
8 Reviews
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Feels funny reviewing this
21 July 2019
I mean regardless of what anyone says, this will always be known as one of the greatest shows ever, and by far, HBO's best ever, period. This is a show that is actually worth buying, and pulling out every once and a while, to binge through it all over again. I recently did that, and of course it still holds up. I think the only thoughts I had recently about it, the first two seasons, were way too rushed. I get a first season is tough, because you want it to be as good as possible, so the show will continue. But going back and watching it, there was enough in those two seasons, that they could of let some things play out a little longer and added content, and pulled off three seasons. The last season felt a little like that too, yeah it was 21 episodes, but I would have rather seen two 12 episode seasons, and a little more added to the issues in that season. But what can you do, the show is long done, and ended over a decade ago. It's already a classic, and considered by many as a top all time show, I definitely do. If you haven't watched it by now, I can only assume, you are just that young, or have been living in a cave somewhere.
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
Good, but there was something lacking
21 July 2019
The show is good, but there was something lacking in the characters, and the story. Some were awful, some were ok, and some were good. Which was kind of surprising, for an HBO show. One thing for sure, the show lacked the lovable "bad guy", that you had in shows like The Sopranos(Toni, Paulie), or Deadwood(Al). The one who's bad, but the character is so good, you couldn't help but love them. I assume it was supposed to be Nucky, but almost no one in this show fits that role, the closest, was maybe Al. I didn't feel character connection, and without spoiling anything, some of the major characters, fell very flat for me. I found myself wanting to rush through seasons, not because the typical, " Oh, I have to watch just one more". It was more like I just wanted to get it over with. Is it worth watching? Yes. Is it worth buying, or even watching through a second time? Not in my opinion. This doesn't hold up like other HBO shows that I can randomly go back through, and rewatch every once in a while. I think this one would fall pretty far down on the list, if you were ranking HBO shows.
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Still one of my favorites
13 October 2018
This was a film, that I watched a lot as a kid, and was one of my favorites. I still enjoy this movie as an adult, years later. I see a lot of people was the rating is off, but keep in mind, when this movie was rated, things were very different. There are tons of movies from that time period, that you go back, and watch, that had very questionable material for the rating. I don't feel that what is in the movie is terrible, and can see much worse on regular TV today, honestly. I would recommend this movie to people who were fans of Beetlejuice, Labrynth, Big, and similar classics. It was definitely an underrated hidden gem, as long as you don't take it too serious.
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It was good, but not near as good as the last one.
6 July 2018
As the title says, I did like the movie, but it wasn't nearly as good as the last one. It was definitely lacking in overall excitement, at least compared to the last one. Honestly, if it wasn't a Jurassic Park movie, I would probably say wait until it comes out to streaming or dvd, but there is still enough to make it worth seeing in the theater. Hopefully if they decide to do a third movie, they will step it up some. I think this one will be similar to how the second movie was, in the original trilogy.
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Kevin Can Wait (2016–2018)
May Need A Recast
20 October 2016
I really want to like this show, and want it to last but... After watching a couple of episodes, there are several things that bother me. Kevin James is funny, even though it is pretty generic writing, but the woman who plays his wife, is not good at all, to put it nicely. I looked her up and she has been on a couple of shows, but never seen them. But she has to be one of the worst actors, it's almost like she is reading the script, right there on stage. Most of the family members feel generic, and there is no connection between all the actors. I feel like the makers of the show probably should have caught how bad some of the acting was, and recast characters. I feel like this show will be short lived if, they don't recast, and even then I'm not sure it can be saved. Sad, because I love Kevin James, and he really could carry almost any show.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Surprisingly Good!
22 September 2016
I grew up with the movies, and consider them classics, so this show had a lot to live up to. I must say that I was surprised how good it turned out to be. Similar story lines as the movie, but different enough to be a fresh take on it. I figured it would be like most shows these days, and be completely cheesy, with a lot of one liners. Turned out to be funny, but not cheesy. Actually had some substance, and real feeling to it. Think all the actors did a good job too. If you are on the fence, a fan of the movies, just give it a shot, don't think you will be disappointed. I should note, that it only has one episode so far, and I basing off of what I've seen so far.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
17 July 2016
I have only watched the first season so far, but I'm not sure if I want to watch another season. After watching TWD, this show leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know if it is the acting, or the writing of this show(would be shocking, since TWD is so good), but the characters, seem emotionless, and unidentifiable. I don't like any of them, it's almost like watching a B horror movie, where you don't care about the characters. The show is very slow paced compared to TWD also, which is probably the main problem, they set the bar so high with TWD, that you want to compare the two, and it fails on all levels. If I do continue to watch, I can only hope that the story and characters grow.
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The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
Wow, 5.9 stars
17 July 2016
By far one of the best episodes there has been of this show. The fact that so many people are rating this so low because of the ending, is stupid. Get over it people, it's a show, they left you hanging bad. They aren't the first show to do it, and won't be the last. They want people coming back to see who did die, imagine the amount of viewers there will be watching that episode live, especially if they don't want some idiot ruining who died for them. Plus they had all you people talking about the show, and coming up with conspiracies the whole time it has been off. And I bet you all those people who are whining about how it ended, will be watching the season premiere. So stop hating on the episode because you want to be baby about how the episode ended.
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