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Superfast! (2015)
When will we get a Superfast 2?
23 December 2015
He likes unicorns, hes never driven a stick, and hes super fast! He can't run forever because detective Johnson is on the case and hes going to lube up with ridiculous amounts of baby oil. I loved this movie. Had me laughing from the beginning until the end. The way they make a mockery out of every movie in the franchise and the actors behind it was done brilliantly. I don't think it could have come at a better time either because so many of these Fast & Furious movies have been made that it is starting to get old. It was time to make fun of the series and Superfast hits the nail on the head. I enjoyed it. Needed a laugh and the movie delivered. Fans of the older movies will appreciate it I think.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Blasphemy masked in the form of entertainment.
21 November 2015
When I saw the trailer for Jessica Jones I was excited for the series. It was very entertaining but this show has big problems. If I don't call it for what it is nobody else will so im just going to tell you exactly what the writers of the script already know. Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. This series has 13 episodes and I counted at least 3 of the major characters continuing to take the Lord's name in vain time after time in every single episode. They really do go out of their way to take the Lord's name in vain. This tells me that a majority of the people involved in the series are more than likely satanic. The big Hollywood director is always the guy seen in pictures wearing his Alister Crowley t shirt. And since Crowley was a devil worshiping lunatic he did everything in his power to defy the one true God.

Exodus 20:7 says "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." Actors and actresses are professionals so when they get into character they know exactly what they are doing right? I say hold them accountable for what they say in these movies and television shows as well. Even if the writer of the script is satanic and you are getting paid to play a role it doesn't mean you have to say yes to everything they are asking you to do. Does it bother them to do these things? It bothers me to watch it. Every time they took the Lord's name in vain I felt it. And after I was finished with the 13 episodes I felt really dirty for viewing it. If I counted the amount of times they did it the number would probably be about 100.

There is an old saying in the recording industry. "What type of sorcery is this?" Well, we know exactly what type of sorcery Jessica Jones is. The satanic Hollywood agenda is working in full force and this is the most blasphemous script I have ever seen in the history of television. I don't care how great the acting and the story was because the true message behind this trash was made loud and clear. I am sure the atheists, the devil worshipers, and pagans can't wait to tear me apart for this review. However, according to the bible only God can judge me. If you don't see the staggering amount of satanic influence going on in Hollywood I would encourage you to really open up your eyes and be more perceptive about what you are seeing on the television screen.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
Great action movie that leaves you with mixed reactions.
8 November 2015
When you look at this movie in terms of good acting, lots of action, and telling a story they did a terrific job. Daniel Craig always delivers. The fight scenes with Dave Bautista were really good. Hes coming up quick from pro wrestling as an established actor and im happy for his success. Christoph Waltz does an amazing job. He is one of the best villains I have seen in a James Bond movie. We go to a movie to kind of escape reality and enjoy ourselves but there are some aspects to the film which reminds us of the current world we are living in. Those things can't help but be acknowledged for what they really are.

First of all the introduction to this film goes right in to the satanic symbolism of Baphomet. Baphomet is like the Mickey Mouse mascot for satanists. They seem to love throwing that symbol in our faces. It's pretty much everywhere now and im not really OK with it. I think having satanic symbolism in any movie is just plain weird and I don't understand why they feel the need to put that stuff in there. Especially in a series like James Bond which I love so much. Leave your strange demonic symbols out of Bond movies please and thank you.

Aside from the symbolism this movie also mentions Spectre as a New World Order. George W Bush senior talked about the NWO in his speech. It's the idea of a one world government where everybody has the same political views and culture. They go on to mentioning things about the world we already know. They talk about how government officials can be easily manipulated into following a certain agenda and that there are people who hold higher positions of power than government behind closed doors.

They remind us about their plan to have microchips inserted into our body to replace identity, currency, car keys. In the movie it's still in beta testing just like we see from the current tech companies. And last but not least they tell us what most people already know. That there is a massive archive from not-so-secret spy agencies that fly drones over our heads, watch us through our smart phones, and see what we are up to in the name of our own personal security. James Bond is out to take these people down. Unfortunately for us there isn't a real life James Bond to go to bat for the average working man. Privacy is pretty much non existent in 2015.

Yes I love the movie, but it left me feeling bummed out about the world I live in. It reminded me that the world is gone to hell in a hand basket and that most people simply don't care. Since people are too dumb to care I guess they feel like they don't need to hide it anymore. If anything they put this kind of stuff in movies to throw it in our faces. So I have mixed reactions. Im gonna pretend like im totally asleep where I don't recognize satanic symbolism at all and I have no idea that spy agencies collect data on innocent citizens. My rating for this movie as a man whos totally asleep is an 8/10. Set everything aside that I just discussed and it's a good flick. Much better than Skyfall.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
I am not entertained.
4 November 2015
I feel like there is a certain line that you just don't cross but this movie crosses it anyways. Eli Roth is known to make some controversial stuff. You could say that might even be part of his genius. However, this was just too much. I enjoyed Cabin Fever, I enjoyed Hemlock Grove, and I knew they weren't meant to be taken seriously. I didn't get that feeling with Knock Knock. I couldn't wait for the movie to be over. Keanu Reeves is a terrific actor. We can't really hate on him for this movie turning out the way it did. My problem isn't with the acting or the story. If anything I thought both were really good. That doesn't take away from the fact that this movie made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I felt terrible after watching it. Thats not why we watch movies is it? A movie is supposed to make you feel excited and have fun. I mean, come on. There were some things in this movie that could have been left out or done differently. My problem is that this movie is nothing but pure evil. I think it's disgusting. If you scroll down to the soundtrack there is a song called "talking to the devil" performed by Sorcery. If Hollywood really wants to be that demonic I guess this is where I start to tune out as a viewer. I might not ever look at an Eli Roth project the same again. Is he in the movie making business or the devil worshiping business? Because im really upset about what I saw here. My 5/10 rating only goes to the art form of telling a story and the acting that went into it. This doesn't excuse the evil behind Knock Knock at all. If you haven't watched it yet please stay far away from it. Im gonna have to spend next Sunday in church after seeing this film. Totally disgusting.
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You're Next (2011)
The biggest piece of trash I have ever seen.
29 August 2015
A movie or motion picture is supposed to entertain it's audience, captivate them, make them feel good. Movie watching is a hobby shared by many people all over the world. You're Next pushes way past that line of entertainment and ventures into this realm of being severely obscure just for the sake of being obscure. It is not art and it certainly isn't creative. They took things to a level I could never even imagine. It is nothing but pure evil and shock value. I am very offended that movies like this are being made and shown to people at all. It is disgusting, revolting, degrading, and insults it's viewers intelligence. The movie stirs up emotions of hate, betrayal, anger, fear, and psychosis. Nobody is going to feel good or be entertained by this one because it takes an absolute mad man to even think up such a concept. We have overstepped our limits when trash like this is allowed to even be produced. I feel like certain guidelines need to be set in place to prevent filmmakers from continuing to produce such garbage. You're Next would be an example of what should not be allowed if guidelines are ever enforced. Nothing good comes out of this. The filmmaker has lost his mind. No art, no creativity, and certainly no entertainment. Absolute disgusting. Shame on you. 1/10.
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The best Terminator movie this generation could ask for.
11 July 2015
Arnie is still the man. It was awesome to me that they used technology to put a younger version of himself on screen and also acknowledged that he has aged by allowing him to be his natural self as he looks today. Not to say he looks bad because the guy still has it but this was the perfect way to make a 50+ Arnold more believable. He has changed a few things about his character but I was really impressed by his acting. Arnold has changed with the times and so has the Terminator franchise. Only this is the type of Terminator that isn't going to disappoint serious fans of the first two Terminator movies. He was still a bad ass but he was also very funny in this movie and had me laughing a lot. I think everybody in the movie nailed their roles. You couldn't have asked for a better cast other than T1000 who wasn't really that important to the movie. You could have had Arnold fight a younger version of himself and I would have been sold on that alone. I am not complaining because we can never go back in time to re paint the same picture. I noticed not one person said this Terminator ruined the franchise for them because it was done so well that you can't say that. I know everyone has high expectations seeing a classic be reintroduced to Hollywood but just like everything in life you don't go back and do it over again you evolve with the times. Terminator Genisys has made me learn to love these movies again. It's more than a one time watch. Im buying this on bluray when it comes out because all classics that get revamped need this type of attention to detail. Total Recall and Predators obviously missed the point. It got a lot of people angry. Not this time. Great movie. I love you Arnold. Do another Terminator movie.
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If this teaches kids not to believe in themselves the movie might win.
11 July 2015
It wasn't the acting that bothered me at all. I thought the acting was pretty good. The entire concept of this movie, the world we live in, and how it shatters our dreams is what tormented me about this film. I respected the work that went into it enough to finish watching but after I was done I felt like I needed to forget all about it and never watch it again. Why is that? There are people in this world who say they are going to do something and follow through with their actions. There are people in this world who try something a few times, then quit, and just let life take them as they drift away into a meaningless existence. I felt like this movie was trying to teach me to go drift away into a meaningless existence. It is a very depressing, cold hard dose of reality that shows us how most younger musicians view themselves today. They feel their talents aren't important enough to make a living out of it so they go end up doing some job that they hate and stay miserable. To sum it up take three former band mates, put them out in the middle of nowhere, and let them drink until they feel better about giving up on their instruments. I wasn't sold. By the end of the movie I wanted to go write myself a masterpiece and I was not going to let the movie defeat me.
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