
13 Reviews
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If James Cameron watched this his head would explode.
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can watch a movie where I need to suspend disbelief. I can watch movies with subtitles. I can watch movies where the hero does impossible things. But I CANNOT watch a movie that is full of so many ridiculous, idiotic concepts. I CANNOT watch a movie that is obviously just a shill piece for selling tickets in China. (Don't believe me just listen to the end credits song in Chinese) and finally I CANNOT watch a movie that treats its audience as idiots.

With this movie you end up spending most of the time focusing on the idiotically designed tech the ludacris situations and the complete asinine decisions along the way. Basic concepts that would NEVER happen even the dumbest movie. Like "oh there's a young kid on our sub going on a mission that's as dangerous as a space mission but oh well let's just keep going down to the highly dangerous crush depths full of megladons." Or when they're in their little boat surrounded by giant sharks who target even the smaller vibration and the one guy says "everyone quiet!" only for every idiot in the boat to then start making moronic quips at normal speaking volume. But the one that takes the cake is the idiot swimming with the captured Meg with his glorified clicker. Every time he does that chicken thing I just picture the viral video of the first Volvo Self Braking Car where a bunch of people line up and the car just PLOWS through them instead of stopping. That's what would have really happened if someone tried that test with any shark, let alone an Apex super predator who is programmed to do one thing. P my

To say this movie is dumb is an insult to dumb movies. Dumb movies know they are dumb and double down on the ridiculous. This movie just assumes YOU are dumb. This piece of crap makes the Sharknado movies look like Oscar bait.
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Who those people from the US Socialist Convention think they are.
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like a lot of the ideals that are portrayed in this film however it just seems like too often they pigeon hole an excuse to champion politics that are really no better than the ones they criticize. There is no one correct way of life that is perfect for everyone.

I found the messages in this movie to be highly contradictory of one another. One minute they are championing Mao the next they are celebrating the freedom offered by the Bill of Rights in the US which they spent much of the movie criticizing. Christianity is bad and the US is a wasteland of Capitalist Fascist greed yet on the other hand they are essentially free to live how they choose without being forced to be a Christian or live like everyone. It does seem odd that this character and his family ascribe to many of those opinions since many of the ones who typically live like this family are often far-right militia types or sovereign citizens. The hippies of the 60's are pretty much a rarely with most of the "socialist communist types" of today being Che T-shirt wearing college kids who get triggered by clapping or gendered language. It's just a total disconnect of ideals to me.

The biggest fallacy of logic is that on one hand the mother wanted to be cremated and have her ashes flushed down a toilet yet on the other the father was willing to put his freedom and life with his children on the line to fulfill her will and go to her memorial.

The biggest irony is how they talk about rather celebrating Noam Chompsky's birthday than Christmas because it's about "fairy tales" while the realities of the life this guy has with is family is one that is just as big of a fairly tale.
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I'm not sure what I am watching or what they're trying to say..
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is well shot and the acting is okay but the pacing and the delivery is very odd. It's like I'm watch a movie made by an early AI basing all the dialog on how it thinks people actually speak to each other. Add in yet another movie where it seems they're trying to normalize child grooming with the whole "hey she's 17 and it's illegal but hey you're a red blooded American boy so okay make sure she goes to school!" They put the nail in the coffin for me with this show with the "meet my dad" scene. The whole be the tiger scene was it for me. I'm done. I rarely turn movies or shows off. This is one of those few. The movie is already awkward with it's dialog and maybe it is relishing being weird for the sake of being weird but all of it comes across as trying too hard to be edgy or something. Maybe a good director could shape this into something watchable but who knows. Just too weird for me.
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Andor: One Way Out (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Wow. Just wow...
9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To try to put into words how good this episode is is near impossible. I will try. This episode captures all the elements from great movies so well. Elements like a slow burn story that builds tension to squeezes you deep into the story. Or the unique style and vibe that those classic WW2 spy movies had in the 60's and 70's. Or that pall of hopelessness that classic prison escape movies captured so well where the characters have nothing left to lose so they go all in on the "no holds barred, winner takes all" prison escape plan.

Andor has all of those and more rolled into one. I remember thinking that when they announced the show was being made I told my friends I actually thought it would be one of their best ones. I am glad I am right. It pulls the viewer into the Star Wars universe and shows you the hidden foundation of the Rebel Alliance in ways that are refreshing yet still feel like those comfortable old stories we all love.

Star Wars is not only lightsabers, Jedi, Mandalorians and people with cool helmets. It's also politics, espionage, intrigue and blurred moral lines.
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Ambulance (2022)
Excellent stunts, decent characters, flawed 3rd act
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Bay movies are great when it comes to stunts, explosions and thrills. It's not Shakespeare so don't expect it to be that, but it works well as a summer popcorn flick. I thought it was interesting overall and kept my attention but I wished they had worked on filling some plot holes and fixed the third act. My biggest gripes are:

  • too many movie cliches like "gotta take out the bullet" or "the "battery died" or "bad guy isn't bad but a good guy who made a mistake" and the list could continue.

  • plot armor was heavy in some spots
  • poor editing and direction in places. Especially in a few stunts where there's not enough of a set up of shot to know what exactly was happening.

  • dumb decisions to prolong the story. Like when the met up with the dude who painted the vehicle, why didn't they just ditch the ambulance then, tie up the woman and leave with the people who were freely driving in and out around the area? Just escape while you can and let the decoys lead the cops away! So many dumb decisions throughout. Also another dumb one was why were they using their real names and telling everyone personal facts about themselves? Then the cops say stuff like "this guys has robbed 38 banks, he's good" Hearing conflicting things like that make the movie unrealistic.

  • botching the third act. I could have come up with a dozen alternative endings that would have been been something unique, different and unexpected. Put some surprise ending stuff in there or bring things in smaller scale and let the characters build drama through dialog. Focus on brother and brother to make the brother VS brother feel more tragic.

Anyway I'm pointing out the bad stuff. There was some great car stunts and shoot outs. Bank heist and evasion parts were at time reminiscent of Heat, Drive and Inside Man which was nice. The LA River chopper shots were insane considering they threw that together in less than 2 hours. Some interesting drone shots. Good stunts too. Finally the fact that this movie was shot in just 38 days especially considering the number of stunts involved, is impressive enough for me to bump my review up a star from 6 to a 7.
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Vice (2015)
You should thank Bruce Willis for all the bad movies and here's why...
6 November 2022
I have seen many people make comments about how bad any newer movie that has Bruce Willis in it is. It's been that way for at least the last 10 years or so. And yes, everything that he has put his name on now is garbage. But we should thank him though. Here's why.

Because nearly everyone uses streaming services to see movies now, we have lost a very valuable tool. We don't get to read the titles of all of those cheap, loosely shrink-wrapped, straight-to-video DVD's sitting at the counter of the local drug store chain. This means we can't identify BAD movies as easily now. On one hand it's good they're gone. I mean how many kids went to their grandparents house on Christmas excited because they would finally get to own that awesome movie all of their friends saw but they missed. However instead of Endgame or Transformers these poor kids ended up with garbage like "Revengers: Ending Games" or "Transmorphers!" Christmas is ruined all because Grandma didn't know the difference between the movies. Unfortunately now WE are like Grandma.

Today we see a movie scroll by on the steaming service and think "that's got some big names in it, it must be decent" and decide to watch it only to realize it's crap after wasting your night. If we had a time machine and this movie had just come out in 1997 it would have been sitting on the shelf at the drugstore for sure. Of course it wouldn't have been called Vice though, they would have gone with something like "Waste World" for sure. That would have let everyone (except for Grandma) know it was a bad movie.

But thankfully now there is HOPE! Bruce Willis has generously given up his career for the behalf of everyone. He has taken the greatest role of his life, a role that will help the world avoid (at least SOME) film travesties. He has taken the role of "the drug store discount DVD." And he is amazing at it. Never have I seen such apathy towards acting, such disgust at having to still be bothered to contribute art to the world. He is all in.

Now when you see his name you will know that the movie he is in is NOT one you should watch.

(Slow clap here please) Thank you for your sacrifice for us all Mr. Willis.
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Andor: The Eye (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
The other half of the Star Wars coin.
18 October 2022
To me Star Wars embodies two different elements that need to be balanced to make the perfect show. The first is the fan service and spectacle; the "OMG I cant believe we saw..." combined with the explosions, FX and action. The second element is cinematic storytelling; the "we're getting an Oscar" mixed with the pretentious auteur.

Mandalorian had a good balance of the two, siding more on the first element more then the second. Boba Fett even more so. Very little of the second element. Obi Wan was a bit of both as well but not enough of either one.

Andor has put its money on the second element first. It's building an epic cinematic experience that will lay the ground work for many years to come. More of a 70's espionage film than a 2010's comic movie.
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The true horror of this show was its poor dialogue writing in the last three episodes.
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this show up until around the last 3 episodes. The writer of these particular episodes obviously doesn't understand how people talk to each other. The format that they stuck in every single scene was this. One person says something and the other replies with a super long monologue that is just them talking in "beautiful allegory" accented by somber piano chords followed by the next person then starting the same long drawn out annoying process. This would be fine once in a while but it was every single scene and every single character. My daughter and I were laughing during the scene where the two sisters run the car off the road on the way to the house and the one sister is sobbing on the side of the road. She then breaks into, you guessed it, a horribly acted, even worse written monologue about "nothing" and "it's like" this and that and this and that and nothing and nothing is full of the blah blah blah. I almost turned it off. Once you notice it the show soon becomes unwatchable because you can't unsee it. The dialogue writing is the true horror of the show.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Easy to write a great show when you have thousands of pages written by a great novelist
13 May 2019
I now realize that the first 7 seasons were so great because anyone can craft a masterpiece when they have a color by numbers guide to help. When you have such amazing, deep, inventive and far reaching narritive to delve into to write a show around of course it will be great. But what happens when the author isn't caught up to where they are on the show? Now these guys have to write and ending. It's obvious that they are nowhere as skilled with guiding the narrative as Mr. Martin. These episodes are basically as if your favorite band recorded an album and for the last half of it the road crew stepped in and wrote the songs. Shockingly obvious where the genius for this show came from. Makes me worried for what these two will do to destroy (even more if that's possible?!?!?) Star Wars.
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Magic for Humans (2018–2020)
Great magic but with layers of SJW BS.
20 August 2018
Liked the magic, liked the magicians sense of humor but was turned off by the obvious liberal agenda that is shoehorned into almost every episode. Divey up, divey down
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An interesting but very obviously agenda driven film.
30 May 2018
I watched this movie expecting a gritty how-to for surviving in prison but the longer I watched the more it felt like an advertisement for a politician during reelection. Lots of percentages and statistics thrown at you with very little in regards to the sources of where they came from. It also felt very imbalanced in its portrayal of prison and prisoners, on one side talking about how terrible prisoners are but then talking the next about how they all shouldn't be there. They didn't seem to be very clear to what exactly they were trying to say. One woman in particular struck me as being in complete denial that murder is bad. I would have liked to see both sides of this issue not just the one that they seem to want to shove down your throat.
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Amazingly biased fictionalized drivel.
17 March 2018
Rather then presenting a theory and then using facts to back up his theory the movie maker decided to just state his opinion as facts. Statements like "the Bush's are Nazis and the Illuminati" are said as if they are facts that and he uses statements like this to build his very biased joke of a "documentary" into a laughable waste of time. Go find some hot needles and stick them in your eyes instead, you'll have caused yourself less pain then if you watched this.
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Catch and Release (II) (2006)
I am really only giving this a half of a star...
24 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've had some very painful root canals and some major surgeries where I thought I was going to die and while I watched this movie with my wife I found myself longing for those times because they were far less painful than having to sit through this movie. In my opinion the movie couldn't have been cast any worse then it was, Jennifer Garner couldn't have played a worse character even if she were cast as Aileen Wuornos in Monster it would have paled in comparison to this horrible hollow character. As far as the chemistry between Garner and Olyphant, a love story about a plastic bag that falls in love with a piece of cardboard would be far more exciting and frankly far more realistic. I was hoping that he would go crazy and pull out a razor and start killing people like in his other movies. At least then SOMETHING would have happened. It amazes me the garbage that gets green lit these days and that people actually spent money making this shallow, predictable snore fest. I guess the 8 year old girl that wrote the script while in the hospital recovering from her lobotomy was the daughter of one of the big movie executive with all the money. On the good side the DVD makes a wonderful coaster or pizza cutter, therefore the half-star.
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