
18 Reviews
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High concept pseudo-comedy?
7 May 2024
What...what was this? This show starts off with a funny monolog, then I can't even for sure tell you what happened. Was this a series of really dry comedy bits that fell flat, or a series of esoteric parody bits that succeeded in making uncomfortable comedy moments? I'm not sure and I'm not certain John Mulaney knows. He's a phenomenal stand-up comedian, and as a result, I can't believe this was an accident. So that leaves me with the unfortunate belief that this was a deliberately unpolished mash-up of bizarre concepts that have definitely not been tested before a life audience. It kind of feels like if David Lynch made a talk show.
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More machine now than man; twisted and evil
26 December 2023
We probably all remember when Zach Snyder was exciting and new. 300 and Watchmen were unique films with an aesthetic we rarely had seen, and he threaded the needle well between action and fantasy. Then he made at least 5 terrible movies that only his cultists appreciated. Now, I think it's completely appropriate to say that he has nothing left in the tank and is either here for the check or has gone drunk from the adoration of his narrowing fan base.

There are no interesting or believeable characters in Rebel Moon. There are no clever twists, honest dialogue or original stories. Between the completely superfluous Jena Malone spider-mom character and the guy who's allergic to shirts recreating Harry Potter's hippogryff scene shot-for-shot, this movie exceeds any reasonable person's allowance for suspension of disbelief 30 minutes in and never earns it back. And Zach, action scenes don't become art by just slowing them down. This really is just a boring, tired, uninspired, hacky attempt at science fiction.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Road Ahead (2023)
Season 8, Episode 12
What a hopeless mess
24 November 2023
I swear, this show would have been better had AI written it. This show started out really fascinating. The first season wasn't as good as TWD, but it was really good. The writing in Fear got so bad by season 7 that I couldn't even talk other diehard TWD fans to watch it anymore. They weren't wrong.

This finale was entirely appropriate for the schmaltzy, hacky mess this show has become, and a hollow pantomime of the show it could have been. I know that some of the actors are of real quality, and I have to believe that some of them read this and thought, "Thank god it's finally over." Especially after seeing how good the first season of Daryl Dixon was, I have not given up on the franchise, but FTWD will go down in TV history as one of the greatest disappointments of all time.
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Reservation Dogs: Elora's Dad (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
Right in the feels
21 September 2023
There are soany amazing episodes of Rez Dogs, that I can't say I was blown away; I expect greatness from this show. However, I haven't been this effected by a tv show since last season's finale. I didn't expect the guest star, but even with that aside, the genius of this show is the same as it always was; the ability to take sad and even mundane experiences of everyday life and make them beautiful, powerful and new. I am so sad this show will be ending soon, because this is the best show I've seen in a long time, and I doubt I'll see something this good again for a long time after. Thank you to the writers, producers, actors and the rest of the crew. This show is a treasure.
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Maybe just well-timed
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps people really just needed something familiar. This was not a great movie. The writing was standard for an action film, but considerably less funny than most. The action was excellent, but bracketed with an ill-conceived love story between Cruise and Connelly with no discernable chemistry. To read the early reviews you would think this was Saving Private Ryan, but in fact it was a lesser version of the original. The sentimental inclusion of Val Kilmer was a nice touch, but felt exploitative at times. Some of the scenes were hard to suspend disbelief, like a bar full of Gen Z pilots listening and singing along exclusively with 1970's and 1950's rock ballads. I guess I was just expecting too much based upon the prior ratings, but this is not on my top 10 movies of 2022, and not on my top 20 Tom Cruise movies.
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Secret Invasion: Home (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
Maybe the studios need to strike for better writing
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, and I know the concensus is already "this was bad," but I think we need to point the finger in the right directions.

#1 This was a really poorly written show. There was no care given to continuity, consistency, or logic. There were loads of habitable planets the Skrulls could have taken that were already in MCU movies. The severely contaminated base somwhow had no ill effect on the dozen humans that soent months there. Fury didn't ask any Avengers for help because reasons (oh, and it was critically important to his plan to give Gravik and G'iah nearly unlimited power, also for reasons).

I'm not saying this was the worst written MCU product, because Love & Thunder happened, but it was a total dud.

Also, Sam L. Jackson really stunk it up. Sorry, but he did. This was much more 'Snakes on a Plane' than it was 'A Time to Kill.'
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Barbarian (2022)
Is this what horror is now?
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched "Men" not long ago, and was absolutely dumbfounded at how a movie that seems to start as a flawless and unique horror movie can spiral into idiotic stunts and body horror with no discernable direction or point by the end. I though... and hoped... that it was the only such movie I would have to witness. Then I watched Barbarian.

First, there is no "barbarian." The name makes no sense. Second, the silliness does not accent the horror, like in a well-crafted genre mash-up, but instead smothers a creept first 2 acts with a goofy and outright stupid 3rd and 4th. Lastly, and most egregiously, it descends into so many clichés and tropes I can't even list them all. The movie could have and should have either stopped suddenly after the creature reveal, or better yet, have never been released.
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This show has a major dialogue problem
9 July 2023
I read an article recently that claimed 'Hollywood has a Showrunner Problem,' describing that the proliferation of all of these streaming channels trying to fill.out their catalog has led to relatively inexperienced writers and producers being placed in the 'showrunner' role of a major production, with neither the chops or the skill set to put out a quality product. This show is a textbook example.

It succeeds based upon the strength of the intellectual property of Walking Dead and the charisma of two of the original series' biggest stars. It also has the strength of quality WD effects and score. Where it falls flat is the writing. The story has far too many inexplicable turns of events and charachter decisions to excuse, and the dialogue is bad enough to occasionally make you laugh dueing what's supposed to be a dramatic moment. If they are going to keep churning out WD spin-offs, they need to get a more competent captain to steer the ship.
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Take a 2nd look
19 June 2023
New Mutants is a good film. I would put it above most of the X-Men movies, most of the Phase 4 MCU movies and Iron Man 2. That's not very high praise, but represents a rebuttal of the lousy ratings it tends to get.

Its strengths are readily evident: there are interesting characters, a strong plot, well-done effects, and some clever connections to other Marvel movies. Its weaknesses are evident as well: it feels rushed and some of the action dialogue is unnecessarily cheesy. That said, it holds its own as a fun, creepy and unique entry into modern super hero cinema. I would write off the poor box office showing as partly due to Covid, and many of the poor reviews due to it being compared to Phase 3 Marvel, which was full of top-rate movies.

It's not just watchable; it's fun, unique, and memorable. Watch it and see. New Mutants is worth it.
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Steven Universe: Maximum Capacity (2015)
Season 1, Episode 43
This is one of the best episodes
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maximum Capacity is really one of my all time favorites. It has more subtle messages than most episodes, but that's what makes it so rare. It has all the usual hallmarks of a great SU episode, and also has a complex and unexplained confrontation at the end that foreshadows a lot of the later revealed emotional traumas disclosed by the gems.

The episode's pinnacle is the fight between Amethyst and Greg. Not only does is flesh out some of the unresolved trauma they both have regarding Rose, it is heavily implied that Amethyst had shape-shifted into Rose before to help Greg with his grief. How and why remains a mystery.

That said, there are plenty of other episodes I would also rate a 10. It's just a fantastic show!

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Makes Fast & Furious look like Shakespeare
11 November 2021
I'm being a little mean there, but truly, this was the worst-written movie I've seen in a decade. The brutal misunderstanding of the Venom Symbiote as a brooding puppy rather than a sentient parasite was mistake #1, and the desire to make arguably the bloodiest Marvel series from the 90's into a PG-13 buddy movie was a close 2nd. Hardy should never be allowed to write dialogue again, and as much as it pains me, Andy Serkis should stay from behind the camera after this tragic botch of a classic character.
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Robards was somehow the low point
4 September 2021
It's a solid gangster movie for the late 60's era, and the cast is very strong, with multiple Oscar winners. That said, Robards is really poor as Capone for some reason. His acting is the least believable of the entire cast, despite being one of the better overall actors. Still worth a watch.
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A Way Out (2018 Video Game)
A truly well-written game with tons of mini games
26 August 2021
I think this game deserves praise in every category. It was fun, emotional, surprising, hilarious and just challenging enough to make you feel good when you solve a puzzle. 10/10 without a doubt.
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Black Widow (2021)
Ignore the impossibly unsatisfied
15 July 2021
This is a funny, exciting, heartfelt and action-packed movie with a unique plot and some fun surprises. Please do yourself a favor and ignore the obnoxious social commentary reviews and just enjoy the d*** movie.
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Loki (2021–2023)
This is peak Marvel
1 July 2021
The story is original, the acting is fantastic, the soundtrack is epic, the cinematography is breathtaking.

'Nuff Said.
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The Defenders (2017)
Amazing Actors, poor writing
2 May 2021
This show had everything going for it. The actors are fantastic and the characters are fascinating. Even the overall plot was strong!

Where this show flounders in the dialogue. The blueprint was essentially: Daredevil: grieving Jessica: snarky Luke: skeptical Danny: insecure Each character's solo show had better writing than this project. Hopefully the MCU taking the reigns means any future projects will put the script as the 1st priority.
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Mortal (2020)
Really good, but some gaps for me
17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well done take on the mythology, and I enjoyed the spin given to the clash of modern society and old religion. A few things were really hard to get past. 1. Why would the police call an inexperienced therapist you doesn't even work in forensic psychology to meet with a suspected murderer? 2. Why would said suspected murderer be treated as an innocent man after several more people die, just because he saved one kid? 3. How did the local Sheriff suddenly become the sole man in charge of this field trip to excavate the site of several other deaths this man is charged with? I don't think this is a bad movie at all, and I understanding suspending disbelief for a supernatural thriller. I just think this otherwise fine movie left some pretty big plot holes for the sake of brevity, and am not sure why they didn't just release a slightly longer film that takes any time to explain the jagged leaps.
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Legion: Chapter 22 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 3
Not just for Marvel fans
28 July 2019
This show contains one of the most layered and sophisticated depictions of mental illness I have ever seen. While it would be highly triggering for some, this is a brilliantly illustrated and complex story of a powerful but very troubled mind.
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