
50 Reviews
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Doubting Thomas (I) (2018)
A bit low budget but raises some questions
29 October 2023
How would you feel if your child was born looking a completely different race? How would you feel suddenly finding out you have a black parent? How would those around you respond? Does that change how they feel about you and how you feel about yourself!;

The budget was obviously lacking and some of the acting in some scenes was a bit too much but I was able to stay interested and see how things play out. The main character, a white man is shocked when his white wife gives birth to a black baby. He starts suspecting infidelity, not trusting his black best friend and stressed with the judgement and questions from strangers and those around him thinking the baby was/is adopted. I appreciated the thought provoking.situations brought up in this shorr movie.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Pleasantly surprised.
27 December 2022
I had wanted to watch this movie when I saw a preview in the theaters but couldn't remember the title so imagine my delight when I saw it was on Netflix. Seeing it was PG 13 sort of dampened my expectations but I must say the movie was not bad at all. I was actually impressed with some of the direction, some of the scenes are downright creepy and scary which for me is lacking in a lot of supposedly "scary" movies these days. That being said the movie does feel a bit rushed, and the horror aspect is gone in the second half. When things are revealed its like the script is put on hyperdrive and the conclusion while entertaining is very rushed. That being said I liked all the actors, the set the scenes, etc. It was a good Friday night movie to watch.
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An engrossing foreign film
23 May 2022
I wasn't expecting much when Netflix suggested this show but the camera work, the acting and the characters compelled me to keep watching. A married woman disappears, possibly kidnapped and while eyes start shifting toward the husband the family is split apart. This is by no means a unique or original story yet the writing, the characters and their acting keep you interested. The lawyer, Victor who some accuse of being obsessed with the case has his issues but he is very passionate and you come to love his dynamic with his team of investigators also who draw you in even in their small roles. From the eldest daughter to the other side characters there were strong performances and realistic occurrences, you can actually feel for both sides of the drama. I did have an issue with the ending but for a short series I would gladly recommend this show.
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Horror? No. Boring? Yes!
1 May 2022
Oh man I knew nothing about this movie when I came across it so I went in fully blind and I was very much let down. There is nothing scary about this movie, there is blood and some violence but again, nothing scary. The movie is about a witch that can change form into her victims so she having been largely kept away from society comes to know human experiences good and bad by taking the form of various people. If that sounds exciting for you, go for it. Most of the movie is without speech aside from the other characters and you are to make up what is going on with very long drawn out scenes of nothing exciting happening. Im aware that there is an audience for things like that but this movie put me to a sound sleep.
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The Rental (2020)
Just another well made yet pointless mvoie
3 April 2022
The movie starts out promising with a pair of brothers and their girlfriends renting out a property to unwind. The difference in the personalities and the dark past of one of them hints at an interesting plot but the movie dissolves into something we have all seen several times before and what's worse is that there is absolutely no motive or compelling reason to be least sate your appetite. I have no problems with the acting the script or the direction, it is the story that made this something I would never recommend.
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Zone 414 (2021)
A solid Sci-Fi watch
16 January 2022
I'm very confused about the low rating of 4.9 as this movie deserves more than that. The atmosphere along with the plot drew me in but I must speak on the performances of all the actors involved was what really made the movie for me; they did their roles almost too well. I love Guy Pearce and he is amazing in every role but I would like to note that all the other characters big and small stood out as well. The premise is there is a heavily contained area where androids and very wealthy humans can interact the eccentric android inventor hires a retired detective to find his human daughter who has hidden out in the area without incident. The story is simple and the movie is not long, I would recommend this for a weekend viewing if you are in the mood for a sci-fi treat.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Slow start but a very beautifully shot and well crafted movie
7 January 2022
My title says it all. While I wouldnt rush to see this movie again I cannot deny it is skillfully made from the set design the artistic shots the acting and even the suspenseful scenes. The director is very talented and white the movie started off a bit slow I was immersed in the environment and time of the characters and what they were going through. The young boy and the actress portraying his mother did a fantastic job and the movie gets really intense/creepy in its last half hour. That being said I wish there had been more to the story and an explanation of what was going on outside of the character's stretch of land to flesh out the eti u more.
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The Kindred (2021)
The problem is with the story
30 December 2021
I have no issue with the acting or the directing but the story was very drawn out and not thought out that well at all. By the half mark I had already grown patient and completely bored. At the end of the movie I didn't care about anyone not even the baby and missing kids there just was no connection to anyone or anything.
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The Humans (2021)
Slower than a snail.
29 December 2021
I was interested in this movie as the premise of family secrets appealed to me but I had no idea this was adapted from a play. The movie starts with the family interacting with each other in one of the daughter's home and I did appreciate how much they really seemed like a natural family. The dialogue was very natural and the writing was good HOWEVER the movie was very very very slow. I watched it with three other people and out of 4 people 2 people fell asleep while all asking me why the heck I picked this movie. I held on believing that the movie would pick up in some way, there are some weird almost supernatural seeming elements that go absolutely nowhere so were they to tease us and lastly thought the secrets would make up for the dragging of the scenes but they did not....... So while the acting and writing was great I would not recommend this movie to watch unless you like very slow scenes where nothing much really happens.
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It's a silly movie so watch it with that expectation
24 November 2021
While this is a pretty play by numbers movie there are enough scenes and weird random ridiculous things going on then you can get a good smart or even laugh out of watching this. The premise of the babysitter using her earned merit badge skills and talents against the bad guys was interesting and the bad guys and their lines was comical, the lady villain in all black took her role super seriously and kept you engaged. The script was pretty bad but I wasn't expecting too notch dialogue anyway. Like I said initially, this is a "Friday Night just put something on already" bad movie that once you know that going in just relax and kill some time.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Flawed but still enjoyable
3 October 2021
Funny story, I was thinking the whole time that the main actress resembled Megan Foxx not realizing it actually was. The movie began looking very cheap and cheesey so I was tempted to turn it off but the premise made me give it a chance. Although I do agree with most that a lot of exposition was shoved into our faces and a lot of the character's motives and development was lacking I was able to overlook it from the nonstop action scenes and toughness portrayed by Megan Fox. I actually found it an interesting concept to watch her struggle with a dead body attached to her arm and how she fought to be free and survive her attackers. I will never say this should be win some awards but it was a fun movie to watch for the most part.
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Blood Born (2021)
Was original and interesting until.......
19 August 2021
A young couple has struggled many times with conceiving a child and are at the end of their rope when a friend recommends an unconventional route which involves a group that practices magic and promises success in getting women pregnant.. I was curious about this movie and was initially very entertained as the story developed and introduced some odd methods to get the wife protagonist pregnant; I felt it took creativity and it was amusing to watch the "witch" come up with something different each scene. However, by the second half the movie grew weaker with some shabby acting performances and even worse laughable CGI. Then main characters who had started out strong seemed to be phoning it in but I think that may be in part due to the script. What had started as a decent although low budget movie seemed to descend into a first year film student's project by the end. I gave it a 5 because I believe it is not that bad and deserves a view and hat's off to the devotion to the unusual plot.
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Woe is me and anyone else who watches this
16 August 2021
This is awful. Binge watch in the hopes it will be worth it awful. Wasted about 8 hours of my life awful I had no idea what I was stepping into when I began this quirky series. I like quirky, I like different and they had this in spades. Great actors in the lead roles, especially playing the characters of Lou and Boro and the sets were very creative. But you know that pesky thing called a plot? There wasnt much of one. The main lead, Lisa wants to be avenged from a producer who stole her film so she makes a deal with a.....a witch I guess. However Lisa is not that likeable nor do you really feel for her goal especially since Lou actually repeatedly tries to work with her. There are several gross and weird scenes, many things that were just head scratching and off and I would have forgiven that if there had been much of a story, Some of these reviews are.....suspicious Yes the show looks dark but it is far from a horror and that was another complaint, you werent sure if the show was going for comedy or drama considering most of the characters behaved oddly, like they were all on mushrooms or were part of some strange parallel universe. Apparently in this universe everyone is there to aid Lisa in her very charmed life. Please let me reiterate there is no story here if you want to see 8 episodes of some weird things happening on your screen with no real purpose or resolution then this is for you. Good luck.
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Beckett (2021)
Straight Rubbish!
15 August 2021
I can inform you that a majority of the film is the main character, Beckett running around in dirty clothes looking lost and confused as he somehow seamlessly evades skilled killers and he is able to do parkour in the Greece countryside with several injuries. That was a good 80% of the movie believe it or not, watching him stumble around. As he is running from the threats everywhere he goes no one really reacts to his strange appearance, are not only able to speak English with no problem but hand this bleeding American stranger their phone with no questions asked or concern. It was almost comical after awhile. I been to Greece before but I didnt notice the residents being quite that chill. I never really cared too much about what would happen to Beckett, he seemed to be phoning in his performance and I was phoning in my attention span.

You are soon able to piece together some lazy political agenda angle or something like that but why should you care? The movie was at least a good 40 mins too long and the worse offence was the last 10 minutes. Someone in another review said its a movie so people should turn off their brains but does that mean if Beckett had turned into a Transformer I wouldn't have viable complaints? I should just accept it is a movie and so what he turned into that out of nowhere? We understand we are watching a movie but unless it is science fiction I expect things to make sense and obey the natural laws. There were so many eye rolling developments and coincidences on top of long looks, pauses and shots that had no real impact on the movie it was frustrating. Maybe if Beckett HAD turned into A Transformer or maybe even a vampire I wouldn't be so disappointed in this movie. This was almost 2 hrs I will never get back.
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Broil (2020)
What the devil did I just watch?
6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this movie because the synopsis and the title intrigued me but I was punished for my curiosity. This movie is just not a good one. The acting is fine for the most part but it's like all the characters were given the wrong idea of what type of movie they were filming. The lead actress, the grand-daughter Chance acted like she was in a campy Disney movie the whole time which really took away from the darkness of the movie. Worse, she really added nothing and I do mean nothing to the story so the ending involving her and her whole purpose was not necessary, Some scenes were entirely campy and as I mentioned before it seemed like every actor in the movie was on a different vibe. Much of the character's motivations were incongruent to their story and totally unrealistic as well as their reactions. You find yourself wanting to make it make sense but it never will. It's like several scenes are shot for entirely different movies; most of the movie it seems like the editors were on a meth binge it was very disjointed and at times you really wasn't altogether sure what was going on, wondering if you missed a scene. There were plenty of silly and ridiculous scenes and I could not wait for this movie to be over. I thought the Chef, the Grandfather and his daughter June's acting was well done but surprised they would agree to do this movie after reading the crappy script. This is not a horror, this is a WTF movie with no type of redemption aside from that it does end.
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The Box (II) (2021)
Low budget with a low plot
6 August 2021
I came on IMDB hoping someone would have presented some deeper meaning to this movie that would make the last 85 minutes of my life worth a dang but that did not happen. The movie is really about an aspiring artist who dreams he is trapped in a room with mirrors and he cant get out. That is what most of the movie consists of with no revealing or interesting moments beyond that concept so I was hoping the ending would have answers but it did not and unfortunately the movie was just not that good or made you really care about anything going on. It is very low budget but that is not a reason to totally write off a movie however an awful or threadbare plot is.
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Val (I) (2021)
Will someone brush his eyebrows?
6 August 2021
I'm a fan of Val Kilmer's work and had just recently wondered what had happened to him when I came upon this documentary on Prime. I always believed him to be an immensely talented actor but I suppose the rumors of his character had seeped in somewhat as they were the only things I ever really heard about him.

The film is narrated by his son Jack but in the words of Mr. Kilmet himself who survived throat cancer and whose voice is now affected. I did learn more about Val Kilmer (such as the youngest accepted to Julliard and that he and his brothers did home movies and plays) and a lot of this dosumentary is taken from his own private film. I was pleased to observe a pleasant man. Humble and most of all a loving father and beloved dad. I do hope that he and his family continue to be close and blessed and I also thank him for his gifts to the arts and aspiring artists.
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Come True (2020)
The length of this movie was the real horror.
4 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I will acknowledge the lead actress and the cinematography but aside from that this movie was painful to get through. Not only is there no explanation for why this young lady is homeless despite having a Mother seemingly looking for her but exactly what the point of the sleep studies were when some facts are divulged to the protagonist. The scientist dude going gaga over her just felt rushed and silly, some other review mentioned a scene between them that really made me cringe. Then the main character had this awful haircut that did nothing for her along with a big head.... Im sorry it was very distracting. After 45 minutes I was ready to throw in the towel because the movie was plodding along but I had hope that the ending would make up for all the ills of the movie. Nope! There will be no satisfaction gained not even if you are high.
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Enjoyed this movie very much
2 August 2021
I was on the edge of my seat for most of this movie of course rooting for the protagonists. I really felt for the two innocent victims throughout the movie and immensely hated their attackers which made me emotionally invested in the film. Of course there were some illogical decisions made by the characters but they're kids and kids in a highly stressful scary situation, none of which took away from my enjoyment of the movie however. From start to finish I wanted my protagonists to succeed and this movie held my interest throughout.
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Separation (I) (2021)
Fine acting, no scary
2 August 2021
I remember seeing the trailer to this movie and being excited that perhaps a good scary movie was arriving. The movie begins with great production, camera work and acting so I had high hopes, it looked like much attention was paid to detail and I cared about what was happening with the characters. And then the CGI showed up. The CGI was almost cartoonish and I wondered if that was on purpose since the main protagonist worked as a comic creator. I hoped CGI aside there would still be a story that would frighten and overcome it but that did not happen. Quickly the CGI figures were not frightening but more irksome, their roles confusing yet boring. To be frank the plot becomes very predictable and in the last 10 minutes super ridiculous and disappointing I was left with so many questions and criticisms but I was also happy that the movie was finally over.
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A much cornier version of "Power"
18 July 2021
I had high hopes for this movie despite the very goofy opening soundtrack. We are introduced to a cop who has some type of agreement with superheros although that's not really explained til later but he Is paired with a female partner much to his chargrin. Together they are on the case to figure out who is using powers to kill and start fires which leads them to a bigger issue than they previously thought. The Movie was pretty predictable and lacked depth. I rolled my eyes several times and got the feeling this was intended for teenagers due to the weak dialogue, "humor" and script. I was never impressed or even cared when some action did take place and was quite happy when the movie ended.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
If you think this is the worst movie you've ever seen than I envy you
22 May 2021
I didnt expect this movie to be winning any Oscars but it is far from "the worst movie ever", The acting, cinematography, plot was fine and the movie held my interest until the end although it isn't exactly an original concept.

A ship is on it's way to "New Earth" since original Earth and humanity is going to end but there is trouble afoot with most of the occupants in Cryo. The only complaint is that it has been done before other than that it's a pretty predictable standard movie and Bruce Willis and several of the other actors held their own despite this not being a Blockbuster Top 10 treat. Of all the Godawful movies I have had the misfortune to sit through and to come on here and see people gave this a 1/10 mainly complaining about nothing other than lost pride in Bruce is mind-numbing.
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The Night (II) (2020)
A very Room 1308 kinda vibe
10 May 2021
It is very hard to find an actual scary movie these days and this movie with a small budget little to no CGI , jump scares and gore managed to give off a very creepy unsettling feeling. While it isnt exactly an original movie the acting was solid even with the small parts other characters played they did a great job, for example the night check in clerk and the homeless man aside from the main protagonists, I wish they had developed or answered more of the questions that arised but this movie was done pretty well so I would give it a 6.5 out of 10.
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Nicole (2019)
Give it a watch
12 April 2021
You shouldnt always pass on low budget films, there are sometimes diamonds to be found or you may pass on a decent film. This film was decent. Pretty straight forward but you can appreciate the work that was put into it from the people who did the set to the acting which I found to be very good by the main protagonist Nicole and her date John. I say give it a chance, it's entertaining. I've seen very very horrendous films with a way bigger budget.
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Girl (I) (2020)
I am absolutely embarrassed that I watched this, please dont make my mistake
7 April 2021
I dont think I have ever given a movie such a low scoring. The writers must have been on Meth.

This movie is absolutely dreadful, I have no idea how people actually thought this would be a good idea. The main protagonist stumbles into town like she is Clint Eastwood on a mission to kill her father.....ok that's interesting. She walks into this crappy abandoned town and once she finds the bar the "dialogue" starts and I start to wonder if I made a very bad decision. Yes folks I did.. I was left speechless at not only how ridiculous the acting was but also at the decisions and developments that went on in this movie. I had to wonder if this was supposed to be a plot as the movie was just so so bad. It got worse and worse but I had to finish to give it a fair rating and that I did. Anyone else telling you this is a 9/10 is on meth too. If you want to enjoy this movie I guess you could do that too but that would be the ONLY way.

Dont say I didnt warn ya!!!!!
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