
231 Reviews
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You'll either love it, or hate it!
14 May 2024
If you're looking for a horror movie - this ain't it.

If you're looking for a comedy - this ain't it.

But, if you (as I do) find deadpan humor in, strange beings, wild plot lines, 4th wall breaks, oh, and zombies. You will find this at least amusing! There are so many stars and/or cameos of older stars in this movie - it was fun to see what had become of their lives. Anything with Bill Murray in it is going to have some morbid humor (Ghostbusters - the real one) with Slimer, some bureaucrat who is 'dickless' and a girlfriend who sleeps 4 feet above her sheets, you know this has to be good!

HIGHLY RECOMMEND! I was laughing at all the 'wrong' places? Or just a sick sense of humor.... Plus, it's on MAX, so the price is right.
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Home Movie (II) (2008)
I feel dumber having watched this!
21 March 2024
This film was total GARBAGE1!

Review on how to survive the apocalypse. It's clearly about how these 2 twins who can speak to each other in some weird language. They also behave rather oddly for children that age. I'm still baffled about the ice cream truck and what role that has to play in the ending?? It's been an hour since I've seen it, and already, I can't remember what I saw - it's just the most ridiculous underwhelming thing I've ever seen.

Best of all, the mother is a shrink and father is a Lutheran Pastor, a convenient 'coincidence' that covers both the psychiatric and spiritual dilemmas. The ending leaves a lot to be desired. This may be the WORST film I've seen in a while. I only give it a 3 star due to the fact that these people can actually act - otherwise, this would have received a 1 star from me. The ending leaves a lot to be desired for.

RECOMMENDATION: SKIP IT!! Unless you want to use the movie as a DARE to someone, like.... 'I hate this movie so much, If the Cowboys beat Green Bay' on Sunday, I'll watch this movie' and if I'm wrong, I will watch AND post a Review on how to survive the apocalypse. It's clearly about how these 2 twins who can speak to each other in some weird language. They also behave rather oddly for children that age. I'm still baffled about the ice cream truck and what role that has to play in the ending??
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Afflicted (2013)
vampires are OK but you add that first person video style
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Vampires are OK but you add that first person video style?

Man, that's way too much pressure for any fan to tolerate both of these. Yeah, it's a bit cheezy - I guess they liked it that way? Not not the worst thing I've seen.... It had some good moments, mostly just what you would expect moments.

RECOMMENDATION: If you can find/watch for free, I'd recommend. Otherwise; don't pay money for it.

I have to type more characters? I've pretty much summed up my review in far less... don't you want concise honest reviews. If you set a minimum characters values, you encourage people to either go off ( like me) or just bable on the movie they saw.. blah..blah..blah.
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Parallel (2024)
Pretty much a 'time travel' style movie - not bad, not great?
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers

Couple lost their ~4 year old son (although it depends in which multiverse you are in). Lady jumps all over time, but going through this 'repeater' point in the woods. Even tries to kill herself.

Look alike hubby found in woods too. But she wants HER hubby.

ENDING: Lookalike hubby goes into his arch, lays TNT over it to blow this gate, giving her 45 minutes to find a gate, and go live there. She finds a gate where everything seems back to usual - and of course, her son is ALIVE???

Wonder what else that may change? Butterfly effect - right!

SUGGESTION: I'd watch it for free, otherwise - nah!
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Flight 7500 (2014)
Someone called this 'HORROR'? Watching this movie was the only horror I saw!!
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
AWFUL plot line. Not scary at all - unless you count smoke and a hand reaching out to be scary? It wasn't even good jump scares. I have no idea how this is classified 'Horror'. I saw more horror in Looney Tunes? I still love the factor that they used the old footage of the Twilight Zone with William Shatner's 'There's something on the wing'.... classic!

I would give it a 1 star, but at least the acting wasn't too bad. Just crappy story line!

SKIP THIS FILM, totally boring!!!


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Basically, 1 guy dies on the plane, and another goes missing. They start going thru his carry ons to find his name and the strange box he was carrying. Only to find out, later in the movie - the turbulence they had experienced earlier - everyone had died. Some people didn't know it yet, and the premise was, 'people who are dead too soon, sometimes hang on until they've finished life here. That's when the main characters find their own dead bodies in their seats. The TV comes on saying, 'Flight 7000 has no life on board and will crash into the Pacific Ocean, due to the drop in cabin pressure, AND the oxygen system failed, everyone is presumed dead'. But the last few remaining - everyone else looked dead, and had left 'this life'.... lame!!

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Ripper Untold (2021)
If you're looking for a horror movie - this is NOT it!
16 February 2024
I really don't understand the low ratings of this film. It had a decent storyline, always make you question who-did-it (I like those films) but it is NOT horror!!

It's mostly drama/ mystery with a tiny bit of gore thrown in for the Ripper's victims - although not too much is shown, or for any length of time. Mostly, it was a victim under a sheet with blood on it. So, if you are a bit squeamish, this would be a good watch for you!

Personally, I was entertained, not the best movie I've ever seen - but certainly entertaining while everyone is suspicious of the other. It's an interesting twist compared to most Ripper stories I've ever read, or saw in other films.
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The Dare (2019)
I DARE you to watch this movie without laughing!
16 January 2024
You know the kinds of movies that or supposed to be horror, but you laugh at them instead (OK, I do have a morbid sense of humor). Well, this movie will have you either bored to death, or laughing until there are tears rolling down your cheeks!

It is similar to Saw - minus: great acting, real danger, puzzles to figure out for a chance live etc. Oh, and the hostages were held in 1 room - not exactly a lot of space to torture people. I guess it would be more like the first Saw movie with 1 room. This movie had 4 people chained up... well, 3.5 if you consider the guy almost dead in the room. They have to do horrible things to each other, like stabbing, or cutting another's eyeball - really stupid stuff.

As Saw does, this film also included a young boy for the killer to groom. It took me a while to figure out who all the characters were (don't worry, I won't spoil it). And the ending was just HILARIOUS!! But, I was just glad the movie ended.

RECOMMENDATION: Skip it, or watch it while you're extremely hi.
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Play Dead (2022)
SUSPENSE Horror type film - Loved it
15 January 2024
If you're looking for the glitz and glam of Hollywood - without outstanding sets and $M budget - this is not your movie !

But if you are into the suspense /horror theme, you're going to have a wild ride. This film literally had me setting on the edge of my seat, with my hands all balled up until the scene was over. That's when I realized I was even doing it?

The Plan: This sister is attempting to help her brother, by breaking into the police's evidence locker, where there was a cell phone which would incriminate him for 1st degree murder of his best friend! The easiest way into the evidence room is through the mortuary.

So, this girl wakes up in a morgue (honestly, I've had worse dates) a little dazed until she remembered that she put herself in there on purpose, taking medication which would make her seem dead to doctors, then she'd recover over several hours.

What she didn't count on was the Funeral Director - he's doing some crazy stuff!! CRAZY!! Which may cost her life if she's discovered....

HIGHLY RECOMMEND: If you're an action, suspenseful, a small amount of blood and guts, and few jump scares - You'll LOVE this movie.
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Breakwater (2023)
WOW! That was really good for an indie!!
25 December 2023
I mean, no big budget explosions or choreographed kung-fu fights, but it had a decent story, and that's what matters!

I have seen some reviewers compare this movie to 'Cape Fear' - and while I can see the resemblances, I liked this movie better. The acting and cinematography were outstanding. It is a bit slow, but it had to be in order to build the characters. I promise, it will keep your attention the entire time.

There are several twists, which I found very entertaining. And the ending had to be what it was - no, it's not grand, but it's true.

RECOMMENDATION: Add this to your list! It's definitely worth the watch!!
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The Prototype (I) (2022)
This has been the worst movie I've ever seen!
24 December 2023
I wish I could explain what I just saw - more importantly how IMDb has this movie rated as, "8.3 Unweighted mean" while the front page shows 2.4 stars? I don't know who screwed with these ratings - but this movie was just AWFUL!!

Don't get me wrong - it's freaking hilarious due to: -poor quality effects/makeup -poor storyline -poor acting
  • ridiculously poor green screen work
  • terrible etc.. etc.. etc...

The only way anyone should watch this is on MST 3K or Rifftrax. There were some scenes I just couldn't stop laughing. My fav is the guy sitting in a chair, wearing these tight white (?leather) pants - and he has a HUGE BULGE .. well, you know where.. I laughed so hard I could barely breathe!!

RECOMMENDATION: Pure Garbage! Only watch this if you're high or something and you're just looking for the lamests movies to make fun on.. otherwise, SKIP IT!!!
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57 Seconds (2023)
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, based on the lower reviews.
10 December 2023
Don't get me wrong, it's NOT winning any awards but I found it a fun watch right before going to bed (not too exciting - more on the relaxing side)

First, how can you not love Morgan Freeman? He's the GOAT! The storyline, while a bit slow, was decent. It's very relevant to today's climate with 2 big pharma companies competing for the future of their companies rather than the actual health of their patients (sound familiar?) 1 Company is trying to make life better with pills and the other is trying to do the same with technological gadget - saying he could CURE everything... society would never need pills again.

As you can imagine, these 2 companies were mortal enemies, mutually exclusive - 1 wins and 1 loses!!

And a reporter/blogger struggling to figure out which side he belongs on and how to do right by his gf/fiancee.

I'd recommend a watch when you're just looking for something to relax to. Maybe older kids (there are some 'easy' women in the movie several times - but not too much shown).
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
I don't get the hate? There are so many different ideas explored in this movie - beyond just the standard zombie faire....
27 November 2023
CAVEAT: I don't get the hate? There are so many different ideas explored in this movie - beyond just the standard zombie faire.... This is NOT a 7 star film, it is a 7 star zombie film.

I think there were a lot of different nuances I had never seen in zombie movies before. I think my favorite was they had their own language, and the fact that this virus is more like rabies than some weird brain eating disorder I found to be interesting as well.

I'm just saying, you've never seen a zombie movie like this... It takes talented writers to think of these little differences. I think you'll enjoy a different twist, I know I did!
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Bright (I) (2017)
Senseless violence, with a story that could have been much stronger and interesting!!
26 November 2023
The action was good - but there was just so much more potential to this movie than we saw. Too much time was spent on gangs and fights etc. I would have enjoyed more time devoted to the past war between the races and how that's shaped today's relations.

Also, is there only 1 wand? What happened to it? What does being a Bright mean if you don't have a wand?

Way too many other possibilities to explore, but instead we just got an hour of fight and chase scenes.

Too bad - it had promise!!

RECOMMENDATION: I'd watch if you're just in the mood for senseless violence, with a garbage story. You'll love this.
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I can't stand 'Chick Flicks' - but there's just something about Down With Love that makes this so exciting!
26 November 2023
As a female, it may seem odd - but I'm not a huge fan of love stories. I usually find them quite dull and boring. For me, if something doesn't blow up, or someone doesn't die / get beat up really bad, etc. It can't hold my attention. Horror, Action, Mystery, Thrillers etc are my favorite genre.

That's why I'm giving Down with Love a super high 9* rating. It's not a serious love story - maybe even fitting in as a Rom-Com, IDK? But to me, this movie is very similar to "The Princess Bride". It's more than romance - there's humor, sexual innuendos, trickery, and an amazingly deep storyline, which will definitely knock your socks off by the end!

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Locked In (V) (2023)
Makes a great 'background noise' movie
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Makes a great 'background noise' movie.

You know, when you're cleaning your house, putting together a puzzle or playing games on your phone etc. And you just need something in the background to keep you entertained (especially on days when you're home alone).

**SPOILERS BELOW HERE** , , , , , , , .

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So an average/poor woman marries into a wealthy family. Her husband has a seizure at the wedding, and he basically lives in the bed, ringing a bell when he needs something. Her Mother-in-law (MIL) also lives in the house with them, and you can tell she doesn't trust her MIL, Which is odd because they were friends for years before she married her brother. I believe their rift occurred when the relative who owned the house away, they left it to the newly weds.

The Family doctor or GP, sticks around a lot due to this illness. He ends up falling in love with the young bride and they carry on a relationship behind everyone's back. The bride and the GP decide it's time to kill the 'sickly' husband (don't know if he's sick, or just being over medicated by GP) so the bride will be the sole owner the house. A few days later, hubby starts feeling better and decides to take his wife on a picnic - the GP suggests they go on an island, and he will row the boat. Hubby, who cannot swim, is not happy about this, but figures he owes it to his wife to finally spend some time with her. It does not seem to me that the wife knew the entire plot, or started to feel bad as it was going down. The boat stopped in front of some loggers, the GP acts as if the oar has fallen over the side, and now he's rocking the boat to grab the oar. Hubby falls out, GP holds him under the water until he drowns, but the wife reaches a hand down to help pull him up... again, not sure how much her heart was into this deed - it really seemed to be the GP pushing for this.

After this event, the wife finds the GP making out with the MIL. HE PROMISED HE LOVED HER - he's screwing around with MIL too!! Wife is pissed - she's ready to let GP kill MIL too now. But, she doesn't know who to trust. A horse 'accident' injured her so bad MIL was "Locked In" ie: no speech, not even eye blinking or hand moving. After a while, she regains the ability to blink, and starts communicating with the hospital staff using an ABC blink board.

Now GP and wife are terrified she's going to tell on them. GP steals MIL from hospital, and takes her home to kill her. Wife is really not good with this, as she begins to realize the GP is just manipulating everyone. Eventually the wife doubts the GP, and everything he says. Wife finds out (through blink conversations with MIL) that the horse accident was due to a gunshot MIL made while riding. She did it to save wife, as GP was attempting to run her over with his car, MIL was able to stop him, but she did not expect to be injured.

In the end, we find out that MIL and wife are teaming up against GP - neither of them trust GP!! The horse accident, was then followed up by the GP running MIL over with his SUV. The wife has had enough, and she will not kill her MIL. She has a knife hidden, and asks GP if she can inject MIL with the deadly potion. Instead, she plunges the shot into him - which is too low of a dose to kill him, but seems to slow him down enough that the wife plunges the knife deep into GP's chest, and he dies.

End scene: police show up, wife has no idea what to tell them?? But, she grabs the hand of her MIL (who is still in a wheelchair and unable to talk) kinda confirming their friendship will make it through this.

Fade to black....................
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Only if you like the 'found footage' type of film - otherwise, you'll want to gouge your eyes out!
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Biggest waste of time in the history of filmmaking!! It was done in the style of Blair Witch or Cloverfield... both movies which I thought were the dumbest things ever made - until I saw THIS!

If lost footage is your style of movie, you may like it? I thought it was pure garbage!!

**SPOILERS** (Well, not really) An old mansion in the middle of nowhere, in 1989 the whole family was killed. In present day, 3 20-somethings come to spend 5 nights in the 'haunted' house. It was clowns - yeap, that's it... CLOWNS!! They'd move from the hall to the closet, and that was suppose to be scary (I guess?). I found it boring - I'd rather watch paint dry! STUPID!!!!!
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After (I) (2012)
Slow love story with garbage ending
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers


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Quick review: 2 people on a bus, get into a crash, wake up to find no one in town - but they keep having flashbacks to when they were younger growing up in this town. They lived 8 houses apart, but didn't know each other. Thinking they were dead after a bus crash - but no, they were in comas.

He was a comic book geek, and she was an aspiring playwriter. Their 'purgatory' was made from a monster she wrote about and a key/passage through a dark cloud from his comic creation. As more time passes, they realize they had bumped into each other a few time over the years. Specifically, the night of the carnival.

She went home to preform a play with her aunt, he went with friends to throw rocks at her 'haunted' house, accidentally knocking over a candle, lighting the aunt on fire. The little girl always thought it was her fault?

Finally, they get back through the door, she is out of his coma, and finds him at his house with a 'care taker' - other than a wheel chair, who knows what was wrong with him?? In the end, they work together to write and draw comics - fall in love, and at the end of the credits, they are on a bus - she has her head on him, falling asleep!
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Haunter (2013)
A bit slow in the action, but a nice psychological thriller (spoilers identified at the end)
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was impressed by this film, especially with its low ratings. I don't understand the hate? It was no Hollywood production, probably pretty low budget, but the story was good, revealing bits and clues slowly over the movie. Acting was good. The ending was a bit ambiguous, but some people like that?

RECOMMENDATION: I would highly suggest this film when you're in the mood for a nice puzzle-solving, who-done-it, style of minor horror (no jump scares or blood and guts). I feel it's harder to write a good story than it is to add in cheap effects!! Go for it!


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. Lisa, who is turning 16 tomorrow, never gets to that day. She's living the same day over and over and cannot understand why. Roughly a week of this repeating she attempts to use a Ouija board, but she is warned by a sinister, older man (Edgar) to NOT attempt to contact the living?? Humm... so, she's dead?

Of course, what 16 year old is going to listen, so she continues to reach out to other voices in the house (like that of another girl) and find more clues. She is being aided by 2 other deceased young women, 1 from the 1950s named Frances, another from present day named Olivia - and we later learn that Lisa and her whole family were killed in 1985.

By linking with these 2 other spirits, Lisa is able to jump back and forward in time to understand what has been happening. There's different fathers, mothers and siblings during the different years. It's during this time we learn clues from how Edgar has been killing all these people. He'd possess the fathers of Lisa and Olivia to kill their entire families, but most he killed himself (ie: Frances and many other young girls, starting in 1956). Edgar has been keeping all the spirits locked inside 'his house' but Lisa is able to put together the clues (missing spark plugs, missing car keys, change in fathers' behavior, missing laundry, and the red door behind the washer - leading to a crematorium full of bones from Edgar's killings) to understand how to escape from Edgar.

Lisa realizes she needs to get EVERYONE to wake up, and realize they are dead. Not just her family, but everyone throughout time. She finds numerous personal items, takes them to the furnace as this provides a link to the dead to WAKE UP. Finally, her entire family wakes up and realizes they are dead - the father being last as he has to remember killing his family with ether, then car running in garage (although he was possessed by Edgar).

In the end, Lisa and all the other dead people wake up to attack Edgar and Lisa is able to stop the killing of Olivia's family, but I still believe Lisa's family is dead - they are just free to do as they wish without Edgar around? Final scene: there's a faint voice from a young lady crying, "Lisa". Which is how it all began. Is she living, is she dead, does she now need to help another of Edgar's victims? I suppose it's up to you to decide?!? (I'm not a huge fan of endings like this....)
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Solaris (2002)
You can't take a Romance movie, put it in outer space and call it Sci-Fi
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't blame the writers, directors, actors - no one who had anything to do with producing this movie... if you are into love stories, this movie is for you!! I blame whatever idiot placed this in the 'Sci-Fi' section. It's like going shopping and finding a tire in the produce section - it just DOESN'T belong there!!

OK, we get it, your wife is dead, but suddenly you can see her again close to this Solaris thingy - yippie! But, as in real life, she keeps offing herself (since she was pulled from his memory by the ?aliens? I suppose, and that's how he remembers her = suicidal). We never get to see any aliens, so I suppose it's up to the viewer to decide what is causing all the crew's dead relatives to show up, alive and well on this spaceship?

In the end, she realizes she is NOT human - she was apparently 'made' by the ?aliens? From his memory? She wants to die for good, and the only way to do that is by using this device which contains the god particle. She begs one of the crew members to use it on her, and she apparently goes away forever. With no ?aliens? On board, they can now go home. As the final crew member starts prepping the ship to go home, a little boy (one of the crewmen's dead son) comes up to him, and reaches out his hand - of course, he takes it.

In the next scene - he's back home again, cutting a cucumber just as he was doing in the beginning of the movie.... only THIS TIME, his girlfriend/wife is in his house. He asks, "Are we alive or dead?" She replies, "We don't have to think like that any more." And that's it!! That's how it freaking ends!! What a wasted of 2 hours. What a let down!

RECOMMENDATION: If you want to watch a LOVE STORY, I 100% suggest this film, however, if you are looking for true sci-fi, keep moving along - this is NOT the movie you are looking for!!!
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Horrible low budget flick
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Usually, most horror films are low budget, and that's OK - if they have decent actors, or decent plot, or decent twists etc... etc... this movie had NONE of these elements!

So, this story was about a kid that 2 lesbian (bi?) women adopted - can't remember if they were married or not - not that important! But, the 'nice' woman seemed to be on the run from the 'evil' woman, with their son in tow.

Eventually, they go to their old farm house, where the 'nice' woman killed her abusive mother, only to find out the house is haunted. Of course, at first, you think it's haunted by her dead mother - but no! As the plot unfolds you find out that these 2 women didn't 'adopt' this child - they kidnapped him, and killed his real mother, and now she is on a rampage to kill these 2 women. Which she does in the end, leaving the kid to go off with this other woman he barely knows, a high school friend from the 'nice' woman's past.

RECOMMENDATION: SKIP IT! That was horrible. I didn't even plan on watching this, it just started playing and I was too busy to find something else.
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Aged (2023)
Been done a million times!!
18 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is about the 500th time I've seen this horror movie done.... So, an old lady, who is in the throws of dementia, and wheelchair bound, is looking to hire a caregiver (a nice young lady).

She shows up at the house, where everything seems OK, but the man with the 1 car just drops her off, and doesn't really say when he'll be back?? And when he does come back he's upset with how the young lady is treating the old - so he doesn't give her a ride.

As time goes on, the older lady becomes strong, can walk, has her memory intact etc. While the younger lady becomes weaker and forgetful.

In the end, you realize the person who was stuck in the old woman's body was also a younger woman who had come many years before. She is now free to leave, with her replacement officially installed.

RECOMMENDATION; SKIP! Boring, lame, and it's been done hundreds of times!
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The Thaw (2022– )
THAW left me feeling ICE COLD!
10 October 2023
This was a series of 6 episodes (although, it doesn't say there won't be more - I just won't be watching them). I'm not sure what they'd do in additional episodes, it seems the case was summed up - I suppose they could do an anthology style show?

The acting and voiceover (in English) was excellent, it was the STORYLINE - 3 thumbs down! It's just a hot mess of characters who are drunks, then not drunks... suspicious, then trustworthy... and EVERYBODY has lost somebody in their family rather recently, with 1 man having lost both a wife and daughter. But of course, we're trying to find a way to connect ALL of this??

When you are introducing NEW CHARACTERS in the 5th and 6th episode, something has really gone WRONG!!! I couldn't believe how much time they spent dragging you along this sssllllooowwww tale, only to shove everything in the last 2 episodes. I was bored out of my mind!!! Even the ending wasn't some big payoff, making it worth my time to watch episodes 1-4. I just felt cheated out of my time.

SUGGESTION: Skip it!! Unless you like watching paint dry (and the paint is 15 different colors, swirled into nothing recognizable). Then, after it dries, they rush back and throw another 10 colors on top of that. It's just stupid! Save your time!!!
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Immortal (2004)
Has a similar feel between 'Blade Runner' and/or 'The 5th Element' but on a shoestring budget
5 October 2023
Keep in mind, this movie is a LOW BUDGET film, not attracting the likes of Harrison Ford, Stanley Kubrick, or Bruce Willis, etc - but as a percentage of $$ spent, I'd say this movie does a lot more, considering their resources were a lot less.

Those who call this movie 'confusing' are just used to Hollywood spoon feeding them plotlines and simple stories! No, they never explain where the different races come from - why some of them are animated, human or something in the middle - but for those of us who have a good imagination, it doesn't really matter. We can create our own stories concerning Earth and all its new inhabitants without a 15 minute backstory. I'd prefer to get on with the action, which this film does right from the first second!

It's really hard to rate as I can't say I've ever seen a movie like this. It's certainly unique!!! But highly creative!!! I wish they had cut back a little bit on how much focus was given to the love story.. overall it was pretty awesome!

RECOMMENDATION: Just watch the 1st 15 minutes, that's enough to give you the feel of the movie and not waste too much time. I personally think you will love it!!
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Take, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" remove any sense and reduce your IQ to roughly 50!
28 September 2023
Take, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" remove any sense and reduce your IQ to roughly 50.... and you'll get "No One Will Save You".

And it's true, No One saved me, not even myself!! I watched the whole stinking movie hoping there would be a reason for all this idiocracy... NOPE! Just more stupidity.

I have no idea what the invaders were trying to communicate, or who was in control of who? I think the circles in everyone's yards was the most intriguing part of the film - which is really, really sad!!

RECOMMENDATION: SKIP IT!! I'd rather have a colonoscopy (without lube) than to ever be forced to watch another 30 seconds of this film. It was HORRIBLE!!
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Hijack (2023)
I had such high hopes for this show at the beginning, only to flop at the end
10 September 2023
Obviously, from the title, an airplane has been hijacked by a group of roughly 6 people. Idris Elba's character has a career of negotiating company mergers, and for a while it was fun to watch him shmooze his way through the first episode, making it seem like he was there to help the hijackers (ie: earn their trust). But, after about the 4th or 5th episode it just became a rote formula for how each episode was going to play out.

The acting was great, and the story started that way, but by the end you're just left with emotions like... 'huh? Really? That's it?'. It was a horrible let down!

RECOMMENDATION: This is a difficult one to call, mostly because the first few episodes were 10 stars, and the last few were 1 star. I guess I'd have to say SKIP IT, because nothing is worse than a show which sucks you in with the promise of action and a good story - only to spit you out at the end with garbage!!!
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