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Single White Spenny (2011– )
Single White & Soon to be Cancelled
3 June 2011
This show is awful. I couldn't even make it through the whole episode without turning it off. I didn't expect a Kenny Vs Spenny rip-off, but what you get is a bizarre sitcom where Spencer Rice is some type of sex symbol. Revolving around how confusing his life is being single, while dating multiple women. Spenny is a type of gigolo character which isn't funny, seems more ironic. Maybe I missing something but so far. There isn't much laughs. All this scenes evolved women. Going on a date, seeing an ex, complaining to a girlfriend, then getting back with the ex. Very repeatable and I couldn't imagine the plot getting much deeper. Also it's hard to care about his "Character". I don't feel bad that he's cheating. His problems are self inflicted,relate-able and unlikeable. This show wasn't for me. However if you enjoy watching a 40 year old cry baby womanizer this is your program.
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Idiocracy (2006)
A movie that stupid people don't like
1 February 2007
Idiocracy felt like Mike Judge took my thoughts on society and put them into film. In fact, the movie is a social commentary. Almost feels like a documentary at times. Luke Wilson did a good job playing a boring average joe (Like in most of his movies).

Of Course Idiocracy was an extreme of the current state of society. But that's what makes most comedies funny, a extreme of any situation. Fiction isn't that much different then reality.

With kids praising materialist Hip-Hop culture and taking pride in being ignorant. When people feel useless in life, they breed. Giving them a purpose in the world. And it seems only the worse people breed the most. I can understand how others don't like it. It doesn't help most of the jokes were 2nd grade bathroom humor. Not much different than a Kevin Smith film.

Idiocracy throws away logic, reason, any intelligence (For good reason).

Mike Judges comeback was a knockout.
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Last Days (2005)
Exploit talent
19 December 2005
First let me say, I am a life-long Nirvana fan. Kurt Cobain has inspired me and his music has changed my life. When I first heard that they made a movie inspired by Kurt, I thought "Great, another way to exploit someone". And that's what you get with "Last Days".

You can't pass off any boring movie as a Art film. Kurt's music was his art, this is a movie with no purpose. "Last days" is banking off someone's fame and talent. It is very insulting to any true fan. Everyone acts like they know how Kurt thought. Kurt Cobain has just became a stereotypical idea, a image, a type of clothing, and this movie is more of the same.

Like Tim Burton, Gus Van Sant has no more original idea's. Just pick a topic or event that people have some feelings connected too. And you got a movie. I can't help but feel ashamed and exploited.

Michael Pitt is horrible. Just because you look like Kurt, mumble, and can play three chords. Doesn't mean you are him. Are we that easily amused ? I guess so. Michael Pitt is a hack, it's one thing if you act in a bad movie. But it's another if you try and write songs sounding like him. Did anyone see the music video on the DVD ? Last Days is a bad movie. It's disrespectful and just adds more to the stereotypes. Let Kurt Cobain die and leave only what he wanted alive.
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Viva la Bam (2003–2006)
2 August 2005
Viva la Bam is awful.

Bam comes off as a spoiled brat. Not hip or cool. Picking on his friends, dad, and mom. Sure its "All in fun" but if anything was ever done too him "Its pay back". So he's a bully thats comes off as a fake rebel. With a fashioncore attitude and "Fake rebellion". This show should be great with teenagers 13-17, living at home with their parents. Ungrateful for life and anything given to them.

Viva la Bam is poorly written and pretends to be random and crazy! MTV is a generation destroyer. They put these false idols on TV and kids will follow anything that pretends to be "different" & "cool".

"Be like Bam kids! You'll be unique" yeah... right...
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Reign: The Conqueror (1997–2000)
Great show
31 July 2005
This maybe one of the most underrated cartoons of all time. If your are a fan of Aeon Flux. Then you should love this show. The art style of "Reign" is beautiful. Very unique and creative. Not like any other anime out their. Unlike other cartoons, "Reign" has a deep story. After watching one show, you'll want too see another. The plot is alittle too complex at times. But that doesn't matter because everything gets explained throughout the show. You get a feeling of real personality in each character (Good/Bad/Evil). The fight scenes are graphic and slick.

If you're use too cheesy Anime. Then this might not be the show for you. You'll just have too go back to you're Dragon Ball Z on Cartoon Network. This is how adult cartoons should be. I could only wish their was more.
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Great movie
15 July 2005
The great thing about "Team America: World Police" shows the hypocritical views of Hollywood actors and also how annoying American nationalism is. Not only is it crap your pants funny but it makes good points with humor. Too many movies try to appeal too every crowd. Not this one

The puppets are great in a cheesy way. The fight scenes are filmed perfectly. "Team America" is like all the Horrible Hollywood action films. From the opening action scene where everything is blow up in sight, down to the tough guy in the force that hates all rookies.

I think we should replace the American National Anthem with the "Team America" theme song. This movie will be offensive too republicans, Blind Moral voters, puppy's, kittens, the blind, and the ignorant.
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