
32 Reviews
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The whole series is a triumph, including the ending
30 May 2024
One of the best K-dramas I have watched; well-written, acted, produced and directed. Ignore any prejudices about the last episode, the whole series is wonderful to watch. Before I watched this series, I saw it featured on a lot of 'my favourite/top 5 K-dramas' lists, with the caveat that the last episode was not satisfying, etc. I felt compelled to write a review, as this is totally unfounded. This series excels in portraying the realities of being a young adult, that audiences anywhere can empathise with. Love in your early-20s is accurately and honestly reflected, as is growing into a relationship with your parents as an adult, and the foundations of friendships that last forever and what they mean to you. Rarely do I watch TV that moves me to tears, but this one did that in more than one episode, in regards to Na Hee Do and her Mum's relationship, and with Ko Yurim, and Baek Yi-jin. The supporting character arcs are all great viewing too, it really is worth your time.
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The Glory (2022– )
A rare treat with not a single thing that lets it down. Honestly excellent.
10 March 2024
I haven't watched something that is so well done across the board in a really long time. There isn't a single thing that lets it down.

The acting is exceptional, a really brilliant cast, without any weak characters. The story is truly engaging, brilliant, and the storytelling is impeccable. The cinematography is beautiful. The directing is a masterclass. The wardrobes and sets are gorgeous. The use of light and dark to tell the story, it's so clever. The editing is amazing, just infallible production.

There is no filler, no drawn out episodes that go nowhere, there isn't a single moment of wasted time in the series. This is such a joy to have these days. It's almost annoying that it is so watchable as I wish I could have savoured it for longer.

I'd love to see a second series of this, but at the same time, it wouldn't be a shame to leave it where it was left, in its perfect state.
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Suspend disbelief and it's entirely watchable
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's entirely watchable and really compulsive viewing, because despite having to completely suspend disbelief for most of the story line, and overlook some really irritating tropes - it is really well acted by the entire cast.

It's hard not to engage with the overarching story. The character development is a bit one dimensional but it is there. I did feel like it could have been done in about 15 episodes, it felt like there was a lot of guff for some parts.

The real reason I couldn't stop watching was trying to understand why Jan-di would fall for the man who treat her appallingly, whose mother was evil epitomised, when she had the most beautiful soul fall in love with her and protect her, and whose family adored her? But at the same time, you were rooting for the main lead at the end.

Also, worth watching to for the male hairstyles and wardrobe.
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The Creator (2023)
Not bad, but could have been better
11 February 2024
When I watched this, it was sitting around 6.8/10 on IMDB, and I think that's fair. It's not quite a 7, not poor enough for a 6.

There are lots of things I loved about this film. I really liked how diverse the cast was, it was such a refreshing change. The cast was great, with good acting. The cinematography was wonderful. The story in and of itself was interesting, and the collection of scenes on screen were good and well directed.

However, it sort of misses the mark. The way it has been edited together and produced isn't quite it. I felt it was a bit too fast paced, you didn't get any time to feel any empathy for any of the characters. There really wasn't enough small moments for the story to evolve and flow. It didn't build enough tension, and then it sort of ends, and you don't feel much of anything. That's where it fell short for me. It could have been great, and I was really hoping it was, but it was just good.
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The Kitchen (I) (2023)
Not so dystopian
19 January 2024
The acting is incredible, the directing is brilliant, the cinematography is gorgeous. It has been well written and well executed. It's pretty obvious how we have got to this 'dystopian future', so I don't agree with other reviews that this was lacking from the film. In fact, it's more of a reflection of modern society, and says a lot about the world we already live in, today - not so much dystopian at all. There are people living in London today with lives similar to those depicted in this film; waiting for people to come and pull them from their homes, powerless, but finding solidarity in community. Rampant capitalism, large corporations exploiting and disregarding the poor. So many stories are being told, by following the story of Izi and Benji. It's really a beautiful piece of cinema, that manages to say a lot about life.

However, it is a slow film. It's a thoughtful film. I think it will be lost on some people, whose expectations of a Kano and Daniel Kaluuya film will not be met. I think, in some parts, it was too slow - but at the same time, not a scene was wasted, A strange ambivalence to it, as it is, at the end, the sum of its parts.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Really enjoyable series
16 November 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the first season of this show, and was so surprised when I checked the reviews to see how poorly it's rated by some. This is a really clever dystopian series, with intricately intertwined stories of different people and how they're surviving. It reminded me of the walking dead and the leftovers. It isn't an action packed alien sci-fi, it's tales of how different people survive a new reality. There are elements of the stories where you so need to suspend disbelief, but it is engaging. It makes you care about the character arcs, even the characters you don't necessarily like or frustrate you. It's well written, well acted, well choreographed, it isn't the usual 'the US saves everyone' trope either. It's really enjoyable.
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Locked In (V) (2023)
Disappointing and predictable.
7 November 2023
The score for this film is ridiculous, rather than elevate anything it makes it all verge on the utterly ridiculous. It's also unclear how such a group of talented actors could come together, and the final result is so under-par. It isn't poorly written per se, but it is entirely predictable and poorly edited. It isn't badly directed, as many of the scenes are good - but once you add the music, and the way the pieces have been put together - it becomes less than the sum of its parts should be. It isn't unwatchable, but it's more like you stay to see if it gets any better, and it doesn't. The character of the doctor is too obvious, it lacks subtlety. It's disappointing that it could have been so much better.
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Bodies (2023)
Mostly great, but could have been better.
24 October 2023
This is a really engaging story overall. It's well executed, in such a way that you don't got lost in the science of anything. The majority of the cast are excellent actors, and each time period's story so well done. However, for me, the supporting acting in some parts of the 2023 storyline was so weak, it let the whole thing down. The 1890s, 1940s and the future stories are brilliant - well shot and put together. For some reason, the 2023 story just felt totally mediocre in comparison, which is such a shame in what would have otherwise been a really excellent show. The sums of its parts makes it worth watching, but it does have the annoying niggle of why that 2023 story isn't of the same standard as the rest.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
A solid 7/10.
4 May 2023
Every single episode is watchable. I often take issue with Netflix series for dragging a story out over too many episode, but this is spot on. There is just the right level of 'are they a good guy or a bad guy', the lead actor is excellent, complemented by good acting all around. It sets itself up nicely to have another season too. It's fast paced and engaging, and it's interesting.

The story isn't all given away early either, which is often the case. There are numerous sub plots that are well done. It is not over romanticised. The female lead is annoying, but it seems like this was the intention. It is corny at times, but this is one of the better offerings from Netflix for a while.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Missed the mark
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched three episodes and got bored. I was recommended to continue, but found it lack-lustre. It has a great cast, who all act well, but it is lacking. The story is too obvious from too early, so doesn't come as surprise at the end. No one is particularly endearing, the sub-plots are not engaging. It just missed the mark entirely for me. I am a big fan of 'Homeland', so perhaps my expectations were too high. It does a nice job of being light-hearted, but at the same time is too far-fetched when it tries to be dramatic. It's not that this wasn't well written or well acted, it just misses the mark with the intrigue. I wasn't invested in anyone's relationship and I just ended on a 'well I knew that was coming since episode 2'.
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The Power (2023– )
A thought provoking story, told excellently.
15 April 2023
These low star reviews are entirely unwarranted. This series has been executed brilliantly, and has one of the best casts I have seen in a series. The acting is excellent. The way the series is weaving together the stories of different women from different cultures tells us a higher story of the world we really actually live in, and it has been very well crafted and really sensitively dealt with. This isn't a super-hero series, and I wouldn't go into it with that expectation; this is a series telling us a story of our time and what it is to grow up as a woman in this world, from many points of view. Its a reflection of what the world, and the patriarchy, would do if the power suddenly shifted. It isn't far fetched, or over reaching. It's quite sad that the importance of this has been so missed and people have left 1 and 2 star reviews on something that really has been very well done.
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Star Trek: Picard: Surrender (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Excellently nostalgic
8 April 2023
This season is everything this series should have been. Nostalgic and brilliant. The end of the episode features scenes any fan of the next generation would be hard pressed not to enjoy. I have enjoyed every episode of this final season, a great hurrah to end it on. This season has only got better and better and I cannot wait for the final two episodes. It's well written and choreographed, and sensitive to the time that has passed since the next generation. This episode is excellently done. While I did enjoy the first two seasons, this season surpasses both, although builds nicely on the first season.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Strange episode of the series
3 March 2022
This is a very strange episode, that is not in line with the rest of the series in any way. It's not a bad episode of TV, but as others have stated - it's a bad episode of the series. Would have been more fitting as a spin off special, or similar.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Best show on TV
18 January 2022
For me, this has been the best series on television. Certainly, there isn't a better sci-fi series. The story has been great from start to finish. The characters were all excellent, and their arcs were a joy to watch. I haven't watched a single bad episode of this show. I am a little ambivalent about the sub-plot on the ring world in season 6, but hope perhaps it means in the future they could pick it up.
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Well acted series
18 January 2022
This is a very well-acted series; well put together cast. It's paced right without a lot of filler, and the directing and production were all good for me. It's just gets a bit ridiculous. The first two/three episodes are engaging, then it all gets a bit unbelievable and far-fetched. It was a decent watch and don't think it's deserving of the current 5.6 rating on IMDb.
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Vikings: The Last Act (2020)
Season 6, Episode 20
31 January 2021
The final scene of this show was the most perfect ending to this series, incredibly well done. I presume Kattegat was left as it was for the spin-off show, as that was the only story arc I wasn't really invested in after six seasons. A brilliant series though, finished right.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Netflix finally deliver a brilliant teen drama
29 January 2021
This is well-written, acted, directed and shot. It's a perfect six episodes, instead of filled out with dross. There are no gratuitous sex scenes irrelevant to the story. It's really great, I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for more!
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Not brilliant
17 December 2020
As stated in other reviews, much of the acting is pretty poor. The lead characters are dislikeable. Most of the storylines are ridiculous. One thing that annoyed me was the annoying over-use of nudity, which is gratuitous, of characters who were meant to be 16/17? However, that being said, it does draw you In to continue watching and the dancing is beautiful. So if you're prepared to compromise the acting for the dancing, it's not totally awful. Flesh and Bone is much much better.
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Roadkill (2020)
17 November 2020
Disappointingly, this didn't live up to my expectations of it - having Hugh Laurie and Helen McCrory as lead characters. There is a lot of the peripheral parts of the story that don't seem credible. The sound track is irritating. The production is weak. There is no intrigue. It didn't need four episodes. I just felt it could have been done a lot better.
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Style over substance
10 September 2020
I feel like I fell asleep in the middle, and missed half the movie? A good beginning and end, but for a movie that seems to be about the journey, it feels like most of the middle ended up on the cutting room floor. I haven't read the book, but it does feel like this adaptation has skipped a lot of finer detail assuming the viewer has more knowledge of what's happening. A shame, as there is a lot of potential with the cast and effects.
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Away (2020– )
Very enjoyable series deserving of better reviews
9 September 2020
I consider myself fairly discerning when it comes to tv series, and this one is deserving of much higher ratings. It was a thoroughly captivating and enjoyable series about the relationships between people from various backgrounds, becoming a team on their way to man's greatest achievement. It's very well done.
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Really interesting British political film, with great cast.
8 August 2020
A really interesting film about a UK whistle blower at a pertinent time in British political history. I thought it was done really well, no hyperbole. The ensemble cast is very good. It really is a film worth watching. I wasn't aware of Katharine Gun until I watched this; a story worthy of the big screen.
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Get Even (2020)
Cinematography excellent, everything else average at best
6 August 2020
When will people stop commissioning high school dramas with twenty-somethings as the lead characters? It adds a dimension of ridiculous to the whole thing that's difficult to see past. The story arcs are okay, the writing is a cliché, some of the acting is wooden, balanced out by some good stuff. Cinematography and production is excellent and carries the whole thing. It is blaring my obvious what is going to happen mid-series. It's alright, I finished it, but it's not better than six stars where it has the potential to have been a LOT better.

Major biggest gripe really is with the casting and setting unattainable standards for actual teenagers watching. Zero effort has even been made to make them not look 20-something, when we are dealing with what must be meant to be 16/17 year olds at the eldest.
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
28 July 2020
This is such a great, honest story. Highly recommended movie.
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Enjoyable, but felt a little bit unfinished.
25 July 2020
I enjoyed this movie, and then it just ends. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, either. Maybe it would have been nice to see how their lives were a year or too further on.
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