
12 Reviews
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Mogambo (1953)
Animal Exploitation At Its Worst
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While I enjoyed Ava Gardner's character immensely, I was less than thrilled w/ Clark Gable, and even less w/ Grace Kelly, both of whom I normally admire greatly. But the worst of it was the normalization of terrorizing & tearing apart living being families for the thrill of $$$, circus' & zoos, where they are terrorized even further. How anyone could be so heartless as to consider this an ok thing to film is beyond heartbreaking and leads the way to animal abusers worldwide. Thankfully many actors today realize the absolute barbarism of animal exploitation. Tragic that it didn't happen sooner.
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Bringing Up Bobby (2009 Video)
A real joy to watch!
24 June 2021
I don't know what is wrong with some reviewers, but I found this to be a truly enjoyable film. Seriously funny (I'm talking laugh-out-loud!), clever, endearing, lovable characters, with what turns out to be a truly strong storyline with real substance. Has it all! I first watched this many years ago and remembered loving it, but after all this time, figured that it would probably be one of those things where I changed to a point where the memory would be better than the actual current reality; so I semi-grudgingly checked it out again, and I think - if possible - I love it even more this time round!! So, I will share with one and all from now on, since not fair to keep this sweet li'l gem all to myself! ;)
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A Heartwarming Gem to Stir the Soul
10 November 2018
There are really no appropriate words to express my feelings about this lovely little hero and the charming film that did an incredible job encapturing him; but I will do my best. ... My Papa Herbie and I saw this amazing movie for his birthday just three days before he went into the hospital. and he said that he just kept thinking about Sgt. Stubby and couldn't help but choke up with tears every time, reminding him of his own beloved furbaby, Frisco, from many years before. He kept saying what a beautiful dog he was and how this is one of the best movies ever made...and I wholeheartedly agree with him. This poignant film should be shown in libraries, museums, schools, veteran groups, etc., everywhere! I just can't thank enough all those involved for bringing beloved Stubby so beautifully to us, and for what they had done for me and my precious father (who has since passed onto the good Lord) through him...for making it and giving such a heartwarming memory of me and my beloved pops. Until the very last he was talking about sweet Stubby. You just have no idea what this meant to us. Clearly Sgt. Stubby is still saving lives even now!!! We also played Stubby's music at his vet funeral service on Memorial Day weekend, and everyone was in awe at the loveliness of it all. Thank you again so very much, and so many of God's blessings to you.🙏🐶🐕🐾🙏
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The Stray (2017)
More than just a movie - A precious gift to cherish
20 October 2017
This is a beautiful, heartwarming, inspirational true story of an incredible stray dog who comes to save a family in more ways than one. An absolute must-see. I am thankful to have accidentally come across this precious little gem in my local theater, as it is only a limited release in very few areas. I cried both times, tears of hopeful joy, abounding love. I took my sister-in-law the second time, and out came the tissues. If you miss the big screen, make sure to purchase the DVD when it comes out, as this is a heartfelt treasure you will want to enjoy over and over and over again.
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The Rifleman (1958–1963)
Good Godly Old-Fashioned Family Fare - Can't Be Beat!!!
9 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely LOVE this show, the characters, and the actors who portray them. The relationship between father and son can't be beat!!! (and let's not forget that incredible rifle!! ;) A truly blessed sight to behold - especially considering the heartbreaking state of things these days - is the absolutely shameless way they pray, read the Bible, and love learning to live the way our Lord would have them live. Truly beautiful. My most favorite episode is "The Wyoming Story - Part 2", at the end, when Mark not only speedily jumps into his pa's arms, but tearfully, fervently kisses him for pure joy of having him back home for good. Serious, heartwarming sweetness, that. Lumpy throat, teary eyes, every time I see it!!
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This movie tore up my heart
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers

How is it that they felt this would compliment - or continue - the STNG franchise? Incredibly enough, in the Special Features, it shows the actors saying that they were so surprised each time they were told another film was coming... and yet it is on this one that they all finally got to the point where they didn't believe it was really the end, but that another film would be coming, and they couldn't wait! So, this is the one that they hung all their hopes on? REALLY??? Talk about clueless. Up until this one, I was an avid STNG fan... No matter how far they brought you to the brink, they would always find a way to bring you back and better than before. They were pros at the roller-coaster ride that left you satisfied when all was said and done... but this one left me completely numb and stunned and mourning a once brilliant series, dimly lost. Aside from having a director that had no idea of who the characters are or how to handle them (never having watched the series or previous films), you have Brent Spiner just itching to blow Data up once and for all (his revealing). There feels to be a lack of respect for the characters and viewing audience here. Then you have them forgetting a most important part of successful film-making: BALANCE. This movie is SO dark, with very little substance or light throughout the film to balance it. All the way to the end, it's dim, dark, drama, drummed into you... DISMAL! Data is dead, everyone leaves... What a "thank you" to all the fans who kept this franchise running for all these years. :( The whole thing was insulting, rude, and unnecessary for all of us who loved this cast and crew all the years through. I can't even watch the episodes anymore, knowing that this is how they finalize the beloved characters. They try to make you believe that there's a higher message that comes out of it all... something truly inspirational that prevails in spite of everything. Perhaps if it was a true story and they had no choice... but this is Science Fiction and they most certainly had a choice in how to deal with all of this. No, this was not inspirational or courageous... This was an experiment gone terribly wrong, that was best left for some sad, shocking horror flick or a poor episode of Night Gallery. In my book, it's not how you begin, but how you end, that leaves the lasting impression of the whole. If you don't finish well, then there's really no point. The same can be said of life... It's not about how you start, even if you began brilliantly; but if you mess it all up, ruining your life, finishing it with suicide or some such tomfoolery, what is the freakin point?!!! None of it matters then. There's no honor then. On the other hand, if you started sorely, messing up throughout, yet learned and left a loving last impression, now that really counts for something. How is it that they learned nothing from all of their wonderful past experiences, not to mention their incredible predecessor and originator: Star Trek the Original??? Now they did it right, from start to finish... and a beautiful blueprint of success was left for those who followed this timeless classic, leaving no excuse for such sorrowful silliness. One of the biggest disappointment was the lack of outcry from the cast to fix the plot and storyline. In fact, it shows that they were all quite pleased with this miserable mish-mash... then they were quite shocked and confused as to why this film failed miserably, worst than any before... not making up the budget put into it, and no more reunions to follow. They just couldn't understand what happened. Unfortunately, all I could surmise from their extreme approval is that they were simply too worn, themselves, to remember the high quality performances and story lines that they use to produce... and that if this was good enough for them, then they deserved the lousy box-office flop ending that they received. Tragic, truly tragic.

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Seriously Clever Film! A Must-See Movie If Ever I Saw One!!!
19 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously pleasantly surprised!!! The last days of Jesus our Christ on this earth before sacrificing himself for our sins, shown from the perspective of the animals involved; some from Jesus' birth in the barn, all the way to that final, selfless moment when He was crucified. I would recommend this movie to everyone. Forget about criticizing the little this's-n-that's; see it for the incredible message and meaning - and the absolutely clever way of relaying this true account of our Lord & Savior. It truly tells the story very well from that point-of-view, including moments when lumps will form in your throat and your heart will feel like swelling right out of your chest! And for the budget, it really is a nicely done animation. As for all the animal lovers out there, a joyous ending (beginning!!), indeed; not only for the animals involved, but for the viewers witnessing this precious, little, hidden gem. Go see it... You won't be sorry - especially if you're in it for the reason you should be in it for! God bless. :)
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Jesse James (1939)
Animal Cruelty for Entertainment!
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The American Humane Association, which is the source of the familiar disclaimer "No animals were harmed..." (the registered trademark of the AHA), began to monitor the use of animals in film production more than 60 years ago, after a blindfolded horse was forced to leap to its death from the top of a cliff for a shot in the film Jesse James (1939). Needless to say, the atrocious act kills the whole entertainment aspect of this film for me. I suppose one could say that at least the horse didn't die in vain, since it was the beginning of the public waking up to the callous and horrendous pain caused animals for the glory of movie making, but I can't help but feel that if the poor animal had a choice, this sure wouldn't have been the path he would have taken!
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
Real cruelty to animals in this film!
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From The AHA began to monitor the use of animals in film production more than 60 years ago, after a horse was forced to leap to its death from the top of the cliff for a shot in the film Jesse James. In 1980, the association publicized animal cruelty on the set of the mega-flop Heaven's Gate—where the production crew apparently decapitated chickens, held cockfights, and blew up a horse—which prompted industry groups to strike a deal with the AHA. The Screen Actors Guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers agreed that the AHA should oversee the use of animals in films whenever possible.
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Eight Below (2006)
Beloved and Betrayed
30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The eight stars is for the incredible dogs, and the strong bond Jerry Shepherd (Paul Walker) holds with them (as well as for both commentaries on the DVD, which holds some very cool info about the dogs, and interesting facts, such as to why One's breath does not show in below zero weather, like so many tend to believe it should). They actually deserve the highest of all star ratings, but I can not even think to give this movie ten stars for all the rest of it. The rest of it deserves less than zero! This movie pulled, ripped, and shredded all my heart strings and left me absolutely drained. The only true heart through this movie was from the dogs and Jerry. No one else cared enough or tried enough, which was made abundantly clear from the very start, when they first chose to take the equipment out before the dogs, thus beginning the whole tragedy in motion. This mentality throughout the film made Jerry's declaration to his girlfriend, near the end, that he owed her for always understanding how important getting back to the dogs was, very confusing to me. It seemed that she always had this sly smile on her face, even in the beginning when giving condolences over having to leave the dogs, she always seemed to be having a happy glow on her... really disconcerting. Just felt like, "So sorry, so sad, but must move on now!" If the intention of her character was to be understanding throughout the movie, her part was sorely lacking. At best, she came off as patronizing and just barely patient through his worrying so much over something that she made very clear should be let go of, even though the dogs were at that very moment starving, lost, lonely, and dying. It wasn't a year later... or even six months yet... but this was her attitude at the beginning until they finally decided to go back. Did she not get that you don't get past something WHILE IT IS STILL HAPPENING???!!! Only after you understand that it is over, truly done with, do you even start to think about the journey of learning to live with it. But out of sight out of mind, right?!!! So, that scene, and the fact that no one ever actually apologized, or made some motion that they were responsible with their lack of previous action, made me somewhat sick at heart. Even if they couldn't go back through winter due to the impossible nature of weather or what have you, they could have -- should have! -- been a much better support system (or even any kind of support system at all!!!) to Jerry. Even when the doc finally gave in way later, it felt like he was inching his way to it, as if through guilt alone, begrudgingly doing Jerry and the dogs a FAVOR instead of finally understanding that HE OWED THEM ALL and was doing what he should have done from the start, saving them all -- as he should have Dewey and Old Jack -- as they had saved him time and again. The fact is that even if this movie wasn't based on a true story it would irk me and make my heart ache... but the sad truth is that not only was there one dog (Old Jack) that died through starvation, alone and immobile in the snow... but in real life, there were actually SEVEN -- and SIX more unaccounted for!!! In real life there were 15 dogs and only two known to have survived. So, I don't even get the comfort of, "Well, at least this was just a movie". Needless to say, this is the movie that finally outdid the one other movie that ripped my heart to shreds as a little girl -- Old Yeller -- but at least that one was truly "just a movie". So, yes, this movie is a spectacular viewing, the dogs are beyond awesome, Paul Walker is fantastic, a true hero (An avid dog lover in real life, as well!), with a considerable joyous relief in the end for the dogs that did survive... but I just can't get past the absolutely avoidable TRAGIC deaths of those other loyal, loving, trusting dogs... betrayed... and the fact that the ones that did survive were no doubt scarred for life. So many are heralding this movie as a human bonding, growing thing. While I do say that it is a lesson of the true love and loyalty that dog holds for man, and that man should hold for dog... for the rest of it, it's a painful reminder of all the dogs left behind (ex: The heroic Vietnam war dogs; the K-9 Katrina victims; the no longer interested family leaving their pup in the woods), an acknowledgment of the ungratefulness and insufferable selfishness of so many out there, and the heartbreaking destruction that too often comes from it. **View this movie so to let the haunting images fill you, and then never allow such a horrific thing to happen again. NO ANIMAL LEFT BEHIND! These dogs story needs to be told, so that their deaths are never, ever in vain and such tragedy is never allowed to ever happen again. **For those that are looking to buy the original movie that this one is based on, you can often find used copies of the video at If it's not there when you look, keep checking -- under both of its titles "Antarctica" and "Nankyoku monogatari" (meaning "The South Pole Story")... It goes in and out. It's also been seen in ebay.
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*Beloved Benji... A class act... Then, now and always*
12 April 2006
Benji & Joe Camp did it again! No one does animal movies like them, and I recommend all of their movies highly all the time. Joe has a way of melting Benji (and now newcomer Shaggy!) straight into our hearts... and makes sure to leave us wiser along the way. If I had any criticism of this movie at all it is that it didn't play in our area when it was out in the movie theaters. It seems that it didn't play in many areas. Therefore, we had to wait for it to come out on DVD. But, thankfully, it did finally come out, and we can now enjoy it along with the other people who were lucky (blessed!!!) enough to see it on the big screen. Thank you Joe and Benji for coming back to us. The world is better for the both of you, and we hope to see more!!!!! Benji... I loved him then... I love him now... I will love him always.
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An Awesome Ewan & Renee Piece!
28 November 2005
I just love Ewan and Renee (not to mention David & Sarah!) in Down With Love. Ewan and Renee have proved themselves over and over again to be fantastic performers, and in my book, this one is tops! I am so glad that they made this film, for those of us who miss this type of lighthearted, uplifting, classy work of days gone by -- not to mention being able to see Ewan and Renee in some real quality signing and dancing! WOW! True chemistry. Their timing is impeccable. And I've got to say, Ewan, a very handsome man in his own right, never looked sexier. Absolutely gorgeous. They were meant for this... They all were! It was all wonderful. The glamorous outfits, the bright sceneries, the spaciousness, the clever props, the catchy music, the perfectly timed split screen segment done as sleek and artistically as a dance... the whole cast -- Including Tony Randall to bring it all back!!! -- Nothing could have been improved upon. This piece has kick, bounce, nostalgia, wit and smooth elegance. David Hyde Pierce, playing Tony Randall's classic character role, is right on the mark. I couldn't imagine a closer match... and his sidekick, Sarah Paulson, is pure gold. This movie was made for them, and anyone who hasn't watched it, or who did but just doesn't get it, is missing something genuinely worthwhile. To not "get it" is your unfortunate loss. When "It's A Wonderful Life" first came out, it was considered one of the worst movies around, having done pitifully in the box office. People were simply confused and thought it to be unrealistic silly fluff. It wasn't until many years later, when it was shown by accident on TV, that it started being cherished for the rare gem that it truly is. And that simply goes to show that it is all about allowing yourself to relish and appreciate a work of art when it is presented to you. Move with it, sway with it, laugh, dance and sing with it -- Savor the clever twists and turns. When this is done, you will grasp Down With Love, and it will be valued for the fine quality labor of love that it always was -- just waiting for you to see.
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