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8 May 2024
Some of the reviews here are highly entertaining, I will admit. IMDB users never fail to amaze with their continual inability to engage with unique film.

I was simply gleeful watching the whole thing with a big smile across my face. In a world of action comedies, pretentious horror films, the borderline parody level "A24 'Genre'" type films, its so refreshing to have something as creative as this. This is a highly literate film, reminding me of Pynchon, Bolaño, Easton Ellis, Kerouac and much more. I so hope Pinkerton writes even bigger films, because this has one of the best screenplays in a long time, crafting a very unique and yet believable world, full of exaggerated yet realistic caricatures. There's an early De Palma like quality to this, very Hi Mom in parts.

Of course it was also directed by a cinematographer, so the film is probably the best looking film released in the last decade. Sean Price Williams does a fantastic job directing this gorgeous film. Dean Hurley's sound design also deserves a nod. The entire soundtrack is excellent, once again providing relief against radio hit needledrop soundtracks everybody loves now. Talia Ryder is a star in the making right here, she's excellent! Really everyone is, Simon Rex being especially hilarious.
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The Sopranos: A Hit Is a Hit (1999)
Season 1, Episode 10
18 June 2023
The Sopranos is an amusing show, and is great at balancing humour and drama. Here, the episode goes full side quest mode and it's a pretty entertaining episode.

Christopher is probably my favourite character on the show, along with Paulie, Tony and Meadow, so its funny seeing him get up to more. The episode is really funny, all the jokes at the expense of the band (who sound like a second rate band you'd hear playing on Buffy), the satires of the record industry, etc. The episode is just entertaining all around, and I think that's why I enjoy it. Not every episode needs to push the story forward, it's just cool to hang out with these characters!
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The X-Files: Closure (2000)
Season 7, Episode 11
Didn't mind it
8 December 2022
Although I think the answers given here about Samantha's disappearance is a big weird and random, I don't think its that bad. It still fits in with the mythology of the show.

And not just that but this is a well made episode in general. David Duchovny's never been the best actor but his performance in the last episode and this one are both pretty damn good. The final lines of his are really damn good, and the atmosphere and colouring of those shots of the kids, especially with the Moby music, work so so well. I seriously think this episode is significantly better than people give it credit for.
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Angel: Reprise (2001)
Season 2, Episode 15
Cheesy Episode of Lame Arc
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The second season of Angel's attempt to be darker than Buffy really didn't work, with the lighthearted stuff towards the end much much better in my opinion. I didn't care much for Darla but especially didn't care for Angel firing the gang. It all felt very contrived to me.

This episode continues that. Wolfram and Hart are the same ominous without really doing anything and its kind of boring by this point. Holland Manners revealing that hell is basically earth might be my least favourite moment in the entire series, s4 excluded. So cheesy lame and predictable, I have absolutely no idea how anyone takes it seriously. Luckily, the next episode is the show's best episode yet, but you have to sit through this relatively decent yet flawed episode to get to it.
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Only Murders in the Building: Framed (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
People over-exaggerating the negative qualities
22 August 2022
Look, none of us find Schumer funny. Nothing to do with sex, theres many great female comedians. But like, she's not particularly bad in this I don't think. It's a bit of a derailment, but i really don't think its THAT bad.

And with Mabel's sexuality, I'm not saying people are being homophobic or anything but once again, I don't understand why people dislike it so much outside of just not liking gay people. And this is coming from a gay person that I get why it feels kinda random, but its just characterisation I feel. And I like how it isn't so over dramatic and such a big thing, it feels more casual.

Overall, I think this season's still pretty good and I don't understand why people are so unhappy with it. Sure, if there was less Schumer it'd be better, but its overall good.
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Schwaz (2002)
Strange cult gem
8 August 2022
One of those movies I watched years ago and just remembered. It's a funny film, wish it was widely available. The leads are great and the film is strange. Though i disagree with calling it a family film.
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You people are morons
18 July 2022
This movie is fantastic. Its a great sendup of exploitation and John Waters camp movies of the 70s, with hilarious overacting and nonsensical dialogue. You'd have to be a sourpuss with no self awareness to hate this thing! Go back to your Oscar bait, if you don't like this you've got Green Book waiting for ya..
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
12 July 2022
I'm not someone who thinks Breaking Bad is a masterpiece, so I'm even more surprised by how much I love this show. And this episode is honestly fantastic. Please, don't spoil this for anyone.
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People are too blinded to see this is awful
4 July 2022
The season prior to this was neat, but this last episode is a bloated derivative mess. The villain is at his most one dimensional, the love conquers all stuff is so cliche and trite, and its far too long for its own good.
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The Simpsons: Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy (2019)
Season 30, Episode 18
Rare modern Simpsons hit
23 June 2022
Sure, its not exactly a great episode, but it had way more chuckles with jokes aimed at the anti woke virgin losers. All the negative reviews come entirely from misogynistic men who feel called out by the episode. Get a life and stop whining whenever you see a woman.
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The X-Files: Fearful Symmetry (1995)
Season 2, Episode 18
Worst episode thus far
12 June 2022
A needlessly dull, uninteresting and depressing episode, ham fisting its message down your throat and surrounded by a completely dull and uninteresting mystery.
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Mid90s (2018)
Boring, Pretentious and Derivative
28 April 2022
If you wanna watch Jonah Hill's "Mid90s", you're better off just watching the movies it so wants to be (movies such as Larry Clark's excellent "Kids").

Essentially its a dull movie with lifeless "characters". A great movie doesn't need a strong plot to be good, but you need likeable characters at least. The characters in this movie are just dull, with nothing interesting about them. Even the cinematography is just a bland rehash of other movies released by A24.

This is a movie a lot of people enjoy, but I think its a nonsensical, boring and utterly uninteresting movie. The worst kind of bad movie.
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Spitting Image: Christmas Special (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
26 December 2021
I'm of Gen Z so I never saw the original show when it aired, but I've seen lots of it and it was funny. The satirical elements worked well and it was just so different to anything else out there.

The problem is now Spitting Image isn't different, we have a multitude of other political comedy based shows, and anyone can upload something like that to the internet. The actual show is just unnecessary now.

Second of all, the whole episode feels out of touch. Celebrities such as Taylor Swift show up, but you can tell the writers are middle aged people who don't know anything about someone like her, and are just going off what they've been told, so nothing funny comes out of it.

The worst of these is Tom Cruise. Why do they think Tom Cruise gay/scientology jokes are still relevant? They stopped being relevant about a decade ago. If a show like Family Guy had made these jokes, it'd just be typical Family Guy being late to things. But nobody goes to a show like Family Guy expecting biting political satire.

This isn't even a generation thing, I'm 19 and watched it with my 52 year old parents, and none of us found it funny. It just doesn't work.

Really such a disappointment.
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Closest (2020)
From the director of "Ted 3"
29 December 2020
Brilliant! Joel does it again and creates a masterpiece better than anything A24 could ever dream of.
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Unbelievable underground musicians
18 November 2019
The Fock N Rollers is a brilliant work of art from creative forces Tony Mckenzie and Alan Bruce. A great, very low budget mockumentary that's a must watch!
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Drama Alert (2014– )
Brilliant and Thrilling Show With Great Morals and Social Commentary
14 September 2016
Never before have I seen a show that can top the brilliance of shows like Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Cory in the House, but then I watched Drama Alert. It's about the struggles of a 34 year old man, who struggles with everyday life and his job as a news reporter. This man is just like everyone of us. He isn't some special super powered human like in Metal Gear Solid VII: The Phantom Wookie, he's just an ordinary guy with a family. He is the real hero we should all aspire to be.

The show's supporting cast is brilliant. The other characters are great people, who no doubt represent us too. Some of them represent angry people. others represent work tired people. We can relate to these.

However, it isn't all dark and serious, as the series' humour is on point. Every joke hits right where it should, ranging from dark humour, to light hearted jokes about rainbows and unicorns. The characters are entertaining to watch, especially Keemstar. Daniel Keem does a brilliant job as playing the protagonist, while John Scarce plays a brilliant rival to Keemstar. Other characters are there for comic relief, and really work.

Long story short, this show is a 10/10. I cannot recommend it enough. Go watch it.
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Rastamouse (2011– )
A Strange Thing That I'm Surpirsed Exists
16 August 2016
To be honest, young children's cartoons are pretty different now from what I used to watch when I was around the age of 5. Now it's filled with some of the worst people to present TV shows ever, and just all round bad shows. However, I like Rastamouse.

Sure, it's plagued with Rastafarian slang that doesn't really tech kids to talk properly, but it makes the show funnier. I personally like the show so much just because of the fact that it's just a funny show to watch, because of all the Rastafarian Slang and the weird named for characters (one mouse is called 'the President' and lives in a mansion, yet he dresses like a police officer). To be honest, it's not a good educational show. It doesn't really have characters that kids can relate to, the morals aren't that good (they usually revolve around stopping some of the worst criminals ever seen on TV).

To be honest though, it is a fun to watch TV show for practically all ages. I'm going to rate this two ways. In terms of a good TV show for kids filled with life lessons and morals, I give it about a 4/10. But for a show that manages to entertain me, I'd give it an 8/10. To meet in the middle, my final verdict is 6/10. Please, just watch this with some friends, or maybe alone, and make sure you're prepared for an incredibly laughable TV show.
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Brilliant Movie
13 August 2016
I don't see how people can dislike this movie. So what if it's not faithful to the book? Harry Potter wasn't very faithful to the book, and everybody loves those movies. I mean, what's not to like about this movie? Most of the negative reviews come from people who can't see that this movie was in the 70s! Of course it couldn't be over the top colourful and vibrant, as they didn't have that in those days. The 2005 one had Tim Burton at the helm, and quite frankly, that movie just looked plain ugly. Another common piece of criticism is Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. Apparently 'he doesn't capture Willy Wonka, who's meant to be a quirky, energetic tout guide'. Erm, isn't that basically Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka? I mean, I suppose he isn't that energetic, but he's better than Johnny Depp's awful psychotic, creepy, deranged, man-child.

Ignore what a lot of people say, this version is infinitely better, no matter how unfaithful it is to the book.
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DC Super Hero Girls (2015–2018)
Literally One of the Worst Superhero Shows Ever Created
12 August 2016
You thought Teen Titans GO was bad? That's a MASTERPIECE compared to this tripe. I am genuinely angry that they've done this to such good characters! Look what they did to Batgirl! That isn't Batgirl, that's just some high schooler who likes Batgirl! Anyway, why are Harley Quinn and Batgirl here anyway? They've not super-powered! My main problem with this is that, as a huge fan of DC, everything has been completely ruined! For a start, none of the characters act anything like their actual comic/movie/TV counterparts! For a start, surely Barbara would be in school anyway? She's a student, I'm sure. Second of all, how is Harley here? She's a grown woman when she becomes Harley Quinn, why's she at school? The origin stories must all have been changed for this to happen.

I could go on, but I won't. Basically, it's a horrible show. Do not watch.
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015 Video Game)
An OK game, but with a few flaws
9 August 2016
I love RPGs. Personally, I prefer The Elder Scrolls or Fallout New Vegas to this game, and I don't think it lives up to the hype. However, it isn't actually a bad game. But I will cover what I don't like first: Geralt's voice: I think Geralt is an awesome character, one of the coolest in recent gaming. But I just dislike his voice. It's as if Batman swallowed a bunch of gravel while suffering from a sore throat.

The control system: I personally feel that there are too many button functions mapped onto one small controller. It must work better with a keyboard, but I use a controller.

Stalling: This is a problem I have with a lot of games. A lot of missions in the game are just their to stall the player so that the main story runs longer. But why do this when the world is huge and full of quests?

Gwent: I don't find this minigame fun. I find it boring and an overrated feature.

What I do like: Content: Holy Moly, the world is HUGE and full of interesting side missions. You'll never go bored with this game. And what's more, everything is different! It's not all 'kill this man for me', 'go through a dungeon and get this item' or 'talk to a person who will be easily persuaded into doing what I want them to' like normally in RPGs.

Combat: I love the combat system in this game. Geralt is some kind of wizard ballerina, leaping around gracefully to deal big damage on enemies. It reminds me of Batman in the Arkham games, leaping around. Of course, I'm not implying that The Witcher 3 ripped it off, I'm just comparing it.

The Armour: It just looks so sleek and lovely in the crispy sun. And with the amount of Armour that all look pretty different, they're good fun to collect.

The Graphics: They're just beautiful. That's all I can say about them. They're great.

All-in-all, it's not the greatest game ever as people say, and it's not my personal favourite RPG, but I can see why people love it. It's an 8/10 from me.
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
Perfect show that proves that cartoons aren't all bad
8 August 2016
I love this show. It's definitely my favourite cartoon of all time. But why, may you ask? Well, for a start, the characters are all likable and memorable. Every character is different, but they all work together. Dipper is a nerdy sort of kid who takes things seriously, while his sister Mabel is the opposite of serious. Their great uncle Stan is a mysterious cheapskate and a serial crime committer. Soos, a worker at the Mystery Shack is a lovable simple man who feels more like an older male version of Mabel. Their character development is great too. Stan is the most noticeable and Dipper is quite noticeable too. I won't talk about the other characters, as I don't want to spoil anything. This show really just shows character. However, it isn't all serious bonding as the show has a great humour element. Sometimes it can be a character saying something questionable after everyone just laughed. Or maybe it could be a brilliantly placed object that spells something out. But I can't talk about how great this show is without at least mentioning the mysteries. Oh the mysteries. They're some of the greatest thing in a TV show. The main plot twists of the show are unpredictable, and I always came back for me. Please, if you do something, watch this show.
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BioShock Infinite (2013 Video Game)
A Departure From the Other Games, But it Works
26 July 2016
Think of what you know about Bioshock. Now wipe nearly all of it from your mind. Bioshock Infinite is different. You play as Booker DeWitt, a hardened cop who has to travel to a floating city in order to retrieve a mysterious girl (not the Peter Andre song) in order to fill a debt. I won't spoil any else about the story, as it's a one of a kind, and you should witness it yourself. So, what's good about this game? Well, the world is nice and vibrant for a start. Everywhere has a lovely looking selection of colours. The characters are brilliant, especially Elizabeth. She's not your escort quest companion, who can't do anything for themselves, and she's not your Skyrim companion, who literally just gets themselves killed. She's a good companion. The AI in this game is brilliant when it comes to her. Another good thing about the game are the 'vigours'. They're similar to plasmids, but you drink them and they give you different powers. These are really fun and bring back memories of Bioshock 1 and 2. What else is good? The story. I won't spoil anything, but let me just say: it's complicated, but so fun to play through. Your thoughts of the story constantly change as the plot develops more. And it's a wild adventure. However, I do have one slight complaint: it's easier down than the other Bioshock games. You're basically led on a path to your destination. Health supplies are plentiful, meaning that at times, the game can become pretty easy. The shooting mechanics feel like your average FPS at times, which deducts a big amount from the game. After all, Bioshock is supposed to be challenging, and set itself apart from stale franchises such as Call of Duty and Halo. So, as a recap, great story, great characters, generic shooting mechanics. I rate it a 7/10. Now if you excuse me, I must get back to trying to figure out what on Earth happened in the ending. Good day.
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Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014 Video Game)
Utterly Brilliant
25 July 2016
As a huge Tolkien fan (I absolutely love The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books)I couldn't wait to get my hands on this for my PC. And I absolutely love it. The combat is basically the Assassin's Creed/Batman Arkham combat, but it seems to be a bit different. Not as slow-paced as AC, but not as fast as Batman Arkham. It's a perfect meet in the middle (Earth-see what I did there?). It has likable characters, great boss fights, great voice acting (anything Troy Baker does, is brilliant). The only downside is the overwhelming amount of enemies early on. Sometimes I just felt as if I couldn't defeat them all. Luckily from there on-out, it's good. I strongly recommend.
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Batman: Arkham Knight (2015 Video Game)
The Worst in the Arkham Series
25 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, Arkham fanboys hated Arkham Origins. Why? They just said there was no innovation and it was just a bad game. Well, since the release of Arkham Knight it's obvious the only reason people hated it because it wasn't made by Rocksteady. How do I know this? This game. It's made by Rocksteady and is loved by fans, even though Origins is better. Let's start with the good stuff. Voice acting is great, like usual. Conroy and Hamill deliver once again. The other voice actors also do their jobs. The ending is pretty good (ending of the main story, not Knightfall Protocol). Some character designs are good, such as Arkham Knight, Scarecrow, Batman and Red Hood. However, I do have lots of bad things to say about the game. For a start, the Batmobile is a tank, and is overused. You need it for about 70% of the game. No joke. Riddler's character design looks horrible. He looks more like a mechanic. I guess that's because he builds racetracks for you now. Is he the Riddler or is he the Racer? My final complaint is the Arkham Knight. It's just obvious that he's Jason Todd. The Red Hood story pack, the way he talks to Batman, his outfit, the constant hallucinations of Joker beating him up. It just wasn't a good reveal. To be honest, I give this a 5/10. Now if you excuse me, I'll get back to failing to do the Riddler race tracks. Good day.
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Undertale (2015 Video Game)
Incredibly Overrated and a Better Version of Earthbound at Best
24 July 2016
So, this game is basically classed as 'the greatest game of all time'. I thought that title belonged to the also overrated The Last of Us. Apparently though, this is the greatest game to ever be made. Ever since 1985 (not the first date of a video game release, but it's when Mario was released and brought gaming to a wider audience) we've waited for the ultimate game, and here it supposedly is. The most hyped up game of all time. Loyal fan base. Not many haters. Countless YouTube videos. So, does it hold up? Is it a brilliant game, about choices and consequences? Does it make you stop and think? Well, no. Not for me anyway. Let's start with the pros. The combat system is inventive and sounds like a good idea. About 80% of the game's songs are great. I love Megalovania. Certain characters are great, for example, Sans and Papyrus. And that's about it. Now let's get into the cons. The humour is STALE. I thought on the internet most people agree that random does not equal funny. Yet the humour in this game isn't funny. Characters randomly yelling the names of food literally had me worrying about the future of humanity. As inventive as it is, the combat system gets boring after a while. I found myself just clicking the 'mercy' button to avoid getting into more boring fights. The story is clichéd. And what do fans LOVE about this game? The choices and consequences. They literally says that this is a thought-provoking game. Erm, no it isn't. It isn't the only game to have choices. Fallout, The Witcher, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls and Until Dawn have choices that have consequences. What makes Undertale so special? I'll tell you what...nothing! I could go on for days. But I won't. TL;DR-It's and over-hyped game that suffers from repetitive combat and stale humour. A 4/10 from me.
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