
4 Reviews
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I didn't like this movie
1 June 2016
Personally I wasn't a big fan of this movie. I found there wasn't anything to get in this movie and there wasn't any point. I didn't like how mellowed toned everyone talked it made me want to fall asleep. This movie overall didn't appeal to me and it didn't keep me interested. All the characters seemed really flat and boring. I think the director was trying to set a laidback/relaxed mood and I do think that they were successful considering I wanted to fall asleep. I think this film is targeted to tweens and younger kids because I think that because It has such a simple plot and the kids won't get lost is a long complicated plot. I think this is more considered a movie because it is for entertainment and doesn't have a educational meaning.
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Sidewalls (2011)
I enjoyed this movie
1 June 2016
Even tho I only got to see have of this movie I did enjoy what I watched. I did also have a couple complaints. I liked this movie because I found it was very unique and it wasn't like anything I have ever seen. I also enjoyed that the characters were unique and there was details that added depth to them. At the beginning Martin had a monologue comparing people to buildings and he mentioned all these mental illnesses and said "I have all besides suicide". I also enjoyed that they gave a background story on both Martin and Mariana. What I didn't enjoy was that I found it was hard to follow in the beginning and I didn't really understand what was happening. I think that the director was trying to set a what we think life will be vs reality feeling. I think this because he did a good job showing that life will not always be a happy place and that people will have problems that they can't control. For example Mariana is scared of lifts and hasn't taken one for years. I think that this is directed towards teens and adults because it is a "tough" movie to watch looking at people with problems. There is also some nudity and those scenes are for more responsible audience. I think this is a movie because it is for entertainment.
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Almost Famous (2000)
I like this film.
11 March 2016
I really enjoyed the movie Almost Famous. I enjoyed all the music played throughout the movie. I also liked the story line and to me it had plot twists and things that totally blew my mind and I didn't imagine happening. My favourite part of the movie was either when the plane was crashing and they all started to fight. Or when Russell ended up going to Williams house instead of Penny Lanes. I believe the director was trying to set a Happy mood. I believe this because there were struggles along the way for William not getting his article done for the Rolling Stone in time. When he did get it done everyone said it wasn't true what he wrote. But in the end his article made the cover and he was reconnected with Russell. I believe this film is targeted towards later teenager to early twenties. I think this because I feel it gives a "hard work will pay off" kind of setting. This is a movie. I rate this movie a 8/10.
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I overall enjoyed this film and I would watch it over and over again.
10 November 2015
Breakfast Club

The breakfast Club is by far one of my favourite films. I really enjoy this film because the director puts so much emotion into the dialog. I love the twist that John Hughes puts at the end, when the "jock" ends up with the "basketcase" and the "criminal" ends up with the "princess".

I think the film was good because it was very relatable and mature. I think each actor played their roles to the finest. Everyone in the film has a specific problem or situation they face either in school or outside of school. One of my favourite things about the film is the lessons you learn. No matter who you are, you are no better, or not worse than anyone else.

The director was trying to set a realistic storyline with problems that anyone can relate to, but a happy ending. I think that the director did a successful job at doing this. This movie is targeting people the around younger teenager up. I think you have to be a certain age to understand the story. I think that the breakfast club is a film not a movie.
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