
11 Reviews
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Shattered Illusion
12 December 2020
Sorry, but my already fragile suspension of disbelief was irrevocably shattered when they first went to the bar. Did you see the size of those shots? Not in my universe!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Don't listen to the control freaks and geeks....It is a great sci-fi ride!
7 March 2020
First off, am I the quintessential STNG fan? Nope. I only watched the entire series more times than I care to recount. (a "true" fan could tell you exactly how many times and do it in Borgian Binary no doubt) Look, if you are the totally self involved, control freak, who has to have everything their way, then sure, this will not be your cup of Romulan Ale. BUT, if you are a more selfless fan, who appreciates the fact that the stars of the original series are even willing to take their fans to a few more places that no fan has gone before....then this is rather like a refreshing cup of Earl Gray served up hot in a day and age that's kind of not.

I find the show truly 'engaging', Stewart comports himself well, as do all the stars of the original series appearing thus far (7 episodes in). The new actors have clearly done their homework here, and blend in well, I find. But then, I'm capable of having an open mind. If you're apt to go into this with your conflated ego on your shoulder, then maybe take a hard pass, don't be an ass, and go play some 3D chess on your daddy's collector's set.

Picard is a Hit and I hope it gets a second season, or as many as acting legend, Patrick Stewart is willing to do!

Live long, and prosper.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Thriller is more like it! Haters crawl back under your blankies.
14 February 2019
Great movie all around. A real sleeper....I never heard about it until after it dropped as a DVD. I had long since given up hope of a truly epic submarine warfare movie after Red October and this was a nice surprise.

This had all the elements of a truly engaging and entertaining action movie. I went in expecting a mediocre effort and couldn't be happier to be wrong!

All the negative reviews I've read have a common theme....and to those reviewers I say, crawl back under your blankies, stick your pacifiers back in your pie holes, stream yourselves a lullaby on your "smart" phones, and leave the scary grown up movies to the scary grown ups.

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Evolution (2001)
If you didn't like this movie, you deserve a darwin award!
11 February 2019
Evolution is 33% funny, 33% comical, and 33% Hilarious!

I'd rate this movie robustly fit to survive, nay thrive, in my movie library.

Take the Leg!!!
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Prospect (2018)
All we are is DUST in the wind.....
6 February 2019
What DUST has done here with Prospect, is prove what their youtube channel viewers have long known....That it's grand ideas with micro budgets deserve a place on the big screen. DUST is the pre-eminent "germination station" for Sci-Fi. Prospect's characters were well chosen and the sets were spot on for conveying a gritty, believable future cosmos. Prospect, in my view, would make for an attractive vehicle as a series.
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Uncomfortable Concepts = Low Reviews. A Thought Provoking Sci-Fi Effort Here!
30 January 2019
It's easy to see why most give this movie low reviews....Because most prefer something that's "easy to see". This movie works well for it's intended purpose, which is to provoke the viewer to consider that some ideas, trains of thought, and yes, conspiracies, are not what we think. The movie shines a dark spot light on a metastasizing problem in society today; Distrust in our fellow man. Isolation often invites dysfunction. In a world where truth is often stranger than fiction, and society seems hell bent on twisting itself like an attention starved contortionist, to imitate "art"'s rather refreshing to see sci-fi creations that skillfully employ uncomfortable prospects as a vehicle for introspection. The movie is metaphorical on various levels which serve to challenge the slumbering gate keepers of both the open and closed minded alike.

This movie makes you really think. Those that like to think that they're thinking, (and you don't know who you are) need not apply.

"They Live" this ain't. But the movie's got legs.

You'll See.

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God IS LOVE. He changed my Dad too. No heart is too hardened for Him to reach!
29 December 2018
I loved this movie. I loved it because I've lived a fair portion of it myself. I watched my dad come kicking and screaming into the fold. It took a loving, patient soul like my mom, to suffer that man into the arms of our Amazing Creator! The sober truth is, our world hasn't the better part of an entire generation left in it. We are living in the "days of Noah" once again, and the signs of Christ's promised return are here as foretold us to the letter. Christ revealed that there would be signs in the heavens in our day.....that the heavenly bodies would be shaken, that the oceans would be greatly agitated and that men's hearts would fail them over these great changes upon the globe. The sun now rises and sets over Canada in summer, thousands of miles north of it's former limit at the tropic of cancer which runs through central mexico...and the moon now swings through dozens of degrees of latitude per month, far more than it's former limit of 10 degrees per year, with tsunami, quakes, and volcanoes massively increased. I urge any and all to turn, or return, to our Father in Christ as we enter a time unlike any since mankind was placed upon this planet.

"Huge Media Blackout Regarding Supermoons"

"Pole Shift of Noah's Day About to Happen Again?"

Good Journeys and God Bless us all in Yeshua, Jesus Christ
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Tinker' (2017)
Clayne Crawford and Son Knocked it out of the park!
8 December 2018
This movie has a BIG heart, and it's in the right place! And I'll take a real, humble, heart driven piece like this over anything hellyweird could produce in a thousand life times. Every character in this movie was well positioned and well performed. I wouldn't even be surprised if C.C. didn't have more than just a little knowledge about how this 'reality' of ours really works. God bless you and yours Mr. Crawford.
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Time Trap (2017)
Consider me Time Trapped!
22 August 2018
Of the movies you watch, how many can you truly say you wish were pilot episodes to an awesome new series? This is one of those relative few that really leave you wanting more! Sure, 'time travel' as a sci-fi vehicle has been done to death, but it's one of those 'vehicles' that is eminently upgradable with the 'write' amount of 'scriptgenuity' and novel use of the genre. Time Trap is just unique enough in it's approach and just slick enough in it's presentation to really set the hook, and leave you 'trapped' for a moment in time at the end, wondering at all the possibilities for a sequel, or even a series. As largely a character driven piece, I did not feel slighted in the slightest (see what I did there?) at the use of unknown actors, as they really sold the plot well, and evoked enough empathy from me to be excited about the outcome. Would I watch it again? You know, I think I will, and soon....the only disappointment going forward, is the near certainty that this thought provoking foray into the future won't spawn a sequel or series.
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The Titan (2018)
If this is the future, then bring on the end of the world!
30 March 2018
*Spoiler alert*

Actually, there isn't really much to spoil. This egg that netflix has lain, was spoiled from the get go. Derivative to the point of provoking fast forward, and this is coming from a long time sci-fi buff that's seen it all; Even I was bored enough to wish I was watching the other Titan. You remember....Titan AE, the cartoon? The casting of the action veteran, Sam Worthington, though not a bad choice for nearly any other movie, provided more of a distraction here, than attraction, given the voluminous invitations for comparison to his role in Avatar.

Speaking of comparison, and there are many valid ones that one may make, I found the episode: "Afterlife", from the Outer Limits Series, in which an ex soldier is given the choice of execution, or participating in an Alien DNA mutation experiment, to be more inspired and engaging.

There just isn't much here, and what there is, simply mashes all the wrong buttons. Including the 'eject' button. On a scale of 1 to...would you rather see it again, or go wingsuiting without a wingsuit....

I give it a solid 4 out of 10.
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A Breath of fresh.....Gunpowder!
3 October 2015
It is easy to see why this production has received mixed reviews! It hearkens back to the time when movies were produced with heart, without guile, and produced to inspire! Such is "out of vogue" in a day and age where such "corniness" is trivially dismissed as juvenile and unpolished.

This is exactly why I loved it!

The action, the story, the CGI....came together for a truly entertaining experience!

But who am I to critique such things; Truth be told I'd much rather watch local children perform an impromptu early U.S. Colonial play, than the VAST majority of what passes for "entertainment" from the pits of "HellyWeird".

As we all watch those collective chickens - "Those who will not remember the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them" - Santayana... Come home to roost, We would do well to try and remember the Successes of the past. Those victories that made this nation last as long as it has.

Another truly inspiring movie: The Count of Monte Cristo, starring Jim Caviezel, along with many others, was belittled by the vipers that run HellyWeird. The poison that gushes continually from those who are allowed control of our nation's corporate media, entertainment, and education systems, is an acrid, thorny, testament to our complacence; our nation's forgetfulness.

ANY reminder of what and why She once was, blemishes and all, is heartily welcomed in my book.

I sincerely hope the Burns Brothers keep at it!

In any & all the ways that TRULY matter.

And if your are among that intrepid sort who still value Truthful, even AMAZING, inspiration, Net Search: "Ancient High Performance Electric Motors that are still in Production".

Good Journeys
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