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Mother! (2017)
Everything but the kitchen sink.
28 June 2022
If you are debating whether to see this film, it is definitely worth a shot considering how many people absolutely love it because you might love it too! On the other hand, if you have the feeling Mother might not be for you given what you've already heard about it, then feel free to skip out because you're probably right.

To start, everyone should go into this film expecting to be very uncomfortable. What you should not expect is a true horror movie like what it was advertised as. There is an excessive amount of religious symbolism within the film along with an added, mostly unnecessary, plot twist. Creators threw in everything but the kitchen sink.

The best thing about the film is the camera work. The wide shots of the outside of Him and Mother's house showing how large it is followed by close-up shots of Lawrence's face as she walks around inside emphasize just how claustrophobic and constrained she feels throughout the movie. These shots do a lot to establish the atmosphere and are one of the more clever ways the director created a sense of unease and discomfort. Despite this and Lawrence and Bardem's performances, the film is still lacking because it tried to do too much.

The audience is beaten over the head with the religious imagery. While it makes sense for God (Him) to be in control and drag Mother Nature (Mother) along for the ride and to have Mother's outbursts represent the way the natural environment reacts to being forcibly altered by humans (represented by the other characters destroying her home), it leans on the metaphor too hard. Mother's extremely passive personality and delayed reactions despite her clear exasperation may be representative of how Mother Nature - an inhuman force - rolls with the punches until being acted upon from the outside by irreparable damage, but they don't translate well to a human being.

Lawrence's character is desperately uncomfortable with the actions of her husband and the other characters. When she snaps, she justifiably explodes, but it is obnoxious how much it takes for her to react. The intent is to show she is a force to be reckoned with when pushed too far, but given the way she practically cowers around Him and goes back to being complacent nearly immediately, she isn't believable as a personified character. Her complacency in the face of extreme situations is clearly meant to frustrate viewers but comes across as if the writer's desire to make people uncomfortable overtook the actual story. It also makes the film more inaccessible to many viewers who may not understand the "deeper meaning" of every moment, which is why so many viewers find the film to be pretentious.

Without giving too much away, the added twist at the end was also unnecessary. It wasn't a bad ending, but the existential dread and the potential religious implications of the final minutes come across as another unnecessary metaphor since creators included everything but the kitchen sink by jam packing the rest of the runtime. Because the rest of the film beat the metaphor to death first, it could've simply ended after what Mother does when she reaches her breaking point without adding further symbolism. With that said, I do find the twist rather interesting, and the movie's final image adds to the broader impacts of Him's actions and is artfully unsettling, so it would've been a better movie overall if the rest of the religious symbolism weren't so severe, which would make the final seconds into an interesting, thought-provoking conclusion rather than just another way of making viewers uncomfortable.
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Fantastic acting, but don't get your hopes up for a scare-fest.
28 June 2022
This is a good film, but I was hoping for more. After seeing the first trailer, I got excited due to the names attached to the production. The film looked creepy and suspenseful, and I was initially expecting it to be unnerving but not scary, which is an accurate way of describing the film's atmosphere, and the acting alone makes the movie worth watching.

With said, I can't ignore the movie's primary stumbling blocks. The trailers that were released closer to the film's theatrical release promised intense scares and truly horrifying experience. Based on the initial trailers, I highly doubted this, but I got my hopes up anyway after the newest trailers. I was disappointed. I'd recommend not going into this movie expecting the next Sinister or The Conjuring. However, to be fair, it was the marketing material that came out only within the last 2-3 weeks that hyped up the scariness of the film, so I'm not removing any points for this flaw, but it is worth mentioning to set proper expectations and make the first watch more enjoyable.

While the story itself is unnerving, the main problem arises with the cheap jump scares clearly meant to emulate Sinister, which is a master class in well-crafted jump scares. They are primarily startling due to the excessively loud sound design rather than being skillfully made. The sound queues were so loud that it was hard to take them seriously and they came across as if creators were trying way too hard to say "I promise this movie is terrifying." The ghost children are involved in a couple of them, but because they were revealed in the trailer, the audience is constantly expecting them to appear every time the camera pans.

Now for the positives, the plot itself is a clever and unique take on an abduction story, and the supernatural elements are blended fairly well. Ethan Hawke is extremely convincing and pulls off the character's quick mood shifts expertly, which is only more impressive given his face is almost entirely hidden the entire movie. The child actors are also absolutely incredible! The range of emotion displayed by both Mason Thames and Madeleine McGraw are nearly always pitch perfect. There are a few comedic beats that come from McGraw's character that don't hit very well though. While these portions are still acted very well, there are some 10-second long funny clips placed in the middle of extremely tense scenes. Flashing to these funny bits for a matter of seconds before immediately returning to the intense moments they interrupted is too strong of a tonal shift in several cases (not as bad as a zombie with leprosy throwing up on Eddie via It Chapter II, but still very awkward), which not only kills the mood, but also makes what could otherwise be laugh-out-loud moments come across as irritating and out of place. Again, this is in no way due to McGraw or her acting, which is fantastic.

Overall, if you're a fan of the genre, I would highly recommend you go see this movie! Nearly all the acting is exceptional, and the plot is both compelling and deeply unsettling. Just don't get your hopes up for a fright-fest, that way you'll be adequately disturbed without expecting more than the film has to offer.
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Hostel (2005)
More porn than torture porn. Do yourself a favor and watch Saw instead.
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Do yourself a favor and watch the Saw franchise instead. To start, I will say that the fact there are a group of people who pay to torture and kill people was a pleasant plot development, but that's just about the only good and/or interesting thing that happens. The entire movie is full of female nudity, which wouldn't be as much of an annoyance if it weren't so clearly biased. Even during graphic sex scenes (which are prevalent), the female will be naked while the male is either fully clothed or off screen, and there are (quite literally) naked women around every corner for no apparent reason other than to portray Europe as a hyper-sexual place where women are constantly naked and on drugs and eager to sleep with the first man that they see. The film is more porn than torture porn, and it doesn't succeed well either way. If you're looking for torture porn, go watch Saw 2. It came out the same year and is eons better than this: better story, better characters, better gore, better jokes, more interesting, easier to laugh at and enjoy.

The writing in Hostel is poor, and the characters aren't sympathetic. They travel across three countries (going completely out of their way) just because a person they don't know shows them nudes of women he met in Slovakia who could be the exact same actresses shown naked at the brothel in the previous scene, and their only motivation for anything is "p*ssy." That's it. There is no character development beyond wanting to sleep with as many European women as they can.

I was hoping to at least enjoy the gore and the torture scenes. I was disappointed. EVERYTHING is done off screen, and there aren't even enough sound queues to make you cringe. There's lots of screaming, but that's it. You always hear about how gorey Hostel is, but to put it in perspective, Silence of the Lambs has more on-screen gore. While this film is very bloody, and you do see the result of some of the injuries inflicted, the practical effects aren't good either. Out of the three times you actually see anything happening, two of them are done so closely that you can tell they're just drilling holes in a piece of rubber skin, and even a shot of a man cutting off another man's fingers isn't as shocking as you'd hope it to be considering you chose to watch this film, which is supposedly known for its torture elements. Sometimes the practical effects are also completely nonsensical. A woman has her face burned with a blow torch (once again off screen), but she has a fake eye that looks like it came from the 99cent store dangling off her face, not burned whatsoever. Instead of blood, puss proceeds to pour out of the spot where her eye is clearly hidden below makeup. There's no eye socket, just a mess of makeup and prosthetics sitting on top of her actual eye, which can still be clearly seen.

Hostel is not even bad enough to be funny because the characters are so unlikeable and creators used every excuse possible to show nude women in sexual positions to the point where it's tiring, not interesting, sexy, or shocking like they clearly hoped. When I say they use every single chance they can, I mean that by about ten minutes in, I just kept saying "oh look, another naked chick, who would've guessed!" That is the only characterization the film offers: three men want to travel across Europe, and on the way they come into contact with dozens of naked women, many of whom throw themselves at their feet. Then they get kidnapped after sleeping with the wrong women and taking drugs from them without stopping to ask what they are swallowing and are tortured off screen. The ending is also nonsensical because once the lone survivor hears one of the killers chatting on the train, he immediately recognizes him even though he never came into contact with the man at the torture gallery and only ever saw him briefly from behind. Do yourself a favor. Watch Saw.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Beautiful film, but I couldn't get past how dumb these characters are.
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Visually, this is beautiful. The SFX, the suits, the technology, the absolutely massive ship, the gorgeous scene when Android, David, is surrounded by a holographic map of the universe, even the engineers and aliens themselves. Everything is visually well-done, and unlike most, I'm actually not at all disappointed that it's not the same as Alien because I didn't expect it to be. That said, it's full of very smart people making very stupid decisions. Seriously, why are these smart characters so painfully dumb? It honestly killed the movie for me, but while this movie wasn't for me, the visuals alone make it worth watching and honestly, if you're not a writer in the entertainment industry like I am, then you probably won't be bothered at all, so please don't let me scare you away!!!! I really wanted to enjoy this movie, and thankfully there are people out there who are able to do that for me. If that's something you have the gift of being able to ignore, or not even notice to begin with, you don't even need to keep reading, just watch the film, and enjoy. If, however, you were also bothered by just how dumb these people are, keep reading to find out why I only gave this beautiful movie a six.

Elizabeth stupidly falls into the trope of saying "it's a scientific exploration, so we don't need weapons" when they're on an unknown planet looking for other life forms, and they have no idea how friendly those life forms are, let alone if there are any other unexpected dangers. Minutes later, it backfires, and a character even remarks that it was dumb that they didn't bring weapons. Two throw-away characters then stupidly run off because they get scared, and after they separate from the main group, they end up getting lost and, inevitably, left behind. It felt like watching Scooby-Doo. Captain, Janer, then stupidly leaves his post to go have sex with boss Vickers, and doesn't even bother telling anyone to stay and keep radio contact with the two people who are now stuck, and this is AFTER a censor reported another living thing in there with them. Of course, these throw-aways are killed (after several more stupid decisions on their part).

Scientist Charlie stupidly removes his helmet because there's air on the ship even though he has no way of knowing what types of viruses, spores, bacteria, etc could be in the air, and everyone else follows suit. It ends up being a dose of black goo David slips him that makes him sick, however. Even though he is aware he is sick, he still goes back again and doesn't let anyone know. He just watches as they all remove their helmets once again. He starts feeling sick but repeatedly tells everyone he's "okay" while simultaneously asking Elizabeth to figure out what's wrong with him, and they still don't have helmets on! Charlie also decides to stupidly get drunk immediately after returning to the ship the first time because he's upset that all of the engineers are dead even though not minutes before, Elizabeth discusses with another character that they've only been there a couple hours, so they have no way of knowing if they're all gone, and spoiler alert, they're not. While the other characters are examining a head that they found, he's practically laying on a pool table. He's meant to be a scientist, but after two hours on a completely new planet, he is getting drunk and throwing a tantrum because he didn't immediately find what he wanted. Elizabeth and Charlie stupidly decide to have sex the second they're alone (that's now four characters who go off to have sex in the middle of something important) instead of examining their finds, and one another, to make sure nothing dangerous made it back, which of course it did. On a third return to the ship, Elizabeth tells everyone that they need their helmets because it could've been something in the air that infected Charlie. The other characters stupidly refuse to listen, and for some reason, TWO MINUTES LATER, Elizabeth takes hers off too!

Elizabeth is extremely intelligent and manages to program the med chamber to give her a make-shift c-section, after it is tells her it is only programmed for males, by telling it to cut out a foreign body on her abdomen. You heard that right, in the year 2091, a ship that is run by a female has an extremely expensive med chamber in her room, but it's only designed to do procedures regarding reproductive organs on men......... wut? Seven decades in the future (8 since the film came out), there are medical devices on space ships that can travel across the universe run and crewed by women that aren't programmed for any female-specific medical needs. It's an excellent chance to show off Elizabeth's intelligence and quick-thinking, sure, but it is still a silly plot point because there's no logical reason that machine wouldn't be able to do a cesarean, and once again, it makes it even more confusing when Elizabeth herself then begins making more stupid decisions, which is a disservice to her character.

David brings back an object from the ship and doesn't sterilize it. He also begins pressing buttons and opening doors any time he is near them and touches every wet and/or goopy thing he sees. This is all in a ploy to make him seem overtly suspicious, but we're practically beaten over the head with it, which makes it fairly obvious that he isn't the main villain, so it's obnoxious watching this very obvious misdirect for an hour and a half instead of having a realistically intelligent robot who isn't rude, sometimes sadistically so, to the other characters for no reason while claiming to be emotionless.

When the characters realize the only way to save earth is to destroy the engineers' ship with their own, Janer gives Vickers a chance to run and disconnects the escape pos for her. She jettisons herself from the ship, and Janer disconnects the escape pod, which crashes because there's no pilot. She then makes a critical mistake while running from the engineers ship as it falls. Her character was shown to be intelligent, calculated, and self-interested on multiple occasions, so it makes no sense for her to do this. Once again, a disservice to a smart character. There's clearly no reason for this stupid decision other than plot purposes, which is obvious about four minutes later. The characters do the same thing we see in every other film when something large is about to fall on them. Instead of running to the side, Vickers and Elizabeth stupidly try to outrun the giant ship in the same direction that it's falling. The film seems to have zero self awareness of how dumb this decision is because moments later, Elizabeth falls and is able to roll out of the way and avoid being crushed by moving LITERALLY THREE FEET to the side, while Vickers keeps running straight and is crushed. Elizabeth makes the same mistake when the ship begins falling the other direction moments later, but thankfully isn't killed when the ship nearly lands on her because she's wedged against a rock.

These are some of the dumbest smart characters I've seen in a long time...
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