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American Rust (2021–2024)
Good, Bad & Slow
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely a slow burn, but Jeff Daniels (the world weary but crime fighting sheriff) is lovely to watch. Interesting plot, but not one we haven't seen in a mystery/crime story many times before. It grinds on at a painstakingly slow pace & after watching 6 episodes, I was really upset that it did NOT CONCLUDE, but left you hanging re the fates of all the lead characters!!! Definitely a no no. Thank goodness I was able to watch S2Ep1 right away, rather than wait a year to find out what happened! All roles well acted. I like the small town economically depressed atmosphere, fits well w a crime & bad luck storyline. BUT some real plot pot holes. Never got how burning down your house helps with establishing a Union. Also, why Billie would be willing to get savagely beaten to protect the brother of a girl he loves, but who doesn't want to be with him. Oh well, it will be interesting to see if the Sheriff survives season 2.
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Foe (2023)
Slow, oddly fascinating
11 February 2024
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I dont know what to make of this movie. The plot was predictable. I knew right away one of them was a robot. The twist at the end seriously depressed me--not the twist-- but the cruel and inhumane treatment of the AI husband. Geesh! Do we need another movie that shows humans to be more cruel than animals or robots? Although making the real husband more unemotional than the AI husband was clever. Ronan was great as the wife. The cinematography was very good at representing what a dying Earth will look like. Terrance, the creepy goverment agent, was very creepy. But half way through the movie it was pretty obvious poor Junior was an AI. What was confusing was when the switch was made or if it was the AI from the very 1st scene. I didnt quite get when & how she fell in love with the AI--that part of movie was not well done. This movie was interesting from a philosophical point of view, but fell down in many other aspects IMO.
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A Good Person (2023)
Could Have Been Much Better
12 December 2023
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This movie has some good moments, but 85% of it feels like a punishment. To be fair, it's not easy to make a movie about addiction "enjoyable", but I still think the script could have been better. Pugh & Freeman give good performances, Shannon is miscast here. The message is a bit muddled at times. Was the accident Allie's fault or not? The movie says she was (or that's the moralistic message they want to force down your throat, ugh). IMO she was only partly responsible & that's a big difference. Who hasn't ever checked google maps while driving? The ending was unbelievable for me. Better writers could have made this a much better movie.
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8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As someone with a mild case of OCD myself, I loved Monk, the TV series. So I was delighted they made this movie and it does NOT disappoint. They brought back all the characters from the end of the series that we know and love - Capt. Stottlemeier, Randy Disher, Natalie, the psychiatrist. The sets are different but have the same look & feel. Tony Shaloub is fabulous as Monk. It's amazing how he creates this character - all the neurotic tweaks which are never overdone, but just enough to make you squirm, laugh & cry all at once. I just love the scenes in the publisher's office, the rocket cockpit, the interviews with the Villain, which is hilariously modelled after Jeff Bezos. The ending made me tear up. Just great entertainment. Wish there were more movies like this.
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Wilderness (2023)
Some Interesting Plot Twists
23 October 2023
I dont understand all the negative reviews. I've seen worse mysteries. The acting was good. The storyline was engaging & took some turns you dont always see in this genre. I like that each episode had a surprise end which made you want to watch the next episode because you just had to find out what happened. The depiction of what happens to a marriage when trust is broken was very realistic. I found it very believable as to how Liv keeps getting drawn in, as that IS what happens when you really love someone. However, there were some plot flaws. The red jacket for one. Police would have found that right away. The script for Will was very boring. He says the same apology over & over again. Poor writing on that one. The ending was cringe worthy. But that's what a " thriller" is supposed to do.
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Beautiful, suspenseful & riveting
12 July 2023
A must see movie! The low rating of others is inaccurate. Great plot, good script, great acting, totally engrossing, inspiring & never a dull moment--what more can you ask for? Even though it takes place during WWII, I thought it was especially relevant to our times. We are in a dire moment in our history--the dominance of dis-, mis- & mal-information, the broken Congress inhabited by some Nazi's, the corrupt Supreme Court, the war in Ukraine, global warming, species extinction, just to mention a few issues of our day. Now more than ever we need to find the courage to stand up to liars & power mongers & this film does that in a most beautiful & artistic way.
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Dark River (2017)
Bleak & unrealistic
6 July 2023
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This movie felt like a poor imitation of a Thomas Hardy novel. Ruth Wilson was great as always, but the plot was unrealistic in so many ways esp. The ending. There is a big gap between the shooting & the prison visit. I cant believe she could have endured a long trial wo saying something. And while I knew the brother was going to take the blame to atone for not protecting her from the father (so obvious & predictable), I couldnt buy it. She or he could have said it was dark, raining, they were running in the woods, tripped & fell, & the gun went off accidentally. Involuntary manslaughter, instead of whatever he got, which they didnt say (another annoying plot flaw). Definitely sad & bleak.
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Beautiful, Engaging, Thoughtful
25 June 2023
This is a beautiful film & a rare treat from all the trash that is usually out there. So yes it had to be made independent of the Hollywood mega machine that only offers car chases & explosions films because that's what makes money? But they are SO boring! This film is about real people (warts & all) & emotions & injustices & the tough moral choices we all are faced with at some point in our lives. The actors ALL give amazing performances. I esp. Enjoyed Hathaway, Hopkins & Strong. But they all were amazing. How often can we say that about a film? I disagree totally with some negative reviews that say it was slow or blah. I was engaged completely & so grateful for an intelligent movie that made me think. I guess those others should stick to car chase scenes & explosions.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
What a Doozer@
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was the best one written and acted. A doozer of an ending. An emotional ripper. Did Shiv make the right choice? We'll never know as this is the final episode, or so they say. Well, how could they ever top this one? On the otherhand, it would be interesting to see what they do next. Poor Kendall. How about he meets the nect Tech genius and starts a company to rivsl Gojo? Can't say poor Roman. He can drown that potty mouth and wimpy personality in a gallon of martinis. Poor Shiv. Condemned to a loveless marriage. Well maybe she can patch things up with Tom. Why do they require such a LONG post? I've said what I wanted to say.
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Will Trent: A Bad Temper and a Hard Heart (2023)
Season 1, Episode 13
Predictable & Disappointing
3 May 2023
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As much as I love this series, the season finale was predictable, boring and very UNshocking (unlike what was advertised). Only the acting from the wonderful cast made it bearable, which was outstanding as always), but PULEEZE when are we going to see some decent writing? So many plot holes. One, women dont die immediately after giving birth, even if it's a basement. Also if Ulster liked Lucy so much, why not give her some medical attention? Also, Mandy thought Will was going to a "family", but after taking care of him for 3 weeks, she doesnt ever think to check up on him? Angie's a smart cop, but botches her escape attempt? She cant get past a locked door? Really? How about breaking a window? Last but not least, please do NOT have her be paralyzed in Season 2. I cant think of a more boring plot than that!
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Okay but not original.
25 April 2023
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How many times will they make a movie where strangers are invited to a mansion or deserted island only to be killed off? Gerald Miller has "original plot" as a byline but that is far from true. The first murder is straight out of Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians" which has been duplicated in several other movies since then. But then it was atmosoheric, the mansion splendid, the characters varied and interesting, and it was fun to waste 2 hours on while recovering from the flu. I did wonder why he had to have only ONE heir since they all were his bastards. Why not give all of them a piece of the pie? But then there would be no movie. And since the boat never left the island, why didn't they decide to get the heck out of there? Ah well. Can always wait for the next rendition of "Knives Out" which is much more fun.
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Homeland: Game On (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
Some Inconsistencies
6 April 2023
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Luv this show. However some annoying plot flaws. So there is the big surprise reveal that Carrie's commitment to Psych Ward is all part of Saul's secret plan to catch the person responsible for the bombing at Langley. Ok, great story line and brilliant plan for Carrie to infiltrate the organization responsible. So, why does Saul act shocked, surprised & scared to see Carrie when she visits him? And, why does Carrie say to Saul "you should have got me out of the hospital?" Doesn't make sense. I luv the Brody character but hate what is happening to him now. Dana plot line is boring but I suppose would appeal to the teenage fans of show. But she is always so drole, talking like a depressed robot. Can't the writers make her a little more energetic, at least once??
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The Old Way (2023)
Really Liked This
26 February 2023
This is a modern take on a spaghetti western. Nic Cage is convincing as a hard core gunslinger who later finds love, settles down and has a daughter, named Brooke. The actress who plays Brooke is great and steals the show. Like her father she has difficulty expressing emotions, but their journey to get revenge for the murder of her mother causes them both to bond. There are some very good scenes around the campfire as they get to know each other better. Filmed in Montana, cinematography is very good. So also the sound track which reminds me of many great Westerns. The ending was both sad and clever with a delightful twist. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.
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A Must See!
3 February 2023
The1st 3 episodes contain a lot of info we already know about them. But new stuff too about how they met, courted, formative life experiences, their major interests, the trip to Botswana and you can see how they were made for each other. The rest is about the brutal attacks Meghan was subjected to by "the firm" & tabloids. Of course, I heard about some of it, but news media never showed the depth or extent of it, esp. The thousands of hate posts on Twitter fueled suspiciously by only 14 accounts, culminating eventually in death threats. That members of the "royal household" refused to help or support them, even cancelling security protection, is truly shocking. Now I understand why they had to leave. The documentary is brave, courageous and finally gets some long suppressed truths out there. I send this couple my prayers and love for continued safety and love in their new life. It's a must see, not just for their story, but for how unscrupulous media can spread lies, misinformation and destroy lives. A wake up call for all of us.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Fun and Entertaining
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Knives Out so looked forward to this. It did not disappoint. The screenplay was superb w lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing. And there were lots of expertly crafted clues placed very carefully in the script which if you were attentive you could figure out. I did manage to guess the killer towards the end, but then I've read and watched LOTS of who dunnits so that was not unusual, and to their credit did no spoil the rest of the movie for me. Daniel Craig was wonderful again as Benoit Blanc. All the acting was top notched. The ending was a little confusing (what was the point of breaking all the glass sculptures?) and I wasnt quite sure about what Blanc meant when he handed her the glass of whiskey. Yes there were other things about the ending that could have been flushed out more but it is still a good movie. So much better than most TV fair w no wit or intelligence. Hope they make a third KO movie. So much fun toceatch.
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Winter Ridge (2018)
Boring & Ridiculous
15 December 2022
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This movie has a ridiculous and unbelievable plot. There is not much to say about it except, perhaps, don't waste your time. The acting is only so-so. The serial killer is a psychiatrist committing Euthansia on elderly people with dementia to "ease their suffering" and so they will not to be a burden to rest of the family. Well there is some sense to that, but not the material for a good mystery. The subplot re the cop's wife in a coma doesn't add anything to the plot either and just feels tacked on. Puleeze give us a break! Definitely a real sleeper all the way. I struggled to find something good about this movie and couldn't find anything except the cop is real cute.
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The English (2022)
Great but some flaws
20 November 2022
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Was captivated by this film. The story however has some serious flaws. The ending makes NO sense at all. The reason given is flimsy and unbelievable. Cinematography was spectacular. Blunt and Spencer's acting were great. Very violent and too gory at times. Was 1975 America really this violent? Was EVERYONE a liar, thief, huckster and murderer? Surely there must have been some goodness somewhere. The scenes between Eli and Cornelia were the best to watch. Also their spirituality and Native American beliefs. Some of the other storylines did nothing to advance the story. Given all the flaws, it was still beautiful to watch. But hated that ending.
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Hamish Macbeth: Deferred Sentence (1997)
Season 3, Episode 2
One Big Plot Flaw
8 October 2022
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Okay after reading movie chat I understand this complicated plot. Enoch's wife was having affair w Duncan Scott & wanted him to run away w her. She stole Enoch's gold watch to sell to have money for their new life. Duncan refused, they either struggled & she fell, or he pushed her. Claire was on the beach & saw what happened. Enoch & Claire coverd it up to spare Barbara who was Enoch's sister & married to Duncan. Enoch explains he lost one person he loved & didn't want to lose his sister too (she was too frail to learn her husband was unfaithful & a murderer?). But I guess losing his daughter was ok? And causing the priest to lise his flick was ok? Another BIG plot flaw: both the watch & $50 were on Enoch's wife's dead body. How could that be if she sold the watch? I love this series but this episode has a lot of plot flaws.
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The Priest (I) (2021)
Waste of Time
30 July 2022
This is really 2 bad movies pasted together w a 3rd plot added to last minute! 1st hum drum boribg mystery, 2nd one a horror story w ripped off scenes from other horror stories. Plus it's VERY long & drawn out. Sorry I wasted my time.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Wonderful except for...
13 June 2022
I luv this series! Actors, story, setting (Navaho reservation) all good & such a refreshing change from other tv fare. Unfortunately, because on AMC there are 1000's of commercials which ruin it. Wish Redford picked HBO instead. Prerecord & fast forward but even w that, an obscene amount of commercials.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Really stupid
3 January 2022
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This show has stupid unbelievable plots. I'm sorry I wasted my time to watch. E.g., you're fighting the largest ranch owner in the country in order to build houses & airport, so what do you do? Hire his daughter! Then are surprised to discover she's behind a damaging newspaper article? But stupid doesn't stop there. All the other plot lines are just as dumb.
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Comrade Detective: The Invisible Hand (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Hilarious& Brilliant!
27 November 2021
One of the most entertaining series I've seen all year. Wish I could meet the writers responsible for this Tour de Force. So glad they made a version w dubbed English. Acting is very good too. A hilarious spoof, but so wise too.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Classy & Riveting
3 October 2021
So many good things to say about S4 I don't know where to begin. Great script--fresh, original, clever, witty, funny, plot twists that don't fall into the traps we've seen so many times before. Great acting from Billy Bob, Bruce Dern & many more. B BEAUTIFUL artistic cinematography w Hitchcokian vibes. Loved the High Noon flashback metaphors. The music at end made me cry. One of the best series I've ever seen.
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The Undoing (2020)
Good acting
23 November 2020
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Great acting but plot is ridiculous. Series producers have said they veered away from the ending in the book, that this series is taken from. Ep4 pointed finger at Grace's father, played by Donald Sutherland, after he makes some menacing remarks, an obvious red herring. Now Ep5 points finger at the son. Sooo, the obvious conclusion will be Grace did it.
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Hilarious BUT
2 November 2020
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Movie is hilarious except for 1 scene that is truly disgusting. Made me want to vomit. I had to close my eyes until it was over. Why do movie makers think they constantly have to push to film what is ugly or disgusting? Don't confuse innovation with disgusting. There is nothing noteworthy about it.
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