
52 Reviews
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Password (2022– )
Better than these uptight reviews lead you to believe
17 August 2022
This is so much fun to watch and it's exciting to watch. It reminds me of the playfulness genuine friends have when playing the game. I always smile and laugh during this show. Not sure why so many tightwads have given such bad reviews. Ignore them, this show is great.
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Lakefront Bargain Hunt: Adirondack Escape (2017)
Season 5, Episode 2
Favorite family
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen soooo many of these lakefront or beachfront property shows and this little family on this episode was my favorite. They seemed to appreciate the houses quirks even if they didn't like it very much. A lot of times these shows have very "I hate this or I hate that that" and focusing more on decoration instead of the house itself. The husband and wife were such a cute pair and their daughter seemed like a genuinely nice and humble little girl. Honestly just an adorable family and they even picked the house I wanted them to pick lol. And got it like $70,000 under budget! Anyways.
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Evil Lives Here (2016– )
CPS pay attention
29 March 2022
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At the end of the episode we learn that this bad mother adopted the son of her psycho son. When the mom talks about her grandson (Gabe) you can see she is mentally and emotionally unwell. She even says her son's name referring to Gabe and she has a little breakdown. How is this lady the best option for raising that little boy? Was there really NO ONE on Maisie's side that was better for the child?

Even during the episode when she talked about her grandson in any context as far as well-being or anything she kept saying "the baby". It's like she refused to voice any attachment to the child and say his name or even "my grandson".

There was definitely something wrong with Derek for sure but this mom seems like she put in zero effort to curb any bad behavior.

At this point, I feel so bad for Gabe and hope he finds healthy people to be around because that lady ain't it.
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New York Homicide (2022– )
Those accents lol
8 March 2022
The show is ok, it's pretty standard. I just can't get over the cartoonish New York accents of these cops. I can only take so much lol. Give the show a try but there are better shows out there with less obnoxious accents lol.
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American Auto (2021–2023)
Sensitive reviewers
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished the first episode and laughed out loud a few times and enjoyed this show so far. People in the reviews write about this show like it was preachy about race or "too politically correct" and I'm just wondering HOW? They made a self driving car that accidentally hits black people and Indians. That's absurd and hilarious because of how horrible it is, were the reviewers mad because they liked that kind of car and in the show it was (rightfully) a huge problem?

Some people complained that they wanted it to be more like Superstore but I'm glad it's not. I tried to get into that show but it was so boring to me. This show has also had some quick funny one liners.
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How many?
18 December 2021
It's amazing how many movies and documentaries have been done about bundy. At this point (actually long before it) any new project focusing on him is just glorification. Plain and simple. Families of the victims and even one victim herself gets to watch as the the media keeps giving that p.o.s. Attention. It's one thing for behavioral scientists to study and watch his stuff and those in the serial killer hunting business to pull apart and really examine who he was but, that not what this is. He was executed so long ago and yet Hollywood just wants to keep him alive like they are paying tribute to him over and over.
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Fun and light entertainment
9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this special and not sure why people are so caught up in the actors and ages and nailing the original character. This is just good old fashioned entertainment with familiar faces. It was fun to watch and I was not ready for those hilarious remakes of classic commercials *with a twist* LOL.
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That's My Jam (2021– )
So far so good!
30 November 2021
I first saw and heard about this show after seeing a couple clips on YouTube and like it enough that I searched for the full episode on tv.

I have not liked a show off the bat so fast. Jimmy, Kelly, Ariana, John and Blake were so funny together. They obviously already have working relationship with each other so the playful banter and "arguments" were like a bunch of siblings playing a game. I laughed a lot. And THE SINGING! Wow!

Sometimes in these shows where celebs competed with each other or are guests on game shows, it feels kind of forced and awkward and some think they are funny and make lame jokes or jokes that they think sound teasing but are actually kinda mean. But this group played off each other so great. And Blake basically starting off by saying the show has the worst host ever, worst partner and the worst crowd ever had me rolling!
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The Killer Beside Me: Screaming Terror (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Bad lead
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just have to comment because of one of the "leads" that one of the daughters gave detectives. So, the forensics found the hair of the unknown killer to be a black male who had some grey in his hair so they were looking for an older black man. And then one of the daughters remembered that when her mom (the victim) worked at a restaurant, there was a black man that liked her.... 20 YEARS AGO! After investigating, detectives found that he had passed years before the murder. I would imagine that they would have mentioned if the black man that liked the mom had done something to her or made her uncomfortable or something but nope, he was just a black man that liked her 20 YEARS AGO! If he was still around within like the last 5 years ok maybe give the guy a look but to mention someone from 20 years ago that hasn't even had contact with the mom for YEARS because he's the only black man you can remember the mom really interacting with is f'ed up.
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Once Upon a Time: Sympathy for the De Vil (2015)
Season 4, Episode 19
Cruella story is boring
25 October 2021
This episode has some major development and storyline info so I couldn't just move onto the next episode. I wish I could though because the character of Cruella is so uninteresting to me. The original cartoon, the remakes and the character in this show.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Assumptions (2019)
Season 20, Episode 23
Falsely accusation
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was all over the place. A lot of people have a lot of different opinions about what was hit or miss but the biggest frustration I had was that the Muslim woman accused Jewish boys of the rape knowing it wasn't them but it fit into her political and religious mind frame so she literally was willing and ready to have innocent boys persecuted for crimes they did not do... and she was not charged criminally for it or even reprimanded by the SVU. I mean using one's own sexual assault to further racist and anti Semitic beliefs and it not even being addressed very much is disappointing.
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Dateline NBC: Kidnapped (2017)
Season 25, Episode 14
Brave cousin!
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This whole story is heart pounding. All 3 of the hostages were so brave and it's such a victory that they are all safe now. I just am left with admiration for the cousin who wasn't really featured too much even though he voluntarily went with the captors to protect his cousin and aunt and that he constantly offered himself in place of them to get beatings. I really hope he is doing well and blessings are flowing in his life.
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Ted Lasso: Lavender (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Such a great show
15 September 2021
This is one of those episodes of Ted Lasso that do so well with being genuinely funny yet completely heartwarming and inspirational without at all being cringe or sappy. Honestly, if you don't like this program, I don't even wanna know ya.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Strain (2005)
Season 7, Episode 5
Olivia's hair
26 May 2021
Ok this had nothing to do with the storyline in this episode itself but I just had to comment. Anyone else notice the whispy blowout they did to Olivia's hair for this episode? It kept making me laugh. Marishka has had super short pixie to little longer than shoulder length hair in this series and she honestly can pull of any hairstyle. But they are doing wayyy to much with Ms. Benson this episode lol!
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Shrill: Sorry (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
Will and Annie!
12 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was wondering how the show would approach the aftermath of Annie treating Will so poorly on their date from a previous episode and the hypocrisy of her judgement of him. They did such a great job! The scene that stands out by far and done so well was when Annie was left with a huge plate of food (because the little girl she made the plate for decided she didn't want it) and so Will comes in and says he will split the plate with Annie and carry some of the weight. This is straight after so much in Annie's life is looking pretty bad and she knows it's her fault and her best friend and roommate basically doesn't even attempt to be there for her so the "Weight of the world" was on Annie's shoulders as far as sadness or stress and then in the scene Will (who has every right to snub Annie) symbolically offers to carry some of the weight to lighten her load. It was just done so well and sweet and honestly Will is hotter and better than Nick so it was a great moment with a worthy character.
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Outlander: Down the Rabbit Hole (2018)
Season 4, Episode 7
Freaking Brianna. Ugh.
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the books are like or if Brianna is portrayed in the show the same way as the books but this is one of the most frustrating Brianna plot lines. She never seems to see things for what they are, she just chooses to feel like she is betrayed and never accepts that she is wrong or at least in part. This is my second time watching the series and she acts like roger told her that he murdered her mom himself or something. I could understand if she was taken back at why he didn't tell her he knew about her moms death and even if she was frustrated and angry but after he told her his reasoning, she clung to her right to feel betrayed. She is in a foreign time and place and is so vulnerable but her arrogance and childishness is overwhelming. She accused roger of taking away her right to decide to do something about her moms death but how in the world could Roger even know that Brianna going back was ever an option?
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Outlander: Do No Harm (2018)
Season 4, Episode 2
Disgusting reviews
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am grossed out at people expressing their annoyance with Claire's spoken disapproval of slavery. Theare is a review saying they hope this season isn't going to focus on the slave war. Others saying she should have just stayed quiet the whole time. I get that nothing was going to change And that this is 200 years in the past but to not even once express how evil slavery was while it was happening is cowardly. I wouldn't help but at least try to expose the hypocrisy and nonsense that The slave owners believed. As a white woman myself, I would be frustrated and know (like Claire eventually did) that the savagery of these slave owners was too strong to fight against but screw that nonsense of these reviewers acting like she was the bad guy for expressing her disapproval. Claire definitely has some moments that annoy me but this is one that is an example of when she shined.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
I finished feeling depressed
19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just binge watched the whole series. I definitely laughed at a good amount during the 4 season. I had a lot of "that doesn't make any sense" moments followed immediately by reminding myself that this is a tv show about the absurdity of points to get into a good place and anything being possible or not possible based on whatever the writers felt like. Although the show mentioned the many ways humans would be tortured in the bad place like spiders in the butt or fleas In the mouth or being turned inside out, it was weird how they tried to convince us that living with people that would drive us crazy (the original plan of the season 1 neighborhood) would be considered torture. It's like ok yeah very annoying and frustrating but that can basically be a lot of situations on earth. And then when they got to the good place, they were basically their earth selves just making better decisions but always being disappointed. They basically made heaven and paradise seem like it's earth just you can do whatever you want which is pointless in and of itself so why would it or hell even be a thing to begin with? Why not always make it so that nothingness exists. If the end result will be sadness, boredom and loss then how is that not the bad place? Because even if they can choose to go through the door of nothingness, pain will still exist, just not for them anymore. In any case, I won't say I didn't like it because I did enjoy a lot but, I feel sadness and depressed and not from a series ending but I felt like I was given the "solution" to this 4 season journey only to be slapped in the face with nothing really matters except learning to do the right thing only to be rewarded with this path that will eventually lead to emptiness and its suppose to somehow seem beautiful or wrapped up nicely? I am left feeling depressed and sad and wish I never even invested my time into this show.
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Triggered gamers
4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of triggered gamers in this episode rating. Honestly, as a non gamer, I don't judge all gamers, just the ones (who do exist) who can't separate fiction from reality. The majority can separate the two in my opinion. So, maybe the people that rated low for portraying gamers bad etc need to look in the mirror because I fear they don't realize that they are pointing the finger at themselves for relating more to the Logan Pauls of this episode. I gave this a 9 because it's funny how we never really have any hint at Tutuollas obsession with gaming and then all of a sudden in this episode, he's like wayyyyt into it lol.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
Only on season 4
3 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am addicted to this show. I always laugh though at how lame Conor Donovan is lol. Ray's daughter is this complicated, multi dimensional character and Ray's son is well, let's just say puddles are deeper than him.
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Dateline NBC: The Tallahassee Trap (2020)
Season 29, Episode 3
Guilty Adelsons
2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's beyond obvious that the adelsons are all guilty. I really hope they are eventually indicted and put behind bars. That whole family is toxic. I feel bad for the two little boys. They are innocent victims of evil grandparents, mom and uncle. I'm hopeful that news will break someday that the investigators find the evidence or amount of proof they need to wipe that family off the streets.
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Judge Judy (1996–2021)
Judy needs to go.
14 September 2020
First thing I noticed was how much of an unnecessary b***h judge Judy is. Don't misunderstand, I don't mean a stern and no nonsense woman of power. That, I can respect. Judge Judy is on a higher horse than I can remember. Most of her speaking is to mock or make fun of someone, anyone. She doesn't even really get her point across because she's more concerned about being such a jerk and how to make it funny so people in the "courtroom" will laugh. I get this is tv and there has to be some sort of entertainment but she is arrogant and needlessly b***hy to everyone. Hang up your robe, you are a joke. Oh and the camera going from regular focus when showing anyone else and then super soft focus when JJ is on screen is hilarious and pitiful that they think we don't notice.
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Chicago P.D. (2014– )
So corny!
14 September 2020
I've tried watching this a couple time and it's just too corny. The character of Hank reminds me of a wannabe tough guy who thinks he's a badass cuz of his deep voice. It's like he and vin diesel went to the same acting class. Sophia bush's character is always too "put together". Her character was undercover and had big earphones on but had it over her hair so it looked like a headband instead of actually able to hear lol. This is like a wannabe cop show with bad actors and writers.
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Evil Lives Here: Evil Undercover (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
These women with children
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many episodes where these women with children ignore and reason away signs. I understand being blind by love but the complete lack of protection the seem to offer to their own child in the name of being desperate for love is unreal. There are definitely episodes where women do protect their children but I'm surprised at some Of the stories like this one where the woman is just totally ignorant and willingly dumb to any motherly instinct that they would tell their story.
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Evil Lives Here: I Killed Dirty John (2020)
Season 8, Episode 1
I feel so bad for the daughter.
7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am not victim blaming the mom but I was taken back by the fact that even after her daughter was stabbed and had to kill the man that her mom was married to, the mom still seemed focused on herself. There didn't really seem to be any deep remorse for betraying her daughters to trust and be with John even after realizing who he was. I absolutely understand abusive and manipulative relationships and why the woman stays so I'm not even faulting her for that. It's the fact that she only really expressed parental care by the fact that she recorded the body being cremated for the daughter to never have to question if John was really dead. She said at one point something along the lines of "I have to remember that he (John) was the monster and I was the victim." Like, what?? Ok yes technically but knowing what she knows now and everything I would be so focused on my daughter and the damage it's done to her. I don't think the mom should feel shame and guilt forever but come on. And she kept saying i was so desperate for love almost as an excuse of how she shouldn't be held accountable to her actions in regards to her daughters. I understand in the midst of it, love can be blind but lady, your daughter was stabbed and almost killed and now she has to live with killing a man and you seem to want us to not forget to feel sorry for you too? Again, I'm not victim blaming something is off with that mom.
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