
19 Reviews
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You won't be able stop once you start
5 March 2024
You won't be able to watch just one episode and then another for the next night, so set yourself a day to one side where you have no plans and food and beer within easy reach.get comfortable and switch off your mobile phone.

I was particularly interested in the drama because when it's a religious belief being dragged through mud it's normally always the Catholic faith, but never the Mormon faith, that said I was very surprised at the lengths a church would go into silencing one of its congregation that being said how difficult it must have been for the investigating officer who also was a member.
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Nefarious (2023)
Could be a classic?
22 January 2024
I am a great believer that if a film can carry out to its completion with minimal actors and minimal prop ie a room, then by that standard I deem it a classic, now this film may not encourage you to watch it multiple times like Jaws, Exorcist or the Omen but for the running time of this movie it has you gripped as it unravels it's message "Demons walk among us" It's story is as old as the Bible itself, with fire and brimstone tradition, heaven and hell, good and bad going up against each other, the exacting jewel is that the interviewing Doctor is a staunch atheist and as the progresses the Doctor begins to question his values...
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Terribly.... Funny!!!
1 November 2022
I gave it a 5 because after watching this I now believe that "idiots" truly exist!! And they are alive and well in 3 locations on this show. Ed and Lorraine Warren are now in spirit but if they could return, I'm sure they would be hopping mad about this tub of absolute poo that's been published using their names. I would advise anyone with a sense of humour to watch this because it's so laughable, not one of them has any form of ability and that includes the ability to act, but watch it through because it really is a comedy, though its unintentional, its like Rosanne Barr meets Ghost Busters!!
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Most Haunted (2002–2019)
As convincing as a party political broadcast
12 September 2022
I like paranormal shows and the best ones are made in the states, unfortunately the offering that comes from the Most Haunted or as I call it Most Taunted is about as convincing as a turd negotiating it's way through your bowel. The constant shouting, screaming and balling is nothing short of ludicrous, a behaviour you would expect to see in a primary school play ground, Derek Acorah should have stuck to football and not mediumship, and was caught out by the resident parapsychologist and proved to be fake, well Derek your now on the other side so no time like the present to come through and clear your name!!
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Didn't hit the spot for me
10 July 2022
I started with anticipation and enthusiasm because of the subject matter, fantasy, supernatural, gothic, horror and some credible actors involved.

40 mins in I looked at my wife and she looked at me and in unison we both went.. "naaaahh" and switched it off.

My advice.. Watch it, if you go past 40 mins then your probably enjoying it.
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24 August 2021
I was curious as to watch or it or not, as there have been similar films in the past like "Running Man" where death was used for entertaining, but one comment on here said "if you like Black Mirror, you'll love it" well I love Black Mirror so I gave it watch and it did not disappoint the acting is excellent and the story is provoking, give it watch "it won't kill you"
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The Turning (2020)
An Original Ghost Story
19 August 2021
A lot of bad reviews always make me stop and look, so if your reading this your toying with should or shouldn't I? This story has a little more thought required to sum up the conclusion but the acting is very good and the scenes well shot and in a good location to set the mood. I enjoyed it and would watch it again because at the end of the day a ghost story is just a ghost and a story.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Why should I watch this?
3 January 2021
Every time they bring something back from the 80s it's normally desperate, poorly scripted with only one of the original cast and it leaves you filled with regret because it let you down in such ways that you can no longer describe..... Well this is none of that, it has the best possible members of the original cast the writing is superb and the character build is perfect for the guys 30 years on in life and some great 80s music thrown in, give one a try then you'll try another and another and before you know it you'll be binge viewing. It's a big ten out of ten from me 👍👍
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Dark Waters (2019)
A David and Goliath in the courtroom drama
14 July 2020
If you enjoy a thinking and gentle momentum style true story then this is a courtroom drama that suits. Styled in a fashion not dissimilar to "A Civil Action" which had a star cast, this film delves into how some things run quietly under the surface until somebody decides to cross the "I" and dot the "T", the characters build as the story outlines its intentions and its has a very thought provoking conclusion "Land of the Free" it most definitely is not.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Only watch if you haven't seen the original
5 February 2020
I give any film a fair crack of the whip but because I know the original so well it ruins it for me to view this later version, the original version is superior in every way and thus the remake doesn't even stand a chance, but give it a watch or switch it off after 20 mins and agree with me.
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
Excellent Crime Drama
21 January 2020
I enjoy European TV and this has been beautifully crafted between two countries with a strong main story and a few off shoots for added interest, I won't go into who what why where with characters and plot, it's quite simple, it has a high rating for a good reason and as me and the Mrs always do, we give it a shot and if we like it we carry on watching it "simples"
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Three Christs (2017)
Emotional and moving
12 January 2020
I rated this so high because I work in mental health and it connects with me but to the everyday person I would say allow this film to unfold, it has very believable character performances which are easy to follow and as the film progresses you become attached to
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The Irishman (2019)
Like picking up a great book you don't want to put down
30 November 2019
I would love to be able to sit back and read more than I watch but I can't so my next best is watching epic and long drawn out story lines in a film. Always with a little apprehension I put on the Irishman thinking although it has the famous Mob Actors in the line "will it still work?" It does and starts with narrative too which is another thing that I like. I found that 3.5 hrs felt like an hour and that's how I measured the films success. If you don't like it there is always an off button.
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Wounds (2019)
What the actual F!
20 October 2019
I had to give a 4 because the acting is very good but if you watch it you'll be left non the wiser, to the reason or the plot but definitely a despisement of cock roaches!
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EastEnders (1985– )
5 October 2019
If you watch this crudd and believe it then you think everyone in London is miserable, unfaithful and can't hold on to anything happy in their lives. So yes it's a fair example of the demographic nation 😂
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Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
If you enjoy being the fly on the wall
27 September 2019
These mini séries take you directly to the stage of where Police and Suspect are at the interview stage, the verbal cat and mouse situation and where they will pull out all the stops to try and get the result, it's beautifully written and cast to perfection with believable characters. And if you watch the first one you just know you'll watch the next straight after and make sure you watch the other international ones Criminal France, Spain and Germany they are just as good and available in English Audio
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Smile, cry & laugh
15 July 2019
It's one of those films that has it all, a gentle but evenly paced introduction to the characters which gives you a chance to get to know them and all the fruits of the storyline are not obviously laid before you "the viewer" as is with alot of such films embarking on similar themes, as to the success of a film for me personally I put them into classes "one watchers" & "add to library" this definitely falls into the "I would watch again" category
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I, Tonya (2017)
Biography Lovers Out There
24 April 2019
I am a sucker for a true story (although most of them now say "based on actual events" which means they used same names and wrote the rest) I remember the events clearly and wanted to hear an alternative side to the tragedy of 2 skaters rather than the reported versions, it really appears she did not get the greatest start and a wonder she managed at all to get where did, but that aside the acting and delivery of the film are exceptional and I liked the occasional interaction with the camera from the characters, it's one to watch and a catchy soundtrack helps the story unfold nicely.
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A gentle one watcher
16 April 2019
A good film with steady growth in the storyline, it builds towards the final mission and tracks individuals who are fighting their demons. The last 30 seconds could have been left out in my opinion, the daughters vision was enough.
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