worth a thumbs up from me. Truly worth the 8.5/10 rating.

JBL gets on the Mic and delivers a great promo ripping on the ECW fans.

5. Edge/Foley/Lita Vs. Funk/Dreamer/Bellulah - 8/10 As good as Foley/Edge Wrestlemania if not better, incredible that 61 year old funk is willing to take bumps like that, he deserves credit. Dreamer for me did nothing as i expected, Edge/Foley carried much of this match making it great.

6. Balls Mahoney Vs. Tanaka - 5/10 Didn't really care for this match, wasn't anything special, more of a toilet break type match.

Eugene meets the Sandman aka drunk, fat, sexual predatory crack head. To see people cheer for a low life scum like the Sandman makes me sick. Another place where ECW fans lose their credibility by cheering for a total loser like him.

7. RVD Vs. John Cena WWE Championship - 8/10 Funny beginning to the match Cena throws his hat and shirt into the crowd, perhaps rather stupidly the ECW fans keep throwing it back, stupid because that shirt could be worth a penny or two, anyway Cena keeps throwing it back for a few Min's. People say crowd made this match well I don't think they made it that much because you knew what they were going to do and say to Cena and it was like been there done that. For me Cena made this match, seeing him revert to a heel role was great to see, beating up the referee, mocking the crowd, performing illegal moves albeit it was nodq match it was good to see. Cena hits RVD with a pretty impressive DDT on the steel chair and I think ECW fans in a weird way acknowledged he'd done something good, although they chanted "you still suck" after each pretty impressive Cena move, I think those chants were rather sinister. Ending was a bit surprising which added to what was a very good match.
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WrestleMania 22 (2006 TV Special)
Wrestlemania 22
3 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A very enjoyable Wrestlemania, a lot better then last year. Great matches, a crowd that was loud, bizarre and relentless. Here's a recap

1. Chris Masters & Carlito Vs. Big Show & Kane - Tag Titles 7/10, A solid opener with Kane and Big Show coming off really effective as the dominant force, Carlito was way over with the crowd in this one. WINNER - BIG SHOW AND KANE

2. Money In The Bank Ladder Match 9/10 I can't stress how much I enjoyed this match, it was far better then last year's, Benjamin and R.V.D were awesome, Benjamin performs a leap from the top rope onto the ladder, absolute awesome. Lashley was pretty poor, Hardy, Flair and Finlay held their own. R.V.D was way over. WINNER - RVD

3. Chris Benoit Vs. J.B.L - US Title 5/10 As expected an average match, I like JBL's promos but he's not the most entertaining wrestler to watch. A bit of a surprising and anti climatic ending. WINNER - JBL

4. Edge Vs. Mick Foley - Hardcore Match 7.5/10 Super match, great spots, the ending was awesome, you must see it. Hats off to the risk taking from Edge and Foley. WINNER - EDGE

A super segment involving Snitsky, Mae Young, Goldust, Booker T, Sharmell, Million Dollar Man and Eugene.

5. Booker T & Sharmell Vs. Boogeyman 3.5/10 As I didn't expect much from this match I wasn't too disappointed but it's fair to say Boogeyman cannot wrestle a dot bit. The match is rather predictable to be honest. Boring chants break out during the match. WINNER - BOOGEYMAN

6. Trish Stratus Vs. Mickie James - Women's Title 6.5/10 A strong women's encounter but what was most exciting was the crowd, Mickie was so over with the crowd, everything she did was cheered and Trish was predominantly booed out the building. It was going so well and I was growing on Mickie but then she proved what I've been saying for months, she's sloppy. She botches a stratus faction which the crowd let her know about. WINNER - MICKIE

7. Undertaker Vs. Mark Henry - Casket Match 4/10 Now I am no huge Undertaker fan but this guy deserves so much better then Mark Henry, Undertaker tried as hard as he could but Henry is just so lame that there is nothing Taker can do to make this match interesting, it's slow, boring and so predictable even for the most retarded mark. WINNER - UNDERTAKER

Another great segment this time with the McMahon's, Vince says a prayer and has a few words with God - funny stuff.

8. Shawn Michaels Vs. Vince McMahon - No Holds Barred 7/10 A plain and simple McMahon beat down from HBK, it is so much fun to watch and probably edges the Hogan/Vince match of WM19. HBK performs a stunning elbow drop from the top of a ladder. WINNER - HBK

9. Rey Mysterio Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Title 8/10 I wanted and thought I would be giving this match 10/10 but due to the fact it was so short I just couldn't do it, none the less it was very good, Kurt Angle carried this match like never before, he was at his best. As for Rey, well I felt sorry for him, it was his crowning moment and the crowd pooed all over it, they booed him every time he went to hit Angle, a shame really but hey it's Kurt Angle you beat him up you annoy a heck load of people. WINNER - REY MYSTERIO

10. Torrie Vs. Candice - Pillow fight 2/10 Oh dear, okay these two are so sexy but they are so lame in the ring it becomes a crime to watch, as expected from the rampaging crowd, they proceed in crapping all over this match. An awful match but it wasn't pointless as they needed a toilet break match in somewhere. They also needed a match to put in between the World title matches in order to kill the crowd, which they did and did so in flying colours. WINNER - TORRIE

11. John Cena Vs. Triple H - WWE Championship 9/10 Remember Rock/Hogan WM18 how the crowd ate up and made that match, well exactly the same here. This match was the main event and judging by crowd reaction to it, it's good it was. It wasn't a technical wrestling showcase but a heart pounding, near falls, emotionally charged match up. They both have weird entrances by the way. At first the crowd really get on Cena's back and are well into the Game, I thought both men played to the crowd spectacularly, I thought a few of the chants towards Cena were unacceptable and went beyond what it should go, after all this is just entertainment. As the match went on the crowd got louder and louder and they seemed to swerve a bit towards Cena that made for the old 50/50 chanting banter, a "Let's go Cena" "Cena sucks" chant breaks out, really good stuff and a few more false endings before the match comes to a dramatic and surprising ending. WINNER - JOHN CENA

All in all a very good Wrestlemania, anyone who says otherwise is just sum stuck up smark who can't get their head out their rare end. The crowd were brutal and loud, thumbs up to Wrestlemania 22. Some strong matches but a few diobolical ones.
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WWE Royal Rumble (2006 TV Special)
Royal Rumble
31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not an outstanding night, but i was very surprised at how the matches boiled out and the rumble winner left me thinking i was still sleeping. So once again wwe relies on shock value for the second pay per view running in order to be a success.

1. Cruiserweight Open. 8/10 Bar the Rumble this match was the best of the night, it was so good, great moves, great finishers and some high flying as well, top match and great way to start off the pay per view.

2. Boogeyman Vs JBL. 4/10 Wasn't really a "match" well what did you expect. It was more of a creepy segment with punch and kicks.

3. Ashley Vs Mickie James. REF - Trish 3/10 It started well for these two, Ashley looked better in ring but after 5 minutes it turned into a horror show, they got sloppy, Trish got bored, Ashley started getting booed because all she was doing was fake, and i mean FAKE! punching and kicking, it was that bad. Ashley needs work and fast!

4. Royal Rumble. 9/10 Quite a surprise to see this match 3rd on the card but at then end of the show it became clear why. It was a great rumble match as usual, a bit better then last year, mostly because i was so shocked Mysterio won, even though there were rumours he would, i didn't believe it, then when he was left with Orton i was sure Orton would win, but it was Rey!

5. John Cena Vs Edge WWE CHAMPIONSHIP. 6/10 Once again i was quite at surprise with the result, even though there were rumours Cena would win it back so soon, i just couldn't see it happening. The match was okay, considering they haven't worked together much it was okay but nothing special or to write home about. Great entrance from Cena and big pop for his victory.

6. Mark Henry Vs Kurt Angle WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. 5/10 Well it was Mark Henry and not even the great Angle could get a match out of him, plus this match was so predictable that i couldn't even be bothered to concentrate, saying that there was nothing special to concentrate on. The end of the match made it all too clear why the booking of the PPV was in such bizarre order, yes the once again boring lacklustre return of the Undertaker, i am getting so sick of this guy.

Overall a good night for shock value, plus the super cruiser weight match, the ending was very annoying, but not for Undertaker fans.
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WWE New Year's Revolution (2006 TV Special)
New Years Revolution
10 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A very poor pay per view, which was only saved a rating of 5, by the shock that happened at the end. anyone who tells you differently is lying and is purely over excited just because cena lost the title. it was an awful pay per view.

1. Ric Flair Vs Edge IC TITLE 5/10 Not great, all ric flair obviously did was chop, the ending was pathetic.

2. Mickie James vs Trish Stratus WOMENS TITLE 4/10 a decent womens match though overshadowed by mickie james sloppiness, shes better then a lot but she still needs a bit of work.

3. Jerry Lawler Vs Gregory Helms 3/10 A card filler, no i repeat that a crap card filler, nobody cared and rightly so.

4. Big Show Vs Triple H 6/10 A decent match certainly better then the others, was a bit slow though , but what do you expect from Big Slow, i mean Big Show.

5. Shelton Benjamin Vs Viscera 3/10 Another woeful card filler made even worse by the loudness of Benjy's "Momma"

6. Bra and Panties gauntlet - Ill rate this one on how good the divas look, Torrie 8/10 Victoria 8/10 Maria 7.5/10 Ashley 9.5/10 Candice 9/10

7. Elimination Chamber 7/10 Best match of the night but the worse chamber so far, crowd was well into it or should i say well into cena, for and against, lots of boos and cheers but you could hear the boo boys loud and clear, which slightly took away the gist of the match , it was meant to be a chamber match, not a war between cena and his haters.elimination orders were done in a strange way and not in a good way, then of course the win is completed by a few roll ups, great!! NOT!

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WWE Survivor Series (2005 TV Special)
Survivor Series
28 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A very enjoyable Pay per View, not once match that i felt i was being ripped off for.

1. Booker T Vs. Chris Benoit.

7/10 Quite a slow match and quite long too, I'm not into slow matches, even though when for instance these two are involved it is technically good, slow but a good old fashioned wrestling match. crap predictable finish though.

2. Trish(WOMENS CHAMPION) Vs. Melina.

6/10 A good womens match, Melina was funny, she kept screaming. Trish showed her usual class and melina looked good for her first championship match.


3. Triple H Vs. Ric Flair. LAST MAN STANDING 7/10 A good match but too similar to there taboo tuesday meeting, except no cage this time, lots of blood spills from ric flair, triple h surprisingly didn't cut in this match.


4. John Cena(WWE CHAMPION) Vs. Kurt Angle. DAIVARI REFEREE 8/10 Very similar to Cena Jericho Summerslam, not just the match but the crowd as well, crowd were dead 50 50, Lets go Cena, Lets go Angle , and at times there was Cenangle sucks chants lol it sounded funny, crowd were competing so much they drained each other out. I think when a crowd is 50 50 the match tends to be better, it tends to be faster just like this one was, Cena slaps daivari across the face a few times after dodgy refereeing, that was funny, got cheers from everyone as well. A very good match, Cena was allowed a lot more offence then he normally is. As a Cena fan i admit you could hear the boos, but you could also the cheers, though when Cena wins i think even his haters appreciate it was a top match and they actually applaud him.

5. Bischoff Vs. Long

4/10 As expected a woeful match, boring chants break out, but at least theodore long was funny, he was dancing during the match, the crowd found it amusing as well. Boogeyman finally gets in the ring.

6. Batista,Orton,Mysterio,Lashley,JBL Vs. HBK,Masters,Carlito,Kane,Show.

9/10 best Match of the night, also an indication of he future of wwe. Lashley is given about 5 minutes to show his skills(FUTURE) Masters gets to the last 2 for RAW whereas Kane and Show are long gone. Randy Orton scores the win, showing that he is indeed the future, Batista surprisingly as the champ was eliminated very early, maybe an indication that his dominance is coming to an end. The match was great very equal crowd, i was most impressed with JBL and Orton, i thought they did great in this. Undertaker of course returned spectacularly again, but for goodness sake enoughs enoughs, this whole deadman coming back from dead thing is getting over used.

all in all a very good pay per view, a pay per view which i believes indicates the future of the wwe, with huge wins for Orton and Cena, coupled with Batista's early exit.
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Sleepover Club will truly put you to sleep
27 October 2005
This programme is a JOKE. It is beyond me as to why and how people watch this show, the actors and actresses are woeful and i mean woeful, the story lines are ridiculous and Australians have lowered themselves in being the culprits of making this horrific joke of a programme. My two sisters watch it and i actually sometimes leave the room because i am offended by the poorness of the show. this programme makes me sick. The whole manchester united thing makes me upset as there name is automatically offended when mentioned in this programme. the worse actor is the fat girl with blonde hair, she has no idea what shes doing and she needs to take up serious acting classes. people who watch this show are people with low attention spams, people who are easily amused and people who don't understand the word "ACTING"
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Dukes Of Hazzard
20 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I would agree with many that the film is at times mediocre and offers nothing, but i believe the original shows were over rated, they were very slow paced and tended to get boring. I don't believe the film has ruined the show as the show is nothing special. As far as individuals Sean William Scott has his mildly funny moments whereas Johnny Knoxville has NONE.Jessica Simpson hardly says anything so we cant really judge her as an actress yet but in terms of looks, she looks STUNNING in this movie especially the pink bikini scene, without her i would have given the movie a 2 rating. Overall below average movie not enough funny bits , too many silly spoofs and not much of a story.
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WWE Survivor Series (2004 TV Special)
Survivor Series
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A good survivor series

1. Rey Mysterio Vs Billy Kidman Vs Chavo Guerrero Vs Spike Dudley(CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION) fatal 4 way cruiserweight title match

7/10 A good match with a few high flying sparks , a very good way to kick off the event.

2. Christian vs Shelton Benjamin(IC CHAMP) IC TITLE MATCH

7/10 Another good match, these two work well together so the match always has a good pace.the fans are in to it as well.

3.Kurt Angle,Carlito,Jindrak,Reigns Vs Eddie Guerrero,John Cena,Big Show,Rob Van Dam

5/10 only bright exciting spark was cenas return, match was virtually angle vs the rest after carlito left the arena.jindrak and reigns are just two useless pines.

4. Undertaker Vs Heidenreich

6.5/10 A decent match you wont get better from these two ill tell you that now, taker carries heidenreich for much of the contest, but a decent first match in what i believe was a decent rivalry

5. Lita Vs Trish(WOMENS CHAMP) womens title match

2/10 Match never really begins as Lita gets disqualified for using the chair, she beats the crap out of trish and that is pretty much it.


6.5/10 Again a decent match, a few good run ins by jordan and matthews add some suspicion but all in all nothing special , pretty much a fight.

7. Chris Jericho,Chris Benoit,Randy Orton,Maven Vs Triple H,Edge,Batista,Snitsky

8/10 Best match of the night,a few notes. firstly its clear after tonight maven is nothing , he gets beat up backstage by snitsky then makes a run in during the match,the thing is the fans don't seem to care you hardly hear a cheer on his return, Snitsky I thought was impressive , he had a segment with heidenreich earlier which cracked me up, he had a mini disagreement with triple h during the match which led to him pushing down the game and his chair bashing and evil grins were also tops me snitksy was the performer of the night , the match was great good moves good pace crowd always into it .and a nice end...

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WWE Backlash (2005 TV Special)
Backlash 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not a great pay per viewed, far too many average matches.....

1. Shelton benjamin (IC CHAMP) Vs Chris Jericho

8.5/10 easily the best match of the night ..way to kick things off .benjamins performance is his best to date..he performs athletism like you wont believe in which he jumps from the mat onto the top rope and superplexes jericho...crowd were 50 50 which always adds excitement..jericho was average ..he could do better .but i guess he was thinking of FOZZY.

2. Hurricane and Rosey Vs LA Resistance vs Regal and Tajiri(CHAMPS) vs Heatthrobs

5/10 Average nothing special tag titles are nothing as we see because the pathetic hurricane and rosey win the match.. though it was better then i expected. and crowd were surprisingly into it.

3. Kane Vs Viscera

6.5/10 This rating isn't really for the match as the match was poor as you would expect was the ending which was tops..viscera beating the hell out of trish which was hilarious and the crowd loved it as well

4. Edge vs Benoit Last Man Standing

6.5/10 Not impressed by this match , it was very average, just didn't seem to really ever get exciting.

5. Hulk Hogan and HBK Vs Hassan and Daivari

6/10 Hogan is in it so it obviously isn't that good . it was an average match with an average ending ...the celebrations were cool though ...including a fat guy with rolls coming in the ring doing hogan poses.


6.5/10 Once again just average ...unfortunately due to batista relying on triple h's carrying the crowd were lost halfway through and as batista try to pump them up with his wannabee warrior antics..he was simply booed by the crowd(WHICH I LOVED LOLOL)Average match average ending but cool build up because of triple h saying "THE PEDIGREE IS THE TRUTH" lololol luvd it
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WWE the Great American Bash (2005 TV Special)
great American bash 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
a million times better then last years but still not great. may be in wrong order


5.5/10 raw look on and be jealous ....proper tag teams.. surprisingly a short match which got it its 5 rating but it was still decent and these are two good tag teams.

2. Booker T Vs Christian

7.5/10 Good match ..christian surprisingly had all the crowd support booker was booed whenever he mounted offence...good match with a few minor false finishes.

3. Melina Vs Torrie BRA AND PANTIES Candice referee

10/10 looks hotness...4.5/10 match.. as usual a poor womens match but this gets a 4.5 because they stripped each other down... candice looked SMOKING HOT when she got her stuff out at the end ...

4. Orlando Jordan (US CHAMP) Vs Chris Benoit US TITLE MATCH

6.5/10 a bit boring at times but OJ was impressive he dominated benoit in an impressive way at times.. people say its a shame he won ..i thought he did well

5. Undertaker Vs Muhammad Hassan,

7/10 despite the result being confirmed after cry baby upn's complaints about hassan..the match was very good made undertaker seem like the old undertaker we know as he fought not only hassan but daivari and all the hooded men which made him seem untouchable..made him seem like a real tough guy.

6. Mexicools Vs BWO

5/10 a few decent moves but nothing more meanie shouldn't be allowed to wear belly tops its revolting

7. Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero

8/10 Excellent Match from these two again.. the dominic storyline although at times annoying went well with there matches especially this one ....dominic had front row and was treated to a classic


6/10 Not a great match by any stretch of the imagination ...very average.. these two although very impactful with there moves tend to go into dry patches...crowd were lost a bit of the way through but they got back on after oj's interference which actually made the match better. expected ending ..for me anyway ...i saw it coming a mile off
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WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
Vengeance 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Easily the best one brand show of the year, though thats maybe because this was during the draft and cena angle had just moved to raw whilst batista was still on raw so both titles were up for grabs

1. Shelton Benjamin Vs Carlito(IC TITLE) IC TITLE MATCH

7/10 crowd are great in this match a good 50 50 feel. not much technical wrestling but good nevertheless...the ending though i believe was fluffed by benjamin as he literally seems to intentionally head butt the exposed turnbuckle.

2. Victoria Vs Christy

4/10 Trish isn't in it so its obviously not good ..although christys performance is her best yet..even though shes booed by the crowd.

3. Kane Vs Edge

7/10 Good Match . crowd ROARRRRRRRR at the ending, which is a surprise.

4. Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels

7.5/10 no way near as good as their mania match, i also think some people over rated this match just because their mania match was so good . still a very good match. hbk delivers some really good sweet chin music.

There's a segment in which lilian asks viscera to marry her..godfather returns to a great ovation and viscera rejects lilian leaving her sweet pretty face crying in the ring.

5. John Cena(WWE CHAMPION) vs Christian Vs Chris Jericho WWE CHAMPI0NSHIP MATCH

8/10 Once again Cena performs exceptionally at a pay per view ..provides a quality piece of entertainment with a double five knuckle shuffle to Christian and jericho at the same time which the crowd loves..a few minor false finishes but nothing more but all in all a very good triple threat match. More entertaining then technical.


7/10 Was a good match .duh because its in a cell but the most OVER RATED hell in the cell match of all time... good beatings given out .especially with the barb wire rapped around the chair... a nice ending as well because you think something will happen during the match conclusion but it doesn't.
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WWE Judgment Day (2005 TV Special)
Judgment Day 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
easily the best smackdown only pay per view of the year..matches may not be in rite order

1. M.N.M(champs) Vs Hardcore and Haas WWE TAG TITLE MATCH

6/10 decent match ...i dig m'n'm ...actually a proper good gimmick tag team which wwe lacks nowadays. unfortunately same can not be said for haas and hardcore who are so opposite its unreal

2. Paul London (cruiserweight champ) Vs Chavo Guerrero CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH

7.5/10 cruiserweights usually pull off good action and these two didn't disappoint ..not the best for very enjoyable was off the hook!!!

3. Carlito Vs Big Show

5/10 not very good but aftermath was good as matt morgan f5'd big show which was cool.

4. Orlando Jordan (US CHAMP) Vs Heidenreich...US TITLE MATCH

3.5/10 poor match both missed spots which made it worse and clearly these two cannot work together ...they both have talent but should never face each other ...ever!

5. Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero

7.5/10 obviously this was gonna be good ....good entertainment mysterio was high flying as usual ...probably the 3rd best match of the night.

6. Kurt Angle Vs Booker T

8/10 Why did we not get more of these two's rivalry.. this match and there match later in the month on smackdown were both brilliant..angles perverse behaviour to bookers wife sharmell adds to the entertainment ...booker t puts on a very good show

7. John Cena (WWE CHAMP) Vs JBL WWE TITLE MATCH I QUIT 8/10 This and angle booker match are neck and neck in terms of the nights best match....this was BRUTAL AND MADE UP for there travesty at wrestlemania. cena bled like a dead chicken.the chair shots were nasty and cenas selling of it was great...cena entrance was also super as was his celebration after victory.
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WWE Royal Rumble (2005 TV Special)
Royal rumble 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A respectable royal rumble event

1. Edge Vs Shawn Michaels

7.5/10 A very strong opener...edge's heel performance was sublime as it was during the rumble event ..overall id say EDGES NIGHT....

2. Undertaker Vs Heidenreich CASKET MATCH

7/10 a lot of people hated this rivalry though i liked it, i thought heidenreich really played his character well. the match wasn't amazing in excitement that was until kane and snitcky get involved .it gets better as it goes on.


7.5/10 a surprisingly good match , as there was only 1 really exciting in ringer in it ..angle of course......very good title match ..good pace.. though a predictable end .but aren't all royal rumble title matches predictable.


6.5/10 actually not that good for the guys involved, went on too many dry patches, orton sold his concussion amazingly, ending though was some what of an anti climax.

5. ROYAL RUMBLE EVENT... btw during the other matches there were a few segments...two which were really cool ...cena rapping on Christian and guerrero stealing flairs number 30 entry ticket. the event was good 7/10 would have got a 9 if cena won but unfortunately my biggest enemy batista wins(THOUGH I UNDERSTooD WHY) ..vince comes down and takes a drop and the whole arena crack up in laughter.
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WWE Great American Bash (2004 TV Special)
Great American Bash
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Great American Bash 2004 what a load of TRASH!!!! without a doubt the worse pay per view i have seen since i watched wwe way back in 1992, worse thing i paid 15 quid for it off box office. half the matches were velocity type matches as they had no rivalry or background to them whatsoever

1. John cena(US CHAMP) Vs RVD Vs Booker T Vs Rene Dupree US CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH

7/10 Good match ..cena was entertaining rvd was high flying..booker and Rene were OK ....but heres the thing ..smackdown use 3 of there biggest stars on the first match of the night...which signals the pp-vs downfall ...although its a good starter it wasn't clever to make this match with the superstars in it the first match of the night.

2.Charlie Haas Vs Luther Reigns.

4/10 Why are these two having a match a a pay per view ..especially Luther reigns without a doubt an absolute useless nothing wrestler.

3. Rey mysterio Vs Chavo Guerrero

7/10 rare bright spark on a poor night ..impressive cruiserweight action.

4. Kenzo Suzuki Vs Billy Gunn ( NO BUILD UP )

4/10 Once again why is this a match at a pay per view...kenzo Suzuki is almost as talentless as Luther reigns ...billy gunn is finished ..the match was crap.

5. Sable Vs Torrie Wilson

9/10 looks 2/10 everything else.. i wont slate these 2 because there not wrestlers ..but it was awful.

6. Hardcore Holly Vs Mordecai ( NO BUILD UP )

2/10 to sum up how poor Mordecai was....this was his one and only pay per view match in his time with wwe. hardcore holly lowered even more by the way ..because he loses.!!

7. Eddie Guerrero (WWE CHAMP) Vs JBL Bull rope match for wwe title

7/10 some nice hard spots but nothing special...ending is tried to be made controversial but it is so obvious what has happened and what will happen. good blood spills

8. Undertaker Vs Dudleys...concrete crypt match if undertaker doesn't do what heyman wants bearer goes down.

5/10 average match AWFUL MAIN EVENT ...i will now start my process onto why this summed up the ppv POOR ....Dudley's in main event ???? why?? god knows ...the most ridiculous storyline..... a handicap match with no titles on the line for a main event ..wat is going on...the role Dudley's play in the rivalry so doesn't suit them..they should have got gangrel and viscera to do it...all in all it summed up the pay per view ....AWFUL DIOBOLICAL PETTY SILLY LACK OF BUILD UP ...PLAIN RUBBISH
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WrestleMania XIX (2003 TV Special)
Wrestlemania 19
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of the very strong wrestlemanias and a rare wrestlemania ..there were no crap matches.

1. Matt Hardy Vs Rey Mysterio

7/10 Very good cruserweight action even though Matt hardy isn't a cruserweight.

2. Undertaker and Nathan Jones vs Big Show and Albert

6/10 Not great, but good limp biz kit performed which made it a bit better, a train doesn't deserve to be in a wrestlemania match with undertaker.

3. Victoria Vs Trish Vs Jazz WOMENS TITLE

7.5/10 Once again proof Trish is the best diva of all time .looks moves charisma she has it, this was the best womens title match I've ever seen, i don't usually care for the title but i did in this match, the crowd were so into it that the end result was greeted to an enormous cheer from the sacofield crowd, who were awesome all night.

4. Charlie Haas and Benjamin vs Los Guerreros Vs Benoit and Rhyno WWE TAG TITLE

7/10 Good tag team match normally these tag matches with 3 or more teams tend to suck but this didn't,Benjamin was impressive as was Benoit.

5. Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho

8.5/10 Its Jericho and hbk so obviously your gonna get a blockbuster ,super match with great crowd pleasing ..look out for Jericho's hbk type flip up ...crowd were into it all the way as they were the whole pay per view except for one match which we will get to.

6. Triple H Vs Booker T

5/10 Not a very good rivalry ..booker t hasn't got enough fan acclaim to be main eventing against trips at wrestlemania..the result was the most predictable in wrestling average match which the crowd mulled over. NOT GOOD FOR RAW

7. Hulk Hogan Vs Vince STREET FIGHT

8/10 considering both men are over 50 this was a very good match... the will to bleed was great , the crowd were well into it .sylvain Grenier came out to add some nice toppings....then a SHOCK SHOCK to see it ...overall a classic street fight from the two men who made wwe what it is today.

8. Steve Austin Vs The Rock

8/10 Not as amazing as their wm17 encounter but obviously it was still awesome as its rock Austin ..these two click like a mouse..fabulous match..the usual false finishes which add excitement.. crowd was 50 50 which added to the spectacle match

9. Brock Lesnar Vs Kurt Angle

7.5/10 Not as good as i thought it would be but nevertheless miles better then hhh booker, angle as USUAL performs well lesnar who i always hated up till this match was lesnar almost dies
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WrestleMania 21 (2005 TV Special)
Wrestlemaia 21
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In terms of a wrestlemania this scores an average 6 out of 10 even though Cena won title(I'm A HUGE CENA FAN)In terms of a pay per view in the year 2005 it was probably one of the stronger ones. heres a rundown MATCH ORDER MITE BE A BIT WRONG

1. Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero

6.5/10 Would have been a great match if not for mysterio and his mask he spent the whole match fiddling with his mask, but still an acceptable beginning.

2. Edge Vs Benjamin Vs Jericho Vs Benoit Vs Kane Vs Christian MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH

7.5/10 I have to admit i thought this match was over rated still very good but not the best ladder match you'll see...Benjamin was amazing in the match but it was far too short for my liking.

3. Undertaker Vs Randy Orton

7/10 Good match considering taker is finished, I'm a huge Orton fan so my analysis may be biased. Good match Bob Ortons involvement made the match better as false endings were created, Orton hits one of the best rko's your ever gonna see.

4. Christy Vs Trish(WOMENS CHAMP) womens title match

3/10 Both looked great, but poor match in terms of excitement and quality , christy isn't a wrestler so I'm not gonna slate her off like others choose to do ,she makes an effort which is good enough but she shouldn't be facing a legend like TRISH.

5. Kurt Angle Vs Shawn Michaels

9/10 This match made wrestlemania 21 amazing match between the two best athletes in wwe today, angle is so good some fans even turn on hbk and back angle, which is saying something because as far as I'm concerned the Hollywood crowd were awful , they really couldn't be bothered with anything didn't help the event. anyway back to match ,great match great moves, hbk's injury selling is great as usual , bit of a surprising ending which made it even better TOP TOP MATCH!!!

6. Pipers Pit AUSTIN GUEST

3/10 pointless, nothing meaningful said..carlito comes out ,,,crowd show there poorness again by giving Austin a dry ovation when he deserves one of high quality.

7. Akebono Vs Big Show SUMO MATCH

2/10 awful spent half the time wiping themselves with powder, sumo match lasted bout 4 seconds max, both r looking awfully disgusting in nappy type clothing.

8. JOHN CENA Vs J.B.L (WWE CHAMP) WWe championship match

8/10 For me ...for everyone else probably 4/10 Great match for me because cena won, but really it was awful, jbl virtually punched and kicked cena the whole way thru ,crowd didn't help by being lazy and just sitting in silence, but it was slightly understandable cus the match was so poor, anti climatic finish to not just the match but the whole rivalry. Iv seen a lot better.

9. Batista Vs Triple H (WORLD CHAMP) world championship match

5.5/10 I hate Batista, so seeing him win annoyed me, ridiculous match because Triple H beat the crap out of Batista for whole match but by the end with Hunter busted open made it seem like Batista had given him a real rollicking, when really triple h carried Batista the whole way through, average match seen a lot better but it was better then the JBL Cena match.
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WWE Unforgiven (2005 TV Special)
Unforgiven 2005
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A very watchable Pay Per View...not great but very watchable...hers the run of matches

1. Ric Flair Vs Carlito(Champ)IC TITLE MATCH

7.5/10 ...not a great technical match but flairs keeps the crowd going with his hilarious antics and his constant woooos.enjoyable match for flair fans.

2. Ashley and Trish Vs Torrie and Victoria.

6/10 ..Trish Stratus performance in this match was incredible considering it was her first match back from a long lay off , she is actually better in ring then some MALE SUPERSTARS..she was unbelievable, same cannot be said for ashley who i know is still learning but she was WOEFUL victoria and torrie were there usual selves.i don't usually enjoy womens matches because of the wrestling but this one i did only because of TRISH ...they all looked hot by the way

3. Big Show Vs Snitsky

5/10 as i expected very slow paced..not a great match ..a raw match if u ask me, shows shhhhhhhhhhhushes and chops are the only bright sparks.

4. Shelton Benjamin Vs Kerwin White(CHAVO GUERRERO)

6/10 These two can do better, due to shelton selling a knee injury we didn't get to see him do any high flying moves, but a decent match nevertheless.

5. Matt Hardy Vs Edge

8.5/10 After this Matt hardy should never go back to mid card, his performance was superb the crowd were so into him it was untrue, i actually think lita cheating on him has helped his career big time . great match with a super move to end it.Lita gets the twist of fate as well which is swell.

6. Murdoch and Cade Vs Hurricane and Rosey(Saddoes) TAG CHAMPS

3/10 Poor match as expected , tag titles mean nothing anymore , hurricane sold a neck injury which nobody cared about, the only good things were laughing at Murdochs mean grin,which i find amusing. Crowd looked like they were going to die of boredom half way thru.

7. Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Masters

7/10 Not one of HBK best, due to his opponent,but still relatively enjoyable as hbk keeps the crowd involved and puts on a good display ,i like masters gimmick but in ring don't really feel him.

8. Kurt Angle Vs JOHN CENA(THE MAN, THE CHAMP, GREATEST THING SINCE AUSTIN)WWE Championship Match 9/10 Once again all the cena haters have been proved wrong, once again cena performs at a pay per view for the umpteenth time.angle as usual was amazing, great match love it when these two face off they work so well together, ending was a bit disappointing though , but that didn't stop the match from being the best of the night.
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WrestleMania XX (2004 TV Special)
Wrestlemania 20
19 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A far better wrestlemania then 21..people said there were too many matches ,,its wrestlemania there can never be too many... heres the rundown of matches


6/10 Not a great match but the crowd certainly enjoyed it ...cena somehow managed despite being battered the whole match and hardly registering a move, managed to gain great crowd acclaim, due to his selling, facial expressions you name it cena did it, he also landed an impressive FU, good starter really got the crowd pumped up.

2. RVD and Booker t( TAG CHAMPS) Vs Dudleys Vs Cade and Jindrak Vs La Resistance . WORLD TAG TITLES

5/10 Average match. U kinda don't care what happens.

3. Christian Vs Chris Jericho..

7.5/10 Very good match, both carried each other at separate times which made it dead even. end was a bit poor but the aftermath was good.

4. Evolution Vs ROCK N SOCK

7.5/10 Good match as you would expect with people like flair Orton rock and Foley in it , Batista was the only downside could have been better with a few false endings.

5. Cruiserweight Open ..

4/10 at first i didn't know what was going on because cruiser weight after cruiser weight kept coming out , when the match gets started its nothing special ,crowd didn't care.

6. Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg SPECIAL REF - AUSTIN

3/10 Diabolical but i understand why , as both men were leaving, the script writers wanted the crowd to hate them so they basically stare at each other for 10 minutes before hitting there finishers and both get stunned by AUSTIN!!!I enjoyed it in a way ..cus it was LESNAR GOLDBERG IT WAS SUCH A HYPE !!!!

7. Torrie and Sable Vs Jackie and Stacy

9/10 for hotness....1/10 for everything else...but there divas so I'm not gonna rip on them.

8. Rikishi and Scotty(CHAMPS) vs Benjamin and Haas Vs APA Vs Bashams WWE TAG TITLES

3/10 talk about trying to cram everyone in. nothing match once again the tag titles are lowered.

9. Molly Holly Vs Victoria ( WOMENS CHAMP) womens title match if molly loses she loses her hair....

3/10 If Trish isn't in a womens wrestling match it ain't worth it...i don't think many were bothered about the result, even though we would get to see molly go bald

10. Kurt Angle Vs Eddie Guerrero(WWE CHAMP) WWE CHAMpionship match

8/10 Best Match so far as you would expect from AMAZING ANGLE and Guerrero , angle performs a few top class moves. Guerrero was good ..ending was poor which is partly why Guerrero's title reign sucked bad.

11. Undertaker Vs Kane

6.5/10 Only makes 6 because the dead man returned and his entrance gave me goosebumps, poor match with little sparks.


9/10 easily best match of night Benoit performs to the highest quality which gets him crowd support over HBK blood, broken bodies you name it this match had it, great way to end the pay per view.
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