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A Good Film That Nevertheless Has Some Problems.
19 May 2018
Avengers:Infinity War is a film that has a problem. A huge problem. Namely, how to encompass 10 years of screen history and 23 characters into one film so, that the end result would not take over three hours to complete, and not only be satisfying, but also good? It is hard, so the writers and the directors should be honored for having made a film as good as they did. There is also a great moral dilemma at the center, namely that of whether it is right to kill some in order that the many could have a better life? In that case, the films is really amazing, and also a great example of entertainment cinema. But. The films is not that good, and I have never been a huge fan of these Marvel movies-Star Wars and Harry Potter are blockbuster franchises that I like much more. And sometimes the writing is a bit out of hand, and having more than twenty main characters obviously translates to the fact than not all are very well developed. Herein, also lies a great problem. Avengers: Infinity War is a great film, make no mistake, with the best superhero film ending since The Dark Knight, but in order to really know these characters(except for Thanos, who is surprisingly fleshed out and could contend to the title of Main Character in this film) you have to watch their solo films-something that sadly is necessary for a franchise like this.But, otherwise from that, this here really is a great film.
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An Amazing Black Comedy
3 December 2017
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is the best comedy i have ever seen. A great example of the hollowness of normal comedies and the greatness of black comedies. I have definitely been inspired to watch the two other films of Martin McDonagh and try to check out some of his plays.

Frances McDormand gives an amazing, Oscar-worthy performance, as does Sam Rockwell in perhaps some of the greatest arc acting i have truly ever seen.Music is used quite effectively and the violence is often. Everything is quite serious, but comedy is still there-often after some really serious events. The screenplay is amazing, the acting is amazing and the direction is amazing. A superiority.
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star wars is about faith, but its supposed to be about war
8 January 2017
star wars has war in its title, but the films really deal more in faith. I am not saying this is bad, because there really are not a lot of mainstream films dealing with faith in the way star wars is. However, a franchise with the title star wars should include stars and be about war. Although stars are included, no movie has really talked about war. Now, with the Star Wars Anthology series existing, we can expect films with different style than the main episodes. While Han Solo film is supposed to be an action- adventure film with a western feel, then Rogue One is a film about war and its price. Not only is this film gritty, dark and includes colorless visuals, it also deals with the fact that in war, even the good guys have to do bad things, like be assassins and spies, which is not as honorable as being Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. But without this there would not be victory. In fact, one of the good guys gets killed by the rebels as a mistake. Also, all of the films main characters die. But they gave the Death Star plans to the rebels and so, victory comes. In fact, if they would have failed, Luke Skywalker would not be a legend after all. Also, I like how the film acknowledges that Darth Vader is a broken soul and does not shy away from using material from the prequels( they are part of the canon) and uses both Coruscant and Mustafar. But at its heart, it is a gritty war film bout war and its price.
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A great noir film
8 January 2017
I had only seen Avatar and Titanic when I, watching TV found True Lies. It was a great spy film and I enjoyed it. The next day I watched Titanic, as excellent as ever. Then I thought about watching other James Cameron films.

He s definitely a genius and while waiting for Avatar 2, I watched The Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The basic idea of the film is that in the future most of humanity has been wiped out by machines. A brave man named John leads the human resistance against the machines. Machines are nearly wiped out, when they send the Terminator, an almost unstoppable cyborg back in time with one goal:murder Sarah , the future mother of John. By doing so, humans would already be wiped out. However, a human called Kyle Reese is also transported back in time to save Sarah. The film is great and I enjoyed it.
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Aliens (1986)
Has you hooked
8 January 2017
I do not like horrors. But watching Aliens was great. First up, Aliens really is not a horror. Its predecessor, Alien is clearly a horror film and its two successors, Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection are too. Even though the original films prequel, Prometheus is not very scary, it is still meant as a horror and so is its upcoming sequel, Alien:Covenant.

Aliens is terrific. It uses silence and normal sounds terrifyingly. Even when nothing is yet happening, the feel of terror is so big that the moment the aliens attack, is not even half as scary. The film itself is great and I love it. Sigourney Weaver is a great actor and James Cameron, the films writer and director, is definitely a genius.
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Warcraft (2016)
Better than the critics tell you
17 July 2016
I went to see Warcraft movie on a night and i am not disappointed. The movie was good, a great fantasy flick with awesome looking visuals and even more awesome looking orcs. While it is certainly a good movie, it is not an unmissable one. That i a creepy situation, because it sets me apart from both the critics and the fans. While i would go to cinema to watch a sequel then this movie is not as good as most people say. But i nonetheless still enjoyed it and had a pretty good time watching it. I am happy to see a new great fantasy franchise come out. It is also a good movie which is interesting because it is based on a video game. For a verdict i would say that this movie is a good one that will fill your time with a good memory and a good feeling, too. I liked this movie and it is great. I am definitely on board for sequels. Besides the fight between the orcs and the humans is really interesting. The characters are great and everything is sorted out great. I had a good time watching this good movie and i am sure you have too.
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Now that is a true batman masterpiece!
10 June 2016
Christopher Nolan is one of the worlds best directors and he turned Batman into a mega franchise full of unexpected plot twists and great story lines. It is also one of the best comic book movies sewn and it is a movie what is worth having 10 out of 10. I do have to say that Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck were both better as Batman, but Christian Bale does nothing wrong and is definitely better than George Clooney. Also, while i personally think that this the best standalone Batman movie, then Batman v superman was also a great joy and an awesome movie: the two are quite different still and the dark knight is in to capture the darkness of batman and also leave a way to a trilogy with a connected story line rather than set up a whole shared universe, it is enjoyable and makes you get hooked into the chair and watch the whole long thing thrilled until the end.
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Burton takes a source material and turns it into a cinematic glory....again.
9 June 2016
A great Burton movie once again... seriously Mel Stuarts take on the much beloved children's book was definitely a awful changer: as a lover of books I hate it when people just come along and kill what they can find. But seriously Tim Burton's takes on the chocolate factory is refreshing with Burton style and a good adaptation of a book by Roald Dahl. For first up, it starts with a right title and Johnny Depp is way closer to the young crazy chocolate maker we saw in the book. Even the musical parts have been kept( Burton definitely had a very big part in it) and see Charlies uncle Joe as a old skinny guy is definitely a right thing. Of course there is the thing with flashbacks. Burton has a very unique style of storytelling that is no surprise that we see something very much outside the source material come along. This time it is a flashback extra story telling the story of young Willy Wonka and his journey of becoming a candy maker. It does make a very big step away from the book but as it always is with Burton, he just makes you like this part too.
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the best movie of the franchise and no kidding!
9 June 2016
When the news that Matthew Vaughn, the excellent director of X- Men:First Class, would not be directing a sequel everybody was surely sad. But when Bryan Singer came on and made a return then it all seemed to be worth it. To tell the truth, Days of Future Past is the best movie in the franchise yet. Nothing has beaten it as Tim Millers Deadpool really did not get close to this and X- Men:Apocalypse is clearly not over this here. Bryan Singer does it great and cool, playing with his awesome characters and rooting them to do stuff they do all very well. The sense of the first main X-Men prequel is still her and every character is as he or she should be. The only bad thing here is that we have seemingly lost the sense of the first 2 x-men movies, but its a long awaited reunion that proves that the x-men are back in movie business with great hands.
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definitely not the best
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I know critics have loved the film but there's really not a lot of same going on in the fans review basis. After all I am really disappointed. After so much praise it was really not good to see that the movie is not even half as great as the critics say. There are huge plot holes that are never solved. And we never really get to know more of Black Panther. And also a weird thing: Black Widow lets Cap and the winter soldier escape and both government nor Tony nor the whole other Avengers working for the government including BLACK PANTHER gives a

thing. I mean cap is their sort of enemy and they don't even care about she just let the two escape. Plus there's really not a lot of new in the ending. So cap and his friends are in safe asylum in which they are welcomed by Black Panther who simply follows the orders of Iron Man who now is still secretly working together with cap.And by the time avengers 3 comes around there's really not a big problem with the main villain reveal, now is it? That kind of plot holes are really not a lot of " oh can ignore that". Marvel really has got to come out with something new and also deliver endings that really change their universe.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
great Burton
5 June 2016
First up: I'm really a fan of Tim Burtons visual style and as a lover of his style its really hard to not appreciate a movie by him which has that unique style. This movie is actually the first of his i ever saw. Im actually confused because his crazy visual style made his 2 batman movies so great and although this movie is not as good its definitely great enough for me. I give 8 to films which are not unmissable(10) close to that (supergreat(9)) but great. Tim Burton is a unique filmmaker whose style cannot be thrown away. If he ever dies I'm going to watch all of his movies all over , and hope others see Burtons greatness too. That style is also what makes this film so good.
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crazily good
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In 90s there really wasn't such a good time for movies as the 80s.But independence day definitely is one of the greatest films ever made. Its awesome and fits action together with alien sci-fi and thriller so perfectly that it really just makes you sit down thrilled until end. And the greatness of Jeff Goldblum. There definitely is not a thing you cant like in this movie. Talking of it Roland Emmerich definitely makes you like the whole thing until the end. Its also awesome how it makes you know more about minor characters since the movies beginning and then finally make them very important in the particular story. after all it really is a perfect movie released in a time good movies were really not so much.
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X2 (2003)
Definitely good, but not really great.
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the significant problem of Marvel movies being not great, but awful in the 70s, 80s, 90s. Well, Bryan Singer did go and make marvel movies great. But there's still a problem: they're definitely good, but not great. I've got to honestly say, I've never really seen a perfectly good marvel movie except the avengers and spider-man 2. Well, i really liked avengers 2 but that was because of its plot warning people about not doing a intelligent machine. But just like with marvels greatest movie franchise the x-men, there's still the trouble of " just good, but not great" . There are good things in the movie , like the way it shows mutants not as all powerful, non-trouble having godlike mutants, but as normal people, who also have their own big problems. And there's definitely a joy in seeing the battle between lady death-strike and wolverine.

But as i already told , its not really great and no matter how big the joy is, its still not so good to have 10 out of 10. After all, the humanity thing is already sawed and have to say its really not smart to make the end into the movies best sequence. The movie must be an altogether piece that goes better and better and sometimes before the end stays into the same piece it is. But here it seems like Bryan Singer is letting the movie to be in the whole same level making the end the movies best sequence. Thats the only reason why I'm giving the movie this rating.
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the best movie of 2016 yet!
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Going to cinema and watching this film was definitely one of the best moments of my life. I was a little bit worried at first, because of the big critic backlash it had got. But the film was awesome, so if you like batman , DC comics and Zack Snyders totally epic and great vision, then this movie is the best you could hope for! It also sets up the whole DCEU totally great and is so much more better than Marvel. Honestly, don't you guys think that its getting a little bit boring when every movie has got the same kind of style?

Also, its not just better because of its new style, which is getting unique in Hollywood but its also a much better story! Almost all of the marvel movies have the same thing of stuff inside them, like a big bad guy with a big bad army(okay, its not the thing in the incredible hulk and iron man 2 and Thor and ant-man, but kind of like every other MCU movie) and no main good guy dies. Gods sake, not even Phil Coulson dies! So yeah, batman v superman is unique, because its a superhero movie that doesn't try to be like marvel and goes on withe their own awesome style. You have to watch this!

(so excited for justice league!!!!)
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