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Best found footage since VHS
26 March 2024
Late Night With The Devil has to be one of the better found footage releases in a while. Its ability to make you feel like you're watching a late 1970's talk show while telling a story between what would be commercials is very unique. A lot of newer horror movies that revolve around demons or possession tend to fall flat at some point through out its run time, but not this one. From start to finish they really did a great job with the build up to the climax of this movie. I also appreciated a lot of the practical effects used on some of what would be the creepier / scarier scenes. As a whole you are not subjected to cheesy jump scares, but rather a build up of suspense that ultimately rounds out the overall arching story that essentially revolves around the host of the Night Owls talk show. If you're a horror lover its a must watch for sure..
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Them (2021– )
Mixture of supernatural and America's chilling past.
13 April 2021
Aside from the supernatural elements, where THEM really shines, is in its ability to make you feel what this family is going through. THEM offers a chilling look of America's extreme racist past that was not so long ago (Not to say were aren't dealing with racism today, but we will leave the politics out). Creepy moments built up similar to scenes from the Shining really add to some of these episodes. The acting is amazing, and although the story jumps around from time to time, it is easy to keep up with. As the season progresses you start to question the mental state of some characters as well as some of there actual intentions. Each episode draws you in wanting to see what will happen next which makes it easy to binge. Episode 5, in my opinion, is the most horrifying episode in the season. THEM is very underrated but I feel will gradually get the credit it deserves. I suggest giving it a shot.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Finally a FUN thriller
28 August 2019
Was not expecting much with this movie, but boy did it catch me off guard. If you are a pretentious movie goer and need realistic build up to what I thought was a great ending then you are probably going to be with the many that have rated this a 1 or a 2. If you are looking to indulge in just a fun thriller / horror comedy then I think you will be pleasantly surprised much like myself. Think Clue meets your next with a sprinkle of Satanic Sacrifice. I think any fan of the horror / thriller genre will enjoy this breathe of fresh air from all the other movies out there pumping you with cheap jump scares for 90 minutes.A possible cult classic is on our hands!
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Patriots Day (2016)
Tasteful but Unnecessary
21 December 2016
Being from Boston and really a part of all the events that happened that week, I was really looking forward to this movie. I had hopes of seeing a cinematic masterpiece that portrayed the moments of pure chaos and the strength of multiple cities coming together to find the terrorist responsible for the act that was committed on that Marathon Monday. Instead what I got was a Hollywood style visual of a week that was filled with so many ups and downs that was blown way over the top at points. Patriots day had its moments and I am sure will be a huge hit everywhere other than the place where the events took place. Mark Wahlberg was my biggest issue with this movie as he played a made up cop who just so happened to be at every big event that took place that week, spewing his over the top Boston accent and try to give some comic relief at the movies darkest points. Honestly if he was not in this movie and it was still put together the way it was I might have enjoyed this a bit more. There are a few scenes of actual footage from that day mixed with the cinematic footage which was done pretty well at parts. They did a good job of showing the timeline of events that happened and a look at the brothers side where all we have really seen was the medias. It delivered on moments of suspense, fear, and anger, but I think more so because I myself actually was a part of it and it was brining back a lot of memories that were put away but never really forgotten. At the end of it though all I could do was shake my head as the overall movie, Mark Wahlberg's Character, and some of the over the top scenes just really seemed unnecessary. Similar to movies made about 9/11 and other disasters, this will be a cinematic hit to everyone who did not actually live through it and see the events first hand. Not the worst movie of 2016, but what a great way to sum up what has already been a pretty shitty year by slapping you in the face with some horrific memories of a day a lot of us were strongly impacted by. Boston Strong!
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Horror done right
10 June 2016
I do not understand why so many have trouble making a horror movie now a day. All you have to do is just use James Wan's creative genius as a guideline and you should, in Theory, have horror gold. Let me start off by stating that I thought the first conjuring was one of the scariest movies I have seen In a loooooong time, and put together so brilliantly, that when I heard James Wan was going to be putting out a sequel I knew we would be getting another horror masterpiece. The Conjuring 2 much like the first one has Ed and Lorraine Warren trying to help out a family who have encountered a demonic spirit. Although the concept of the story, similar to the first, it is all the little things and over all plot that made this sequel really stand out. The way James Wan builds up the story and does not kill you with cheesy jump scares, but instead pure suspense is something that a lot of writers and directors releasing horror films seem to miss. Wan builds a story taking events from the real Enfield haunting, stretching things at times for sure, but at the end puts together a movie that will leave you with chills. I am a horror fanatic, and I appreciate how cold the scenes feel at times, how bone chilling the darkness can be, and how simple sound effects can make ones skin crawl. Aside from the horror aspect there are scenes that get you attached to the Warrens all over again. This is not your typical horror film where the story is replaced with scares, and gore. We have a story, we have suspense, we have a connection with the characters, and even some comic relief in places. The only warning I have coming into this movie is that if you really want to sit there and enjoy it, wait for the crowds to die down. So many people come into these horror films the first week in groups it seems like, and laugh / talk after every scare. I myself will be seeing this a second time in a couple weeks once the hype dies down, that way I can really take everything in that this movie had to offer. Overall a must see as James Wan has done it once again. 10/10
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But where did Black Philip come from???
23 February 2016
So lets start off with saying this movie will not appeal to everyone. I saw it with my girlfriend who has become such a movie buff over the last few years that she now enjoys movies for the subtle metaphors and imagery where I still look for a great plot and close to flawless story. Once the movie was over and we both had a couple of days to let what we just witness marinate we both had two totally different opinions. She on one hand enjoyed it, where I felt it was just Meh. She liked it for the imagery, and bits of meaning behind certain scenes (I want to keep this spoiler free so feel free to see the movie if you want to understand what I might be referring to). I dozed off for a bit in the middle of it, but even with what little I did miss I doubt it would answer the question I left the theater with. Where I think many will get lost or bored will be with the old English dialogue, and constant references to religion which is needed since this is based in the 1630's and God/Family/land is what people lived for. What made this movie dull for me is that it seemed filled with useless dialogue. There were parts that I liked, but everything leading up to them really did not serve a purpose. I would have much rather have some back-story on the family, the Witch, or even where they got that creepy Goat known as Black Philip instead of just mumbled old English dialogue about god, and the hardships this family is going though in the now. Give me some story and some substance if you want to be considered a horror/mystery movie. The only thing I can say I really enjoyed about this movie was that there were scenes of suspense that could be considered chilling, and they didn't need to use any cheesy jump scares. If you love the horror genre I would say give it a shot, more so if you like to look for meaning in movies. Call me what you will but I think "Lords or Salem" portrayed the Witch culture/folklore better while giving a creepy and unique story despite the horrible ending, but that is for another review.
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Amazing movie for a mediocre fan
31 December 2015
First off this title is mainly pointed at myself because although I grew up loving the original 3 star wars, but was lost at the prequels and the franchise just became a chapter of my past. I am sure some can relate, but needless to say once I found out Star Wars was coming out with another movie I got all nostalgic and excited in hopes of it capturing my inner child again. I am going to try and write this review as I do so many without giving any spoilers because in all honesty if you even remotely liked Star Wars at any point this is a movie worth seeing. I am not going to give you a synopsis or any character details, just the meat and potatoes as to what made this movie great for me. What I really enjoyed about this movie is that is had that old feeling that the original 3 had, but at the same time introducing you to a new story that I am hopeful will be explained over the next how ever many movies they make. A lot of reviews are giving crap that this is just a reboot of the first Star Wars filled with plot holes and what not. I saw it as something that grabbed pieces form the original that made it so great and recognizable while bringing forth a new story that would leave the viewer wanting more. You get new and old faces, and a plot that sprinkles in a lot of details from the original episodes. I mean they kept so true to all the details that even Chewbacca with old age had fur that looked like a mature dog that has some seen some crap, which I though was awesome. The visuals were unreal, and I found myself so many times with just a smile on my face when we were soaring along side x-wings and TIE fighters. Lets just put it this way, I went to see it with my girlfriend who only saw the original star wars, and bits of Episode one, and she left the theater enjoying it almost as much as me. It has a story that I think was made the way it was to also capture a new generation of star wars. The kid or adult that can watch it, enjoy it, and want to go back and watch all the original ones to really appreciate this work of art. Don't get me wrong there were times where I sat there and got a little bored, and questioned a couple of things, but it was not enough to have me sit here and say well this is a monumental disappointment. At the end of the day I loved it though, and highly recommend to go see it, especially in Imax 3D. We have a new evil villain, and new hero, and a whole new story that I can not wait to get into further and have more questions answered. I 100% plan on seeing it a second time, maybe even a third or Fourth, and Star Wars has once again not only captured my attention, but my inner nerd child as well.
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Krampus (I) (2015)
New Holiday Favorite
8 December 2015
I guess I should start off by stating that I can see why Krampus may not appeal to everyone, but if you enjoyed Dougherty's Trick R Treat then you should love this movie. This holiday Horror/Comedy was almost perfect in my eyes and would have gotten a 10 if it wasn't so slow in parts throughout the middle, but still it had the perfect build up to an ending that could be interpreted multiple different ways. I don't want to give anything away so this review will just focus on a couple key aspects that really made this movie for me. For starters you don't get any of those cheesy jump scares, its all suspense that is built up from being stranded in a blizzard all the way to Krampus and his minions arrival. The horror is gradually introduced rather than saying bam! here's a Krampus kick in the face and we are going to jump scare you all the way to the end. We have a story here people and we are going to make sure you enjoy it by sprinkling in bits of horror and comedy. One of the main things that I really enjoyed is the minimal use of CGI. CGI has its place, and could have easily been used to portray Krampus, but Dougherty doesn't play that game. Instead we have old fashion movie magic with great makeup, masks, and costumes that show the dark side of Christmas. Yes we have CGI here and there, but in places that were obviously needed. Finally this movie has a Christmas message. Can you believe it? a horror movie that encapsulates you and leaves you with a message similar to that of what a Christmas Carol has done. Krampus is a beautiful piece of filmography, with a great story, and Characters you really get attached to as the movie goes on. A little more gore, some patch work to the minor holes in the middle of the movie and slap an R-rating on this and you would have yourself a 10. This will be a Holiday tradition for me once released on DVD as Trick R Treat is around Halloween. One can only hope too that when released they make a special edition that comes with Krampus's bell/ornament thing. I highly recommend this soon to be new Christmas tradition for anyone who really enjoys Mike Dougherty's work, even if you are a holiday scrooge.
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Fantastic,, Meh
22 August 2015
I am going to make this short, much like the movie. I did enjoy the story as I never read the comics and have nothing to really sit here and compare it too. (Except for the first attempt at fantastic four on the silver screen). I liked how dark everything was, and it had potential, but was ruined by a cast who you know wanted nothing to do with this film, and a story that was rushed. I loved how Doctor Doom was portrayed, and would have enjoyed much more bad guy vs good guy than an hour plus of back story and a five minute fight scene. One thing that I found to be extremely comical was the invisible woman's hair. Through out the whole movie you had her real hair and then a horrible wig as she was working on another movie at the time of filming Fantastic 4. Marvel has been such a game changer the last few years that it seemed only inevitable that Fox would make something that couldn't even stand up to all the block busters that have been coming out. I guess if you really have nothing better to see then its worth it, but don't expect your typical super hero movie or even the Fantastic 4 from the comics.
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Trainwreck (2015)
Save your money,. Just watch Amy Schumers stuff on comedy central
20 July 2015
This review may be a little bias as I am not a huge Amy Schumer fan to begin with, but it was more than just her that absolutely killed this movie for me. There were parts where I found myself giving a little chuckle, but for the most part you could easily save your money and catch more than half of these jokes on one of Amy's stand ups, or her show on Comedy central. I am actually certain there are at least 3 or 4 scenes that came straight from "Inside Amy Schumer". I thought Bill Hader was going to save it for me, but at the end of the move I almost disliked him more than Amy. John Cenas cameo was pretty painful, and Lebron James proved that he should pretty much just stick to basketball. You had your scattered SNL cast from old and new scattered through out and some known comedians that gave me a smile, but again this did not help. At one point I actually ended up falling asleep because the movie just became so dragged out and boring to me. Maybe its just me being of the male gender and really unable to relate to a majority of Amy's jokes, although I am pretty sure my girlfriend disliked it just as much as me by the tome the movie ended. To make a long story short and to not give away any spoilers, I would either wait for this to come out on DVD, or I would just binge watch a season of "Inside Amy Schumer" and that will pretty much give you the gist of this film.
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Could have picked a better cast
12 June 2015
I am sure anyone who is a fan of the Jurassic Park series was waiting in pure anticipation for this movie to come out. I mean we needed something to restore it back to its glory of the first 2 and make us completely forget the 3rd one ever happened right? Given the time frame between Jurassic world and the 3rd installment you would figure this would be the summers huge block buster master piece that would have everyone talking. Coming into this movie being a 90's kid who grew up loving everything related to Jurassic park I had very high expectations. Give me that bit of nostalgia and make me feel like a kid again is all I really wanted. The only thing I feared coming into this movie was the cast, and probably the extreme over use of CGI effects. The Movie itself delivered with a great story picking up 22years after the incident that happened at Jurassic Park. We saw the bad guys of Ingen return and even got a glimpse at some 1990's Jurassic park references to tie everything together, but damn this poorly picked cast. At no point to you get emotionally attached to anyone, and Chris Pratt, for the love of God why Chris Pratt! His character just seemed so forced and all I could think of was Star Lord with his cheesy one liners. I know they wanted to separate this a little from the first 3, but I would have much rather seen some old cast and crew, or at least a cast that fit the part. The only other thing that bothered me was the over use of CGI. This is Jurassic park we are talking about where they had animatronics in the 90's that looked more real than some of the special effects. Don't get me wrong the experience was great, especially in IMAX 3D, but I would have loved some old school movie magic scattered in there a little more than what they actually had. Overall I was not let down, and by the end of the movie I was fully captivated, and clapping with everyone as the end credits rolled. A must see if you are a fan of Jurassic Park.
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I thought it was great,,, take it for what it is
10 February 2015
Take this movie for what it is, and I am sure you wont be disappointed. Its a science fiction action adventure that to fully enjoy it I believe needs to be seen in IMAX 3D. I am sure many movie buffs will disagree and go on how the story was lacking, but not I. I enjoyed the story very much, and for someone who is not a huge fan of movies such as this ended up really getting into it by the time it was over. For starters it had that 5th element feel with the characters, and futuristic setting, but also had a dash of mid evil fantasy with some being of royal blood owing estates that were much more than your average kingdom. Visually this movie was absolutely stunning, and I would see it again in Imax 3D solely for that purpose. (Do yourself a favor and spend the extra few bucks to see it in Imax 3D). The only real downfall I would have to say is that at times the characters did try to add some comic relief which I think fell short mostly because of the attitude of the character and not the actor/actress playing it. I am sure I could pick out a couple of other things that could have been improved upon or left out, but that would be nit picking at something that I think ended up being far better than I expected. Maybe I just went in with extremely low expectations and is why I was not let down. With what is out right now for movies I would have this listed as a must see.
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Has its moments...
24 November 2014
I am a huge fan of the original Dumb and Dumber, and when I saw that it was getting a sequel with the same cast, I was pretty excited. Before seeing it I heard plenty of people saying it was horrible (Many being film majors who usually don't get a good comedy when they see it),so going into it I kept my expectations a little low. The movie itself had a great story and brings Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels on another road trip with many scenes displaying not much has changed and they are even Dumber than ever. What left me with a bad taste in my mouth is how so many of the things that were intended to be funny were just so forced. I like how they tied in things from the first Dumb and Dumber, but I just felt like the delivery was off. I love Jim Carey, but for some reason I thought his acting was god awful and just over done trying to play Lloyd again. This movie did have some funny moments that left me genuinely laughing, but not enough to say it was a successful sequel able to uphold the Dumb and Dumber name. Is it worth a watch? I would have to say yes if you are a true fan of the first one, but as many told me, do not have extremely high expectations as you will certainly be let down.
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V/H/S Viral (2014)
90 minutes of my life I wont get back
5 November 2014
The original VHS was great, VHS 2 was fun and tied in the first one, but I have no clue what the hell they were thinking when they put together this piece of garbage. A couple of the "videos" were mildly entertaining, and the one dealing with the alternate universe had great potential, that was, until the end. I watched this with a group of friends and we found ourselves laughing more than anything and questioning if this was a joke or if we were watching VHS to begin with. I am pretty much writing this review just tell anyone who is remotely interested in seeing this to save your money. If you just can not resist, try to watch it with friends so you can, A) split the price of renting/buying it, and B) enjoy sharing laughs with them at the expense of the ridiculousness of this film. Other than that save your precious time, and money
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Fun Horror Film
29 October 2014
One of the better horror flicks released this Halloween season. Had a very unique story line and was filmed in such a way with its cut scenes that at times you might get lost in it and think it to be a real documentary. The cast did a great job of acting and as a group of friends in the movie had plenty of moments of comic relief getting the viewer attached to them as the story progressed and built up to the climax. What really made this movie great in my opinion is that the haunts they visited are all real locations out in the middle of no where(aside from the last one). The ending is fun and leaves the viewer with there own opinions of what just took place. I'm sure plenty will disagree, but for a movie that really had no publicity around where I live, I think if marketed right would have been a big hit as it had a similar feel to the first paranormal activity. I think now a days it is really tough to make a great horror film as so many people are desensitized, but this one really drags you in. I will be adding The Houses October Built to my collection of horror films.
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