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That's my car chase.
2 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Coming from a time of the legendary car chase, think Bullitt, French Connection, Vanishing Point, Italian Job and The Driver. And before Fast and Furious this one stands out as having possibly the best and most realistic chase and definitely has the worst film leading up to the chase.

The film was written, produced and directed by stuntman H.B Halicki who also stars as the main car thief and man driver in the chase. And that's what this film is all about the chase, the 93 cars destroyed as Halicki's Maindrian Pace and Eleanor (the Ford Mustang, credited in the film) sped around various parts of Los Angeles (Long Beach to Carson) past unsuspecting bystanders, who had no idea what they were seeing was not a real police chase.

While the chase is spectacular, the film leading up to it is awful, made cheaply and badly, seemingly overdubbed, also badly. It is maybe worth fast forwarding to the start of the chase and ignoring what came before because it doesn't really matter.

If you are a fan of car chases then this film is a must watch. I would rate it as the second best chase, only because Maindrian was not on a mission from god.

Featured on Episode 74 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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From one of the greatest films ever to this
2 October 2015
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This is probably the worst sequel ever made and possibly one of the worst films ever made, especially when you consider it cost over 20 million. Made 12 years after Jaws (one of the great films made by one of the great directors), Jaws 4 brought the film franchise to a screeching halt and if Jaws 3 didn't start the huge dip in quality would have been a total shock.

Shocking (not in a good way) special effects, horrible acting, terrible writing and an unbelievable story of a vengeful shark tracking the remaining members of the Brody clan from New England to the Bahamas to try and wipe them out.

The best parts of this film are the flash back to Chief Brody in the first film.

Watch this film if and only if you want to spend days trying to answer these questions.

How did a shark track people who took a plane? How did Mario Van Peebles survive being eaten by Bruce? Why only 7 Razzie Award nominations? What did Steven Spielberg think of this?

Featured on Episode 75 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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Teen Wolf Too (1987)
A Teen Wolf Too Far
3 September 2015
If you have watched Teen Wolf, then change out Michael J Fox for his wolf cousin Jason Bateman, replace basketball with boxing and move everything to college not high school and there is no need to watch this pointless sequel. It's a badly made, badly written, badly acted movie. It looked like a cross between a Teen Wold rehash and a discarded Animal House or Stripes style script with a boxing / dancing wolf thrown into the mix. Sometimes films should not have been made and this is clearly one of those times.

The only reason I can come up with is that it was the 80's and apparently Hollywood was cocaine filled or so the stories go. There has to be a link, doesn't there? Now for the good points…………………………………………………………… Featured on Episode 71 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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An Original Blockbuster
3 September 2015
The second installment of the original Star Wars trilogy benefits from coming from a time when there were very few films that could be called that. If it was made and released now it would be lost in a sea of big budget battles of good and evil aimed at making big money for a week or two and then disappearing.

Thankfully it's from a time when it became one of the biggest films of the year or even the decade and it went on to inspire what the film industry is today. Without Star Wars and its army of nerds leading the way, there is no Marvel attempt to take over films and no comic-con and you would be looking at a very different world.

This film has great moment and legendary quotes or misquotes and of course it has its flaws but what blockbuster doesn't and in the end it is a Star Wars film so it's worth watching.

Featured on Episode 69 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
The board of doom or mild annoyance.
26 August 2015
If this is your first horror film then it's fine. Everything you expect from a horror is included and it might even be shocking or a little scary, if this is your first horror film. But if you have watched at least one other horror film then this is a boring, cookie cutter attempt at horror and a cash in on the Ouija name. Even if the Ouija board hadn't lost all use as a horror trope due to being over used and watered down, it wouldn't help this film. A poor script, obvious heel turns and no scares, this jumbled mess of a film. And this was surprising since it comes attached to the blumhouse name and they normally produce the goods but I suppose everyone can have an off day. The demon here is no Captain Howdy, go watch the Exorcist. Featured on Episode 65 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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Vacation (1983)
Hard to believe this passes as comedy
26 August 2015
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Somehow this film is considered a comedy classic and Chevy Chase a comedy legend but I don't see it. From the idiotic premise of an idiot bringing his idiotic family on an idiotic journey to what I'll assume is an idiotic theme park. The journey involves doing idiotic things and meeting more idiotic family members. None of them funny or even remotely close to being funny. How this spawned a bunch of sequels and what is basically a remake is beyond me. I won't give this film an excuse of it might have been good back then because airplane and blazing saddles are older and funnier, watch them instead. Featured on Episode 68 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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This is a dark film but not in a good way
26 August 2015
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The second meeting of the Alien and the Predator is a bit of a letdown. Too much of the film takes place in near darkness and the action is hard to make out. Since it's an alien and predator film this doesn't really matter because you have to assume one of these title characters is dispatching the last human you've watched stumbling towards their doom but by that stage you've most likely figured out who everyone is and what they've gone on to do and stopped caring about what happens to them.

This might be the perfect film for those who spend half the time looking at facebook/twitter, just pick your spot when the screen turns extra dark and go for it.

Featured on Episode 66 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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They should have stuck with Korean Jesus.
17 July 2015
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This is one sequel that lives up to the cliché, that sequels are never better than the original.

Money Money Money, it,s all about the money in this follow up to 21 Jump Street. Clearly made to cash in on the surprise hit that was the first film, this supposed comedy filled with Hollywood in-jokes and jokes about how old Hill and Tatum are fails to deliver the funny. There was nothing new or original here, aside from when the lads take drugs and have to do cop stuff, oh wait wasn't that lifted straight from the last film.

If you want to watch some 30 year old guys in college or school then stick with the original movie or TV show or maybe even Grease 2(Episode 59).

Featured (unfortunately) on Episode 63 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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The Faculty (1998)
Invasion of the High School Body Snatchers
17 July 2015
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This is a decent high school horror with a mix of up and coming actors and established stars. From the writer of Scream and the director of From Dusk Til Dawn, while not quite the classic this film had a lot to recommend it and is worth a watch.

Aliens or parasites or alien parasites, it doesn't really matter are trying to take over the world one school at a time. In Herrington High School Josh Harnett (sporting a left over Jim Carey haircut from Dumb and Dumber) leads a plucky band of misfits (featuring hobbits, girl-racers and that guy from that thing) on a quest to rid their school of water obsessed body snatchers.

Featured on Episode 64 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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8 Mile (2002)
Good movie, Terrible "music"
8 July 2015
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The semi autobiographical movie of Eminem's life blurs the lines between fact and fiction. It follows the trials and tribulations of a young white rapper growing up in a predominantly black area. Constantly catching grief from his boss in a dead end job while he tries to get his rap career off the ground with help from his friends. All the while juggling a recent break up, promiscuous new love interest and insatiable mother who craves head. The film show's a gritty white trash life style we could only imagine but never fully comprehend all to the rubbish sound track of cheesy rap battles. While this movie done enough to entertain it done nothing for my interest in rap music. Featured on The Emerald Reprobates pod-cast episode 62
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Four Brothers (2005)
Good all round revenge flick
8 July 2015
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Four brothers is a good by the numbers action movie with just enough story and character development to keep you interested and the right amount of twists/red herrings to make it smart but never trying to be to clever. The movie follows the seemingly random killing of a sweet old woman who just happens to have fostered four of the biggest f**k up hard men you could imagine. As the brothers look into the circumstances of her death they realize her death was not random but orchestrated and covered up by gangsters and cops alike. This movie was never going to trouble the Oscar committee but its a solid 109 minutes of action/revenge movie. featured on Emerald Reprobates pod-cast episode 60
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The original but is it still the best?
8 July 2015
George A.Romero's Night of the living dead is the original zombie movie that has spawned a million sequels, remakes, re-imaginings and copy cats but whether or not it's the best of the bunch divided us. The movie which would have seemed terrifying for it's time with the mere mention of people eating flesh is not so much dated as just tame by today's standards. It's reliance on pace, characters and mood rather then effects is one of the movies strong points which makes it as entertaining and relevant today as the day it was released and the ending has yet to be matched in any of the sequels or remakes. featured on Emerald Reprobates pod-cast episode 61
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Grease 2 (1982)
The original High School Musical 2
24 June 2015
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This is a spectacularly bad sequel to the John Travolta and Olivia Newton John 1978 hit, stars Michelle Pfeiffer and a bunch of other people including that guy from TJ Hooker and the women from Louie.

It looks as if the people who made this looked at the original and decided to remove everything that worked and replace it with songs that weren't even good enough for the cutting room floor of Grease and acting not good enough for a day time soap opera.

If you are looking for a film with a bunch of men and women in their late 20's maybe early 30's pretending to be high school kids singing bad, bad songs then this is the film for you but if you are looking for s film you might enjoy watching then this is not the film for you.

Featured on Episode 59 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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Highlander 3 - The Namening
3 June 2015
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If you are sitting down to watch Highlander 3, I will assume you have already watched at least one of the previous films and know what to expect.

If for some reason this is your first Highlander film then. Welcome, pull up a chair, grab some popcorn, a tasty beverage and prepare yourself for a poor film, poorly written, poorly acted and full of effects that are far from special.

The best part of the film is the guy who has been trapped in a cave for 400 years but has no problem living in the world of 1994. Make a list of the things he does in 90's New York with no problem despite being from 16th century Japan.

This film might have been good if it was trimmed down and turned into an episode of the Highlander TV show but then again, maybe not.

Featured on Episode 58 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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Witness (1985)
Witness the boredom of an 80's "drama"
2 June 2015
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This movie may have been well received in the mid 80's but unfortunately it doesn't hold up to well. It's a very slow paced and uneventful movie, that being said it's not necessarily a bad movie. The movie follows the seemingly pointless hiding in an Amish community of a detective (Harrison Ford) who is investigating a murder witnessed by a young boy from the community. During his stay Ford falls for the mother of the child (Kelly McGillis) which serves no more purpose then to give us a god awful dance scene and inevitable forbidden love scenario, the one good thing to come out of this arrangement is the obligatory 80's tit shot. The films 3rd act is no better or worse then the proceeding two before it, winding down with two murders and a stern talking to as it's climax this movie leaves you with a feeling of mediocre satisfaction because while the plot and script are paper thin the acting is quite good.

Featured on episode 57 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast.
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A love or hate movie
24 May 2015
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First things first, I don't care for Will Ferrell in 99% of his movies, that being said this film falls into the 1% category (Far from the rubbish Talladega Nights and pretty close to the excellent Night at the Roxbury). Despite what should be a lame and uninteresting 'sport' to base a movie on I found myself really enjoying the ridiculousness of everything, from the themed outfits and routines to the childish arguments between Ferrell and Heder.

This movie is far from perfect but it put a bigger smile on my face than I expected and even made me laugh out loud a few times. Derek.

This is a parody of sports films and parody means to make fun of and that's where this film like all other Will Ferrell film fails, it is not in the least bit funny. James. Featured on Episode 56 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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Generic mid 80's action film.
15 May 2015
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This film comes straight from the 80's action mould. And not the good mould that Top Gun came out of.

The loner with no memory but super ninjistu skills and his army buddies face off against generic European bad guys and Black Star Ninjas.

The good guys win, the girl falls for the guy and everybody lives happily ever after except the non American ninjas and the Sensei of the good ninja.

The fact this spawned four sequels must have been part of some tax dodge by the producers.

If you are looking for an action film from 1985, give Rambo First Blood Part 2 a look before you watch this.

Featured on Episode 55 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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The not so classic tale
8 May 2015
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Sometimes classic stories do not need to be re-imagined or pumped up for a new audience and this is a prime example.

The film starts out OK but that's the part that gives Adam's back story and sticks to the Mary Shelley book. Once the gargoyles and demons appear this film loses its way. Jumping into the present day were Gargoyle trained Adam is still fighting demons, billionaire business men demons at that.

If Dr Frankenstein was making his monster out of movies, instead of human body parts he would leave this piece of crap on the laboratory floor.

Featured on Episode 54 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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The boys are back
5 May 2015
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The weakest of the three films but worth a watch, especially if you are an action fan.

The first two made money so Sly, The State and the rest of the lads are back. And this time it's PG-13 Terry Crews and Jet Li had better things to do, so Stallone brings in some young blood in the form of Ronda Rousey and Ortiz. It doesn't help, fans of these films want to see old action stars face off, not young fighters thrown into the mix.

In the way of old action stars it was nice to see Mel Gibson, Wesley Snipes and Harrison Ford show up with an array of silly names and wisecracks about were Snipes has been.

Featured on Episode 53 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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A comedy without comedy
24 April 2015
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Sometimes there are dumb comedies and sometimes there are smart comedies and sometimes there are comedies without comedy. Unfortunately this is one of those films. There is not even the slightest hint of humour in the 93 minutes. From Clark's gambling problems and feud with a croupier to his adventures on the Hoover Dam, none of the usual Griswald charm is there.

National Lampoon took their name off the title of this film; I'm surprised the city of Las Vegas didn't attempt to get their name removed as well. Taking a trip to that fine town has never been made look so unappealing.

I would like to say something positive about this film since it came from a great line of comedies but I can't. Avoid this film at all costs.

If you are looking for a Las Vegas based comedies try Swingers, Ocean's 11, The Hangover or even Casino.

Featured on Episode 52 of The Emerald Reprobates Podcast
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