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American Horror Story: The Future Perfect (2021)
Season 10, Episode 10
What the heck happened.
23 October 2021
I'm a was huge fan of AMERICAN HORROR STORY and really enjoyed the first 5 episodes of RED TIDE with enthusiasm but that last episode was completely rushed and it ended silly...then came DEATH VALLEY which was quite poor to watch. Sorry AHS but you lost a devoted fan.

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American Horror Story: Winter Kills (2021)
Season 10, Episode 6
Sorry but this episode was disappointing.
24 September 2021
I really enjoyed episode 1 to 5 of this season, but this episode 6 was crap. A big fail to an amazing build up...I hope do the other episodes of this season proves my words wrong with some surprise tie in with Red Tide.....let's hope folks.
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Quite disappointed
26 November 2019
You know you're in trouble when you see a movie at your local cinema on opening weekend and you're the only patron in the theatre. This movie does try it's best being a horror/comedy but it fails (and I LOVE those types of movies). The ideas are there but the acting is that hammy and the film reminded me of Welcome To Woop Woop (where the film tried so hard to be offensive to be funny). There were a few good laughs but that acting was dreadful I sort of felt ripped off paying $14 to see it.
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American Horror Story: Final Girl (2019)
Season 9, Episode 9
Absolutely loved this season
15 November 2019
Wow this show gets better every season. This season is a brilliant homage to the 1980s camp slasher films and presented brilliantly. Loved that ending...what a tear jerker!

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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
Dude...have you seen my ghost?
1 November 2019
A show made by dudes about dudes being haunted. I was addicted to this show but the last 2 years I haven't watch an episode coz it's just so boring, repeative and downright unintentionally funny. Some of the people being interviewed look very high on some illegal substance and Zac runs about like a hightailed drama queen and as for the 'spirit-box-sweeper device's what a load bull! No other paranormal program uses this device. I love how they pick up on one word and create an entire sentence. The PUK device...that prints up random words...come on dudes do you think we that dumb to believe this?

Sorry fans of this show...but this program sits on the same level as Most shenanigans!
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Just seen the premiere just then.
4 September 2019
Did you have a clown playing jokes on the audience like our cinema did? Wow some of the patrons reactions were priceless and laugh out loud funny. I really enjoyed IT CHAPTER 2. The cast and film great. A fun mix of laughs, a few good scare jumps and drama/fantasy.
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Seriously, why the bad reviews?
3 September 2019
I seen this the other night and was absolutely delighted by the craziness of this offbeat zombie film. It's a must see for lovers of 'dead-pan' comedy style.
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The Lion King (2019)
Please see this movie before review/judge it
20 July 2019
What a blast! I've been fan of the original movie and was absolutely impressed with this remake. And please, if you haven't seen it, please don't judge or give it a rating...just go and see this and be amazed.
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Slasher (2004 TV Movie)
I worked at one of these 'Slasher Sales'
15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All I can say this documentary is absolutely 100% on what goes on behind the 'Slasher Sales " that were once were popular in America from the late 90s to early 2000s before they fizzled out.

The Slasher team were hired to boost a car sales profits over a 3 day period by transforming the sales yard in a high energy style environment with loud 'feel good music' blasting from every corner, free bbq, massive marketing campaign (this was before the days of social media kicked in), giveways and cheap as cars which were mostly lemons that were desinatated for the auctions for shonky used car dealerships. This film covers all bases as it also focuses on the life of Martin Bennett the Slasher guy over a week leading up to 3 day Slasher sale for a Memphis Toyota dealership. He's a fast talker and boasts about his previous Slasher Sale achievements to his latest contract job (you can tell some of the sales staff aren't impressed with his style while others have been 'sucked in' to his scheming style and this did happen at the dealership I used to work with). It's a awesome docco for people who had worked in the car sales game in that era but not so great for people who now looking at buying a used car.

A great effort by the legendary director John Landis and a 10 out of 10 from me.
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One of the best Netflix thriller/horror films
9 June 2019
Wow just watched this and was totally blown how this nasty/twisted movie unfolds for your viewing pleasure/displeasure. Want to see something really twisted...this movie is for you.
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Mother and Son (1984–1994)
Depressing and not quite funny at all.
13 May 2019
I remember this show being on tv and constantly being repeated quite often on the ABC channel back in the day. I did see a few episodes but I just didn't get why it was supposed to be funny. You have a 40 something son living at home with his mum who is senile and has dementia. She is a cold and bitter-mannered person who makes his life a constant struggle (which is not funny at all for those people who are in the same situation ). You have his brother who is after her money or trying to scam money anyway possible (which happens in many families in this situation) and is absolutely no help for his brother looking after his mother. What's so funny about that? I know this show very successful and it ran on and off for decade with a great cast but the content of this sitcom was dull and depressing. Give me D GENERATION or FULL FRONTAL anyday thanks.
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
I love this show
11 April 2019
Forget those the negative reviews. This episode of The Twilight Zone is quite twisted and highly recommended. Without giving spoilers away, go and enjoy one of the best tv shows I've seen in ages. Can't wait for next weeks episode of The Twilight Zone.
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Enjoyable romp!
19 January 2019
Look....i can't see why people hated this movie. Just having reviewed it on bluray it's just a harmless musical. It's not as bad THE ROOM or THE FLORIDA PROJECT it's just a fun guilty pleasure film. Yea I heard all the stories about how this film was a shambles to produce and yes I read all your theories about the film on IMDB but hey I really enjoyed it.
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Boring as
11 January 2019
Sorry fans of this movie back then but now in 2019 this movie needs an up to date remake with the increasing unpopularity of Facebook. Anyhow about the absolutely bored me when I seen in in the cinemas. Mark Zuckerberg looks like the sort of dude you would avoid having any friendship with coz he acts like some twit who doesn't value a friendship. He treats everyone like they're disposable tissues (uses once then throws it away) and we have nearly two hours of watching this "tech twit" in action of buliding his empire (which I've personally more harm than good come from it). Watching the grass grow is way more exciting as Zuckerberg and pals bulid their relationship status (thrills ahoy!). I can't fathom that movie was made by the guy who gave us SE7EN in the 90s coz this social network is boring as!
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Utterly horrible
1 January 2019
I found the trailer of this film heartwarming and funny but I seen it at the cinema with my mother, we were both gobsmacked how horrible this movie was. One of the nastiest family film gatherings you'll ever see on the silver screen. The acting was great but this film is slow and tedious to boot. One star for the acting.
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Bloodmoon (1990)
Seen this at cinemas with the infamous FRIGHT BREAK!
28 December 2018
Flaskback to 1990 at the Wollongong Town Cinemas where this movie being shown. You can notice some scenes were badly out to get the M rating for starters and the film felt like watching a "Home & Away" episode coz the performances were hammy as hell! The first three quarters of film were borring to boot with a borring story and without any horror to be seen... And then came on FRIGHT BREAK where the audience had the chance to leave this borrfest and have your money refunded by going to Chickens Corner located in the foyer. You had about 30 seconds with snippets of what's is promised to be a intense horror experience (which doesn't happen anyway). Well it got a bit more gory without suspense and ended really weirdly which ended the audience booing the film off. This film bombed badly in Australia and little wonder why
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Worst movie of 2017.
19 December 2018
Seriously how can anyone calls this movie 'heartwarming', 'beautiful' and 'moving'? It's none of it. What is heartwarming about a dope smoking mother who is a prostitute who does drugs and brings home her clients in front of her young daughter? What is beautiful about a young child who behaves like a feral foul mouthed brat? What is moving about a slowly paced movie about's a empty film. Don't get wrong Willem Dafoe is great in this movie (in a small but key role) and im sure that he will get more movie roles offered to him in the future but the rest of the cast won't be coz their performances were horrudously bad. This project gets an F.
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Great trailer...shame about the movie
9 December 2018
Don't you love it when you see an awesome trailer and then you see the movie....and it was quite a flop? Well that's how I (and my family and friends) found this movie. The song that sold the trailer was not to heard during the movie (which I find really annoying). Our kids didn't finish watching this coz it bored the living daylights out of them (my friends kids watched it and didn't like it as well). No wonder why Paramount dropped this film from cinemas at the last moment coz the studio must've seen the finished product and knew mainstream audiences ain't going to dig it. The movie is just plain weird for mainstream, maybe arty cinemas prehaps?
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American Horror Story: Apocalypse Then (2018)
Season 8, Episode 10
Love it!
15 November 2018
Great ending! What else can I say? Can't wait for season 9!
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Studio 54 (2018)
15 November 2018
I grew up in that era and my sister (also her friends) loved the old dusco nights. This docco explores the real story about Studio 54 (forget that 54 movie from 20 years ago coz the old disco lass didnt die from a overdose on the dance floor!). From the rise to the mega fall from grace , rhis film also explores the rise and fall of the disco scene as well. Never dull moment here folks
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American Horror Story: Fire and Reign (2018)
Season 8, Episode 9
Absolutely enjoying season 8
9 November 2018
Why the hate? Some of us are really enjoying this wickedly fun season 8! So this episode is the 2nd last in this season and you can sorta guess how it will finish in the finale with a magical practice that could have fatal results! And that's all I'm saying folks. Also never spoil important points in your reviews (I'm from a generation that never had the Internet to spoil a show or movies surprises...peace)
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Dance Boss (2018)
Sharni Vinson what are doing this?
2 October 2018
It sad to see a talented actress like Sharni Vinson wasted in a reality tv show that bombed after its first episode. The show was that corny, i didn't bothe tuning back in for episode 2.
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What an ugly movie!
21 September 2018
I seen this on VHS (I worked at ol video store in 1986 and had first screening of the latest video releases at the time) and it was memorable for all the wrong reasons! It was absolutely revolting on all levels from plot to presentation. Satire? Definitely wasn't funny at all. The acting was z-grade while the production was a sorry sight. As for the director Lloyd Kaufman who famously bagged out Steven Spielberg all these years...why? just because he made better movies that rented better while I worked at the video compared to the Troma movies like this one? Watching The Toxic Avenger is like watching a dirty, disused public toilet bowl get dirtier over a 105 minute period.. Yuk!
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The BBQ (2018)
Easy going Aussie family entertainment
21 September 2018
I honestly don't know why this movie has a low rating and negative reviews, this film is simply an easy comedy for the family to enjoy. Shane, Madga, Manu and always wonderful Julia Zemiro are very good in this film. I love that delclaimer at the end having a crack on people who illegally download their films...BRAVO!

Highly recommended
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
The first 3 episodes were great but..
3 September 2018
I absolutely loved the first three episodes of Castle Rock but the rest are just getting slow and silly as the plot rolls on. Another issue I had was understanding what the characters were saying due to their mumbling (thank goodness for the subtitles available or I would've had no clue what was being spoken). And also I wasn't a fan of that pill crunching Molly Strand (hey if you pop an ectasy a day, you see strange things too) she is very annoying to boot. Another problem is how the.production is tries to pan out the.plot into 10 episodes, very slow and it lost my attention in the 7th ep.
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