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iCarly: iMeet Fred (2009)
Season 2, Episode 10
Having an opinion doesn't matter
4 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode deserves its place as the worst in the series, simply because they had the decent opportunity to teach people that they have an opinion and are entitled to such, but instead force down our throat that because you have one that is unpopular you deserve to be harassed and bullied because of such an opinion.

In a modern day where the Internet is more popular than ever before, this Episode could have stood the test of time (except for featuring a long since dead youtube star) where it could have taught kids that you have an opinion and shouldn't be bullied because of it.

the other reason is because this started the trend of, they're the flavour of the month lets make them big on TV as well, something that was gone down hill terrifically in recent years.
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Better than Fast and Furious Series
2 March 2018
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Now i will be honest when i say i've only played a few Need For Speed Games so i will be reviewing this as an average watcher rather than a massive fan of the series.

Simply put I don't hate this Movie, if anything I enjoy it, the movie doesn't throw anything in your face like the Fast and Furious Franchise, it's more down to earth with more likeable and believable characters, the star power behind the movie is better than its counterparts, Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad fame is incredible as the lead, Dominic Cooper the Villain does a wonderful job of being a conniving one.

I honestly wouldn't know what to say this is just a movie i really like.
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1000 words isn't enough to review this masterpiece
7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Great Escape is Dare i say it possibly one of the greatest if not the greatest movie ever made.

to properly review this film i need to go in depth on the cast and Characters

Steve McQueen plays Virgil Hilts a US Air force captain and leading man of the story, nicknamed the cooler king for spending most of the film in said building, McQueen brings the cocky nature of the Character to life and goes down as one of the most iconic.

James Garner plays Robert Hendly, one of the three Americans in the camp and the only Character of the RAF eagle squadron, Garner brings the smoothness to the role that a scrounger would have and by the end of the film you love the character.

Richard Attenbrough Plays Roger Bartlett the most faithful of the adapted characters from the true story, Known as the big X and based off the real life Big X Roger Bushel, Attenbroughs performance does the role justice.

James Donald plays Ramsey the Senior British Officer, being the second most faithful of the Characters and based off of real life figure Herbert Massey and is wonderful as the leader of the escape party.

Charles Bronson plays Danny Valinski, one of two Tunnel Kings, whilst many might say that he over acts in the tunnel scenes in which he breaks down i chalk that up to wonderful acting and a real life fear of Bronson, as his character unravels you begin to learn what he has sacrificed over the course of the war.

Donald Pleasence plays Colin Blythe, i will admit he was a major factor in me deciding to watch this film having fallen in love with his portrayal of Sam Loomis in the Halloween saga, whilst in those films he was rough, this film showed another angle to his acting skills playing the soft spoken forger who whilst looking innocent is one of the cunning masterminds of the escape.

James Coburn plays Sedgwick, whilst a great actor and a great character i had a hard time buying that the character was Australian the accent was off and the other numerous attempts to show him as Australian felt show horned in but the character added some nice light humour when needed.

Hannes Messemer plays Von Luger, Whilst many people look at the whole German Army of WWII with disgust Messemers portrayal of Von Luger is one of the best in the films and shows another side to the German army that is rarely portrayed in today's films, showing that of an high ranking officer who doesn't always appear to agree with the views of his superiors or his underlings and his possible disagreement with the Nazi regime.

David McCallum plays Ashley Pitt, not much can be said about his role as he's mainly relegated to the background but is noticeable in every scene he's in and wonderfully written as the character knowingly sacrifices himself for the needs of his superiors, like Plesence he is soft spoken and wonderful to watch.

Gordon Jackson plays MacDonald, one of the leading forces of the escape Jackson portrays a man who doesn't agree with the war and is more focused on wanting to get everyone out of the camp no matter the cost, whilst not as soft spoken as the likes of Plesence or McCallum he is a joy to watch.

Johny Leyton plays Willie, the second Tunnel King i will say that whoever said that singers can't act is quite mistaken, in fact i was taken a back to realize that he was a singer and this was his first film role, the character is kind and looks out for the panicked Danny towards the end of the film and is wonderfully played throughout.

Nigel Stock plays Cavendish, whilst a great actor this is where i take a small disliking to the character is named the surveyor but is shown to be in adequate of doing so and is never seen doing the job and is then relegated to security for the remainder of the film and is played for comic relief, something the film didn't really need except for the bed collapsing scene which was based off of a true story, the character could have been combined with that or Sorans played by William Russell and there wouldn't be any difference although in a personal preference i would preferred Russell in the role.

The story is faithful to the true escape with the post escape being added solely for the film but with an escape sequence that had me pausing almost every minute because of the sheer suspense that was killing me wondering who was going to escape, i honestly found myself enjoying this film every minute, I would recommend this movie for how wonderful it is as a timeless classic.
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could be much better
7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Now i gave this film 2 stars not 1 because of two reasons, 1.the film is enjoyable in it's own comical way, and 2.despite it being poorly made and low budget it "try's" to teach kids about numerous life lessons, and i put try's in quotation marks for a reason.

Cool Cat saves the Kids is a low budget movie, and whilst numerous creators try to not show the low budget aspect of the film, Derek Savage the writer, Creator and Director fails to do this.

The Cool Cat suit is cheesy and looks fake and is clearly a man in a costume, the acting is terrible and often over exaggerated by the man inside the costume, the child actors being that Child actors are clearly doing this for the 1st time but are still terrible throughout.

One of the main selling points of the Movie was the Cameos by Erik Estrada and Vivica A. Fox, which straight away if you're promoting a movie based on actors in Cameos shows another sign of low budget and desperation, and whilst this scene is the 2nd most admirable in the movie as it shows them sticking up to the bully, both Fox and Estrada barely home in a performance and look intoxicated throughout the scene.

Savage's approach to casting and characterisation is heavily misguided and is biased, this is most apparent in the casting of Butch the Bully, as the Character is over the top in the "Bullying", and the casting of an overweight actor is the Biased part, because this appears according to Savage if you're overweight you're a bully or a bad member of society, although is purely my interpretation.

Of course one thing that heavily Affected this review and is whats most known about this film is Savages reactions to the criticism of his film, as Numerous You-tubers in reviews tore apart the film and Savage refused to accept this and started a threatening campaign against many of them, and of course in my mind this will effect my judgement of the works.

So overall i give this film 2 out of 10, although i would recommend you give it a watch just to see how bizarre this film is.
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Close Range (2015)
Adkins and Florentine back at it again
7 November 2017
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Stepping away from there Collaborations on the 'Undisputed' and 'Ninja' series of films, Leading man Scott Adkins is once again in front of the camera whilst behind is Issac Florentine one of the best duos in the Direct to DVD syndicate.

Adkins plays Colt Macready a former military vet out to save his family thanks to a botched deal by his brother in law, Adkins steps away from his Martial arts background for 10% of his action scenes, whilst for the other 90% it's full on Adkins from what we've come to love and respect about his skill.

Once Again Issac Florentine proves that just because this may be B movie territory doesn't mean it has to look it, in fact you could mistake this film for a lower ended A movie, to the look and feel of the movie.

One of the main aspects of the film is of course the fight scenes which i'm happy to say are some of Adkins's best not as great as his work as Yuri Boyka in the Undisputed series but on par with his work in the Ninja Series.

Of course my biggest gripe with the film is how sadly it's mostly spoiled in the title sequence, but never the less is a great film.
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Savage Dog (2017)
Adkins at his brutalist
7 November 2017
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I chose to watch this film because of the leading actor alone Scott Adkins, but by the time the intro Narration was finished i was hocked to continue watching.

Whilst most of Scott Adkins's films I've seen are directed by Issac Florentine, this was the first I saw that didn't, whilst the film is still great it proves that only Florentine knows how to truly direct Adkins.

For fans of Undisputed III theirs a treat in the climactic end "rematch" between Adkins and Marko Zakor, the later is wonderful and oily throughout the film and you just hate his character but love the portrayal.

The story is more built up than most Films of this caliber with numerous story arcs that reach a satisfying conclusion and great acting by all involved, i cannot recommend this film enough.
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M*A*S*H: Abyssinia, Henry (1975)
Season 3, Episode 24
MASH isn't just a comedy
4 October 2017
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if you watch the series and expecting a comedy, you've got half of what you expect due to excellent writing and acting this show perfectly combines Comedy and the serious nature that is the pointless act of war, this episode proves that point.

This episode shows the first Major cast Change as Henry Blake (McLean Stevenson) is discharged, whilst most of the episode is a comedy and a goodbye for the Character, by the last 10 minutes you start to see that the Comedy can be a drama, the goodbye scene is one of the best written and best preformed of the first 3 seasons.

if you watched the first 3 seasons and grew to love Henry you will be deeply moved by his Off Screen death portraying the horrors of war that not everyone makes it home, Henry is sadly the victim of this.

when the laughing and the comedy stops you feel like you're in another series, a well acted and rightly deserved top rated episode.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Vulcan Hello (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Betrays Gene Roddenberry's vision
4 October 2017
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Having Watch most of prior star trek before the release of Star Trek Discovery, I picked up of What Star Trek was and what it represented, however this Series differs heavily from what Prior series and Movies were about, the series betrays the the vision of in the future diversity is gone, the characters are so far written to have Diversity the Human Characters who we're meant to vouch for and be on there side are portrayed as being against what the series should be and whilst the Main Character portrayed by Walking dead Alumni Sonequa Martin-Green, her background is a human with Vulcan up bringing, she is portrayed as whiny trigger happy teen.

Although this is only the first episode i have High hopes for the series.
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Never backing down
2 July 2017
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Whilst the first movie was the Karate Kid with anger issues this movie expands upon the premise set by those two movies and builds a likable group of characters.

whilst most underdog fighter movies have a a trainer, the hero and the clear villain this films makes two of those elements unclear until the the last act of the film, mixing up the overused formula.

each of the three protagonists comes from a different background each with there own problem and by the end of the film have put aside there differences and their problems to fight the antagonist.

The main star and Director of the Movie Michael Jai White is fantastic in this film and goes to prove that it can be done even in this low budget movie, the fighting looks real and each of the characters feels real.

the Only problems i have with this movie is that in some scenes i get two of the characters mixed up and that Michael Jai White is only in half of the movie, but he is fantastic in whatever scene he's in.

A great movie better than the original by far.
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8 Mile (2002)
Rags to Rags?
2 July 2017
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the Rags to riches and the underdog wins tropes in movies are overused in the common day and age, whilst many celebrities will create semi biographical films as vanity projects that are usually terrible this film is not among them.

Eminem plays Jimmy B. Rabbit Smith Jr, a character based of his own life and a character that many can relate to, as it shows him at a low point trying to accomplish his dream hitting many rocks in the road, although you could say that a slight bit of vanity is that he's in every scene, but this is just because its a semi biographical story.

The story details the life B. Rabbit for a week in his life with his friends showing how he mellows out and becomes more calm and realizes that his dreams are achievable and in a film that people can relate to.

the supporting cast is commendable for there great performance, and if you're a fan of the hip-hop scene look for many cameos from numerous amazing rappers.

of course the highlight of the film is the music, namingly the award winning "Lose Yourself" by Eminem just listening it, is it any wonder he won the award for it?.

overall a great film and a must watch.
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don't listen
26 April 2017
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all i can say is my ears a burning and i feel like i need to pour acid into them after this mess, i mean the kid cannot sing, he's hated by everyone the only thing good about this car crash victim is the amazing fact that it's the most disliked video on you-tube, which as i said is the best part
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Eminem: Phenomenal (2015 Music Video)
Eminem is Phenomenal
26 April 2017
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I say that the best music videos are ones that are short movies in themselves, and this is a true master class of that, Eminem not only delivers a powerhouse of a song, but he puts his acting skills to work as he appears as himself being hunted through an Asian city, with Cameos from Dr Dre and John Malkovitch, this Video has everything you'd want from Eminem, a great song, great acting and amazing action.
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Undisputed 4: Boyka (2016 Video)
Boyka Is Undipsuted
17 April 2017
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From A series that started with a film that wasn't the best and was overall generic in the cinemas that grew with style and quality with each subsequent Direct to DVD sequel Boyka: Undisputed doesn't break this tradition.

Scott Adkins returns for another bout as Yuri Boyka, Taking place several Years after Undisputed 3, the titular Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring sets the film in Motion.

Whilst the Returning cast is limited to Scott Adkins (Yuri Boyka) and Valentin Ganev (Warden Markov), the film more than makes up for this with great action scenes that rival Undisputed 3.

One of the main problems with Undisputed 2 was how the shots were quick cuts, this made numerous fight scenes look faked, and whilst this problem was thinned out by holding the shots in Undisputed 3, this film has solved that Problem throughout numerous Fights in the film, There are numerous Tracking shots which allow for some Genuine raw MMA Fighting.

Scott Adkins looks better than ever as Boyka, he's faster and all more apart of the role than actor could be, The Character Development is Fantastic and shows How Boyka has changed from a raging Boar into a more calmer man who can unleash the rage when he needs to, Having found religion he fights for a reason other than himself, and I don't doubt that Adkins will step into the ring As Yuri Boyka again for future installments.
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Better with non big name actors
11 April 2017
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The first thing this film did right was replace Ving Rhames a non professionally trained fighter with Michael Jae White an actual actor trained to fight.

The second was to change the fighting from just boxing to MMA instead, this allows for more variety and for it to stop it being rocky in prison.

The Third was casting Scott Adkins as the Yuri "the most complete fighter in the world" Boyka, Adkins fights the role being an MMA trained fighter.

The story is better, the Characters are more developed and the fighting is more real than the first, the shots are held and look if not are genuine.

The Plot shows George Chambers going to prison again, but this time it's more clear why he's going to jail and that he's innocent, he stirs trouble when he's challenge by Yuri Boyka, of course he refuses to fight,but is forced to, otherwise he stays in jail, losing his cell mate who he becomes friends with in the process after he was forced to betray him, joining forces with a Russian prisoner bound to a wheelchair who you become attached to as he tells his story of giving his life for his brother, and that he doesn't want his niece to know of his existence.

Not as good as Undisputed 3 but still holds its own as a great film.
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Undisputed (2002)
Just a place holder for the rest of the series
11 April 2017
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What can i say apart from after watching the sequels that were Direct to DVD, i was surprised, I came in expecting Rocky in prison and i got more than that.

Although Wesley Snipes and Ving Rhames are both Brilliant Actors on there own merits, they were both miscast in this film, Neither come off as convincing Physical fighters, both are better with weapons rather than hand to hand combat.

The most character development is in a minor character who has memory problems and can remember many historical fights, and he wants to see one more legendary fight before he passes, although he comes off more as a clone of Micky from Rocky than anything else.

The Fight scenes whilst entertaining and well edited lack when compared to later films in the series, they don't hold a shot long enough and cut away during most of the blows obviously showing that they've been faked.

Overall a great movie by it's own accord but when compared to it's sequels it's a mediocre film at best, but still a good watch if you're a fan of either of the top billed actors.
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Dad's Army: The Deadly Attachment (1973)
Season 6, Episode 1
One of the best Episodes in Television history.
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Even if you haven't heard of Dad's army theirs a good chance you've heard the immortal lines

"Whistle while you work, Hitler is a twerp, he's so barmy so's his army, Whistle while you work"

"your Name will also go on ze list what is it"

"Don't tell him Pike"

And if you have heard of Dad's army, you will undoubtedly agree that this is the best episode of the entire series.

If you watch one Dad's army episode it should be this one, its so good that if the BBC news fails this is played instead.

Philip Madoc is the Main Guest star of the episode and Plays the U- Boat Captain, who utters some of the immortal words above, his acting is some of the greatest in the entire series and just hearing his voice makes you think of the great scene.

The writing is superb and the directing is fantastic, undoubtedly one of TV's greatest moments.
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Dad's Army: The Battle of Godfrey's Cottage (1969)
Season 2, Episode 2
Did this just stop being a comedy.
19 March 2017
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In this early episode of a primitive satirical comedy, the writers obviously decided to balance it out.

Whilst Most episodes of Dad's army would present the war and characters as a farce this episode fails to do that to great success.

This episode is truly underrated, Maybe because people wanted a comedy, but what they got was something that comes across as more serious and less of a comedy, this episode should be considered a drama.

Captain Manwaring, Cpl Jones, Pvt Frazer and Pvt Godfrey believe that they are the only line of defense between England and the German forces, and in a truly admirable, they are ready to throw down their lives and are ready to die to stop the Germans forces, which even though their are none the show and writing does make you think their could be.

This Early episode is a true Masterpiece as whilst the previous season had been a farcical look at WWII and the Home guard this episode set out to show the other more serious angle that needs to be seen to be appreciated.

I would Highly recommend this episode to anyone if you want to see a serious piece of work with a hint of comedy.
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Dad's Army: Asleep in the Deep (1972)
Season 5, Episode 1
When a Comedy can turn serious
19 March 2017
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Whilst Dads army is an early form of satirical comedy with them laughing off a serious event in history, this episode no different, for much of the first half you can truly see a serious nature that only one episode rivaled in the series.

After Pvt's Walker and Godfrey are trapped, with the latter believed to be seriously I'll The Platoon in one of the Heroic and Serious Moments of the series, plan and successfully carry out a rescue mission, only to become trapped again and stuck in a slowly flooding room when the series returns to comedy again.

The opening to series 5 shows great warmth and Character development, as the Platoon know that they're taking a risk that the Home guard should never take, but face it with strength and a truly heart warming moment when Captain Manwaring (Arthur Lowe) risks his own life at the possible chance that if he doesn't the Young Pvt Pike (Ian Lavender) could be put in great Danger.

The episode features some of the greatest effects of a 1970's comedy by filling up a set full of water, (which was very expensive to do back then) and traps the Characters in a situation where they begin to bond with each-other.

Whilst not the best it's still up there and deserves more love from the fans for the great writing and development.
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Dad's Army (2016)
Don't tell em Pike, about this movie that is
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Being a big fan of the series as it is one of many things that me and my Granddad bond over, and is a great series that i just find myself re-watching over and over again, that when they announced this movie that was supposed to conclude the series I was ecstatic, but then i noticed that something was missing from the original Television series the charm.

although the cast are well established actors none of them fit the roles

Toby Jones: pales in comparison to Arthur Lowe, he's obviously too thin to play the role and has too much hair to play Captain Manwaring and isn't anywhere near as stubborn as the role should be.

Bill Nighy: whilst more physically suited to play Sgt Wilson, he's much too rough in his performance to carry the charm and kindness that John Le Mesurier brought to the role.

Tom Courtenay: whilst his physical appearance as Cpl Jones is the best of the cast, it's obvious they're trying to desperately to channel Clive Dunn and it does get annoying after a while.

Bill Paterson: His physical appearance doesn't make me thing of John Laurie at all, he looks too young to play Pvt Frazer as he has colour in his hair and is obviously too thin and looks too short to play the role.

Daniel Mays: I was looking forward to seeing how they'd replace Pvt Walker as after James Beck passed away in the middle of the shows run, I wanted to see how they'd try and carry on the Character, his Physical appearance is a bit too chubby and they removed his quips that brought the character to life.

Michael Gambon: Whilst I find that he's my favorite of the cast compared to Arnold Ridley he is pale in comparison, but he is the best acted of the entire cast and is the most faithful, the only problem is that he's a bit too fat for the role and doesn't look as gentle as Pvt Godfrey should.

Blake Harrison: Personally I felt that they only cast Blake Harrison so as a younger audience would be interested in the film, whilst he looks similer to Ian Lavender, I feel in acting due to his previous stint as Neil on the inbetweeners, I couldn't take him seriously as Pvt Pike, the main problem i have with his characterization, is that they took his hobby of Film watching and used it for his character arc, which made him seem annoying.

Martin Savage: Whilst Bill Pertwee wasn't a main character on the series he was still a defining part and in this film ARP Warden Hodges is criminally underused, he's never seen at grips with Manwaring at all throughout the film.

Frank Williams: The one thing they did right was not replace one of the few actors who could still carry on and that was Frank Williams as the vicar, he brings warmth to whatever seen he's in and is a great screen presence for the fans.

Considering that the Film is meant to be a sequel to the series, they do a shoddy job of making it seem like it:

.The Platoon is now only 12 members instead of 17 .Godfrey Carries a riffle which after becoming the Medic he ceases to do so

and these are just the continuity problems, whilst you'd expect to have a great title sequence with "who do you think you're kidding Mr Hitler" playing, they instead decide to copy the Credits of the original series and have the actors walk through the woods, but they fail to even capture the feel of the homage, by showing front views and not the angles of the original.

Even series stables are broken, the catchphrases are either left out or show horned in, and one of the series long running and best jokes Mrs Manwaring is removed and she's instead shown on screen when she should just be a an unseen menace to Captain Manwaring.

The Film steals many plot points from the Show, and whilst you may think that's good, it's lazy in comparison to the classic originals, i'm surprised they didn't shoe horn in the "don't tell em pike" bit for good measure.

I would recommend avoiding this Film if you're a fan of the series like myself and want to see a great ending to the series, i'd suggest that you avoid this movie and imagine something better.
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Boyka is Back
19 March 2017
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One of the best things about the Undisputed series is that each sequel gets better, and this is no exception it may be direct to DVD but that means nothing of the quality of the film.

Scott Adkins returns As Yuri Boyka, in the series tradition of having the Antagonist of the previous film becoming the Protagonist of the next, this film turns Boyka from a Fighter who just wants to prove he's the best, to one who wants to redeem himself and prove he's worth something.

In the secondary role is Mykel Shannon Jenkins As turbo, and whilst unlike the previous films in which the second billed is the villain, Turbo has his own story which is well crafted and sympathetic, and it's implied he was framed and wants out of prison so he can see his kids again.

The film gets rid of Big named actors and uses Actors who know how to fight and don't require stunt men for the action sequences, the fight scenes are beautifully choreographed with some of the best stunt work put to film and each of the actors knows what they're doing, as each fighter uses a different fighting style for diversity.

if you're sick of poor and fake fighting in films I would highly recommend this masterpiece.
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Pleasantly disappointed
19 March 2017
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Before i watched this film i knew that this film was the low point of the series.

I finally got around to watching it, and despite the fact i was disappointed by the films lack of series trademarks of car chases and a strong silent hero, i found it entertaining to watch.

Mel Gibson returns as Max in a mediocre but still entertaining performance, he's joined by in a weird piece of casting Tina Turner and despite having second billing she's not present for most of the film, although her performance is terrific and entertaining to watch.

A series tradition of having an actor of a previous Mad Max film aside from the actor Playing Max is upheld with a performance by Bruce Spence, who is criminally under used and relegated to a few short appearances.

George Miller Directing is bad but forgivable due to the Death of Series co creator Byron Kennedy, so whilst he handles the action scenes, George Ogilvie handles all non action scenes which most are boring,the action scenes are the highlight of the film and are entertaining to watch as they're few and far between, and of course the best part of the film.
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Witness this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 March 2017
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After a disappointing 3rd entry with beyond thunder-dome, George Miller had interest in the series again and he created a film that might as well have been a massive middle finger to CGI.

Tom Hardy is the new Max and he delivers a performance to rival Mel Gibson as the leading man, His Characterization as Max is based on The Road Warrior, with Max being silent most of the film, but this is the best part as the series is visual imagery and not dialogue heavy.

Whilst the last film was ruined by having American funding and having an American headlining the cast in that cast Tina Turner, who isn't an actress, this film has Charlize Theron as Imperotor furiosa, someone who is worthy of sharing the top billing, Playing a large part of the movie and a great Character whose on a Journey of redemption and is a strong female lead who doesn't need a man to defend her.

A real treat for the fans as the returning actor from a Previous Mad Max film is used to the best ability and his Name is Hugh Keays- Byrne who played the Toe Cutter in the Original Mad max 36 years prior, he's back and playing the New Villain Imortan Joe, and whilst delivering a menacing performance and unlike most action movie villains who are shown to be super human in someway, Imortan Joe is shown to be the opposite needing an air filter to breath.

Since Miller is again interested in his work The action scenes are top class, each scene is Practical effect and actual cars getting blown up and destroyed with the minimalist CGI used, the stunt work is fantastic with it being practical effects and the Only CGI is to remove the equipment.

The supporting cast whilst comprised of lesser known names creates a better performance than if it was made of better known names, as Miller chose ability over a top name.

I would recommend this film to anyone if you're not a fan of the series you will be after this film.
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Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 Video Game)
not the worst Call Of Duty out there
21 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst the Series hit a low point with this entry it actually started the decline with the next entry in the series.

Whilst every Call of duty released since this game has used an advanced movement system this one retained the Boots to ground and whilst many people criticize it for being a boring game, if you play it with friends and add in some competition you can get numerous hours of fun from the multiplayer.

The campaign is considered Lack luster for its poor story and one that doesn't make any sense, when if you pay attention you can see a well crafted story with the opening level that features what appears to be a measly missile launcher in space, is in fact much more horrifying as it is much worse than that, the Campaign shows a military family growing up in an destroyed America, and having heard stories about an elite squad known as Ghosts, and learning that the one targeting them is a former presumed dead member of the ghosts.

with a campaign featuring realistic and believable settings such as a space station and underwater, it is just as believable as the Modern Warfare trilogy and considering the later Call Of Duty games that counts for a lot.

The Multiplayer experimented with a few things but unlike later games didn't destroy the core game, with new features being game modes slightly changeable maps and a new weapon class, it didn't break anything and its balanced, some of the core game Maps were a bit of a let down with some being so big that you couldn't find anyone for most of the game, and others being so small that it would be unfair if you spawned on one side of the map.

The New game mode entirely was Extinction, whilst often labeled as a poor and shoddy rip off of Zombies, it is the furthest thing from it, the only similarity is there are weapons around the map you can buy, but unlike zombies you cannot repurchases the ammo from the weapon, with a more objective based game play than Zombies had at the time, Extinction relays on teamwork and cooperation by each of the people playing it, and choosing the right load-out can make all the difference, with a later introduced Teeth System that allowed the player to have upgrades to there profile, whilst it made the game easier, at the same time the DLC maps become tougher and more difficult, and with the Extinction Campaign having a story that was enjoyable to guess at what was coming next it was a Great Alternative to Zombies despite what people say and is the main highlight of the Game.

The Game was the second to feature a Micro DLC system but unlike later games it doesn't break it and it is Purely Aesthetic and is mainly skins for your multiplayer character which included some Legends from previous games such as Captain John Price, Captain John "Soap" Mctavish to name a few, and some from the campaign Of ghosts it makes for a fun experience, the only problem is you can end up in a game against a team of Captain Prices, but it just adds to the fun of the Game.

Overall the Game is fun if you play with friends and if you take the game with a pinch of salt, and buy the DLC if you want the Full Extinction experience, I'm not saying its the best game in the franchise but its far from the worst.
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Mad Max (1979)
A great film that started a genre
20 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One of the main reasons people seem to like this film is because they come in and expect The Road Warrior, despite this being Maxs origin story.

The film was made on a low budget of somewhere around $300,000 and in a lot of places you can't tell.

I watched this film after seeing the trailers for Mad Max: Fury Road and wanted to see where the craze started, and as I mentioned above people tend to hate it because it's not the sequels.

George Miller makes his directorial Debut along with his good friend Byron Kennedy who produced the film, in his acting Debut Mel Gibson steps into a Black Leather outfit and gets behind the wheel of possibly the nicest car to ever grace Cinema a 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT affectionately Dubbed "The last of the V8 Interceptors", although in this film the Car is intact and isn't roughed up as the later films.

The cast deliver a great performance, and I would be genuinely scared if a man Like the Toe-cutter Appeared as I would be scared he'd pounce on me at any moment.

* Spoilers *

a lot of people say the story makes no sense, it starts out with Max having a sense of justice and taking down a criminal, obviously the criminals gang don't like this and after one of their members is arrested and subsequently released, they critically wound the man who arrested him driving Max to question himself, and by doing so they instead of taking their revenge out directly on the man who killed the criminal from the opening, they go for a more physic- logical approach and Critically wound his Wife and killing his child, before he gains revenge himself on the gang, by hunting them down and running them off the road before hand cuffing the last member who'd wounded his friend, by the ankle to a truck which is going to explode, and leave him with one of two things to cut through, Handcuffs or his ankle before driving off leaving his sanity behind.

two things make the action great in this movie, 1.George Miller and Byron Kennedy weren't working for a studio and so they had full control over the film they wanted to make, minus budget of course 2. Miller had worked in a hospital getting the funding for the film and had scene many Car crash victims allowing him to see what he could put into his masterpiece.

I Rate this movie 10/10 and would highly recommend watching this movie and for those who do i suggest you don't go in expecting the Road Warrior.
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You wanna see a good movie you talk to me
23 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of those fantastic moments is when the director producer and the lead actor return for the sequel and they're not doing it for the money.

Not picking up on the last film, but with Max who is obviously battered by the wasteland as evident by his Iconic V8 interceptor, which although an amazing machine in the first film, is back and more badass than ever.

Mel Gibson gives a terrific performance, and shows how Max has been battered over the years following the first film.

Bruce Spence plays his on again, off again sidekick "the Gyro Captain" a man who despite looking goofy is a smart and serious man, who although looks like he's there for the comic relief is the driving (no pun intended) force of the film, showing Max the fuel Compound, and plays a small part in the iconic and climactic chase.

Vernon wells, delivers a menacing performance as Wez a wasteland bandit, who cracks a mans head clean open with a single headbutt, and slimier to Max he loses someone in the film and then makes an attempt at revenge.

Emil Minty although he hasn't done anything since the film, his sole film appearance is brilliant and displays a child in what would probably be the apocalypse, he's not gonna have toys or television he's gonna hunt and not speak a single word of dialog, and it works so well

Rounding up the cast is Kjell Nilsson as the Humungus, "the lord Humungus", although he looks like Jason Vorhees on a stag night, he is one threatening villain, he looks menacing and is brutal in the film burning people alive whilst reading something in German.

One of those rare sequels that captures the feel of the first film and expands upon it making it one of the greatest films ever made.

one downside is it spawned a wave of knock offs... I do not think we got a bargain
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