33 Reviews
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The GOAT (2024– )
Goat free
15 May 2024
The best part is that most of the contestants seem to believe that they might be the greatest of anything. For the audience it is yet another wonderful opportunity to witness people more desperate than a normal person. Lots of teeth bleaching, veneers and breast implants. In short, the decay of western civilization is officially here. At least Tosh is honest about his motivation. The man has an expensive house to take care of and they paid him to host! Tosh. O just might be the one good decision made by the producers. Remove this host and this show would be even more pathetic. It was a nice try to ride the small wave of semi interesting partial famous wannabes, but this attempt is a fail.
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Be a wolf and eat some sheep
14 February 2024
An intimate look into what a being will do to protect itself and that which it values. Many sheep pretend to be wolves. A wolf does not give warnings or make threats. A wolf does what is in the nature of a wolf. Sheep beware. Vince Vaughn is proving that he has what it takes to turn the corner and take on some serious roles. Check him out in True Detective. This is only the beginning. Can't wait to see Vaughn ten years from now.

Many comedy actors use humor to mask pain. Hoping that Vaughn shows us more of his the full story range of human emotions. Let's go for a ride.

This last sentence is writing in obligation of a 600 character paper. As if anyone cares to read most reviews past 300. Ha. Maybe I'm a comedian too.
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Poltergeist (1982)
The words that still scare me
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Zelda Rubinstein as Tangina

This monologue still scares me.

"There's one more thing. A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage, so much betrayal. I've never sensed anything like it. I don't know what hovers over this house, but it was strong enough to punch a hole into this world and take your daughter away from you. It keeps Carol Anne very close to it and away from the spectral light. It *lies* to her, it tells her things only a child could understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply *is* another child. To us, it is the Beast."

Zelda Rubinstein as Tangina say this in such a way that makes it believable which is what made it scare me as a teenager. When I watch the movie today, this scene still gets me. It is good writing and directing. Based on the rest of Spielberg's career, the power of this scene should be no surprise at all.
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Fury (2014)
Tanker's perspective
5 July 2023
Tanker's view on tank warfare. The only view that would be accurate would be story told from each tanker himself. My story is true for me. Another tanker's story is true for him. There are long boring days of nothingness and also days when things happen that seem far too bad or too lucky to have been real.

Soldiers die for the strangest of reasons and heroic tales are mostly imagination. This movie took me back to the love, hate, pain, suffering, fun and brotherhood of being a team member on a tank crew. When you are in that loud, stinky metal space together, you act as one.

You have the ability to cause rapid and massive destruction and also to be killed with the same efficiency by any number of enemy threats. All of it is out there waiting to kill you. Mines, aircraft, and as seen in this movie, other tanks are the most scary thing you will see in your sights.

Overlook the history books, the military SOPs and feel it from the view of being inside a tank with a team. Safe and dangerous while at risk and in harm's way as a target at all times. Predator and prey on the edge at every moment.

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Rock of Ages (2012)
Celebrity karaoke set in the 80s
14 September 2022
Selected era, actors and songs are all hits. The meltdown begins as the blend of ingredients comes off like ketchup on ice cream. Both good. Just don't work together. Feels like the plan was lots of big songs and big talent! How can we go wrong? Well they found a way. Could have left Baldwin on 30 Rock where he excels. More original music may have worked better than the celeb karaoke. Take Grease as an example of how to do it. The story and original songs paired perfectly. Grease also used just enough big talent to pull a crowd and focus the eye. Rock of Ages simply overuses everything like a pattern tie on a pattern shirt with pattern pants, socks...well you get the point. Both ROCK STAR and ALMOST FAMOUS do a much better job of blending fun, music and a storyline. Perhaps this film would have been more successful if released in karaoke bars to somehow get more of the viewing public to accept what tries too hard to be some sort of a new art form. Go ahead and explore new artistic paths. Just avoid a WATERWORLD.
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Voir: But I Don't Like Him (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Heavy handed narration weakens it
8 December 2021
This episode should have been great. The critic that narrated it could not resist imposing his values into the audience as if we share his perspective. Kept waiting for the narrator to let up but he could not get out of his own way.
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Fun times shakin' n bakin'
14 September 2021
Exciting soundtrack, fun racing visuals, over the top comedy. Love the commercials, glaring product placements and outtakes during the credits.
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Hot chick, ugly cars & fake reviews!
8 September 2021
Gushing, glowing reviews seem to be written by professional writers. You can tell by the 10 rating on a 5 show, the university level words used and the full court press on "you'll love this!" Obviously fake. Real reviews are written in a more casual natural voice. After watching season 3, episode 1, I was happy to see the pretty lady in the garage. The team and customers gave such high praise to the cars that they almost fooled me into thinking that I was not able to fully appreciate some great work of art. But no, the cars are over the top ugly in so many ways that only an insane person would buy one. There are lots of good car building shows to watch and this one is no where near the caliber of the other shows.
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"Hey, you're ripping up my card"
3 August 2021
Fast food jobs, standoffs with teachers, shopping malls, proudly washing your car in the driveway, awkward dates, curiosity and confusion about sex, dreams of being a surf champion, a pot of coffee as a crime deterrent and much more. Mr. Hand and Spicoli have some great moments. The soundtrack captures the era. Just a good fun 80's ride.
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The Dukes of Hazzard (1979–1985)
Flying cars and Daisy! - Yee-ee-haaaa
23 January 2019
This one has it all. Two cousins always on the run from a hilarious bumbling sheriff and his dog Flash. Such a crazy show generously includes exploding arrows, lots of CB talk and Southern slang. The generations old feud between Boss Hogg and Uncle Jessie is an ongoing gag as well. Most importantly, now the current audience can place a visual with the term "Daisy Dukes"!
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Comparing other works by budget, year and computer animation
2 January 2019
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within from 2001 was a good effort. Based on the estimated budget and the voice actors, it seems as if it should have turned out much better. So what happened? Final Fantasy was playing with an estimated $137M budget. When comparing this work to others that required a lot of computer animation, the numbers may tell the story. Lord of the Rings 2001 cost an estimated $93M and got a better reception from the viewers. Also in 2001, Atlantis: The Lost Empire used a completely "old school" animation look and it still resulted in better ratings and box office numbers on an estimated budget of $120M. Planet of the Apes 2001 did the job with only $100M. Fast forward to 2007 and we see Beowulf created with $150M and they even hired Angelina Jolie, Robin Wright and Anthony Hopkins. A year later, the first Ironman comes flying out with just $140M. With just a few dollars more, Star Trek 2009 also delivered. It can be challenging to determine why some works do better than others. Often, it may be the wrong combination of ingredients or an unlucky release date. The proper use of computer animation and voice talent may prove to take more practice. After all, people love ketchup and also ice cream, but when combined, not so much.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Fun ride
1 December 2018
Patriot is a unique spin on the international spy genre. They weave in just the right amount of humor and family drama to dial it up a notch. The cast is well chosen. The characters are created to appeal to a wide range of viewers. The lead spy often shares his frustrations about glitches and complications of his career as if he had some everyday job. In summary, this TV series makes me smile and laugh more than keeping me on the edge of my seat, so it is a lighthearted spy series with an emphasis on enjoying a career path that may not always be a walk in the park.
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The Lobster (2015)
Hilarious, Strange and Very Creative
21 July 2018
Very few films really entertain me, but The Lobster delivered so many unexpected laughs. My guess would be that you will enjoy this film if you march to your own tune. The film pokes fun at many of a structured society's rules, systems and expectations. The deadpan delivery was a nice surprise. It was almost as if the actors were acting like the public who are often a bit too rigid and dry for my taste. It is impressive that such a film attracted such a wide range of talented actors. I have to admit that I laughed out loud at several "inappropriate" moments. Colin Farrell seemed to be really stretching himself in this role. His performance delighted me as much as when Brad Pitt plays gritty crazy characters in Kalifonia or 12 Monkeys. The reason I appreciate such roles is that they appear, to me, to push an actor's ability to play something quite different than the majority of the roles they are cast in. To me, this demonstrates a higher level of ability. Although the film as a whole was dark and unusual, it certainly held my interest, got me thinking and provided several bursts of laughter. Well done to all who contributed the the creation of this work. You can be sure you have made great art when it evokes such a strong response from the audience.
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Tau (2018)
Pleasantly surprised!
4 July 2018
TAU Many parts of this story are fascinating. If the audience is able to focus on the big picture of the story, and not the details, it is a fun watch. I found myself puzzling about how to improve the situation of the lead character if I was in the same position. Whoever wrote the main character, did a great job. More attention could be paid to the secondary character as the AI often is more interesting than the secondary character. To enhance the secondary character it would help to choose an actor with a concise and rapid pattern of speech that would indicate tech genius. The interplay between the AI and the primary character is a wonderful turn of events as it permits the audience a brief insight into what it might be to interface with AI. Blending the idea of creation into a sci-fi film is not new but in this case it is done is in a very interesting way. The writers blur the lines between human consciousness and what we call "AI". The idea of love is another great twist in TAU. That was impressive. Glad I watched this movie. It was a pleasant surprise.
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Glad they are looking, but a wider look may help
10 April 2018
Scientists have locked themselves in a box. They repeat like a skipping record. "We are looking for life". They mean life like what we see on Earth but slightly different. What they are really seeking is consciousness. It may not come in forms anything like what we see on Earth. It may not require water at all. The trick will be to discover a consciousness that may not resemble anything we have ever seen on Earth. It may not be a plant or animal. If scientists can open their minds a bit more they will be surprised at what they are able to discover. Or at least how it changes the search process.
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Knowing yourself is the outcome
19 February 2018
What do we do when we encounter a situation where there is no definitive correct course of action? Do your own motivations overtake your moral compass? Most of us are fortunate enough never to be tested in this manner. Until we have each faced such challenging decisions it is impossible to know how we might react. There are no good guys or bad guys. No winners or losers. Just those left to deal with the outcome. I know this completely as I am one of the characters in this story. It is not a story for the faint of heart. If you are emotionally mature enough to withstand an in depth examination of your soul, then give this film a go. It will challenge you.
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Pure art may stretch the audience
29 April 2017
The beauty of truly creative story telling is discovered as it enters your mind - hours, days and years after we experience the art. The power of love is a subject that limits the reach of many films. Meet Joe Black offers the well crafted cover of business, power and the supernatural. The story line seems rather simple until the twist comes and it gets a little challenging for a lot of us to handle. The good news is that while we are trying to come to grips with the surface story, the creators sneak in a second slow moving tale of the limitless power of true love. They address a father's love, a daughter's love, the love between a man and a woman and most importantly the film makers get into superficial convenient love. Power over others can cause us to be selfish. This story highlights the brightest version of power and love. We are able to do what is best for another even when that is not aligned with our own desires. Reaching this level takes care and practice. Real love is greater than our needs. Meet Joe Black does a wonderful job of sneaking this life lesson in on us.
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Into the Wild (2007)
You are welcome to question your opinions about life
29 April 2017
Discovering yourself and the truth of your life is different for each and every one of us. The main character in this movie pushes the limits. He seeks deeply no matter what the outcome. It is in his nature. It is his drive. He demonstrates the courage to follow his inner voice and is able to find many of the answers he seeks along with more questions.

If you have rigid ideas about life, then you will either dislike this story or be moved by it. Taking a chance to seek truth is a bold choice. It is an uncommon path and one that I have rarely taken. Fear is the only limit that each of us encounters. Overcoming fear allows freedom in a degree that is only described and understood by those who have attained it.
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No one said superiority would be easy
14 January 2017
The single minded determination demonstrated by the main character is a wonderful example of what it takes to achieve revolutionary creations. Ignoring lesser minds is simply a matter of turning the volume of your mind down when dealing with the ideas and opinions of the fear based rigid masses. Zuckerberg reminds me of Jobs. They both just steamroll past the weakness of others. The scene where MZ verbally slaps and experienced lawyer is brilliant. It takes a lot of courage to go toe to toe with older generations when you have been conditioned to believe that they deserve respect. Respect is earned. MZ has mine. If you study either MZ or Jobs and find them arrogant and selfish; it is safe to categorize yourself as food for the wolves. Fear not. Good company is found in the herd.
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Exciting for the general public, mediocre for the experienced few
12 December 2016
If most of your life has been mainstream and predictable, then this film may be shocking, arousing, interesting and exciting. For those who have taken some chances, seen some real diversity and tasted the unique flavors of life, this film feels much like decaf coffee. Some of the character development is inconsistent. This makes the plot difficult to believe. Rarely does a person summon the courage to make such a rapid advancement from timid mainstreamer to bold party crasher in the matter of few hours. Also the use of murder is a poor fit given the limited exposure to risk by the party hosts. The activities at the party were R-rated but not so extreme as to merit the taking of life to conceal the activities. If you have lived a full and colorful life, skip this average art work. If your idea of a wild time is hooking up with a stranger or going to a party where you know nobody, then this film might impress you. This would explain the many high ratings paired with quite a few very low ratings.
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Real look inside business competition
25 November 2016
Sorry to everyone that believes successful businesses are built on violence and corruption. This movie illustrates the pressures and strategies required to build a real business. It never has anything to do with sex, bribes, violence, etc. Not that those stories do not exist, but they are shooting stars which are fast, bright and short lived. To complete the marathon it takes a cool head when all others panic and over react to the stress and chaos. Why did this movie fall short of the expectations of the American film audience? Simple. Nothing was exaggerated. The main character in this film plays the long game. He sees all the angles. He knows how everything is connected. People lie. He floats above it all to maintain his honor. He can still get down and dirty without crossing the lines he has drawn to govern his moral code. He still does this without fear while working towards his goal of ever expanding his business. When questioned as to why he does it all, he fails to understand the question. It is not in his nature to accept failure or a static existence. As a first generation business owner I respect the honesty and reality revealed in this movie. Sex, crimes and car chases produce two results: quickly failed businesses and Hollywood blockbusters. Perhaps the American public does not enjoy films that reflect reality too closely.
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If you did not get it, this may help
30 July 2016
The film begins as drama and then moves into thriller mode and concludes with a meaning of life spin. In the most simple terms the audience is tricked into experiencing real art. It begins in a familiar manner and once we are buying in it gets deep. This is where many get lost as it is an unexpected twist. What are we doing here? Does my work and my life matter at all? What motivates me? How surreal is my waking life and how real is my dream life? Is there more going on here than I can perceive? As the audience is steered towards deeper meaning and questions, many will feel confused and uncomfortable. Real art is rare. Real art may produce a surprising array of emotional reactions. Watch is again. Only this time try to feel it more than you see it. It may make a lot more sense in a decade or two.
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Clever, diverse and entertaining
15 May 2016
This movie is a leap ahead for the modern outlaw genre. It felt a little like Pulp Fiction blended with Kill Bill and Smoking Aces.

The headliners are listed as Billy Bob and Eva, but their roles are secondary as are their performances. The three country brothers steal the show. One redneck brother is played by Travis Fimmel, who also excels in the lead role in Vikings.

The opening and end credits are both superior work. I could watch the opening credits over and over as they are extremely creative. Several times during the movie I found myself laughing out loud unexpectedly. This was achieved through carefully planned moments between the action. It was a nice mental palate cleansing that prepared the audience for more excitement.

The trio of hardened brothers fighting against the world is also similar to the theme in Lawless which is another great work of art. After seeing Baytown Outlaws, I expect a decade of strong performances by Travis Fimmel.
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Basquiat (1996)
Revealing the secrets of the universe comes with a price
20 December 2015
Basquiat is a must see for for anyone interested in the arts. The tale of the tortured creative genius has been told many times, but this story really pulls you into the experience. The rise of the artist appears to be the surface story and will be the only story for many viewers. Try to feel the story instead of watching and you might glimpse the mystery. When an artist, a true creator, engages in the creative process it permits the passage of the unknown through the artist's self. Becoming a doorway is fine, but some messages that pass through are more taxing than others. This can be witnessed from afar in the lives of artists such as Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Van Gogh, Hunter S. Thompson, and the list goes on. The more revolutionary the reveal, the more the artist feels the burden. It is similar to giving birth to an idea or to energy and it is exhausting when done properly. If it is painless, then you birthed a small and unhealthy baby. Basquiat changed what we consider to be art. It took a toll.
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Subtle, excellent, story telling artistry
9 November 2015
They really pull back the curtain and reveal just how all of the suspicion of the "other" side got so out of control during the cold war. The subtle way in which the story unfolds is so real. It is as close to real life as you will experience. Amazing, historical events are often simply a matter of logic, determination and courage. Remove all of the usual over the top drama and what you get is a front line look at exactly how "matter of fact" world changing events can be. The axis on which our global systems of politics and economies spin is often as simple as a couple of conversations and a handshake. This film tells it like it is. The tension is there without the overt treat of harm. If you have ever been a part of "big" decisions that impact the lives of others, then you will connect with the main character. I was right there with him all the way. This is great art. It makes you feel. If you are looking for sex, martial arts and car chases please leave the seats open for the rest of us.
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