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Willow (2022–2023)
Cursed meets Riverdale
8 December 2022
After 3 episodes, this show resembles the Willow movie in name only. The tone, atmosphere and characters are completely different in style. It's silly and irreverent. The Willow movie had humor but it fit naturally into the plot, it knew how to balance dark and light moments. This show seems completely tone deaf.

There are throwbacks to the original but stylistically it is unrecognizable. It also doesn't contribute anything unique to the genre. It's very generic.

I really wanted a show that fleshed out the world of the original movie in a sincere way (like The Dark Crystal Series) but this is not it. The chatacters are all insufferable. The plot is bland and disjointed. The pacing is all over the place with very little sense of continuity or logical rhythm from scene to scene. The tone is more like a modern teen drama than it is a classic fantasy.

The reveal of the iconic characters from the original is done in the least interesting way imaginable. The is no payoff. There is no sense of intrigue. All of the characters speak their feelings non stop in a way that is so unbelievable it is jarring. None of the characters seem to have nuances. There was so much potential to make Elora a complex and interesting character but thus far she comes across as self righteous, entitled and shallow. Her personality exists in contrast to her upbringing.

There were a handful of good scenes throughout the first few episodes but there is far more bad than good. I don't even blame the cast because the script is so unnatural I doubt any actor could make it work.

For people who like the Netflix show Cursed and shows like Riverdale, this might be enjoyable. I have trouble seeing how anyone hoping for a genuine expansion of the original film could enjoy this.
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Warcraft (2016)
Good concepts but messy execution
31 July 2016
There are a lot of pros and cons to Warcraft. The movie unfortunately struggled to communicate a lot of ideas very quickly and as a result it came across as very rushed and lacking in depth. The characters aren't really given enough time to be established and as a result many of their interactions came across as forced. It was difficult to relate to the characters because their motives aren't given an opportunity to be fleshed out. I think it's a shame because a lot of the ideas were actually good. The use of magic within the story worked quite well and rather than characters simply firing off random spells without explanation, only a few spells are used but they are explained, each one has a distinct purpose and is used in multiple ways. The plot itself wasn't bad but the events themselves seemed disjointed and poorly paced, so as a result it was hard to invest in what was happening.

While I have a reasonable understand of the Warcraft story and I have played most of the games I still found it a bit difficult to get familiarized with exactly what was happening. Characters seemed to jump from place to place without a lot explanation as to what they were really doing. There is no sense of scale to the world because everyone seems to get everywhere nearly instantly without any sense of time passing. The human battle strategies are poorly explained and the outcome of many of the battles doesn't seem to make any sense. For a movie that is based off of a series of strategy games it would have been a lot better if battle strategy actually had more relevance to the plot.

Many of the relationships between the characters also come across as unnatural and unearned. There are multiple betrayals in the plot but when they happen it doesn't really have a lot of impact because the time wasn't given to establish the initial bonds between the characters. Twists and turns in the characters relationships seem to happen overnight, without a lot of explanation as to how and why their feelings change.

Overall, I don't think the movie is as bad as a lot of critics have indicated. Warcraft at least aspires to tell a story that is more than just a straight up action movie. There was a plot here that could have been quite good. The problem was that it was very rushed, the events and characters were poorly established and the ideas aren't really explained in any depth. The rapid pace of events offered very little time to establish its characters and sink into its word and lore. If the movie had better pacing and showed those establishing moments in a more immersive way it would have elevated the quality of the movie substantially. The Blizzard cinematics do an excellent job of doing that, so it really is a shame that the movie failed to provide that same excellent sense of tone and atmosphere.

I would give this movie 5.5/10 it is slightly above average. It had a lot going for it in terms of ideas but the execution fell short in many different areas. It's worth watching if you are hungry for a decent fantasy movie, if not I would say the movie probably won't do much for you.
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Hunter x Hunter (2011–2014)
Hunter x Hunter has a lot to offer if you can get past its many tropes
28 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have very mixed feelings on this series. For years I had seen it ranked as one of the best anime series of all time but I couldn't stomach the first few episodes. I was put off by the silly anime tropes, the random character designs and the bizarre nonsense that plagues it. I have seen many series that took awhile to get good though so I eventually decided to really give it a chance. I had heard that it was basically the best parts of Dragonball and Naruto but deeper, more mature and more complex. While there are points where that may be true, it certainly isn't evident during the first season. In fact it wasn't until the third arc that I really started to like the series and it wasn't until the Yorknew City Arc that it really got great.

It is really difficult for me to rank this series because its quality varies dramatically. At its best (the later seasons, primarily the Chimera Ant Arc) its a solid 9 at its worst its maybe a 4. The good thing is that the series generally gets better each season. Unfortunately you really do need to watch the early seasons for it to make sense.

The cons:

If you are looking for a series with good fight scenes, be warned, there are none in season 1. In fact I would say that the first good fight scene doesn't happen until at least episode 30. Now that would be fine if the story was really fantastic and made up for it but I really don't think it does. The Hunter Exam arc literally starts off with about two episodes of the characters running through a tunnel and then having a giant cook off. To make matters worse, the instructor of the lesson is a scantily clad, loud mouthed stereotype girl with a giant knife. It's not exactly riveting or novel.

For the entire first season Gon never really seems to be threatened. He's the same typically happy go lucky protagonist without much substance. He gets through everything with relative ease. During the entire exam, Gon really just seems to breeze through. He gets by just because he has a stubborn never give up attitude and for some reason everyone seems to respect him despite him having done nothing to deserve respect at that point in the series.

You are pretty much told at the beginning of the exam which characters matter. The side characters are just generic stand ins they look and act like the don't matter so when they are beaten its never surprising.

Most of the character designs are ridiculous. Form doesn't follow function at all. One of the characters always wears a business suit for no logical reason (even when they are in the desert). Gon is basically Goku crossed with Ash wearing short shorts for no apparent reason. He also has the face of a baby that makes it nearly impossible to take him seriously. His weapon of choice is a fishing rod for the entire first season (Thankfully he ditches it later). It's like a whole bunch of random traits were just thrown into a jar and picked out for each character. Most of their designs don't seem to be based on anything substantial. Later the designs get better, although that's not really saying much.

The pros:

The magic system of the series Nen, when it is finally introduced is excellent (although it doesn't get introduced until the 3rd arc). It is unique yet simple enough to understand and gets progressively more complex as the series continues. Every character has unique abilities that come with strengths and weaknesses. No one is really invincible; it is more a case of certain abilities being more useful in certain situations. The way those abilities evolve is also really interesting and makes sense within the context of the series. There are some lame ones but many are really unique and cool.

The series almost steadily gets better. The Chimera Ant Arc is by far the best part of the series and while it has some obvious similarities to the Cell Saga in Dragonball Z it is better in almost every way. Even the bad parts, such as Gon's ridiculous uniform is given a better replacement during the Chimera Ant Arc. Gon also finally starts to show more complexity as a character and is no longer just the happy go lucky hero who just wins because he never gives up. He has to face real challenges.

The Chimera Ant Arc is great because it doesn't overpower the main characters and it doesn't spare them from consequences. Gon has to evolve and he has to suffer. He has to earn his place in the series. Unlike in Dragon ball Z where the main characters all get magical upgrades whenever they need it. The main characters in Hunter X Hunter need to pay a price and are never on par with the true super beings of the series. Gon gets beaten badly often and needs to rely on more experienced Hunters to handle the big challenges. Sometimes he loses people and sometimes to win he has to go to dark places which takes a toll on him. The protagonists aren't morally infallible like they are in so many series of this type.

Hunter x Hunter is a really unique series for better and for worse. It has moments that are truly brilliant and other moments that had me rolling my eyes and shaking my fist at their ridiculousness. This is a series that definitely isn't for everyone, if you hate the common anime tropes/silliness you are probably going to have a difficult time getting into the series. If you can tolerate the randomness and the tropes though, this series eventually has a lot to offer.
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Subtle and unique, one of the Ghibli's most underrated films
13 February 2016
I went into this movie not expecting it to quite live up to the Ghibli standard as most of the films not directed by Hayao or Isao, tend to be among their weaker ones. Yet in terms of story and subtle character writing I would easily rank this among the upper level of Ghibli's films.

The story starts off very simple yet it progresses into something very deep and as its mystery is gradually revealed it touches on concepts that are rarely captured in story telling of any medium. It is more than what it appears to be on the surface and it is far deeper than a typical plot about friendship and growing up. While those things are elements of the story, at its heart I would say that it is about the bonds that transcend generations. It is about how time can complicate relationships and simple decisions stretched out overtime can have unintended consequences. It's about discovering that the people we give so little thought to are sometimes far closer to us than we realize and are often experiencing similar hardships. It would have been easy for the story to end on an ambiguous note as so many stories like this do but thankfully the plot is fully explained and provides answers that make the story even more meaningful.

Along with its deep and unique story the characters are also subtly crafted and express emotions that are true to life. It deals with very complex feelings such as self loathing and social insecurity in a way the is very natural and rarely captured. Many of the characters are people who have trouble expressing themselves honestly and just as in real life, that behaviour is far more subtle than words can express. Anna is kind at heart but she can also be unintentionally cruel. She is polite and yet dismissive. Other characters who appear strong on the surface are in fact vulnerable but won't show it in private. The movie does a great job of showing characters from slightly different perspectives to show that they are more than simply the face they show the world. The film very believably portrays the idea that people very rarely express what they truly feel, in a way that others understand and that is often what leads to relationships breaking down.

As with most Ghibli films, the art direction here is also fantastic. The sets are beautiful and feel like real places. The tone and landscape are immersive and realistic. Its not only beautifully designed it is designed in a way that feels believable and serves a purpose.

While this isn't one of Ghibli's most awe inspiring movies, it is one of their most realistic and most profound. It takes a simple relate-able story and takes it someplace rarely explored. I would recommend this movie to anyone who has an appreciation for real subtle characters, unique coming of age stories and stories about complex relationships. I think it is a great movie for families as it is really deals with understanding the people close to us better. It has a great message for people of all ages and it is accessible enough that it can be appreciated on many different levels.
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Silly fan fiction
27 August 2015
If all you want is a silly version of the characters treating world threatening issues as a joke then you might enjoy this. If you want something with the serious action of DBZ, plot and character development or the more clever humor and world building of Dragon Ball you won't find any of that here. This doesn't do justice to the original Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z, the characters are all over the top and for the most part pure comic relief.

This movie completely lacks any sense of genuine character development and emotion. In the Sayian Saga when the characters are facing the threat of Vegeta and Nappa we got to see real emotion and real character development. Goku gave up his life to help Piccalo kill his brother, forcing him to leave his son in the hands of his once mortal enemy (decisions that had weight and consequence). Gohan had to face his fears and mature as an adult without his father in a life or death situation. Piccalo had to put his hatred for Goku aside and had to learn to care for Gohan eventually resulting in him sacrificing himself for Gohans sake (yet despite this development his personality remained intact). Yamcha fought hard but his over confidence caused him to loose his life (a good hard lesson). Chiaotzu sacrificed everything to overcome a seemingly invincible opponent only for that sacrifice to be in vain. After loosing an arm and seeing the death of his friends Tien gave everything he had only to be defeated (a real tragedy). The characters had to face overwhelm odds and watch in horror as Nappa ravaged the earth for the sake of strategy, knowing that holding out for Goku was the only chance they had to win. Every character had a role to play that mattered (even Yajirobe), there were real stakes, real feelings like loss, fear, desperation, courage and hope. That was the Dragon Ball Z that I loved. Battle of the Gods is nothing like that.

In DBZ even in the face of absolute defeat Vegeta always gave it his all. Even in the face of humiliation, pain, and the loss of his life he held onto his pride. Vegeta did terrible things but he was respectable as a character because he constantly took it like he dished it and remained true to his own code. In battle of the Gods Vegeta seems like a totally different character. Vegeta faced death many times in the past but never let that overshadow his tireless will to fight and he would far rather die than give up his pride. We saw that with Frieza, we saw that with Cell, we saw that with Majin Buu. Vegeta changed as a character but he never gave up the traits that fundamentally defined him.

There are no real stakes in battle of the Gods. Even though the world is being threatened none of the characters really seem to take it seriously. When the Sayians came all of the characters gave everything they had and more, they were terrified yet that fear made them change and grow. In Battle of the Gods the only character who grows at all is Goku but even he doesn't express any impression of genuine concern over the worlds impending destruction. It's all a joke and not a good joke at that.

Dragon Ball had humor, but that humor was intelligently written. Goku's innocence made him a fish out of water, his naive actions felt believable because of the way he had been raised and the fact that he had powers that he didn't understand. Krillin dealing with his envy of Goku led to genuine humor. Yamcha being a seemingly cool guy who couldn't deal with women due to inexperience also felt genuine. In Dragon Ball the characters were silly but they developed and their actions still made some sense and had consequences. In Dragon Ball there was also world building, new abilities (that were more than just spectacle), new races and locations that were more than just set dressing.The Dragon Balls actually had a real role in the story and were more than just a convenient tool to use whenever. The Dragon Balls had a sense of wonder and mystery about them. In this movie they are just a bingo prize. Battle of the Gods was totally superficial and one dimensional by comparison.

Battle of the Gods had a few good points. The visuals are mostly good. Goku having to deal with obtaining power from his friends and family was a good moment (although that point was weakened when he effortlessly learns to use the full power of SSJGod on his own just moments later.) Finally having opponents that couldn't just be beaten by a power up was refreshing. There were one or two moments were the humor actually was actually clever and was more than just silly food loving nonsense.

Overall this movie really felt like a silly fan fiction, it wasn't consistent with Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball (and yes I have watched both and read the manga). The characters were caricatures of themselves and the story was almost completely void of substance. If you just like silly one dimensional humor and just want to see these characters have fun again, by all means enjoy. As for me, I guess I just have to accept that this Dragon Ball world is no longer the one I remember so fondly.
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My favourite Ghibli Film and one of the best animated films of all time
4 November 2013
I have seen every Ghibli film and almost every major animated film. Princess Mononoke is, without a doubt, one of the very best. The soundtrack is perfection, the characters are complex and sincere, and the themes are strong without coming off as preachy.

It is extremely rare to find animated movies that present a fair and balanced view of the conflicts within the story. Most animated movies tend to paint the world in black and white, good and evil. Princess Mononoke does an amazing job of addressing the issues of human kind's struggle to live in balance with nature. Every character has a philosophy and viewpoint that is understandable. The plot is mature and complex while still easy to follow and understand.

On top of the excellent characters and story, the animation, designs and visuals are all great. Like all Ghibili's movies, the visual presentation is top notch but unlike many of the other Ghibli movies this one is darker in style and in its content. There is a lot of violence and blood in this movie but it is never overdone, everything that happens is relevant to the story and fits perfectly within the context of what is happening. Young children might find it frightening but the content should be acceptable for older children.

For those who enjoy Ghibli movies, this is a must see and in my opinion the very best the studio has done (which is saying a lot). Even for those who don't normally enjoy animated movies I would still recommend this one. Its maturity and depth make it stand out among even the best animated movies out there.
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A visual masterpiece full of vision and attention to detail.
16 October 2013
It is extremely rare to find animated movies that are both intimately beautiful, while also being mature, epic and imaginative. This is one of the very few anime movies of this level that is not made by studio Ghibli. The story starts out in a simple setting but even the simple scenes are so beautifully illustrated that they are just as interesting as the grander ones. The attention to detail is astounding and the environments are the type that you wish you could live in.

The supernatural story blends seamlessly into the plot by taking advantage of real world mythology and mixing existing cultural symbolism with imaginative ideas. There are so many fantastic mythological references throughout the film that will probably go unnoticed by most people but for those who are looking they are there to appreciate.

The the characters are all very believable and deal with complex emotions. The themes of the movie are also deep and thought provoking.

This is a visual masterpiece with a concept and story that are equally inspired. While the movie clearly pays homage to Ghibli films it also stands on its own merits and style. One of the best Animated films ever made.
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Gravity (2013)
A very good but simple movie
6 October 2013
I went into Gravity not really knowing what to expect. I had seen the trailer and wondered if there was more to it than just a couple of people trapped in space. Gravity is beautifully filmed, well paced, believable and immersive but it is a very simple premise. I was never bored or frustrated by Gravity but I was waiting to be surprised by it and that never happened. I have seen many cases of this movie being compared to 2001: A Space Odyssey. While both movies present a believable space experience, 2001: A Space Odyssey had far more imagination, vision and depth. 2001: A Space Odyssey presented imaginative ideas and concepts that inspired the viewers own imaginations and thoughts. I don't think 2001: A Space Odyssey is a perfect movie but in those ways it is superior to Gravity. Gravity creates a more immersive space experience, it feels real, it looks real and in that way it is better but if you are looking for something more than that I don't think you will find it here. There is some interesting symbolism and undertones about life and death that add an extra layer to the movie but it isn't amazing.

Gravity does what it does incredibly well. It doesn't really do anything wrong, the visuals are gorgeous, the soundtrack is atmospheric, the effects are realistic, and the performances are genuine. This is an example of a movie that fires on all cylinders but its just a bit too simple to be phenomenal. Other films could learn a lot from Gravity but I don't think Gravity has enough imagination to be counted among the greatest movies of all time. Gravity should be experienced in theatres, it is a great space experience and I think it can be enjoyed by almost anyone.
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Spirited Away (2001)
A visually stunning, unique, and immersive childhood fantasy
4 September 2006
I gave this movie an unfavorable review several years ago and while I still feel that some of my criticisms were valid, upon watching it recently I really felt compelled to re-write my review. While there are some areas of the movie that I think are weak, I do consider it a masterpiece. Not because it is perfect but because it does things that almost no other film does and does certain things better than almost any other movie.I found it to be quite random the first time I saw it but that is only because of how different it is. Care and attention to detail have been put into almost every frame and it is bursting with creativity. The story is simple, on the surface, but is it is masterfully crafted with hidden depths. It is like a modern fairy tale. It encapsulates the feelings of childhood while expanding the imagination and offering inspirational ideas that both children and adults can appreciate.

Spirited Away does an excellent job of presenting a world through a child's eyes. I originally criticized it for not explaining many of the aspects of its world. I still think that is true but after multiple viewings I have come to appreciate the way that it puts the main character in a world that is alien while still giving that world substance and a sense of reason that the audience can discover. While the world isn't entirely explained it is very believably crafted. The bathhouse feels like a very real place. Each room feels like it was designed to be functional and that helps to make it feel very real immersive. Chihiro is very much lost in the world she is taken to and so to criticize the movie for being confusing is kind of unfair. Many aspects of the story and world are not well explained but that confusion is created to serve a purpose.

Another thing I criticized the movie for was the ending. I felt that the ending didn't seem to provide any real challenge to the main character and some of the reveals seemed a bit random. I still think that those criticisms are true, however, I think that the character does grow and change a lot through the story. The point of the ending isn't to challenge the Chihiro to accomplish something difficult, it is to get her to face her fear and take responsibility for her choices. In that the story succeeds.

Overall, Spirited Away is a one of a kind, magical experience that I really have learned to appreciate more over the years. When I reviewed it in the past I focused a lot on areas that I felt disappointed rather than focusing on the things that it does very well. Few movies do a better job of transporting the viewer to a fantasy world. Many of my past complaints came from my own lack of understanding rather than actual flaws in the movie. I have grown to appreciate this movie more over the years and I want to give it the credit it deserves.
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