
12 Reviews
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Gretel & Hansel... The title must be the entire point of this film.
26 April 2020
This film adaptation of the classic fairytale is rather pretty and in that respect aesthetically pleasing. Story wise I have seen worse recently and this is a bit on par with the shallow written trend of films i've seen lately. I swear, it feels as if everyone has forgotten how to tell a story. It feels as if they threw in a skeleton framework and said screw it by not fleshing it out. Hey, they got the title that they wanted and I guess that was good enough for them.Someone needs to get a clue and realize that producing a film of this quality isn't going to help in promoting their cause. If you really want to watch. it.. wait until you can see it for free.
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It's much more than just a scary movie.
13 June 2018
I really enjoyed this movie and will watch it again to see if I can pick up somethings I may have missed the first time I saw it. This is another film that requires that you pay close attention to the story. It has layers that one by one are added to provide continuity and must be considered for the ending to even make sense. It does take someone with some sense of logical reasoning and empathy to see how one's personal view on what is casual, correlated or irrelevant contributes to misunderstanding their perceived situation. I really enjoy movies that allow me to think and attempt to figure out what is going on... it's called suspense. So, if you have more than one brain cell and can pay attention... this offers plenty to think about. If you're one to complain about things like "Well, why didn't they just come out and say so!" these movies are not for you. However, if you enjoy figuring and piecing a story out, this offers more than just scares... it's a story filled with revelation and redemption that few of us will ever actually experience.
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I saw a great movie with a storyline that has awesome potential.
4 June 2018
I'm so glad I didn't read any reviews on this film before I saw it or even saw a trailer for it. It wasn't until I walked by the poster on the way into the theater that I was like "That dude doesn't even look anything like Han Solo... then again if you saw his son... I mean really? There's something wrong in that gene pool. Just sayin', ya know?" However, kudos for getting his idiosyncrasies down. Not bad, not bad at all.

I personally thought it had a decent story and had a decent timeline that allowed it to keep a decent sense of continuity throughout the film. Except for that 3-year gap, though necessary for Qi'ra's character development, it seemed a bit long for anyone to wait before even attempting to do what they intended to do. That gap is where all the questions really start to originate from.Then you get the dead come back... I have no clue from where? Then the someone you keep getting warned about, finally makes things interesting. I have no idea why anyone could not enjoy this movie and I'm hoping there will be another, since I really want to know where they are going with this.
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Quality of content on users reviews.
14 November 2017
Here I am, looking to see if this is worth purchasing. I then get user reviews that refuse to give them any star rating. Then, I'm all up in arms thinking this is some troll about to unleash whatever will allow them to be noticed and get a response. Yep, once again... the trolls strike. So, if you want to stop from reading a review from them on a movie they at most read other reviews on. Having a blank star rating is a huge red flag.
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The Beguiled (2017)
Saw the original, liked it and yet...
6 October 2017
The original film was very good and it also requires that that you stay focused on the film to keep your interest up. It's easy to lose track of what's going on and thus trying to figure out why things are occurring. That just compounds into missing more and just makes it awful. Pay attention and it really is a good story. I'm rather disappointed that Hallie was cut from the film and even more with Sofia Coppola explanation that "she felt slavery was such an important topic and she didn't want to treat it lightly." It was taken lightly and seen as trivial, that is what should really horrify us, it was insidious and that was the problem. A normal moral person would never tolerate blatant abuse that gives anyone a visceral gut retching reaction. Yet, the abuse was all too real. However, peacefully living alongside slavery, is much more troubling to me.
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Ravenswood (2017)
1 July 2017
The important thing that one must be able to do to actually enjoy movies such as this is suspension of disbelief. Without that, good luck being able to enjoy any movie I can think of. It is a ghost story in an abandoned mental hospital (always creepy) If you can just take that in its behalf and run with it you will enjoy it. If you can't do that.. how do you enjoy anything. Persnickety people suck.
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Wow, have you read these other comments yet?
10 June 2017
Well, it does answer a few questions that I have pondered on for years. Though, are these coming from a reputable source? Well, that's what this movie is actually about and that is simply "Who can you trust?" The ending really sucked for me, the clues given beforehand made it abundantly clear what's about to happen. Though, I must admit that they milked for all it's worth. I can somewhat understand why they ended it that way, since it obviously made it easy if not necessary to follow up with the next movie. It was long, I rarely feel the need to get up and leave before the ending. This was just so predictable, I really was thinking about leaving since I knew where they were going with this. Glad, I toughed it out and saw a few more surprises at the end. I'm not sure what other's problems are with the actors and the characters they portrayed. I thought it was cast well and the characters realistically portrayed the different human qualities that influenced their decisions and actions. I don't understand people who must project themselves, personality and decision making on fictional characters. Seriously, if you think you can do so much better in developing and writing a story with complex characters. Please, just do it and try to publish. I would love to compare your work with others.
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The Mummy (2017)
10 June 2017
I'm a bit concerned about some of the comments I have read so far. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Though, I can't help but to take things a bit personally when people start to berate someone on their age. Specifically with people that are my age! Come on, we are all human and as the years go by we all get older. I enjoyed the movie, as far who acted in it was not a motivating factor for my interest. I just like horror movies, decent ones that at least flow well and this did. So, if you have some spare time this is a worth a view.
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Time Lapse (2014)
Good story
9 May 2017
I gave this an 8 simply because I want to watch it again. It's interesting that I couldn't make up my mind on who to "emphasize" with. I seriously started to hate all of them. With the ending being the final sucker punch to deal with. So, the movie got me all worked up and now I have to see it again with a new perspective. That's why I gave it an 8.
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Rings (2017)
I liked it
9 May 2017
It exceeded my expectations. I remember the first time I saw the first "ring" and it affected me in a way that kept me peeking at my TV during the night. So, being exposed to that, this was just a good story. I felt that it flowed well and added a few more layers. I watched it expecting the worst and was pleasantly surprised.
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Not sure what the fuss is about
19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm trying to figure out why this film could win any awards, why it was able to get accolades from rather well know authors and why people considered this film interesting. Not sure if I could avoid spoilers while reflecting on this film and what people could have possibly seen to raise it above average. Granted, I'm not fond of limited characters and the interaction of mainly two characters. The dynamics become too predictable, no matter any substantial revelations between them. It just did not tie things between what had just occurred and what was happening. Did the previous family desecrate the body and unleash some form of vengeance upon them? Since this is what appears to happen due to the autopsy. I suppose it left too much to one's imagination to attempt to rationalize the going's on of the story. Though, it may just be a matter of taste and It's a good thing that we all don't like the same things. So, that just may have biased me from enjoying the film. With that said, no, I would not recommend anyone to see it, unless you just had nothing better to watch.
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Snowden (2016)
Interesting but biased
1 January 2017
As the others that reviewed this I was expecting more of a dramatization. In that respect, it was rather dry and made the only thing to make it worth watching my general curiosity. It still amazes me that people are so naive in the information that's collected on them. Honestly people, if you think our government is truly collecting everything you do, you are seriously naive. Acxiom, buys more information on you than any other data broker. The FBI rarely needs to do any investigation on people, they just have a subscription and pull it up. Most of what the NSA collected was meta-data, just basically index cards to locate data. Granted, still the best way to link people with each other. Back to the movie, it's biased and fails to address the intercepted communications from the Taliban that he revealed. Seriously, why gloss over the stuff that was leaked on what everyone would agree they are supposed to be doing in combating terrorism. The movie, though interesting failed to provide an accurate picture of everything that occurred.
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