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Awful. Just, awful.
20 January 2024
Hands down the worst movie I've ever seen. I kept waiting/hoping for it to become good at some point, but 3/4 of the way in I realized that clearly wasn't going to happen.

Please know, dear reader, that I can watch low budget/no budget films with weak plots, bad acting, and not great cinematography and still find a way to have enjoyed the experience, but I couldn't squeeze anything out of this dud no matter how earnestly I tried.

About 30 mins before the ending, I actually became angry about that fact, sitting in the theater feeling like I had been diddled and hornswoggled by whoever was behind this turkey. I was compelled for the only time in my life to request a refund from the theater for stealing my money by virtue of them having the gall to exchange money to allow their patrons to partake of this swill.

When the end finally arrived, I was significantly relieved because the torture was finally over and now I could drive home, angry.

I love SK stories. This was no retelling of anything worthy of associating his name with it. He should've sued the studio and everyone involved for defamation. 0/10 stars. Awful.
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Frasier (2023– )
It's not the original but there's a lot of promise here
23 October 2023
I miss the old Frasier - everyone does - it's witty and clever writing and jokes and stories are all but without any rival, ever, to speak of. And while this new show isn't that old show, in the same way the original show wasn't Frasier as he was on Cheers, these eps still bring a lot to the table for me. I laughed out loud several times during each of the first three eps I just watched, and that's something that hasn't happened for me since, well, the original Frasier was on the air. Ok Hot In Cleveland gave me some big laughs but otherwise the good comedies with great chemistry have been sorely lacking for a painfully long time.

No show is a home-run in its first few episodes - there's always so much backstory and blanks to be filled in, on who's who, and what's what, and that eats up a lot of time for actual comedy to take place. But by the third ep, the show was standing firm on its once-wobbly baby giraffe legs, and I think it will continue to improve as it goes along. The behind the scenes folks, alone, are some pretty epic people, so the magic they've woven elsewhere will surely begin to shine from here on out. Optimistic fingers crossed, I do hope Kelsey Grammer's new swipe at giving us some intelligent comedy pays off for him, and especially for us.
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Smile (II) (2009)
So overdone it's laugh out loud funny!
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin...this movie has all of the horror tropes onboard: college 'kids' (who are all clearly in their mid thirties), a group excursion to another country, weed, a camping trip, woods, mysterious people who aren't ever explained, blood-drenched knives, random gunshots being fired in the woods by nobody, floating shovels - ok those are a bit novel and one of the highlights of the hilarity, and just wait until you see the aftermath of the shovel victim - a creepy kid, a felled tree blocking the road, becoming lost in the woods, unseen hit and run motorists, the same reused shot of the moon in the sky, night after night, a lantern falling over and burning down a cabin, woods that even in the clear daytime have heavy smoke coming from and going in all directions, and possibly the worst thunder and lightning you've seen since a B-movie from the late 1920s - holy heck does this one run the gamut.

We weren't terrified, nor even scared, and the few weak attempts at a jump scare fell flat with us, but as a campy horror movie, there's a lot to laugh about in this one.

Armand Assante steals the few scenes he's in, and the hunter is the only other good actor here. Although English isn't his native language, the middle-eastern actor portraying the hunter has impeccable English and is more convincing an actor than anyone else present. You'll want Tommy to die early on, but tough luck - you will have to suffer his incessant whining about EVERY FREAKING THING until near the end. Odd too is how the dialogue almost seems dubbed in English over everyone speaking English, as if a lot of the dialogue was re-recorded in post. The scenery is sometimes great and other times seems like it was shot in the woods behind your aunt's home, and there are some out of focus shots and one VERY out if focus shot, the aforementioned overuse of smoke here there and everywhere, a pitiful script, and some C-movie special effects round out the rest of this turkey.

Oddly, there's a symphony orchestra playing music thru much of it, which seems very out of place at times. I think they blew the budget on Armand and the orchestra, and made do with what they found in the couch cushions and under the car seats for the rest of it.

This is one to have some friends over, pour the beer and wine, and laugh at the absurdity of this clown car of a movie, and really enjoy the few scenes that make you laugh so hard that it almost feels like this movie is what gave the Wayans inspiration to make Scary Movie.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
If you enjoy cringe comedy, this show is for you
15 April 2023
Great assemblage of actors who play cringey but believable LA folks to perfection. Marsden blows it out of the water playing an at-times exaggerated but yet still plausible version of himself. Ronald is stuck smack-dab in the middle of it all, with hilariously eccentric folks from all walks of life surrounding him, yet he takes it all in stride, whether at times blushing or shrinking down in his chair or being stoic or giggling almost uncontrollably - turns out real life can be hilarious when you're a casual viewer of it sitting on a couch and not mired in the circumstances and people for yourself and constantly wondering just what is possibly going to happen next. Ronald's tension is palpable during the cringiest stuff yet he always somehow remains cool as a cucumber throughout, even when he's blushing, and almost always says the perfect thing in response. One of the best shows I've seen in many years.
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Ghosts: Possession (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
My favorite ep of the entire show - so far
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sitting here waiting for S2E3 to pop up on my Paramount+ and thought I would come here and chime in on my #1 favorite episode of the show, an ep that I've seen about 7x now I think. It's a laugh-out-loud ep for sure.

Utkarsh should get an Emmy for nailing the character of Hetty so effectively. The way he rolled in and out of the Jay and Hetty characters from one moment to the next was some top-shelf acting. He had Hetty down pat and so impressively that at times I have to remind myself that's NOT Hetty's voice speaking but Utkarsh portraying Jay possessed by Hetty. Give that man all of the awards.

Also - Enrico Colantoni (Elliot from Just Shoot Me) shows up as a fussy and hyper-critical wedding planner, and is soon quelled by Flower who gets him absolutely baked out of his gourd.
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The rare movie you will watch twice
13 October 2022
No spoilers but on the second watch-thru it will totally hit different. Really liked this movie. Have seen 86k other movies that are much worse. I won't forget this one, if that has any influence upon you. Not perfect, but _really_ good.

You can stop there, as that's perhaps all you need to know about this movie but I still need to type another 256 characters before it will let me post this review. Ok now we are down to 176 so we are in the homestretch! Hummm...what to talk, tut tut tut...uh, maybe I could mentio...naw, that could be misconstrued as a spoiler. Oh, I got it! The real culprit is...
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Old People (2022)
A different take on the apocalypse...
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...but these 'zombies' wield weapons, are hell-bent on revenge, and kill indiscriminately and without motive. They do seemingly meander and silently putter around like brain-dead zombies a lot of the time, even crawling on the ground like zombies and staring with dead eyes, then other times they seem like they could keep pace with Usain Bolt.

This movie would've went a bit differently if made in the US; the mom could surprisingly handle a pistol with no problem, but in hand-to-hand she always gave up without much of a fight. Even the strapping, farm-working, manual-labor dad was far too passive, and also didn't have much fight in him. An 85 year-old man that weighed maybe a buck twenty took dad down with no problem and kept him there. And there are oddly lots of large shards of broken glass lying around, well, everywhere, and seems to be the weapon of choice for the blue-haired crowd - who themselves never seem to slice their bare hands while going mental and stabbing someone 87 times with said large glass shard.

That aside, there were some interesting twists and turns the movie takes along its journey but at the end it still felt unfinished. Perhaps there will be a 2nd one to continue the story further? Nonetheless, a somewhat enjoyable romp through the woods, creepy old houses, a dark, dank tunnel, and some dilapidated retirement homes.

A few jump scares, plenty of gore, and some too-drawn-out scenes that attempt to build suspense but didn't always succeed. And what was with the oldest woman who was here, there, and everywhere in the wedding dress? Her character never developed, nor brought anything to the table beyond soulless, menacing stares. The very many wheelchair-stricken oldsters didn't appear to join in on their apocalypse, so who knows what became of the dozens of them seen early on - maybe their wheelchairs got stuck in the mud in the woods.

I don't see how the elderly could bring on the apocalypse in real life, but if the non-geriatric German folk truly have that little fight in them, then it's certainly a great place for them to get started.
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Life & Beth (2022– )
Takes a few eps to get going...
19 March 2022
...which is standard fare for most all series, but it finally gets its groove and delivers on all of the great stuff you'd expect from Amy Schumer. A pleasant surprise. Hate I binged it all on the day of release - now I have to wait an entire year to see how things pan out - or unravel as the case may be.
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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
Wish it was a full season and not just 4 eps
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The final episode certainly felt rushed with the turbos kicked in, the previous three had a more palatable pacing and the whole storyline easily could've been worthy of its own entire season. The actors portraying Nixon, Kissinger, and especially Neal McDonough's Eisenhower were spot on.

I like how these 4 eps at times held up the mirror to the face of humanity - and allowed it to sit there so the viewer could process and digest it and, undeniably so, conclude what was being shown was true no matter how inconvenient it is - and also invited some various and often-cited conjecture into the fray, especially about Ike's purported factual involvement with aliens, and Marilyn's murder.

We're all entitled to our own opinions, and I earnestly respect that of those I don't agree with, but here I feel Death Valley was far and away superior to Red Tide which dragged on far too long and unnecessarily [I'd grown almost instantly tired of wanting that monstrous, wretched daughter of theirs to just die already to the point of distraction - so by the end I was quite disappointed that I never received the satiation I was craving], IMHO anyway.

However, YMMV. ✌🏻
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