
14 Reviews
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Shockingly good
16 August 2021
I recorded this because I love Octavia Spencer and Tig Notaro. However, my DVR is nearly full, so I fully expected to watch 10 minutes and delete it since I can't stand Mark Wahlberg. I was so taken with the story and performances that rang true (even the normally unpleasant Walhberg) that I stayed up until 3 a.m. Watching every minute. It was sweet, sad, funny, traumatic, stressful, and ultimately incredibly satisfying. The children were particularly great --- not a false note or a second of cringeworthy emoting.
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Not bad and visually stunning
24 May 2021
I found it visually gorgeous throughout, which ain't nothing. The characters could be better revealed and a lot is glossed over, both morally and practically speaking, but the actors were fine and the story was interesting. I'd never watch it again, but had to weigh in to provide some balance for all the haters.
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Ode to Joy (I) (2019)
Great story told well with wonderful performances
5 March 2021
I enjoyed this SO much. Unusual story told quite well, and all the actors were great. Probably hard to find, but if you get a chance, watch it!
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Speed of Life (2019)
Surprising, clever, heartfelt, moving and fun to watch
5 March 2021
I knew nothing about this, but was really impressed with how cleverly it was written. The actors do a wonderful job and I found myself thinking about this for several days after viewing it. See it if you can!
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Really beautiful and informing documentary
1 March 2021
I loved this so much. I had limited knowledge about some of the artists included, and knew nothing at all about many others. There is such great historical information, but the beauty is the artwork featured, though all too briefly. A lot is packed into 90 minutes. I could have watched another 2 hours just looking at the gorgeous pieces of art. Now I'm doing more digging and hope to find some affordable options to buy some of this magnificent artwork.
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Disturbing and missing key elements
7 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this yesterday and thought it was compelling, but the more I have thought about it, the more I am convinced the husband is lying. Had he submitted to a polygraph, he'd have had more credibility. Yes, he could have been unaware of his wife's drinking since they worked different shifts, as an astute reviewer has noted. However, it is completely implausible that he and his wife had a pleasant morning and only consumed coffee before she got behind the wheel with 5 kids under 9 years old. They either smoked weed together, or he saw her do it, or they had a fight, or SOMETHING.

Otherwise what was the point of all the interviews saying how great she was? Something happened to change that on that day. The immature (worthless, actually, once you learn he resents having a child left alive to care for) Daniel knows some things. I truly believe that he is lying about any number of things that would shed considerable light on the events of that terrible day.

For instance, the private investigator they hired -- did Daniel really pay the guy? That would explain the man's reluctance to return his calls. It also explains why Jay, Daniel's sister-in-law, was "told not to answer the phone" when the investigator called her. Daniel didn't want Jay to know he hadn't actually sent all the money to the investigator.

I did some research and learned that Danny later sued his wife's brother, Warren Hance -- the father of Emma, Alyson, and Katie, who all died in the car with Diane at the wheel. The ridiculous reason? Diane was driving their van, which she borrowed to transport all the children and Daniel claimed that Warren was "vicariously liable" as the owner of the minivan.

Conclusion: Daniel Shuler is a piece of crap, his wife was a complete mess, and their dysfunctional life has ruined a lot of other lives.
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Family Pictures (2019 TV Movie)
Characters elevate this absorbing story
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While there are plot holes you could drive a truck through -- e.g., Mark runs away with his passport in the night but never goes to the place with the stacks of cash until AFTER he's served time in prison? Wha?? -- the story and characters are endearing and well portrayed. What you end up with is a real family, not the two fake ones the movie begins with. I became very fond of these women and their kids, so my irritation with the loser husband wasn't as important.
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Teachers (2016–2019)
Fantastic series and I miss it
8 July 2019
This series had such clever writing, character studies and storylines. I really miss it now that it's over. All the one-star ratings are bogus -- created by religious fanatics with no brains or humor.
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Gross baby talk made me hate this couple
27 May 2019
Overall, this movie had some bright moments (the impromptu late-night wedding of two people who had met about 4 hours earlier, the burning of that disgusting chair), but I hated the Josh character. He wasn't really in his relationship, which was unfair because he knew Emily loved him. He was also a cheapskate, a bully, and an all-around a-hole a lot of the time. Classic entitled white guy. The brother was more interesting, but pretty shallow, too. Any investment I'd have had in the main couple's fate was spoiled by the many, many scenes with them baby-talking to each other. So gross.
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Hamlet 2 (2008)
I loved this! And I'm from Tucson
31 August 2018
As an English major and film lover, I found this movie hilarious and lovable. The performances were divine, the story quirky and hilarious, the musical at the end a rollicking good time. I thought the Tucson comments were funny -- not insulting at all. For the person who was upset that it was actually filmed in Albuquerque because Tucson is "unfriendly" to filmmakers, this is actually because, some years ago, the city council removed the tax incentives that had long attracted movie makers to town. That was a terrible decision; the result is that we've lost our local grand movie-making tradition. This story is imaginative, clever, funny and heartwarming to boot.
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Good premise, doesn't deliver
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This started out promisingly enough. Although it covered a lot of miles, the story never went anywhere. What was the point? Honestly, it doesn't seem like the writer/director has an actual story to tell. The film just passes time visiting southern points of quirky interest. Craig doesn't seem to be a good person to sign a lease with, much less someone to buy a house with. Ultimately, there were no explanations and no resolution of his deceptive, noncommittal ways. I felt sorry for his never-seen girlfriend, not so much because he was lying to her about his trip, but because he seemed like a shallow person to share an intimate relationship.
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Surprisingly clever, funny and completely charming
22 July 2017
I loved this little gem! Had never heard of it, so perhaps a lack of any expectations made it such an entertaining hour and a half. It was surprisingly clever and fun -- if you get a chance to see this and are looking for some escapist enjoyment, watch it. It's not deep or full of meaning, but delightful nonetheless.
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Bella (2006)
Many pros, some cons
18 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night, 11 years after it came out. The ending was so confusing -- what? She went through with the pregnancy, presumably spent 8 more months with Jose, let him adopt the baby, and then abandoned them for 4 or 5 years, only to come back to meet her daughter? Why?

The performances were all excellent, the leads were compelling, but the story had many holes. For one, who serves 4 years in prison for an unavoidable, although tragic, accident? It wasn't a hit and run, he wasn't drunk, he was evidently not a criminal. Way too many shots of little girls throughout -- we get it, Mr. Director. I wouldn't call it a waste of time; the performances were worthy of viewing. It was the story that needed some key edits.

I read all 18 pages of reviews for this; it is obvious that all the right-to-lifers gave this 10 stars just because Nina went through with the pregnancy. Since when is this the sole reason to judge a movie?
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
24 October 2010
I find myself still thinking about this movie occasionally, although it's been a couple of years since I saw it. A friend, my teen-aged son and I all loved it when it first came out.

Yesterday I heard "Let My Love Open the Door" on the radio, and it took me right back to Dan at the family talent show. Hard to imagine anyone watching that scene without feeling the sting of tears behind the eyelids or a lump in the throat.

All the family characters are well played and the leads are quite good. It was a happy surprise seeing Juliet Binoche in a role with a sense of humor. She's lovely and appealing, but believable.

This is a touching, sweet, funny and entertaining movie. Viewers of just about any age would enjoy it.
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