
57 Reviews
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Knowing (2009)
Surpassed Expectations!
7 April 2009
I went into this movie with low expectations. I really did not think this movie would live up to my personal expectations... Nicolas Cage films in general do not live up to my expectations... usually. On the contrary, this movie was far better than I expected! The action sequences were filmed well, the acting was decent, the special effects were reasonably well done, and the writing was decent. Overall, I think this movie is a winner.

I really think that Alex Proyas at the helm saved this movie from utter disaster. He is a very good director and I respect him deeply for his work. I believe he was the driving force behind the greatness of this movie. After seeing "I,Robot," I was deeply intrigued by the fact that he had a new movie coming out.

I'll admit, I really enjoyed watching this movie, and if you're someone who is looking for some good, mindless movie-viewing, then I strongly suggest this movie. If you keep an open mind and just ignore the imperfections, this is a satisfying film.

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Watchmen (2009)
A superb action epic, but a tad too long for my liking...
23 March 2009
Don't get me wrong, I loved watching 'Watchmen.' In my opinion, it was a superior superhero flick. Over the top action, great dialogue, great effects, an interesting story, it had all the right elements for the making of a great movie. However, 'Watchmen' ran a lengthy 2 hours & 42 minutes. Unfortunately, many people cannot sit through a movie this long, and I believe the length hurts the greatness of this movie.

Aside from that, the movie was spectacular. Every single actor gave a worthy performance. An honorable mention to Billy Crudup who gave a truly memorable performance as Dr. Manhattan. You don't see this guy around a whole lot in the movie business, but when he does appear, he is always spectacular, and no exceptions here.

I also need to mention how the film was shot. Zack Snyder is a true visionary. He has a way of making films unnaturally dark and he took the movie, in comic book form, and turned it into a truly sinister movie. I truly respect Zack Snyder in this regard, and have always liked his style of filming, and this movie just makes my respect even stronger.

To end off, I would recommend this movie to all the superhero movie buffs out there. You're in for a real treat for the eyes. However, as mentioned before, the movie is lengthy (2 hours & 42 minutes) so just be aware of that when you go see it.
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A Very Touching Experience.
23 March 2009
I've always been a fan of both Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson films, but I was quite surprised to learn that they would be starring side-by-side in a film. To be honest, it intrigued me, and not knowing what to expect, I decided to pick up 'The Bucket List' and see what all the hype was about. Let's just say that my expectations were met...

... and exceeded. What I experienced when watching this movie was a truly touching story about two men about to 'kick the bucket' with dreams still unrealized. The movie follows the happenings of these two men as they journey throughout the world, living the experiences they've only dreamed about.

Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson - both legends in the film industry. On-screen together, they have a certain chemistry that you can't help but love. I found myself being swept into their lives, living their experiences, feeling the pain that they felt. Freeman and Nicholson give two amazing performances. In the beginning, they were strangers, but in the end, they were friends. And that is perhaps the most touching part of the entire film: seeing their friendship build and prosper as the film goes on.

To conclude, see this film. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman's performances are ones not to be missed. You will be moved by the incredible chemistry these two men exhibit on-screen, and discover the value of friendship.
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Hard to believe, but it actually was better than the first!!
25 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I gotta say that I have nothing against the first "Pirates" movie. I thought it was an instant classic. A very fun and enjoyable movie. One of the best movies of 2003 in my view. However, I believe that Dead Man's Chest was a better movie than the first, and I'll tell you why:

1) More action scenes - Sure, the first movie had quite a bit of action, but this movie was packed with it! It had me on my toes the entire 2 and a half hours!

2) Sword-fighting scenes - Again, in the first movie there were many and all were very well done. However, in Dead Man's Chest, there were a good amount and I must say, the choreography was excellent! There was so many things going on at once that it was difficult to keep up!

3) Special effects - The digital effects in this film were astonishing! Everything from the make-up effects (Davy Jones in particular) to the Krakken to the ships. An amazing job by the effects crew. They deserve more credit!

All in all, POTC: Dead Man's Chest was a truly great film. The absolute best movie of 2006 in my view. So obviously I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the "Pirates" series and also to non-fans alike. I know you will enjoy this movie and appreciate all the hard work the cast and crew put into it to make it the movie that it is. An amazing film.

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The best movie i've seen this year
1 October 2006
'V For Vendetta' is truly an amazing film. I must say that I have never seen a better movie this year. Everything about this movie was incredible. The fight scenes, the explosions, the music, the acting and the costumes were all incredible. Special mention to Hugo Weaving for his amazing portrayal as V. He has never been better. Also, a special mention to Dario Marianelli for his incredible music score. A damn good movie. Couldn't have been better.

I would recommend this movie to just about anyone. It's a masterpiece in itself and is a must see. There are many plot twists in this movie which will have you guessing as to what will happen next, and which will most likely prove you wrong. All in all, one of the best movies i've ever seen.

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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
The best pilot episode i've ever seen!!
26 September 2006
After seeing the TV spots for this show on NBC for what I felt was months on end, I was really looking forward to watching this show. It finally came on, and immediately I was in shock. "Heroes" is by far, the most compelling and enjoyable TV show that I have ever seen in my life! I love the premise of the show as well. It's very mysterious, funny and even scary! It reminds me of "The Da Vinci Code" with its mysterious plot lines and such. It keeps you thinking throughout the entire 1 hour. Amazing show. A definite must see.

I really urge you to watch this show sometime. It's very very mysterious and well put together. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat and wondering what will happen next. I can't wait for the next episode!
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Jericho (2006–2008)
The best new drama of 2006
24 September 2006
"Jericho" is by far, the best new show of 2006. I watched the pilot episode on CBS and I was extremely impressed with it. The acting, storyline, and the whole premise of the show is fantastic! I even got teary eyed a few times through the show. That is a rare thing for me. I usually never get teary eyed during a show or a movie. However, "Jericho" is a whole different kind of show. It was actually suspenseful and even a little bit scary!

I would definitely recommend this show to fans of the drama/sci-fi genres. Actually, I would recommend it to just about anyone! If you're looking for a good time watching TV, then this is the show you should be watching. I definitely enjoyed it, and I know you will enjoy it too.
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Rush in Rio (2003 Video)
The best live concert DVD in existence
24 September 2006
After searching for 6 months, I finally found this DVD. All I can say is it was damn well worth the wait! "Rush in Rio" may very well be the greatest rock DVD in existence. I'm not joking. It's incredible! All the fuss about the sound being crappy is true, however it doesn't make the concert unwatchable. I find it makes you feel like you're actually in Rio watching the concert from the audience. That's one of the reasons I love this DVD. It makes you feel like you're actually there. Also, Geddy, Alex and Neil have never been in better form! Geddy's vocals are flawless, Alex's guitar playing is still incredible, and Neil - absolutely no words to say. The camera work on this concert was very good I must say. They gave us a good look at everything that was going on on-stage, and in the audience. Kudos to the cameramen! Anyways, enough of my raving! Go watch "Rush in Rio" for yourself. You will be amazed. I guarantee it.

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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
The greatest show to ever be produced for television!!
26 August 2006
I'll admit... it took me a while to get into Trailer Park Boys. Now that i'm into it, I freakin love it!! This show is by far, the most entertaining, funny, and original show to ever come out of my home province of Nova Scotia. The first episode I saw was the episode entitled "The Green Bastard." I laughed so hard during those 30 minutes that I almost died! After the episode was over, I could barely walk because my sides hurt so much from laughing! So, to those of you who have not yet seen this masterpiece of a show, I really recommend you watch it soon. You will NOT be disappointed. I can guarantee it. In my opinion, Trailer Park Boys is the greatest show to ever be produced, and definitely the best show to ever come out of Nova Scotia.
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Cars (2006)
Another Disney/Pixar Classic!
25 August 2006
After watching the previews in theaters and watching the TV spots for what I felt was millions of times, I thought it was finally time for me to see this movie. So me and my whole family went to the drive-in and saw Cars and we all LOVED it! The movie was great. It had excellent dialogue, incredible animation, and a really good story. Put all these things together, and you get a really awesome movie! Watching Cars was one of the best times I have had at the movies in a VERY long time.

For those of you who have not seen this movie, I really recommend you see it. You will enjoy it very much. I can guarantee you will be really impressed with it. Take it from me, I had a grand ole time watching this movie and I know you will too.
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Excellent Movie!!
24 August 2006
When I went to see this movie, I knew I was going to see an excellent movie. However, when the movie was over, I was in tears. Not sad tears, but tears of joy because I was laughing so hard! This movie was by far, the funniest movie I have ever seen this year. Will Ferrell was amazing in it! The movie had me laughing so hard at one point that I almost spilled my drink all over myself! When I walked out of the theater, I could barely walk because my sides hurt so much! For those of you who haven't seen this masterpiece yet, I really recommend you see this. Believe me folks, Talladega Nights was that good.

As Jay Leno once said: "Just the name Ricky Bobby is funny."
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One of the funniest movies I have ever seen!
24 August 2006
When I went to go see this movie, I didn't know what to expect. I always knew Will Ferrell was extremely funny, but I still wasn't sure what to expect. But when I came out of the theater, I was still laughing! The movie was absolutely hilarious! I enjoyed it immensely! I think it may be one of the funniest movies that I have ever seen! For those of you that haven't seen it yet, I know that you will feel the same way.

As I watched this movie, I thought that the real entertainment was from Steve Carell. He is, in my opinion, one of the funniest actors in the business today. He had me laughing so hard at one point in the movie that I almost spilled my drink all over myself! Yup, it was that funny. And to all of those unlucky people who haven't seen this movie yet, I strongly urge you to give this movie a shot. You will like it. Guaranteed.
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Untold Stories of the ER (2004–2020)
The Best Medical Show On TV
13 July 2006
I really like this show. I definitely prefer this show over Grey's Anatomy, House M.D. or E.R. My only reason is this. It's real. Well, in a way. It's based on true incidences. That would be a better way to explain it. Anyways, this show is very intriguing, and inspirational. The stories are usually full of suspense and sorrow. They really make you think, if I was in that situation, how would I react? Or if I was that doctor, what would I have done? I have been moved by this show on may occasions. It is just amazing how a TV show can make you think. They touch your heart in a way that you will never think possible. Thats what I like about this show. It makes you think. I find no other show on TV does except this one.

Untold Stories of the ER is the best medical show to ever come out on TV. The stories are great, the suspense is great, and the acting is okay. Its not great, but it's satisfactory. I really enjoy watching this show. It has changed my views on the world of medicine, and and the people who work inside it. It has inspired me to become a doctor myself. I have seen for myself the rewards of saving lives and it has inspired me to become a life saver myself.

I very much urge you to watch this show. It is very enjoyable to watch and I guarantee you that you will be moved and inspired like I was.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
Excellent show!!
6 June 2006
I wish I could have discovered this show earlier. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is now my favorite show on TV. It is by far, the best sitcom ever produced since Seinfeld. Ray Romano is brilliant!! I never heard of this guy until I saw this show. I am now a big fan of his. Keep up the great work Ray!! Another honorable mention I must make is Peter Boyle as Frank Barone. Oh my good god!! This guy is the star of the show!! His sarcasticness is what makes the show good. The criticizing comments he makes are just hilarious!! I don't think the show would be half as good if he wasn't on it!!

This show had a good long run. (1996-2005) Approximately 9 years. However, 9 years is way too short a run for a show that is this good. I really wish this show had not been canceled. I was so sad to see that this show got canceled. I was so depressed!! This show should not have gotten canceled!! I think it was a mistake canceling this show. They should have let it go on.

The thing that makes "Everybody Loves Raymond" stand out from other comedies is the comedy itself. I find it to be much funnier than other shows. It's genius!! I don't know why this is, but I don't really care. As long as I enjoy it and I laugh at it, and I enjoy it immensely!! For all of you reading this comment and thinking "is all of this really true?" Yes, it is true. This show is awesome. I love it very much. I know you will too!! So I suggest that you go give it a try. I know you will love it as much as I do.
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Survivor (2000– )
The Best Show Ever!!
4 June 2006
A brief summary of the show: 18 castaways are taken to a tropical island in the middle of nowhere and are left there with little more than the clothes on their backs. They are then divided into 2 tribes which compete against each other for "immunity." The losing team has to go to "tribal council" and vote one of their tribe members off the game. When the 2 tribes are downgraded to a combined amount of 10 people, the 2 tribes merge together and they become one new tribe. They then compete for "individual immunity." The person who wins the individual immunity is safe from that night's tribal council. The whole tribe then goes to tribal council and must vote off one of their members. When the tribe only has 2 people left, the "jury" (the tribe members who have been voted off) must choose a member they want to win the $1 million. The one with the most votes wins the $1 million.

Survivor is by far, the best show ever to be created for TV!! At first, I was a little bit reluctant about watching this show. I thought it was just another fake reality show. Man, was I wrong!! This show is now my favorite show on TV right now!! It is exciting, funny at times, and FULL of surprises!! It is a very enjoyable show to watch and I know everyone that will start to watch it will become hooked after a few episodes. That is how it worked for me. I am so glad that I decided to watch it and that I should just try it and see if I liked it or not!! You should too. Just try it!! In summary, Survivor is by far the best reality TV show ever created!! I definitely recommend it!!
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Rush: R30 (2005 TV Movie)
4 June 2006
I bought Rush: R30 with high expectations. I took it home and put it into my DVD player. What I saw was nothing I had expected. All the good reviews seemed to be accurate!! Rush: R30 exceeded my expectations immensely!! The concert was amazing!! Geddy, Alex, and Neil are still going strong!! They looked as healthy as ever, they had lots of energy, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Which was great to see!! I must say, Rush: R30 was one of my most smartest purchases I have ever made!! It is definitely worth the dough!! So, fans of Rush, I urge you to go out and buy Rush: R30. You will be very glad you did!!

As I said before, the concert footage was amazing!! I have never had so much fun watching a band in concert in my life!! I also liked Rush's choices for songs to play. I couldn't have chosen better myself!! They played a lot of their biggest hits such as, Working Man, Limelight, The Spirit of Radio, Subdivisions, Earthshine, Red Barchetta, Tom Sawyer, and Dreamline. Those are just a few of the many songs that Rush plays in this DVD.

I purchased the Rush: R30 Deluxe Edition. It comes with 2 DVDs, 2 CDs, a book on the concert and Rush's past, and 2 guitar picks that are signed by Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee. I was very surprised with the Deluxe Edition. It is any Rush fan's dream. The special features in this Deluxe Edition are a great thing to have. There are interviews, music videos, and much much more!!
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This Movie Is In A Class Of Its Own
23 April 2006
From South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, comes South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. The most fun you will ever have watching a movie is right there. It's crude, rude, and hysterical and you will love every bit of it. It is by far the best animated comedy that has ever been created. It is definitely my favorite movie of 1999 by far. Part of the reason why I loved this movie so much was because it was South Park obviously. However, a lot of it was because of the swearing. The language in this film is probably the most vulgar you will ever hear. That doesn't matter though. It just makes the movie absolutely, gut-bustingly hysterical!!

Probably the funniest thing in this movie is Eric Cartman. He is really funny in South Park, but in the movie he is just hilarious. I don't think I have ever laughed so much in my life. He is just so funny to watch. It's really quite unbelievable. He's probably the funniest cartoon character ever created!! I certainly agree with that statement!! To me, Eric Cartman really makes this movie as hilarious as it is. In conclusion, this movie is one of the funniest i've ever seen and I absolutely love it!!
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The Most Gut Bustingly Hilarious Movie I've Ever Seen
23 April 2006
It took me a while to see this movie but I finally rented it last night and man I was impressed!! This movie made me laugh so damn much!! It is easily the most hysterical movie of 2004. I was in tears during some scenes!! I loved the idea of puppets in the movie instead of real people. To me that makes the movie 10 times funnier. Which is hard to believe since the movie itself would have been hilarious with real people. I thought it was a great idea to use puppets in this movie. It really made the movie unique and enjoyable to watch. So, all in all, puppets really made this film a very special film and it was very enjoyable to watch.

Like I said before, this film is just absolutely hysterical. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are comedic geniuses. With their smash hit TV show South Park, The South Park Movie, and now Team America, these guys have really moved up in the entertainment business. I'm sure they have lots more ideas up their sleeves that are just bound to become smash hits. I can't wait to see these guys' work in 10 years time. My prediction is that in 10 years time, South Park will still be going strong, Trey and Matt will have come up with another hit TV show, and Trey and Matt will eventually become the kings of comedy. In conclusion, Team America is by far, the best comedic film of 2004 and my favorite film so far this century.
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GoldenEye (1995)
My Favorite Bond Film Ever
17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This Bond film is in a class of its own. Goldeneye is by far the best Bond film ever. It is definitely my favorite Bond film. I have 3 reasons for that. First of all, Pierce Brosnan. He makes an amazing debut as James Bond and I think he is the best Bond yet. Second of all, Sean Bean. I have seen a lot of his previous work and I think he is an amazing actor. In this film, he is incredible!! His performance is absolutely astounding!! Last but not least, reason #3. The action. The action in this film is very impressive!! I was astounded by the car chases in this film. This film is definitely the best Bond film for action and possibly even one of the greatest action movies of all time!!

Goldeneye was directed by Martin Campbell who, in my opinion, is the best director a Bond film has ever had. He has a great style that works wonders with this film. I'm just hoping that Casino Royale will be just as good or better than this film. I'm sure it will. Mr. Campbell really seems to know how to make an action movie. Let's hope he does whatever he did with this film and applies it with Casino Royale. In conclusion, Goldeneye is the best Bond film yet and I enjoyed every single minute of it. I know you will as well.
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Great Bond Flick!!
17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I don't know how anybody can't like Die Another Day. I thought it was a great Bond movie!! All the haters out there are probably people who have read the novels and now they are loyal to the books. To me, it doesn't matter if a movie is like the novel or not. All I care about is if the movie is entertaining, has good acting, has familiar actors, and good special effects. Other than that, it doesn't matter to me in the slightest. I think it would be miserable to be faithful to a book or novel because, when you're expecting something this way, and you get it another way, then literally the whole movie is ruined for you. Which would suck in my opinion.

Die Another Day is a great Bond flick. It is entertaining, has a great actor for Bond, a very evil villain, and a really pretty Bond girl. Speaking of actors, all the acting in this film was superb. Pierce Brosnan gave us an excellent performance as super-spy James Bond. Toby Stephens gave us a truly haunting performance as the super-villain Gustav Graves. Last but certainly not least, Halle Berry gave us a truly memorable performance as Jinx. Like I said before, the acting in this film is superb. A job well done by Pierce, Toby, and Halle.

The one thing that truly made this Bond film enjoyable was the big car chase near the end of the film. It was an amazing thing to watch. I never knew cars slipping and sliding on ice was so fun to watch!! When I was watching this movie I thought, the stunt drivers must have had the time of their lives making that movie!! I know if I was one of the stunt drivers, I would be having the time of my life!! This film was a rush from beginning to end. It was extremely entertaining and I enjoyed every single minute of it!! So please don't listen to the haters out there. You will enjoy this film no matter what. I am sure of it.
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Flightplan (2005)
Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride
17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Jodie Foster stars as Kyla Pratt, a troubled woman who "loses" her daughter on a flight from Berlin to America. She asks the passengers and the crew if they have seen her daughter but nobody claims to have seen her. In fact, there is no record of Kyla's daughter ever boarding the plane!! This, in turn with the death of her husband, pushes Kyla's persistence further and further to find her daughter alive and unharmed.

Flighplan is actually a very good suspense film. It keeps you hooked to the screen and glued to your seat for the entire thing. Which is unusual for a movie these days. Most modern movies these days are... crappy!! They don't keep your interest or make you think as much as before. Which is a pity because There are so many new directors coming to Hollywood and none of them seem to have "the gift." Flightplan however, is a different story. It has all the ingredients of a good suspense film, plus more!! All of this, plus more, equals success!!
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Swordfish (2001)
A Very Enjoyable Action Flick
14 April 2006
Swordfish is a really enjoyable film to watch. I really, really liked it. Which is actually pretty strange for a movie like this. I find that movies like this usually "defy the laws of reality." However, this film is actually pretty good at staying within reality. Also, this film has great action sequences that kept me glued to my TV screen for the entire thing. It's what an action movie should have. Lots of action, a great plot, good acting, and even some sex!! Which is exactly what I like.

Everybody who starred in this movie did a great job acting. I particularly thought Don Cheadle was amazing. He has starred in numerous other films but I haven't had the chance to rent them yet. I will definitely try to see more of his films in the near future. I also thought Hugh Jackman was great in this movie. His acting is really quite amazing. I haven't seen any of the X-Men movies but I hear he his excellent as Wolverine. Overall Swordfish is an ideal movie to watch on a Friday night with nothing to do. I wasn't disappointed and I know you won't be either.
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Twister (I) (1996)
I Have No Idea Why People Are Bashing This Movie
7 April 2006
Twister, in my opinion, is a really good action thriller. Personally, I don't know how people can bash this movie. I thought it was an amazing film!! The acting is great, the special effects are excellent, the action is intense, and this film actually has a great storyline to it. To me, a 5.9/10 rating for this film is atrocious. I think this film deserves so much better!! I was thinking of somewhere in between a 7 and an 8/10. But I have my opinion and other people have their own right?? I just find it hard to believe that people don't like this movie.

Twister has everything I like in an action movie. It has amazing special effects, heart-stopping action, and a reasonably well written storyline. It even has some heartbreaking parts which almost brought tears to my eyes and I don't usually cry during movies. However I almost cried during Twister. Jan De Bont has created a very enjoyable that maybe doesn't come up to masterpiece material, but still is a memorable action movie that won't be forgotten for a long long time.
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Gattaca (1997)
One of the Most Intelligent Films Ever Made!!
7 April 2006
Gattaca is about a man named Vincent Freeman. He was born as an "in-valid" which means he is not a genetically modified human as his brother is. Ever since Vincent was a kid, he had a dream of going into space. However, Vincent was born with a 99% chance of getting a heart condition. This meant that Vincent's dream of going into space was not possible. He met a man named Jerome Morrow. This guy does not have any defects of any kind. So Vincent and Jerome work together and succeed in turning Vincent into Jerome Morrow. His dream was now possible. However, after the murder of the mission director, Vincent accidentally leaves an eyelash at the scene! So to elude capture, Vincent must take special precautions in order for him to continue pursuing his dream of going into space. With the authorities hot on his tail, Vincent must make some tough decisions to keep him from getting caught and quite possibly be taken away from his dream which lays just off in his horizon.

Gattaca in my opinion, is the best sci-fi thriller of 1997. It combines characteristics such as action, suspense, and some good science and is all wrapped up into this truly enjoyable bundle. Even though this is a Hollywood movie, it has some great science which can be used in so many different ways. I watched this movie in science class today and let me tell you, this movie was a great asset to what we were learning about in class. I actually learned almost as much about DNA in this movie as I did in class!!

Ethan Hawke, who plays Vincent Freeman/the fake Jerome Morrow, gives us an amazing performance in this film. He should have won the Oscar for best actor in 1997. Since seeing this movie, I truly appreciate Ethan Hawke much more than what I used to. I have discovered that he is an amazing actor and I will definitely remind myself to buy/rent more movies in which he stars in.

The director of this film, Andrew Niccol, does an amazing job at directing this film. I believe this man should have got the best director Oscar for this film. It boggles my mind that this film is the first film in which he directed!! This is a sign of what's to come. I believe Andrew Niccol will become the next big thing in Hollywood. He certainly has gotten off to a great start!!
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An Amazing Look at the World of Nascar Racing
3 April 2006
Nascar 3-D: The IMAX Experience is truly an experience that I will never, ever forget. This is actually the first movie I have seen at an IMAX theatre and believe me guys, I did not regret driving 100 miles to see this. This has got to be one of the most incredible experiences that I have ever... experienced!! And the 3-D picture made this movie 10 times better because I sometimes forgot it was only a movie and I actually thought the cars were gonna hit me!! I even braced for impact!! It was just so real that... I still can't believe it!!

Nascar 3-D: The IMAX Experience was not only an enjoyable movie to watch. It also touched me in a way that I never felt before. Since the death of Dale Earnhardt in 2001, I have respected Nascar and the drivers a lot more. While I watched this movie, I kept flashing back to the moment when Earnhardt hit the wall on the final turn of the Indianapolis 500. I am still haunted by that moment. And I probably will be for a long time to come.

In conclusion, all Nascar fans need to see this movie. You will really enjoy it for not only the action but also for the science behind Nascars and how they work and for many, many more things. This movie is not just for Nascar fans. I believe everybody will enjoy this film. My sisters were 4 years old at the time when they saw it and they were having the time of their life!! So go see this movie. You will enjoy it immensely and you will remember it for a long, long time.
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