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ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE! The Film to turn this series into the TRILOGY GOAT.
22 March 2021
There must be sequels of this coming. They'd be stupid to not continue this series.

The film answered so many of the idiotic questions and pandering all of the haters of the previous films have made.

The sheer detail of each character, and their own stories is immaculate and incredibly interesting, and spark imagination. Zack's film proves the death of conventional film length's as inadequate for characters belonging to a universe much bigger than the tiny pathetic stories of DC's small catalog of films before the Snyderverse. We all may have grown up with them, but the potential of what they could be was all put to use and fulfilled with this masterpiece.

Unlike CW's Flash and Arrowverse, which keep the DCU grounded in 'corny' as much as the MCU, this is the most comic book accurate film to date that actually pulls it off.

The cg in this film was not an issue. My only minor issue is the film not filling up my wide screen tv.

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Hoops (2020)
Why didn't they just hire Artie Lange to do Artie Lange?
24 August 2020
The show is about Artie Lange. Why isn't he the voice of his character? He is the main character.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
8 January 2018
I never thought I'd say this, but Peta is hilarious. If only more people knew about this show. I find myself laughing quite a bit at it.

Last Starfighter meets Terminator meets Jay and Silent Bob. That's this show. Check it out!
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Warcraft (2016)
Best fantasy story since Game of Thrones, hands down. Duncan Jones did great!!
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I've played WoW a bit, not much but a bit. My brother however lost years of his life to this game. When he saw it, he told me "It was trash". This is why it took me so long to see it. So today after work, I put it on with him in the room to see if he'd demand me to turn it off. He didn't, we watched it. Scene after scene I got more excited about what was going on, asking him to update me on the nerd bits that I don't know about. Little by little, even he agreed that it was awesome.

I believe for him it was Ben Foster's take on the Guardian. Forgive me if I don't spell things WoW nerds know about. I think Ben Foster is one of best actors out there and there are a couple monologues that he did quite well in this film.

For me however I was overly excited about the Orcs and how well the CGI was, even though very obviously fake, the facial expressions plus the voice acting and story's were downright amazing.

And to top it off Ben Foster becoming a bad ass demon in the end was just killer.

I can't wait for a sequel. This was so much better than the new Star Wars and absolutely all of the (live action only as the animated LotR films are awesome) Lord of the Rings films.

If a studio is listening....bring Duncan Jones back. Continue the story. If not. Thank you very much for an amazing film!
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Like the animated show brought ALIVE. AMAZING!
17 November 2017
1. Affleck once again proves HE IS BATMAN.

2. Plays out like a Justice League episode.

If you've ever watched a DC animated series like Young Justice or Justice League, then this will be something to enjoy. If you haven't seen those, check them out. They are amazing.

3. The only complaint I have is that Danny Elfmans score was so forgettable in comparison to the previous two films. Although it was funny to hear the old Batman and Superman scores integrated. I just think they were going somewhere new with the past few scores and did a complete 180 OK this.

I left happier than I've been since Batman v Superman (also amazing) came out. Thank you Zack Snyder and the rest of you guys. Please keep them coming!!!
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Power Rangers (2017)
Teenage Ninjas + Giant METAL Monsters + Heavy Metal = Power Rangers
8 April 2017
It's all there in the title. It's pretty simple really. I remember watching the trailer for the original MMPR as a child, hooked immediately as everyone else was. 3 things sold this. Teenagers that become super-hero ninjas, giant metal monsters the size of Godzilla and heavy metal.

If you are into music at all you have come to grips with what is the most intense music, so be it, heavy metal.

The film is about kids that are outcasts. Um, have you seen a meme with a heavy metal kid? Who is more of an outcast than one of these kids? By the time they are in their giant metal monsters aka Zords, we are presented with a very cheesy version of the original theme, that is much more awesome and intense than what we were given. What was that? It comes across as a slap in the face more than a 'shot out'.

Taking away the metal is like taking away the armor and the giant metal monster battles. It didn't intensify, it watered it down. I don't know what kind of suburban mom music qualifying group you have behind this, but it's time you fire them.

I would like you to check out an example of what this could've been like by looking up the score for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance or Doom (2016).

I would've given this thing a 10 had they paid any attention to what they were hearing whilst taking notes on the show, just as much as they did when they watched it with their eyes.
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Models complaining about powers. Yay.
12 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First off I want to say that Bryan Singer needs to stay far away from the X-Men. Last Stand was a billion times better than this film.

This is by far the worst iteration of the X-Men we've ever seen.

Keeping in mind that half of the costumes were somewhat close to the comics. Psylocke being the closest. They didn't really do any of the characters justice, accept for maybe Wolverine. Yet again.

I remember seeing X-Men in theaters and thinking I can't wait to see Apocalypse! Well, it seems Magneto is all they can get right.

What was once a terrifying character was shown as a threat only to a CG world, we didn't really see actual victims, we only heard screams. But how will we know if it was just empty homes with TV's on? Apocalypse spends no time at all finding only four mutants whom all fail him.

Quicksilver's scene was probably the most entertaining part by far. It seems that's all they cared about. On top of this was a very disappointing meet with his father, where he doesn't do what we were all waiting for.

How in the world Mystique is even taken seriously is beyond me. Jennifer Lawrence was clearly thrown in this film, unlike the previous films where she had something to do. She felt like she needed to help the guy that spent the entire last film trying to kill her. What a mess.

All in all, I'd say skip it. Watch the early 90's X-Men cartoon instead. This was such a waste on all accounts.

Well enjoy your paycheck Fox. Thanks for ruining yet another childhood dream. This is why cartoons are by far the perfect medium for these stories, clearly no one that cares is actually working on them anymore.
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Civil War? More like Winter Soldier 2: Civil Spar.
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the film in both 2d and then a second time in 3d.

In 2d format the action sequences were unbearable to watch. It was like shaky can to the max. I almost walked out within the first ten minutes over this. Please use a tripod.

In 3d it was much more bearable and I hate 3d. I also don't understand why it was even offered in 3d. It didn't seem to do anything but stabilize the action.

The score was either absent or extremely corny especially during the Captain America moments.

Robert Downey Jr. is pretty much the savior for this film. His acting is top notch and magnetizing. But his character flaws are just unforgivable. I'm sure Stark knows what brainwashing is, how it works and also the emotional toll it's done to his pal Cap to know his best friend has been MK Ultra'd especially after the whole Winter Soldier fiasco. So to me Iron Man needs to retire literally for this incredible stupidity and disrespect. He is solely responsible for Rhodes injuries.

Marvel also rushed in Black Panther, dialed down Scarlet Witch's powers to 0 at which point as a fan it's pretty insulting. House of M... Anyone?

I also noticed during a particular movie came out recently people freaked out over the word 'Martha', and somehow when Cap hears the word 'Bucky', no one cares. Meanwhile people actually die to this mistake. Hilarious.

Back to location, the hangar the big battle sequence takes place is very dull. All that money they made and it was filmed in the most boring scenery ever.

Question. Did they even read Civil War? They had only a couple moments right. But really, I don't understand how a true Marvel fan could be happy with the result. This film was more about taglines, dumb jokes and not taking something like brainwashing seriously. I mean they could at least look into a cure.

Regardless of my picky nerd rantings it was entertaining. Especially the end battle. I give it a seven.
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Like the animated series brought to life!!!
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Anybody who's knows what they are talking about when it comes to the DC Universe knows that the Animated Universe got it right. This film steps toward that direction.

Most obviously the Multiverse scenes were some of the films most unique visually and perfectly mysterious. Clearly Darkseid is what is coming! Which is good considering Thanos, the Darkseid ripoff looks more like Josh Brolin, and not in a good way, so let's hope they get him right, which knowing Zach Snyder, he'll get that visual correct. Because he pays attention!

Onto the film. I'm going to say this. As a 'film', it is jumpy. And if you don't know anything about the DCU, you are absolutely going to be confused sometimes. But that's not all bad, there's decades worth of fulfilling comics and animated cartoons waiting for you to read and watch. This one is for the fans. Long overdue if you ask me!

Ben Affleck is Batman. There, I said it. I read an amazing review on how the animated Batman was the best because of the fact that he was a detective, and actually maneuvered in the suit as there were no restrictions. Well those days are over. Affleck is the detective, and the Batman we've seen in the comics and the series. Next question.

Superman. Just yes. He flicked Batman through a friggin wall. Talk about satisfying! The main complaint I always hear is that he's too powerful. Well someone's got to be at the top of the pyramid, and you all got your wish. He's dead. Or is he? I never liked Doomsday until this. This was a perfect adaption of that arc.

If you missed all the visual tributes, you are just blind. So much Frank Miller and original Superman shots. Stuff I never thought I'd see on the big screen. Also Clark getting in the tub with Lois to, you know. That was a nice realistic touch.

Wonder Woman. Only thought here is, why did she not fly? Otherwise, just thank you.

Lex. Yes again! Jesse did a great job at being evil Jesse. He was purely maniacal!

Complaints. I have just 3. First, the senator, and the guy with no legs had too many scenes that went literally kaboom! Second was that there were too many shaky cam moments and close ups. Not enough atmospheric shots. Third the Flash and Aquaman parts just should've had better moments. Cyborg was on par.

All and all, as a DC fan, you really couldn't ask for more. As a film fan, just ignore the bad reviews, they aren't supposed to 'get it', they have Disney for that. Thank you sincerely for making turning shitty year around for me! You all give me hope!

I just hope they can bring Young Justice back now too!!
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Moonbeam City (2015)
Finally the show I've been waiting for! Idk about you!
24 September 2015
Off the bat YES it's like an Archer clone. But c'mon, how many of those do you see around? Secondly, it's like Archer Vice, which in my opinion was their best season, but this one is Archer Vice, literally, figuratively on crack, without pants, or care, eating a hotdog dripping onto a Carl's fat stomach, may he rest in peace with Meatwad.

This show is extremely funny. Will they keep it up? Only time will tell like every single comedy ever made.

First episode is very strong, clearly another show that gives no F**********s. Rob Lowe fit absolutely perfectly and quite obviously as Dazzle Novak. But I think the crown jewel here is Will Forte's Rad Cunningham. This guy was glorious as usual.

Anyone who likes Archer should quiet down, as they are on a downhill slope at the moment, until they bring back Archer Vice, this will do. Plus it's great to have options!
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Fantasy cartoon brought to life, with too many crappy 3d zooms and effects.
17 September 2015
First of all I do want to say I enjoyed this film and I think it is worth seeing again. It was exactly what it was supposed to be: Entertaining.

Bad news first, then the good news. Bad news is, there is way too zooming in and quick cuts, obviously it was made for 3d. I'll probably never watch a film in 3d again, so this is just irritating, because there is not really a purpose for 3d. Also there was no story. Yep, No story at all. Nothing and no one to care about. Also, why was the film called MAD MAX? He didn't talk at all, he had zero story, the whole thing could continue if his character died. Tom Hardy is pretty good as an actor and his talents were absolutely wasted in this. It should've been called Imperator Furiosa: Crank The Gauntlet Wasteland. I do have to say though my least favorite thing about the film is that they didn't get a single Judas Priest song in there. I mean c'mon!

Other than that, there may have been some dialogue that was really stupid, but it wasn't supposed to be an intelligent film at all. It was supposed to be fun.

Now for the good news, If you wanted to see an amazing car chase film than pretty much any car chase film in at least 15 years this is your film. The vehicles were all modded and retro, it was awesome and very creative.

My personal favorite thing about this film was the costumes and the voice overs. The art direction was spot on. It really felt like a retro fantasy cartoon film brought to life. With clear as day inspirations from Light Years: Gandahar, Super Shredder in TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze and Quan Chi of Mortal Kombat.
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