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Comedy is dead
7 May 2024
True comedy is dead if this represents what people actually think is funny or entertaining. When you aren't good at what you do-you rely on crass jokes, profanity and vulgarity. Kevin Hart IS NOT FUNNY. I will never understand why people think he is so great. He has had a few supporting movie roles where he was mildly entertaining but he cannot carry an entire show as a host. Lack of content and poor delivery is masked over with the excessive use of profanity and he spends way too much time laughing at his own (unfunny) jokes. I understand what a roast is and how true roast shows used to be but this was not any of that-just over the top disgusting. The dialogue and jokes were not humorous or in good taste, they are downright nasty and hateful. Half the time they were roasting other people in Tom Brady's orbit more than they were Tom Brady and don't get me started on the attacks on his marriage, ex wife and family situation. Why was Kim Kardashian there-just so they could capitalize on a few OJ jokes throughout the show? I realize sports and celebrity overlap but some of the choices were just a stretch for me, should have been more sports/football personalities not all of these Hollywood weirdos they kept showing. Very disappointing, waste of time and a pretty good representation of everything wrong with the world today.
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Manhunt (2024)
Typical Hollywood rewriting of history
8 April 2024
Don't waste your time on this garbage. Hollywood has done what Hollywood always does and has rewritten history to suit their agenda. I don't expect every single period piece to be 100% accurate but this is ridiculous. It is a not so subtle way to try and brainwash the younger generations of viewers with inaccurate historical accounts, especially considering they gravitate toward more contemporary shows & movies, particularly when they are on platforms like Apple+. The actors chosen for this series were very odd and Lincoln in particular was a ridiculous almost caricature like portrayal that was very off putting.
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Expats (2023–2024)
Another Amazon stinker
23 February 2024
Amazon has put out some really bad stuff lately but this is by far the worst. The characters are extremely flat and unlikable and it drags on to the point of frustration. I am not part of the short attention span generation as referenced in another review, I often enjoy shows that build over time but this is not that. My generation can remember a time when Nicole Kidman still looked human, it's seriously ridiculous at this point. I guess this is why Amazon had to start charging for ad free viewing in order to pay for her, bad investment to say the least. There is zero chemistry between her & husband and she plays the same insufferable character as always. Nothing redeeming or worth watching-waste of time invested in the first 5 episodes. Only gave it a 2 star because the scenery & atmosphere shots were decent.
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Changed my opinion about Rachel Ray
5 December 2023
I wanted to like this show and give it a good rating simply because of the beautiful job the local crew and her design team did on this gorgeous project BUT Rachel Ray is so incredibly rude and obnoxious that I couldn't go higher than a two. My compliments to the designers and all of the hard working local crew on what a beautiful home and property they put together for her. Everything was so gorgeous and well thought out, if only she acted more respectful and grateful to the team that made it happen. She speaks in such a demeaning manner to both her husband and her team all throughout the series, one can only hope that it was simply edited to try and make her have a more commanding presence or something. For me it was definitely a turn off. The fact that she is CONSTANTLY drinking is also off putting. Yes she's a professional cook, yes she's in Tuscany but seriously, can't come and look at the house and do design work without a wine glass in her hands at all times?! Beautiful scenery, lovely talented crew and fantastic finished project all get a 10 but Rachel and her husband get a 0.
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1923: The Rule of Five Hundred (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Why?! So unnecessary and not in line with other episodes
26 February 2023
I really don't understand the gratuitous sex and trashy garbage in this episode. Yellowstone, 1883 and this show have stayed away from some of the typical Hollywood cliches up to this point. It is very disappointing to see them start adding in unnecessary nudity, graphic sex and unnecessary storyline that adds nothing to the overall plot or quality of the show. It's lazy and frustrating writing and really makes me think twice about continuing to watch. Why do they need to ruin a perfectly good show when the characters and stories were already engaging and entertaining. Please don't cater to the lowest common denominator-there are plenty of trashy shows out there for people that have no ability to appreciate actual entertainment.
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Beautiful film, interesting adaptation
13 December 2022
This is a beautiful and well done movie, the stop motion animation is amazing. Lovely sets and fantastic puppets. Definitely worth watching, just don't expect the typical Disney rated G version of the story. Probably not for younger viewers but enjoyable adaptation for most everyone else. The puppets are incredible and the attention to detail really shows the amount of time put into this film. Be sure to watch the supplemental clip after the film for insight into how it was made and some of the more nuanced aspects of the characters and vision behind the film. I especially enjoyed seeing how the story, sets and puppets came to life.
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Missed opportunity to expose a huge problem in our schools
19 October 2022
I was very hopeful that this show would thoughtfully and factually tackle a huge problem in our society-child grooming. Unfortunately this "documentary" fell flat. We DO have a huge problem with educators and other adults using their positions of authority to groom and abuse children-both boys and girls. This push to discuss sex, gender and other related topics is completely inappropriate in a school setting and opens the door to all manner of abuse toward children. This faux documentary however was typical of this generation of storytellers-self indulgent, narcissistic and full of long drawn out dialogue with no point. Missed opportunity to really shine a light on something so disgusting and pervasive in our society.
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Tell Me Lies (2022– )
Weak writing, annoying and unwatchable
6 October 2022
Ridiculously weak writing and the two main characters are played by unbelievably annoying actors. There is nothing to draw you in and keep you watching. It's just bad dialogue, gratuitous sex scenes and most actors that look way older than 18-21 range they should be for college. Maybe the book was better but I haven't read it yet. I assume we are supposed to be captivated by Lucy & Stephen's relationship but I really just want to know more about the other characters like Bree & Pippa. Lucy & Stephen deserve each other and don't need another minute of screen time because oddly enough I wish the show wasn't even about them, I wish they would just go away. Stephen is particularly irritating but Lucy is just as bad.
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Blonde (2022)
Exploited in life, exploited in death
5 October 2022
Very slow and disjointed. Completely depressing and disturbing, especially considering how she was treated during her short life by all those around her. She was exploited in every possible way during her life and continues to be used and exploited by Hollywood today even in death with movies like this. Loads of gratuitous nudity, very disrespectful to use her troubled life in order to continue raking in money at her expense. It's time to let her rest in piece once and for all. My only compliment is the handling of her abortion experiences-very unusual for Hollywood to show the anguish, sadness and recognition of the loss of life that happens when a baby is aborted.
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Dopesick (2021)
18 August 2022
This show is eyeopening to say the least. If even only half of this story is true then we are in serious trouble. The show is well acted and does a good job weaving multiple characters and their stories together. This topic needs more exposure and people need to know what going on in the pharmaceutical industry.
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King Richard (2021)
Accurate true story
1 August 2022
This movie is almost 100% accurate and the family endorsed the film as well as one family member being directly involved with the making of the film. For the poor reviews criticizing the story or events, it's real life not some made up Hollywood nonsense. Acting was good and messages throughout are even better. Very enjoyable both from a story telling aspect as well as the acting.
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Charming and delightful
29 July 2022
Beautiful movie, well done in every way. The cast is great, good chemistry and the clothes and props are gorgeous. I don't have anything negative to say, it was a delightful summer movie!
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He's back!
17 July 2022
The Nicholas Cage we knew & loved is finally back and this movie is great! Funny, quirky and just enough of everything to make it enjoyable. I like the cast and Nicholas Cage really shines!
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All time favorite
17 July 2022
It doesn't matter how many times I watch this film, the characters are just so down to earth and like-able. Great movie, explores different facets of relationships as people grow in their adult lives. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal have great chemistry and the soundtrack is also great!
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Fun movie
17 July 2022
Cute and fun movie. There are some elements of big business vs small business in the overall story but if you take that with a grain of salt the interaction between characters is cute and funny.
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Pretty Woman (1990)
Ridiculous glamorization of prostitution
17 July 2022
There is nothing romantic or glamorous about this movie. I will never understand how so many people love this and consider it a rom com. This movie tries to glamorize and normalize the tragedy of young women working the streets.
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Just gross
17 July 2022
Everything about this film is sleazy & gross. Inappropriate relationships, lack of moral compass and misguided messages throughout. Nothing good about watching this garbage.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
No substance
22 May 2022
There is barely any substance of an actual plot and storyline once you wade through the checklist of all the usual social justice issues that are standard in most shows today. Lazy writing, poorly executed and not worth the time. Season 1 was barely tolerable but season 2 was downright unbearable.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Depraved woke garbage
7 April 2022
Hard to understand why this is so popular, I guess people will sit through any trash Hollywood puts out these days. Disgusting dumpster fire of woke pop culture -ism lectures combined with gratuitous raunch.
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Typical self indulgent, anti motherhood Hollywood propaganda
20 March 2022
Just another boring Hollywood propaganda film telling us motherhood is bad, careers and narcissism are good. Long, slow and unoriginal. Normally I enjoy these actors but this was not worth the time.
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Turning Red (2022)
Missed the mark
15 March 2022
This is not up to the usual high bar Pixar has set over the years. Characters were not endearing, it felt like they were trying too hard to be relatable and it just wasn't entertaining for a wide range of viewers. Very disappointing as most Pixar movies have universal themes & characters that reach all generations with positive messages and engaging plots.
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Fun, quirky and visually very artistic and appealing
16 February 2022
This was a very entertaining and engaging film. I loved the cast and enjoyed the storytelling. The sets were fantastic and he has a very unique perspective. It's very refreshing to see something different out of Hollywood these days.
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Good cast, artistically beautiful but stories fall short
16 February 2022
I am new to his films but am trying to catch up on his other previous films in addition to this new one. This one was visually appealing and of course has a star studded cast and sets but the overall stories fell short for me. Not as engaging or entertaining as I had hoped based on the others I have seen.
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That's My Jam (2021– )
So funny-wide variety of guests, enjoyable entertainment
28 January 2022
This show is so funny! I like that Jimmy has a wide variety of guests and it's hilarious to watch them competing. Please keep making more episodes, it is very entertaining!
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Dear Hollywood, Stop with the pandemic references
10 December 2021
We do not need another show desperately trying to be witty and relevant with nauseating references to the pandemic. News flash Hollywood, all of the world knows about masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines and the pandemic. We do not need you to remind us at every opportunity. It's boring, tired and down right annoying.
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