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Annie Live! (2021 TV Movie)
I don't get the fawning
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As far as NBC live musicals go, production values have come a long way. The set and blocking really work well. The choreography is excellent. The chorus numbers sound great (even if they've been sweetened). I loved that they kept Herbert Hoover and also added a couple of tunes from the 1982 musical. The tweaked orchestrations are really nice and sound great.

I like the non-traditional casting, too (but if we're going non-traditional, don't cover Harry's beautiful head of hair-there's no reason Warbucks has to be bald.)

The thing that doesn't work for me is the WAY over the top acting from almost all of the principals. This would play as too broad in a huge Broadway theater let alone on The small screen. It so big and unbelievable, it's sadly unwatchable. Meghan Hilty is the exception here. She's fantastic. Harry Connick Jr. Is a bit understated as Warbucks, but it's not as offensive as the obnoxious "schmacting" by Annie, Hannigan, and the insufferably cloying orphans.

The other thing that's bothersome is the scream-singing. Everything is triple forte and belted from beginning to end. There's no build-it's almost all just loud, over sung, and way over-acted. And by the second act, their voices sound shot and they're singing flat. Harry Connick Jr. Is the exception here. He sings like an angel throughout. He is a true musician.

I wanted to love this, but unfortunately, it's really hard to watch. Social media seems to be in a positive frenzy over it (shockingly), so I presume I have a minority opinion.
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Saved by the Bell (2020–2021)
It get better after the pilot, but it shouldn't even be called SBTB
19 February 2021
The pilot was more than bad-it was offensive with all the stereotyping and unintentional negative messaging. I thought it was the worst thing I had seen in a while, and I almost stopped watching. I saw a couple of reviews say it got better, so I decided to give it another chance since I'm in lockdown with nothing better to do. It does get better, and by the end of episode 10, I was enjoying it.

It's not Saved by the Bell-like not at all. It reminds me of those sequels in the 1980s that had nothing whatsoever to do with the original and we're just using the sequel for name recognition and nothing more. This reboot is so different from SBTB that I think it would have been better received if it had just been a separate entity unrelated to SBTB. It doesn't have the heart. The characters aren't clever. The relationships aren't believable. It's not wholesome. It resembles Glee (sans singing and dancing) or Popular (the old Ryan Murphy series) a lot more closely than it resembles SBTB.

The four original characters are unrecognizable. In this reboot, they are clownish, cartoons of the characters they played in the original. Slater is a total moron-like using misconjugated verbs as a character trait stupid. Zach is a vapid, self-absorbed man-ho. Jessie is an enabling Karen. Kelly is a nymphomaniac socialite. There's almost zero level of truth in their characters whatsoever-they're so over the top. I enjoy those four actors, and it was fun seeing them reprise these characters for a minute, but honestly, the series didn't even need it. The only episode late in the season where these four are prominently featured was jarring and took me out of the actual story-lines. I would have preferred these four did an extended special of the Jimmy Fallon appearance and then this series be named something else. They don't fit well together.

When watching it pretending it was unrelated to SBTB, it's enjoyable enough. I couldn't understand what audience they were going for, though. It's way racier than SBTB with a good bot of swearing and many controversial issues. I probably wouldn't let my ten year old watch it, and I can't imagine it is very appealing to 40 year old GenX-ers once the nostalgia goes away.

It also tried really hard to be woke, but often missed the mark or got it so wrong I cringed. I guess it's the thought that counts?

Hopefully, the creators will read the feedback and the next season will improve. If it doesn't, I can't imagine it will last for a third.
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Another brilliant TV series from the UK ruined by American producers
16 January 2021
This show isn't even watchable. It misses everything that made the original series brilliant. In the original, the characters and stories were believable-like they had been plucked out of the typical school experience for most of the population, thus it was extremely engaging because it was so relatable. Everyone knew someone who reminded them of Simon, Will, Jay, and/or Neil. The characters were human and three dimensional, and even though the dialogue and situations were sometimes heightened, they felt real and you want to pull for the characters (even Jay.)

The US version totally misses the mark. The guy they have playing Will is not an actual dork with an IDGAF confidence that actually makes him lovable, if also even dorkier. The US will is some second-rate Tiger Beat model they've slapped a blazer onto and called him a dork. You never really buy his character because it's so fake. If this were a real kid in a US high school, you wouldn't expect him to get bullied and repel female attention.

The US Simon is so uninteresting and plastic. The original Simon isn't classically handsome, but cute and charismatic enough for us to believe out of the four, he has an actual chance of having a sexual relationship with a girl before he's out of high school. It's probably 50-50, but it's believable that he might score. The US Simon has no depth. He's always acting, and it reads as fake. He's also got a model's face, so in an actual US high school, it's not believable that he would have so much trouble getting a girlfriend.

The US Neil is played like an insufferable idiot who's fried his brain on drugs or something. The original Neil is a bit like the Rose Nylund of the school-daft but lovable. He doesn't sit around with bowls on his head like the moron in the US version. The Neil scenes in the original were my favorite and they made me laugh the hardest. In the US version, I could barely watch the Neil scenes.

And then there's Jay. He is so horribly miscast in the US version. Jay is supposed to be a filthy liar who has just enough credibility that some people believe his fantastical sexual adventures. He's also pretty fragile underneath that façade of lies. The way the original Jay reacts to his dad's abuse is an example of how the character's more than just a toilet mouthed pervert. The US Jay is completely unbelievable. It reads as if this Jay is telling all of his stories for laughs rather than in the hopes that people believe him and put him on a pedestal. The acting is flat. And he extremely, extremely unattractive compared to the other three. It's not believable that they're a group of best friends in an actual US high school. Not believable at all.

In addition to the casting, what made The Inbetweeners UK so brilliant was the honesty and near universal relatability to the situations. You either cut class and went day-drinking once yourself, or you knew someone who had. That's part of the UK scholastic experience. Where the US missed he mark here is they tried to copy and paste scenarios that might be universal truths in Great Britain, but are alien to a US audience. It's just not universal in the States for a group of friends to ditch school, purchase hard liquor, get drunk during the day, and do something embarrassing in front of their love interest all before the parents expected them back from school. It might happen here and there, but I doubt most people could identify one such group in their US school experience. It's not universal, thus, it's not nearly as relatable as the UK series.

Also, in the UK version, the kids talked like actual school boys would talk without getting bleeped by censors. The US version cleans up the language substantially and bleeps words like sh--, so it again loses the realness factor so fabulously captured by the Brits.

I really wanted to like it, but it's painful to watch. Major misses in casting, production design, and adaptation of the source material turned a Crown Jewel of British television into a royal flop.
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Thinly plotted jukebox musical
21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story leaves a lot to be desired. It's like a community theater writer was hired to write dialogue to bridge from one song to another...which I suppose is how jukebox musicals are done, but this script is bad.

Most of the performances were good, though. The returning cast was great. Amanda Seyfried was especially good. The two sidekicks were very good, too. Cher made the whole movie worth it. I upped the rating two stars just because she was so mesmerizing.

Lily James got on my nerves. She overacted. She seems like she is a theater actress with a very broad style. She could have been great if the director reeled her in a bit. The two younger sidekick counterparts were brilliantly cast, though.

The production was beautifully shot and choreographed. The arrival of the guests singing Dancing Queen was especially spectacular. The baptism scene with Meryl at the end was very moving and worked well. Cher singing Fernando was phenomenal, though it was such a stretch making it fit into the movie's paper thin plot.

If it had a good book and Lily James calmed down a bit, I would have loved it. As it is, however, it's a nice little singspiel that looks like a really good show choir performing on a gorgeous Greek island.
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It's hilarious!
5 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's mindless, 80's fun. One of my favorites. Madonna's obnoxious Nikki Finn is over the top and funny, but she gives her a certain depth that critics don't give her credit for. She's not Meryl doing Shakespeare, but no one should expect her to be. Griffin Dunne was perfectly neurotic (and quite handsome). The absurdity of Wendy Williams is one of my favorite parts-how all these random people have "had her," how she's more concerned with how the coop interview is going than the fact she's being held at knife point, etc. It's absurdist comedy gold.

The Nikki / Louden love scene at the arboretum with Madonna dressed as Marilyn is the only part of the story that didn't work for me. Otherwise, the writing is pretty solid for screwball comedy.

Madonna's music in the film is iconic, and I argue it was her best musical period.

All in all, it's totally enjoyable, quite funny, and very watchable.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
So much untapped potential (SPOILERS)
16 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I liked it okay. It was a fun "superhero" type series. I wasn't familiar at all with the material before watching, but it's an interesting concept.

I thought the cinematography was pretty great usually, and the cgi was well done. The writing was weak, and much of the acting was bad-I blame the director. First, the writing. So many cliches. So many contrived turns. The dialogue was embarrassingly bad in some spots to the point it took me out of the story. One common trait that sticks out is how characters are faced with extraordinarily bad situations, yet they go on about their business as if they've forgotten that, say the world will end in 3 days or you may never see your daughter again or you just killed your mom or... There were a lot of random plot devices that were unbelievable, too. Why does the movie star sister (don't even remember her name) have keys to their estranged sisters apartment yet throws a fit when sister's boyfriend is there? Why does Klaus go to vietnam? Why is the butler a monkey? Why was Diego the only one who seemed close to his mom? Why was Ben always conjured, but Klaus never conjured Dave? Why did evil Vanya go to perform in a concert on the eve of the apocalypse? Why did almost no one land a shot in a series so full of guns? Why was the rumor girl so dead set against using her power ala Samantha Stevens from Bewitched? Lots of holes and meaningless drivel, which could have been filled with quality character development.

All of the characters were static except for Vanya and Klaus to some degree. It seems like they didn't learn crap over the eight hours. Also, the dad was supposed to be such an tyrant his whole family left him...he didn't seem like such an jerk at all. He was somewhat likable in his scenes, and none of his behaviors towards the kids seemed anything more than somewhat rude. How did Ben die? Did I miss it?? Seriously, Five didn't think to try teleporting his siblings back in time to try to stop the apocalypse more than 30 seconds before it was all over?? Vanya suddenly becoming a murderess-killing the monkey and her boyfriend-seemed to come out of nowhere. Was there supposed to be some kind of connection between Thor's moon mission and the apocalypse?

I did like the flashbacks usually, however.

Then, the acting. Wow, it was bad. Klaus, five, Hazel, and mom were the only ones I felt anything about. I liked Vanya's acting, too, though I see she's getting dragged in the reviews. Donut girl was pretty decent as well. I wanted to like Diego, but I just couldn't. His character was so inconsistent-was he a hot head or a softy or both, and why? His emotional scenes were better than his hit head scenes. I HATED the actress sister. It was like bad community theater acting. In her defense, it seemed like she had some skills, but I don't understand how any competent director allowed most of her takes into the final cut. So disjointed and just bad. Mary J Blige was absolutely horrible!! No depth whatsoever. Thor was pretty bad, too. Couldn't have cared less when Diego's girl died (in the most unbelievably contrived scenario), when Thor got turned into an ape and sent to the moon, when rumor girl was missing her daughter or when she got her throat cut. Just didn't care.

I'll watch the second season and hope it improves. It was enjoyable if trite. Wouldn't watch a second time, though.
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