
16 Reviews
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7 Days in Hell (2015 TV Movie)
Moderately low-level funny
5 September 2022
I think when comedians have a lot of cocaine and offers and budgets to do whatever they want, this is the type of thing that comes out. Very mediocre, nothing particularly clever. Nothing wrong with low-brow sex humor if there's some brains behind it, but this is lacking. John Mc Enroe is funnier than all the comedians. I hope they paid Serena well to lend her name to this, she was funny as well. Kit Harrington is super hot and makes it worth the watch alone. The crazy volley scene was the highlight, funny and well done. Otherwise, kind of uninspired and dumb. I'm sure this review will make fans mad and get a lot of "unhelpful" votes.
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Fun, silly show
14 August 2022
My IQ drops 10 points every time I watch this, but it's cute and I enjoy it. The success of the show, for me, is the "team", the little family of characters played by actors who actually stay on for 4 series thus far. Problem with too many of these BBC productions is whenever they get a good team going, and get into a groove where the audience grows a little attachment to the characters, an actor quits, has to be replaced, and you have to start all over again waiting for the characters to get a rapport together and to grow on you. I'm glad S&H still stays true to its original charm and hope it continues.
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Striking Out (2017–2018)
What's with AMC canceling shows in the middle of the story?
25 June 2022
They did this with Lodge 49 and then again with Striking Out. It makes zero sense. They just put out half-finish products? What is this business model? What a garbage production company. Don't even get started watching this. There is no conclusion. It's like selling a book with the second half of the pages ripped out. What a rip off.
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Dalziel and Pascoe: A Clubbable Woman (1996)
Season 1, Episode 1
Shameless misogyny
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a toxic pig nightmare! Grunting, trashy men, all horned up and being gross. Even the title: A Clubbable Woman? Good lord. Spoiler: A guy kills another guy's wife and the widower is glad to be rid of her and they're all pals at the end. Bros before hoes I guess. I'm glad the misogynistic hellworld depicted here is slowly becoming a thing of the past.
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Hope Street (2020– )
So bad it's good
13 March 2022
This show is SO BAD but I can't tear myself away. It is so-bad-it's-good level bad. I don't know if it's made for elderly or very slow people, but every line is very slowly and deliberately spoken for the back of the class and there's a long pause between lines in conversations to give you extra time to process what was just said I guess. Then a 5 full second reaction shot of a poorly acted expression of consternation. I don't know if it's just poor editing that makes the show feel so disjointed, but the weird writing and things people do that make no sense doesn't help. The two worst actors in the show are the leads. Their dialogue is so stiff and unnatural. And the clothes they dress this poor actress in lol the costuming on her is ridiculous.

Episode 7 takes the cake. When she's running through the jungle calling for Naimh I laughed and laughed. This show on the whole is really enjoyable if you're into British (Ireland I know) "procedural" soap operas, super corny wholesome fare, and stuff that is really, really bad.
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Vera: On Harbour Street (2014)
Season 4, Episode 1
A mess of an episode
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Vera, but this episode was a mess. Confusing plot and characters, absurd murder where a woman is stabbed in the back and somehow doesn't notice? The ages of the actors seemed all wrong for their supposed history and timeline. And the worst is boring pretty boy Joe with his dreary, humorless family and their lugubrious drama. I'm eager to get to the episodes where he's replaced as I find him vapid and his wife and family insufferable.
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Father Brown: The Wisdom of the Fool (2020)
Season 8, Episode 4
Worst episode
9 July 2021
I told my boyfriend Father Brown was a good show and unfortunately this was the first episode he watched with me. Now I'm a little embarrassed and tv night tonight was a total dud.
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Midsomer Murders: Country Matters (2006)
Season 9, Episode 6
My favorite episode yet
7 March 2021
Campy sexy episode, fun to watch. Lots of twists and turns without being so absurd as to ruin the suspension of disbelief. And only one murder! The end made me laugh out loud.
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Midsomer Murders: The Straw Woman (2004)
Season 7, Episode 6
Show taking a low turn
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes in a row about a lecherous old man and his son fighting over a teenage girl? Really?

And ever since they replaced Troy with Scott, it's one cheesy objectification of women gag after another. This would be fun in moderation, but it's THE theme now. I guess I'm supposed to be charmed by the dashing, mush-mouthed Sergeant Scott and his prurient ways. Meh. A bit one-dimensional, needs more character content. (Not that the adorably profoundly stupid Troy had a ton of character depth, but he was still a delight.)

The show has always been campy and fun, but takes a sharp turn toward lowbrow exploitation in season 7. So far this season we've had an episode about incest, two episodes about "scandalous" closeted homosexuality, and two episodes about a lecherous old man and his son fighting over a teenage girl. I think maybe the producers are trying a little too hard to make the show more "exciting"? That's all good to an extent, but they're trying too much on at once. The show feels like it's having a mid-life identity crisis.
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Jonathan Creek: The Omega Man (1999)
Season 3, Episode 3
Too goofy
2 December 2020
This show has taken a turn for the too-ridiculous in its third season. If I first tuned in in season three, this would not be a show I'd continue to watch. Maybe this episode is intended to be a spoof of the X-Files? The whole thing feels like a bad joke, with poor production and comically bad acting.
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Endeavour: Zenana (2020)
Season 7, Episode 3
Is this the same show?
17 October 2020
I've always loved Endeavour for the simple fact that it is far more intelligent and complex than any of the British mysteries I've seen. I save it for when I'm in the right mood. Can't just watch it while eating, I have to spend time, get into it, hit pause a lot to look up the literary references, rewind to go back and watch moments twice. This show is so dense that you can't look away for a second without missing something interesting or beautiful. When watching any other show I'm laughing most of the time, saying "this is so dumb!" but with Endeavour, never.

However, THIS episode had me laughing and saying "this is so dumb!" and "I don't care if they die, these people are stupid!" Haha, I can't believe this is the same show! It suddenly in one episode became a hollow parody of itself. Ludo and Violetta are utterly ridiculous characters. One of the things I always loved about Endeavour was the casting. They couldn't have done better with those two? And the goofy anagram LUDO? Puhleeze! This whole thing was just thrown together without any thought or care.

I really hope if the show comes back it gets back its former depth. I want to care about the characters, I want to be drawn in and perplexed by a story (because it's complex, not because it's nonsensical). I want to learn things. Endeavour was just about the only fictional show that could do that. I hope it comes back.
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Father Brown: The Mask of the Demon (2016)
Season 4, Episode 1
I enjoy an episode with a feminist bent
29 July 2020
Fun episode. Story is campy yet interesting. The new inspector is delightful. I always enjoy an episode of any show with a feminist touch.
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Monk: Mr. Monk Is Underwater (2008)
Season 7, Episode 5
CGI Hilarity
5 July 2020
I rather enjoy bad CGI as I find it amusing. Two scenes in this episode, as they board and leave the submarine have some of most comically terrible CGI I've ever seen. Especially the last scene, where the dashing submariner is descending the ramp back onto the sub, the ramp just stops on top of the vessel! Where is he supposed to go next? They couldn't even draw a door on? Come on! Hahaha
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Lodge 49 (2018–2019)
Refreshingly free of everything terrible
11 December 2019
This show is such a joy. It's so refreshingly free of misogyny and violence, everything terrible that entertainment is mired in. It's funny and weird, it's deep without being heavy handed. The whole approach is from a place of enlightenment, above the confines of neurosis, rage and fear, but played out in mixed-up goofy confusion under a soothing tungsten glow. Lodge 49 will surely languish in under-appreciated obscurity for its lack of murder, rape and general man's inhumanity to man and woman, but I remain hopeful that someday more of us will fill our psyches with stuff Jim Gavin and less like Tarantino.
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Off the rails fun
10 October 2019
These chaotic "riot" episodes where everything's gone bonkers make the show's narrative so much more psychedelic, fun, and meaningful. I don't want order restored at Litchfield or in the writing of the show!
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Orange Is the New Black: The Chickening (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
Corny jokes
24 September 2019
It's not the chicken storyline that's goofy, it's the overabundance of ham-fisted jokes. Compared to the first 4 episodes, the comedy writing in episode 5 has taken a turn for the dumber.
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