32 Reviews
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Hollywood fiction
8 November 2022
Here is another tv chef shilling his brand using the lure of the possibility of creating a good meal in 30 minutes. We all know it's just not possible. Possible is when all the ingredients have been dug out of the fridge and ferretted out of the cupboards..All of the right pans have been found. Well let me tell you, it could take me 30min just to get all the required bibs and bobs excavated out of my fully packed cupboards. Just finding all the parts of a food processor would be a 30min job in itself factoring in having to get the latter out cuz that's what a lot of us living in small homes have to do to store their things. Stop making people feel bad for not being able to live up to Hollywood magic.
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Spencer's BIG 30 (2018–2020)
More offensive cultural appropriation
8 November 2022
I am seeing a white guy teach Japanese cooking and I'm thinking wasn't there a white yoga teacher in Ottawa who got fired for teaching an Indian practice? Shouldn't this guy get fired too? This is cultural appropriation. I don't even eat Japanese food anymore because it is just not right. I tried to contact ctv who is running it where I live but of course they don't want to hear from their audience. People of Japan, I urge you to stand up to the theft of your art and boycott this show or especially all of ctv until the white man gets replaced by the appropriate person to show the food and those who are not Asian should watch respectfully but never taste the food.
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Bares für Rares (2013– )
Pretty good
30 October 2022
I watched this during my week in Italy recently since it was on there and I don't speak Italian. Anyhow, this was enjoyable and informative. Sellers with unique antiques, vintage items, collectibles and general oddities bring them in to be evaluated and assessed and sold on once they have an idea of the value. You always learn something new you didn't even know you needed to know and bonus points for it not being rushed as is the case in American shows that are all hurry, hurry, hurry. Finally something educational AND relaxing. A show that combines my two great loves which are shopping and history. I guess this is the German Antiques Road Show.
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Great premise
17 August 2022
This movie has a great premise, sadly it is very slow and plodding. Worth seeing but bring a magazine or some crossword puzzles to do between interesting Nat Geo scenes while you wait to find out how it resolves. Or just skip the middle entirely.
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Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020)
Hard pass
9 August 2022
Boring show with lame story lines that barely make sense. Irritating, unlikeable characters. The mom gives off strong serial killer vibes and the dad is just a plain putz. Does the grandmother know english or not? I can not stand a single lead character, only the neighbor couple are tolerable. That mother though I wanna punch her in the throat and the dad needs a slap. I agree with another reviewer who slammed the theme song which can't even be called a song. The whole thing is annoying AF.
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Elvis (2022)
Much better than i was expecting
12 July 2022
Mostly because of Austin Butlers amazing portrayal of Elvis. I really felt like I was watching the real Elvis. I wouldn't have called myself an Elvis "fan" before but I might be now. Austin deserves an oscar nod and so does the costume designer who really captured the era and Elvis' unique look.
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Hugo (2011)
Thank god it was free
16 May 2022
Terrible acting, terrible, terrible. Boring slow moving story line. Did I mention the very bad acting? The only saving grace is the aesthics and good camera work. I'm Just glad I signed it out from the library and I didn't have to pay to see it. Camera work isn't enough to save this film.
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Growing Pains (1985–1992)
Mediocre escapism
15 May 2022
Typical 90's sitcom fare. Mindless, mindnumbing unchallenging entertainment. Mediocore acting (i'm being kind). It is sad that we accepted this stuff as the only possible thing that TV could offer us. Thank god for reality tv.
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23 March 2022
Boycotting on the grounds of b1chiness... Don' t appreciate how sjp has treated Kim Cattrall. Also boycotting on the basis of wokeness. Just trying to be relevant all the gratuitous wokeness. I'm truly sick of it. I' d rather be irrelavant and before you millenial snowflakes and libtards try to say I'm cancelled, you're too late, I'm doing the cancelling.
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Resident Alien: Alien Dinner Party (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Collegiate humour now.
18 March 2022
Gratuitous toilet humour for the basement dwelling nerds who will never be in danger of being peed upon. This has descended in to the ridiculous. Also ridiculous....a show calling it a season after only eight episodes. That's barely more than a miniseries. Sahar and Harry's acting is so wooden now. Are they afraid their paycheques will bounce?
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Silent Hill (2006)
Worst movie ever
4 March 2022
I was actually yelling at the screen to finally end in the cinema and no one even cared. I don't even know what it was about because it just kept meandering and dragging itself out like a cat trying to use up its nine lives and finally be out of its misery. It was lime a drunk chick all sloppy and not aware of its need to shut up and go away. Painfull to the last drop.
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Resident Alien: Family Day (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
This is a "try hard" middle schooler in tv form
24 February 2022
Its nice to see the sheriff acting less like a moronic twit and more like a normal person. I actually laughed once probably for the time this season, the fake leg kid. The miner play was so funny but in actual fact totally ridiculous and unbelievable - i guess they are trying to keep the "off the wall" brand of humour going but its kinda like a girl wearing too much makeup and cheap jewellery - if you gotta try that hard it just doesn't work.

Plot holes...if the alien can wipe peoples memory, they why did he kill Dr. Van der Spiegel on ep1 and just wipe his memory and if he had the strength of 6 gorillas, why did asta manage to knock over the radio satelite? These things just don't make sense.
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Oh the desperation
20 February 2022
They should call this show "Thirsty as Hell". A bunch of 3/10's trying to land 9/10's tricking impoverished third worlders into thinking they have money when in fact might even live in section eight housing, couch surf or live in their mom's basement just to get some jiggy jiggy or yammy yammy as they themselves refer to it on the show. Most of them haven't gotten beyond a fifteen year old mentality. I scored this a 5 star just because of how frustrating it is to watch but i just can't look away.
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Resident Alien: Girls' Night (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
Makes no sense
12 February 2022
If Harry has the strength of six gorillas, then why did he get tackled in the hospital a couple of episodes ago? Also, all the bdsm and ice "toy" stuff, pi55ing and stuff is just J@ckass level stuff. Not watching next week, already scheduled myself to work that night. The story line is just all over the damn place.
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Sister Wives (2010– )
So much negativity
8 February 2022
This is the story of five people who don't seem to like each other, do nothing but complain about each other and the choice they have made. Its getting too negative to watch anymore. They keep complaining about where they live, move, then complain about where they've gone. You know what they say, you can move but you take your problems with you.
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Darcey & Stacey (2020– )
Bloated bimbos
8 February 2022
I just watch waiting with baited breath to see when these bloated bimbos will finally pop and go splat. They should be put on "Little People Big World" or "Big and Little" short fat , thinkin' they're all that. If only they'd invest in their inner selves cuz their superficial investments are not paying off desperately trying to look like teenagers. They make me embarrassed to be a woman.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
7 February 2022
Young Sheldon is cute, good, pleasant innocuous entertainment...keeps our live of tbbt alive. Likeable characters - there's nothing better else on TV these days when it comes to scripted shows.
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Resident Alien: The Wire (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Off the rails
7 February 2022
Seems like there were more commercials than actual program. The murder tour was totally ridiculous as was last weeks' bicycle built for two scene. A street tour would require some kind of permit from city hall. Harry's acting is getting bad and I am losing patience for Patience.
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Great dresses, that's about it
31 January 2022
Nice dresses and costumes but too bad Liz was made-up like a 1950's dance hall floozie. Too bad there is no story line of which to speak. Predictably for a 50's film, the brunnette is the bad girl and the blond is the good girl. Perhaps Americans have more in common with the Nazis then they'd like to admit.
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To the Manor Born (1979–2007)
Absolutely charming
29 January 2022
This is everything I want in a TV show. If I could die and go anywhere, it would be to an episode of To The Manor Born". We need more like this. Not luke the twisted crap we have now.
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The only nice thing on TV anymore
27 January 2022
We need more programming like this. The world is a pretty ugly place but England is an oasis and I get an hour of it each time i watch. I also learn something new each time about this fascinating kingdom. Love all the quirkiness. When can I escape to this country????!!!!
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Resident Alien: Old Friends (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
27 January 2022
Resident Alien has officially jumped the shark, like what the heck was that even? Some cool effects and a couple of mildly humourous lines but they were trying real hard to keep up the quirkiness but missed the mark went well beyond the mark. Wow. I had high hopes and was a tad disappointed.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
12 January 2022
Finally an American sitcom that doesn't glorify stupidity and ignorance! Intelligence is actually glorified and it's good the American public is finally exposed to some higher vocabulary. Wouldn't it have been interesting if there would have been a crossover episode featuring Alex of Modern Family (another intellectual character)? Oh well we can only be happy we had a bit of smart comedy for awhile. PS: Sheldon was a real jerk and I wish Amy woulda dumped his ass and found someone good enough for her. Maybe we'll get a reunion of some kind where this finally happens. Ditto Leonard... Much too good for Penny.. I could see Amy and Leonard getting together it would b poetic justice.

Also, Sheldon is an a55h0le who is mean to animals and his friends.
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Boring, bad acting
12 January 2022
I put a whole five minutes of my life into this. Nothing happened, a few poorly delivered lines and I cut my losses and left. Nothing compelling to keep me around any longer.
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Timber Kings (2014– )
Learn to pronounce things properly.
23 November 2021
"Wiebe" is not pronounced "weeb". Duh..... I had to switch it off. Ignorance at it's finest......I can't stomach it!! You lose all your credibility this way.
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