
19 Reviews
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Worth The Watch
26 February 2023
I don't understand the low reviews. I almost skipped watching it after seeing how many people complained about this series. I'm glad I gave it a chance because I found it entertaining.

It's definitely not a comedy. It has a few moments where you may chuckle, but it's more of a drama mixed with a thriller crossed with a sci-fi.

They did a great job letting the story build upon itself and giving the viewer background clues while still leaving things open to interpretation. I appreciate when a show doesn't over explain things to me and let's me figure it out on my own.

The story kept me engaged, the actors did a great job, and although I doubt there will be a second season, it would be cool if there was. I know I'd watch it.
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You People (2023)
Better than I expected
4 February 2023
After reading the reviews, I didn't expect this movie to make me laugh and be thought provoking. I'm glad I watched it.

This movie touches on so many topics: race, religion, politics, history and approaches them with both humor and moments, lots of moments, of uncomfortableness, that I understand many people may not want to watch it.

However, there were times that it made me reflect about my own life and those around me. I appreciate when a movie can make me laugh and think at the same time.

There is room for improvement, but I think it's well worth a watch. I would classify this as a dramedy. Expect the drama mixed with laughter and moments of feeling uncomfortable.
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Worth a Watch If You're A King Fan
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a horror, this isn't it. It's not a hack and slash and does not have any jump scares. It's more of a psychological thriller.

Yes, it has some supernatural components, It's more about being careful about what you wish for, the unexpected relationship between a young man and his elderly neighbor, and a look at the progression of technology and it's effects on society. Especially the change over the decades.

I thought all of the actors gave an amazing performance. Especially Sutherland.

I read the short story and while the written version was better, this was still an enjoyable watch.
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Why Women Kill (2019–2021)
A hidden gem
17 August 2022
I just finished watching the first season and am left wondering how I missed this series when it first came out. It's clever, well written, the actors were outstanding, and the interwoven timelines were done perfectly. I can't wait to start season two tomorrow!

ETA: Just finished the second season.

It took me a couple of times to get into the second season because the first season was so cleverly done. The second season focuses on one timeline vs. Three and that threw me off at first. When I finally got past that, I really enjoyed it. Again, the characters were interesting and the plot, while not twisting, was still engaging. I'm disappointed there isn't another season.
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The Rehearsal (2022– )
Dry humor? Where?
30 July 2022
I tried to watch this show twice before giving up halfway through the second episode. I love dry humor but I didn't find here. I felt like the people he was supposed to be helping, ended up being manipulated instead. Maybe I'm missing something because I haven't seen his other show, but I couldn't keep watching. I gave it two stars because I liked the premise but not the results.
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The Bear (2022– )
Please tell me there's another season!
27 June 2022
I absolutely loved this show! From the first episode to the last, I was engaged the entire time. I was disappointed when it was over. I hope there will be another season with longer episodes and more episodes. Would love a deeper dive on some of the other characters too.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Absolutely Enjoyed
12 June 2022
I wasn't sure what to expect since I didn't read the books and I went in only having the description Netflix provided.

I'm so glad I gave it a chance. I binge watched it in two days. It was that good. The plot kept me engaged, I didn't figure out the entire ending (which is always good!) and the majority of the characters were enjoyable.

I wasn't a fan of one of the supporting characters. I think they did his part a little played down knowing the history he came from, but I was still able to enjoy the show as a whole. Hopefully, there will be another season!
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Shining Girls (2022)
Genuinely Enjoyed It
4 June 2022
I'm someone who enjoys a slow burn, but this wasn't that slow. At least not for me. It's a show that requires the viewer to pay attention because there are sometimes small details that you need to notice (obvious not hidden) to understand what's going on.

It kept me engaged and waiting for the next week's episode. Fingers crossed for another season.
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Looked forward to each episode
18 December 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Each actor did a fantastic job in their role. Ferrell made me frustrated, then sympathetic with his character. Rudd, whew, who ever thought I could get so angry at a character he was portraying? Knowing these are real people just left me stunned. I can't wait to listen to the podcast.
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Physical (2021–2023)
A slow burn worth watching
23 July 2021
This is one of the few shows that I look forward to watching the day it's released. While I don't consider it a comedy, it has some funny moments but overall, it's a drama with a set of complicated characters whose complexities are revealed over the course of the season. The self-talk doesn't bother me at all and I'm hoping there will be another season.
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Watch This!!
21 February 2021
I just finished watching and I wish I could watch it all over again. I'm usually pretty good at predicting plot twists but this series truly got me. Especially at the end. Well done!
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Be prepared to suspend some beliefs
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is worth a watch. It's entertaining and it has great actors throughout. The storyline had me confused on who I should be rooting for and there were scenes that were very creative but you had to suspend belief to enjoy them. Without giving away too much, there is one part where the mafia sets up an elaborate plan to kill off a character, but then never sticks around to make sure that character actually died. Twice. But overall, the movie was enjoyable.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
A unique view
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said, this is not a traditional sci-fi. It's more about addiction and what happens when someone you love is struggling with addiction. I liked the unique view they gave of us of Owens' decline and what happens when drugs get a grip on you. Seeing the world through his distorted thoughts and then seeing him face the challenges of wanting to see his daughter but not being able to because he was in the throes of addiction was powerful.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Worth the Rental
9 February 2021
After reading the negative reviews, I almost skipped renting this movie. I'm glad I decided to watch it. To me, it was a decent movie with a good story line. It was worth the rental.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
I gave up after ten minutes
25 January 2021
I thought this show was going to be a feel good comedy. I guess I'll never know because I couldn't get past Mayim breaking the fourth wall. It was too much. I lasted ten before I gave up.
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I was hoping for more
25 January 2021
I like Kyra and Sherry so I gave this show a chance. I think the rest of the cast are probably great actors/actresses but they didn't seem to mesh well. It felt forced. Maybe it has to do with limited interaction because of COVID, but the comedy just wasn't there for me. I stopped watching after the second episode.
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I was left disappointed
28 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like many others have said, they did a great job showing vs. telling us the time period. For me, it reminded me of a simpler time. The actors were great! They did well in each of their parts. What I didn't like were the decisions the characters made. They made zero sense. Even in a panic, people call the police. Run to the neighbors house for help. It was lazy writing. Then the arc of one character wasn't a plot twist, it just felt like the writer's were like, "Yeah, yeah, make them do that!" Worth the watch if you go in knowing it's not an average movie.
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The Feed (2019)
Enough to keep me watching
20 April 2020
As others have said, this show starts out great. I love the premise. I was able to connect to some of the characters and didn't find their acting poor at all. The further it got, however, the plot felt muddled to me. Still, it was enough to keep me watching through the end.
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Angie Tribeca (2016–2018)
So glad it's back!
1 January 2019
When this comedy aired a few years ago I wasn't sure what to expect. I took a chance because Steve Carell is a producer and I love his type of humor. I ended up loving it. So many great one-liners, things in the background to give an added chuckle. I love it.

I was pleasantly surprised when the fourth season showed up on my DVR. I just finished watching the whole season and it continues to make me laugh. Fingers crossed for a season five.
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