92 Reviews
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Flashy & Boring
27 May 2024
Modern theme in a medieval fairy tale, boring.

Most relationships, yes there is more than the main pair, have so little depth that any side plots with them fall flat.

Oh the fabulous fairy godfather could have been hilarious but they just went for visually flashy.

If they had changed the lyrics of the modern songs to keep with the medieval times that would have been something AMAZING! But they didn't so it seems out of place with the story and like they are purposely manipulating with nostalgia!

The movie does not handle the scenes well at all. The heavy focus in certain points then so little focus on what could be great moments, was confusing to watch.

Overall, Amazon tried something new on a classic and failed. 1/10.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Good Family Movie
5 May 2024
Just looking at it as a family movie it was good. Always good to question things and have values. Then stick to them!

The animation is just like any other movie now a days which is boring. Especially since Red looked like a fish version of Toothless from How To Train your Dragon.

The fact that there was no musical number more than the celebration sea chantey was really a relief.

The characters all had a purpose even just minor characters who have no name, they didn't mean to be bigger than life they were just good side characters.

As an adult watching this is one of the few movies made recently that I would actually buy for my kids. No deeper or hidden meanings. Just a simple kids movie with adventure and some wholesomeness.
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Devils Line (2018– )
29 April 2024
Solid good on this one! For how they ended it short and sweet, I can't really complain. You know other than the typical I want more! This was surprisingly more home hitting when you think about anyone treated differently by society. Different doesn't mean bad so long as we all try to understand one and other honestly! People are people no more no less.

The idea of vampires like this was so interesting and definitely adult. Only an adult could understand the differences in the devil's nature and understand it in our own human nature. A very brilliant idea. Really not that graphic with the gore just a little red not a blood bath.

Overall it would be nice to have another season but I don't expect it so I'm good with it as is.
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Blue Seed (1994–1995)
Good Old Anime
24 April 2024
This anime is one of probably the main bases for the anime of today. The story was a little hard to fallow in the beginning but once you just let it go man it was interesting. I won't say a 10/10 but hey a good 7/10 is still rewatchable in my book! It had a really good start to finish as far as the story line goes. The story line is really very sweet in the end. How they ended it was very well done. The characters are interesting, though I think there could have been more work in building the bonds between them a little better. Just to make the side characters a bit more of an effect in the group as a whole, not just they individual stories.

I think this how anime should be start middle and end like Yu Yu Hakusho. Overall I really like this one!
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Code: Breaker (2012– )
24 April 2024
Honestly if they had kept the show going it would have easily been at least a 7/10. Since they kept so many plot holes it really hurt the story. It was very good at exposing how close societies always are to war and destruction. An uncomfortable truth of life in the modern world. I mean in 2020 all over the world we all came to our knees. Sad but true.

Any how! The characters are all well defined almost black and white until the end. The show really does do justice to comradery and loyalty and I think that is really what marks this anime has having so much potential.

Though I wasn't looking for this type of anime it was a bittersweet find.
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A Sign of Affection (2024– )
I Will Soon Buy This Anime
13 April 2024
I can hardly type, I'm so excited from watching this anime. This was definitely an underrated show. The plot was basic but the way they went about telling it was brilliant! All the characters aren't jumbled together or overly focused on in their own stories. I love how it adapts to opposition or difficulty with patience and honest nervousness. That really brought out all the characters for their faults, good qualities and just regular human behavior.

The anime design is classic so it really makes it comfortable. Though the focus on lips wasn't to my liking but nothing is perfect. The only flaw it has is with the texting scenes,JUST WRITE IT OUT LIKE IN THE SUB OR CONTINUE TO HAVE THE ENGLISH CAST SPEAK THE WORDS!! Seriously I have to have one window with the English version and one with the subtitled version just to understand what was happening!!

As someone who genetically has a more likely chance of loosing my hearing and took American Sign Language, I really like how it didn't focus on the negative of not hearing. Instead it came hard at learning new things and finding beauty in just being able to communicate! That is a perspective I hope to continue using more! And I hope more people do to for everything!

10/10 this goes into my favorites list with Inuyasha (original series only), YuYu Hakusho & Rurouni Kenshin!
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Not Bad
13 April 2024
Honestly at the beginning it was boring but once you got to the middle it was not bad. The beginning was slow and boring with descent visuals. Once your mid way it actually starts to draw you in. Explaining the world and everyone's emotions about it. Though the characters are very one one dimensional which isn't not plus. Though the story line towards the end seems to get really interesting. Which makes me think it has promise.

Good emotional anime to teach about letting go of one overwhelming emotion. That and just something to watch. At the very least its better than most TVs shows out there now. Not everything has to be a 10/10.
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Unexpectedly Good
8 April 2024
This anime is really one of the best that I have seen in years! Its very light hearted even when talking about serious topics. Honestly its so good and even makes you care for unsavory characters. The episode plots can be a bit complex but if you've seen Detective Conan you can rest assured the wrap up will be smoothly given in the next episode. I'm not one for drama but this does in a very settle way that doesn't focus on it like the majority of media does. The characters are all so interesting or just plain funny. The background is absolutely well done. Yet the characters do not take away from that nor does the background outshine the character. The visual editors of this anime must be top notch!

The ending was well done and now there is a season 2 in the making! I can not wait to see what happens! I know there were a few loose ends in the first season and now we can get those answers! I am also curious to see what happens between Maomao and Jinshi! Their relationship is interesting and delightfully not traditional romance!
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Great Potential
8 April 2024
This seemed unbearably short even for most anime. Overall the whole anime is well done other than the issues that arise with its length.

The way the episodes are divided up is very well done. They can draw you in, keep you intrigued and then end on a very good note. Like an shooter hitting their mark every time. The characters all get introduced unbelievably well. Really this anime could be the standard for introducing characters! Its always so smooth even for big reveals, I have never seen it done so smooth. The design of the anime is pretty standard but I don't consider that a bad thing. They even kept the eyes mostly one solid color which is nice keeping with traditional modern anime.

My one issue is the length. If there isn't a season 2 then this anime is definitely a 5/10. If this is only the first I would definitely rate it no less than a 7/10. Due to the length it feels like a lot of the story is rushed to the end in the final episode. Which even though they made it make sense it did not keep with the overall pace of the anime as a whole. Just climax for the 9th and 10th episode then a straight end in the final episode. No gradual decline or a straight drop om a chart just a period at the end. Which really hurts the other all story in my opinion. I really hope there is a second season so I can edit this review.
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18 March 2024
For the most part it was pretty good. It's a nice movie to watch if you have the time.

The art in it is simple but tastefully done. The physical movements of each character is really a nice effect. It really gives them more personality! Which really helps the characters unique individually and interesting.

The plot was a little dry though. The ending however wasn't good! It seemed to be building up to a good climax then just fell right off a cliff. The narration at the end really saved it from being a total loss. If it had said it was a retelling of a historical person then I would have appreciated it more but as a movie for entertainment not so much.
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The Emperor's New School (2006–2008)
Season 1 Good, Season 2 Bad
4 March 2024
I loved the original movie as kid so i thought I'd like this spin off show. The first season was good. The plots were interesting and funny. The characters all added something to the story line of the episode. It also showed how most of them had faults so it wasn't just flawed Kuzco around perfect people. The way they blended ancient Peru with modern society norms was really well done. The running gag of naming everything after Kusco was an interesting touch and funny most of the time. Though the original voice talents weren't all there, Eartha Kitt and Patrick Warburton really were able to carry the show in that regard! Honestly I could have watched it strictly for them and it would have been okay by me.

The second season was just bad. Kusco was just annoying. He doesn't develop as character in any episode until the final two episodes! It was a major let down!
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9 February 2024
I didn't have high hopes for this movie anyway but it wasn't too bad. It's fine if there's nothing else on.

It does a good job of explaining the relationships of immigrant families. The movie can really show the differences between American Greeks and Greeks but at the end of the day all that matter is good people with good food and music. That is usually a universal truth. It also shows hope to deal with grief and how people show it differently. Something that I personally have dealt with many times and think it needs to be more recognized, not paid for leave of work but recognized.

The movie plot is okay some nice surprises but nothing that really jumps out. Which is were the movie really falls flat. Its all rather monition. No story building to a climax then a smooth gradual descend like the previous two movies.

Some of the main issues I had was the way it flicks from one little plot point to the other that was confusing and not well done at all. Then the female not female character. Oh boy this would have been much more believable as a woman single-handedly trying to do something good in an old fashioned setting. It just felt like it was obviously trying to be as modern as it could. Unlike the previous movie were the coming out seen was more involved the character and too much more of a personal feel to the movie.

Overall 5/10 watchable but with some good sized flaws.
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It (I) (2017)
18 January 2024
After seeing it I can see how people who haven't seen the original (myself included) would like this movie.

The visuals were.very good in this film. Not too little or too much. The color pallet was very pleasing to look at. The story was good for a scary movie though a little bit more detail as to what IT is would have been nice. Though it doesn't harm the story or take away from the creep factor.

The interaction between the kids was spot on! It really made them more convincing and easier to make them likable. Even the most annoying kid who can say nothing right at any time, you still don't want him to die.

Overall I'd say a solid 6/10.
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Love, Rosie (2014)
It was alright
10 December 2023
It was not bad. Some of the shots were either in weird lighting or slightly too close ups. The story line was good but honestly more scenes with Katie from both Alex and especially Rosie would have improved it. I mean for the most part she just pops up like of yeah she had a kid. Which to anyone with children or has cared for children knows that's not how life with kids is. Even being the godparent you're more involved than what the movie gave time for. The only interaction between Katie and Alex was towards the end of the movie which did do not make them feel close at all.

The acting was good, definitely no complaints with the casting. The location and set details were really good. The parallel between Rosie and Alex was a great visual aid in telling about their lives. The constant will they won't they was annoying but that's only because it's been overly done in ROM COMs. In this one however it was well done.

The near misses and all the cold feet moments felt true to life. Like that one moment everyone has experienced with they didn't just go for something they wanted. That was, in my opinion, the best part of this movie. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that captured those moments so damn well!
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That '90s Show (2023– )
This Was Not Good Seriously
8 December 2023
This was just a bad show. I mean with the old writers and the old cast writing this one I thought it would be great. Yes the final season of That 70's Show was horrible and butchered the characters but I still had 7 seasons to rely on. This was a boring and at times just weird show. The parallels to the characters just seemed like the laziest writing in my opinion. The actors really didn't seem like friends the way the original cast did just kids all forced into one basement. Yes I understand for the new wallflower character that wouldn't apply but the five others couldn't pull it off!

I though they were just going to tell a funny truth with Danny Masterson's absence like :"He's in jail.. Well it's not like no one saw that coming for Hyde."

Honestly it's just a call back to a better show and relies on it WAY TOO MUCH! Like it makes up 90% of the show then 5% is laugh track after every "joke" and finally just 5% of bad writing.

Honestly I thought I was going to get nostalgia for the old show and for the 90s with some okay writing with an overall eh show. This show was not good.
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Great Movie!
2 December 2023
This was a great movie! I could definitely see me re-watching this! The characters are so good hearted yet flawed humans its just perfect. It is the perfect mixer of all the pieces. The plot is good and the ending was a bit surprising.

The visuals in this movie are really something else you can tell the set designer and the director were in sync. I mean even in a crowded seen you still notice the beautiful yet but it doesn't make you forget the party. Or just have you focused on the party that you don't noticed the background (like so many tv shows & movies do). That is really a show of dedication on their part!
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1 December 2023
Now this is a fantastic anime! This is how classic anime used to be and how new anime should continue to be!

The plots were great and carried out well!

The visuals were solid!

The characters were absolutely fantastic!

I mean if you want anime this is the best anime I have seen in decades! I mean this brought back nostalgia from 1980's anime that I used to watch!

They ran through the plots so smoothly that it was constantly pleasant yet had to on the edge of your seat. If it wasn't action packed it was so emotionally invested that you understood even the opposing characters! Now that is a huge accomplishment!
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Half Brilliant Half Eh
1 December 2023
The first season was brilliant! It had great comedy and life lessons that were actually believable. Not even the stereotypical ones just basic human moral you learn growing up. The characters were all memorable and played there roles well. None upstaged the other no matter who was the main focus of the episode. That was quite and accomplishment. The plots were good and had a good build up and ending. The visuals were good too! Not ever done before so it was a nice change of pace.


After they changed the visuals it went down hill. The plots were much weaker and boring. Characters were more rebellious of there solid previous roles in season one that made them feel like different people. The change in the visuals actual made me nauseous as a kid and still does today (yes I rewatched it)!
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Billy Crystal: 700 Sundays (2014 TV Special)
Billy Crystal At His BEST!
1 December 2023
This had everything and more. The drama was surprising yet not glaringly abundant. Yet the way it was delivered had me hanging on every word. As someone who don;t like drama at all, that was a pleasant surprise. The visuals were really the best HBO has ever done for a comedian! I mean the way they did it was just breath taking. It drew you into the story which I really did not except from a comedy show.

Billy crystal did his A game that I have never seen in a comedian before or since. I mean he did it all and you felt it all. Happiness, sadness, anger, uncertainty, hope, love and humor. I mean not Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, Micheal Mcintyre, George Carlin, Danny Bhoy, Josh Wolf or Sebastian Maniscalco could even do all that in one show!
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1 December 2023
I like the reverse gender control. It was a very interesting take on the idea and executed very well. The visuals were great! The plot was a bit boring and sporadic at times which made it hard to watch.

The idea of gender reversal, at this time (present history) was definitely a risky time to do this but they carried the idea well enough. It really did make men seem useless and women more naively arrogant. The flow of the story helped to lessen these things but they were still glaringly obvious. Which lowered the value in my opinion.

The visuals were beautiful! Everything looked so crisp and clean yet the colors were so vibrant it made it inviting. That was something I haven't seen in anything entertainment wise in a long time! It reminded me how it you can make the surroundings (background) more inviting not just appealing, it can really grab your audience's attention.

The plot was boring and didn't really go anywhere so it was a boring watch and a very uneventful ending.
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It Had So Much Poteniel
1 December 2023
This show was gorgeously done with its visuals and dialogue. It was cute, fascinating, and had surprising depth. The plots were good and well executed but they seemed to be resolved rather quickly. It was almost like a car break check in the story line. The characters all have great personalities that don't blurry together but work together! Which is something great and rare to see! Visually it has some surprisingly touching moments. Honestly it really made me appreciate real sugar art and glass art.

The insanely fast plot at the end with the villain was very disappointing. You don't get to see if build. It's just in your face, ugly for a bit then gone. If it weren't for that it might have had a 8/10 from me, if not higher.
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1 December 2023
It had some good plot moments but it was just boring. The characters were so typical is was boring listening to them. This also made none of them really relatable. The graphics were the best part of this anime. Typical but beautiful. The plot was boring with no real build to the climax of the story. It was more of a crawl, climax then tapered off to the ending. I mean it was just boring and with the plot idea it was really sad to watch! The morals about friendship and community were really the main focus and the greatest thing about this anime. I like how heavily they implemented it into the story.

5/10 because of the graphics and the moral of the story.
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Strays (2023)
1 December 2023
Honestly I didn't expect anything from this movie so I was surprised when it was just funny. I thought I wouldn't like it but it was just funny with some basic mini plots.

Not bad and just simple stories. The foul mouth was obviously pushed but its a story about dogs for adults. There is only so much you can do with that but they kept it to simple plots for each character and cursed a lot.

It wasn't a hallmark movie but I won't have a problem if there's nothing else on which is a good movie in my opinion. Not all movies are 8/10 stars but if its not bad then it's better than all the Disney and Marvel movies that keep coming out.

Plus as a dog lover, it was nice to see all the dogs doing tricks and see all the their cute faces!
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My Happy Marriage (2023– )
Had Me on the Edge of My Seat
3 October 2023
This anime was so good I was hooked from the first episode.

The artistry is very beautiful and the devil is in the details. The clothes and background details are breathing! You just want to pause it and stare at them! It is very rare that animes can make me do that which shows dedication!

The characters are so simple yet deep. Not complex but deep like regular people are. The roller coaster of emotions is very tangible. Some times I had flash backs of my own life the scenes were so emotional I could connect with the characters.

The story line was good with the ending being predictable so not quite 10/10 stars. Although the ending scene was just brilliant. I mean icing on the cake with whip cream and a cherry on top! Well done!

Overall 8/10, definitely an anime you will come back and watch multiple times just because.
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A Galaxy Next Door (I) (2023)
Great for Young Adults
3 October 2023
This anime is great for preteens and teenagers. It focuses on emotions very well and does a good job at demonstrating how to act, react and communicate them. For that reason it is a great anime for beginners.

For adults or older teens it's just cute and that's it.

The artistry is average, story line is a little weird and subpar but again I don't think I'm its target audience. If you want to watch something simple to wind down or have in the background it would be nice. The story line was just boring to me and when they did go into detail things were so quickly discovered it was very anti climatic.
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