
9 Reviews
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Scarecrows (2017)
Why are people in horror movies so stupid?
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why, but it seems that the main requirement for being a character in a horror movie now a days, is to have no common sense and an IQ less than room temperature.

This level of stupidity makes most horror movie characters irritating. It also eliminates any sympathy the viewer might have for them. The stupid deserve to die. There are too many out there.

========= SPOILER ALERT ==========

Scarecrows is a perfect example. I was so happy that none of the characters survived the ordeal. I hope more writers take a page from this film and let the antagonists win a few. It was very satisfying to see the main character joining her friends. More horror movies should end that way.
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Finders Keepers (III) (2018)
A truely FRIGHTENING film!!!
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was TERRIFIED that we may have reached a point in American film making, where the thought of creating this kind of rubbish was considered.

And I am HORRIFIED that someone actually DID!

=========== SPOILER ALERT =============

I still can't figure out how the main characters could make so much noise and not get caught. Yelling at each other doesn't seem like the best way to hide from a killer.

Apparently, in this world, as long as you're not in view of the other person, they won't be able to hear you.

Every one of the protagonists who died, deserved it! To be honest, I wanted to kill a couple of them myself.

The first guy deserved to die for listening to his girlfriend.

The girl for getting her boyfriend killed and for being stupid. Sometimes, you just need to pour a little chlorine in that gene pool. The untimely death of a stupid character is never a bad thing. In fact, the way this one died was pretty satisfying. .

Hopefully she was hit enough times to knock the stupid out of her. Before she realized, of course, that she was going to join the boyfriend she got killed.

The last guy for thinking his plan would work.
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Slaughter (I) (2009)
Below average attempt at horror.
23 April 2022
A mediocre attempt at horror, that hints but doesn't really deliver on the promises.

The strange part is that I keep seeing the comment that it is "based on true events". But I've search for quite a while and can't find any information on any real event that remotely resembles this story. I would really like to know what event "inspired" this movie.
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OMG! WTF did I just watch???
15 April 2021
That was, without a doubt, the dumbest thing I've ever watched. I LOVED IT!!!!

Half way through the movie I was in tears. A perfect example of "So bad it was GREAT". Makes me wish I was a mutant so I could give it 3 "thumbs ups".... LOL.
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Ravage (2019)
The problem with a lot of movies of this genre....
14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why does the protagonist ALWAYS hesitate when they encounter the main antagonist?

Harper already demonstrated that she can "take care of business" with all the other bad guys (for lack of a better word). Yet she stands there holding a gun on Ravener while he taunts her. She has him. Get rid of him and be done with it. I lost all sympathy for Harper and felt she deserved what she got. If for no other reason except she was stupid.. LOL

She should have put a bullet in Ravener's skull the second she had the gun. She wouldn't have been in the state she was in at the end and her boyfriend would be alive. But NOOOOOO... run to the boyfriend when the main villain is standing right there.

Drop the guy, preferably with a double tap to the head, then see to your boyfriend.
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#Screamers (2016)
Enough with the found footage films...
17 July 2020
Sorry but found footage films are NEVER frightening. Visually annoying and moronic. It's just an way to produce low budget films with idiotic story lines.

Of course I tend to avoid found footage films in general so my objection to them is based on the few I have been forced to watch.

Beginning with Blair Witch (which I thought was really stupid and not the least bit scary), I have yet to see a found footage film that held my attention for more than the first few minutes. After that, the "shaky camera" style of cinematography just became irritating.

I will admit that Cloverfield may have been the exception. It wasn't that bad although, had it been show in a "normal" style, it would have been a much better film.

Honestly any film with a half way decent script would be much better had it NOT been shot in the "found footage" style.
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The Sound (2017)
21 January 2019
I would have liked to see this movie. Unfortunately, they budget didn't include lights and I probably missed most of the film because I couldn't see squat.

It started interestingly enough and had potential. (I will give it that much)

But in the end, it was probably better that I couldn't see much. The plot was pretty dumb, the effects were non-existent, and the only scary thing was the fact that someone spent money to produce this garbage.
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I Am a Ghost (2012)
I'm not quite sure what I just watch...
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely one of the stranger films that I've seen in a long time. A little too "artsy" for my taste.

This was basically a 75 minute film that contained about 15 minutes of unique footage that simply repeated itself over and over (and over and over again).

At first, the viewer is exposed to a series of short scenes in one of about 5 or 6 different locations in the house. In the beginning, these repeating scenes did almost nothing to advance the story. Then slowly, as Emily learns what she is and what happened to her, the scenes begin to expand and change, just enough to reveal a bit more of the story.

This continues for what seems to be an eternity (I guess if you're a ghost, eternity isn't that long) until the end when Emily comes to grips with what has happened to her and she begins the process of "moving on". Unfortunately, it ends before we actually see Emily's final transition and leaves you with assumptions of what probably happened. Finally, you are left to wonder "what the *@#$ did I just watch?."

I will say that Anna Ishida gave a good performance as the main character of Emily, considering the material that she was working with. But her performance wasn't quite enough to save the film.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Sorry but I didn't get it...
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although, historically, Dunkirk was a fascinating story the film was a disappointment. 330,000 soldiers rescued from Dunkirk after the German advance into France. Civilians coming out to help in the evacuation, risking themselves for the soldiers where were defending them! The potential for a great story was there!

The movie, unfortunately, failed to take advantage of the potential... It was basically a World War II movie with very little fighting and no action. It was boring (I fell asleep twice).

I really don't understand how this film got the rating it did. Unless of course, the people enjoyed the cinematography. I will give it that much. The film had a very "artsy" feel to the way it was shot. Wide camera angles that did convey the hopelessness and loneliness of being trapped on that beach and under constant danger from the advancing Germans. But other than that, one of the most boring films I've seen in a long time.

=========== POTENTIAL SPOILER ===================

The film centered around a few hours during the battle of Dunkirk and presented the events from the perspective of various people. The events that were chosen was part of the problem. They were probably the least interesting of all the things that could have happened over the course of the fight/evacuation.
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