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Bad Reviews Are Disgruntled Misogynists
6 June 2024
It wasn't long into this movie before it started to become clear why this movies has such low reviews.

Apparently many men started watching it hoping for some manly man, post-apocalyptic, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) revenge fantasy, & when it turned out to be more complicated than that & even showed how toxic some of that type of thinking could be, they had some big mad feelings about that.

It's a good twist on the genre, nothing super original, but still an enjoyable watch. Soundtrack was rather odd, cinematography was great.

Makes me wonder if maybe we could designate all of Montana as a "sanctuary" of sorts for all the men who keep threatening to Go Their Own Way but just can't seem to get around to it? Parachute in supplies for them too even. Think of all the money that would be saved on law enforcement, family courts, ER visits, therapy, etc. If they were gone!
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
Cirque du Soleil Cannon Fodder
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was an interesting concept, but just bizarrely poorly executed in parts.

First, the CGI monsters are just comical in many parts, while well done in others. The whole skull with eye holes but having the eyes actually in the neck is a very strange design choice and makes no sense.

Vast swarms of monsters attack China every 60 years and somehow the entire Asian landmass hasn't been decimated long before this?!!? And they've kept it a secret somehow for some reason?!!? Why?!!?

My biggest WTF with this was this phenomenal army they have with thousands of well trained soldiers & impressive weaponry... & then there's these women who are basically tasty yoyos for the monsters to snack on. The very first deployment it shows two out of three are snatched & eaten. The monster's eyes are supposedly their only weak point yet these women are given round cutting blades to try & dive bomb them with when their legions of excellent archers would be MUCH more successful from afar & survive. It makes zero tactical sense especially once you see how BAD it actually works, not to mention that it's totally incompatible with one of their highly effective weapons of sharp blades that protrude out of the wall.

It made these highly skilled female fighters into dumb cannon fodder for no good reason at all & put me off for a big chunk of the movie.

That and Matt Damon's accent was weird and distracting. He was supposedly this horrible thief/murder but it's only vaguely brought up & then nothing more is said & he's now some righteous man & it's not even for love?

Random fun fact- the builders of The Great Wall used sushi rice as mortar in places and it's still holding strong.
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Goodbye Earth (2024)
Astroid Couldn't Come Fast Enough
30 April 2024
To be fair, I only made it one episode in. Thought this was going to be a big apocalyptic sci-fi show about how humanity is trying to prepare for & cope with the apparent end of the world, or at least for everyone in Asia.

Instead it's just a bad soap opera of horrible people being horrible & cruel to others the first chance they get. Even supposedly good characters are unnecessarily cruel to people they're in charge of.

There's no coherent plot or clear reason for all the jumping back & forth in time either. It just kinda happens. Virtually none of the characters are sympathetic or even interesting. I wonder if all the girls & women come across as less bratty, mean, & selfish in the original Korean, because the English dub made my eye twitch with how whiny & inept they were.

Sweet Home Season 1 was an excellent Korean sci-fi/horror series. This is just awful.
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Sanctuary For Who?
1 February 2024
So supposedly this entire town is a dedicated sanctuary for witches, has been for generations, and only... one witch lives there? Huh?

In this alternate reality witchcraft is an accepted fact, yet it's not clear how exactly this town is any kind of "sanctuary" when there's plenty of witches living outside it who seem to be doing just fine, better than the one inside it actually. Plus, theres a disturbing number of townsfolk ready to start up the bonfires and dig out their dunking stools the first time someone whispers that witchcraft is to blame for any sort of tragedy.

I'm guessing that there's some kind of "bad" witchcraft at play making everyone behave this way, otherwise just about the entire town deserves whatever horrors come their way.

Sarah, the main witch, has no real moral backbone. She performs various spells to "help" friends, but lacking consent and with questionable outcomes. Some real "Harry Potter" love spell vibes here that we're supposed to be OK with. She keeps engaging in behaviors that are foolish at best, and life threatening at worst.

Her primary nemesis is delightfully evil in regard to their machinations and how they manipulate people. Best character on the show.

One episode left, that will determine how worthwhile the series is overall. Just slightly better than average so far.
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Doomsday (I) (2008)
What an Absolute Pile of Jobby! This is Hoaching!
11 January 2024
This is seriously awful, not in a "so bad it's awful" sort of way either.

Apparently the world turned its back on the UK for good reason... nobody in the entire film (except for what we briefly see of Bob Hoskins) is redeemable or seems worth going to any length to save. We're given no reason to care about a single character. Frankly, I was rooting for the virus at the end.

I will say that I used to look at all of this kind of media with some degree of scorn... humanity has proven time and again that overwhelmingly it doesn't devolve into savagery and selfishness when disaster strikes. However... seeing the incredible selfishness and willingness to believe obvious lies if it allowed the majority of the population to pretend everything is normal and not have to care about others has made me realize that movies like this might be closer to reality than we'd like to believe.

You'll have to look up the Scottish words for yourself.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
Nobody Can Hear You Scream in Frustration In Space
4 December 2023
Over half way in and we STILL don't know much of anything about anyone. What ARE the blue rocks? Why are they valuable? Why do they make the soldier black out? Why is he there? Why is the AI a psychopath? What are any of the governmental sounding organizations and why should we care? Why was Solomon such a soulless psychopath? Why didn't Black guy remember what happened to him? And on, and on, and on...

Episode four was a bottle episode and rather interesting. I'm all for a slow series as long as SOMETHING interesting happens and SOME questions are answered. It feels like this could have been a really interesting movie that's being unfairly (and rather torturously) stretched into *checks notes* SEVENTEEN EPISODES?!!? You've GOT to be... pooping me.

Five stars for potential, because I'm feeling extremely optimistic. Will adjust accordingly if I make it through to the season finale.
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Luna Nera (2020)
Low Rating ONLY For Poor Dubbing!
14 November 2023
To be clear, I'm only one episode in but I can hardly stand how awful the English dubbing is of this show!

My Italian is not very good, but regardless it's easy to see how bad the translation via dubbing is with the captions turned on. The captions provide a much more nuanced and often subtle version of the scene, one that seems much more in line with what's truly being expressed by the actors.

The english VO on the other hand often basically translates to "Witch bad. Burn bad witch!" or some other simplistic variation. It's awful!

Netflix seems to have a consistent problem with this for some reason. Is it that their own in-house translators are that bad, or what? It's truly mystifying why any production would undermine their own efforts this way.
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Basically Like Watching a 102 Minute Video Game
14 November 2023
Has about the same amount of world building, backstory & character development as your (VERY) average video game. As in, very little.

In fact, it resembles a video game so much that two members of my family came in my studio at two different times, saw a fight scene on the screen, and each asked why I was watching video game footage. The fight sequence between the two knights was especially bad in this regard, including silly slo-mo punches with trails & poorly rendered, pixilated backgrounds behind the main characters.

It was so boringly predictable & the writing so cliched that I found myself pausing it several times just to see how much longer I had to go as I'm generally loathe to give up entirely on a movie, always hoping it redeems itself.

It does not.
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Just Had to Make The Kids Stupid Again
15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This had started out so well. Complex, interesting characters, doing (mostly) smart things, though often rash (especially Mickey). Throughout the series the kids had been portrayed as fairly intelligent, if a bit naive.

Then this episode happens & they drop 50 IQ points. Each. Especially Spoon, Ema &... I forget her name. Their friend CLEARLY almost died in circumstances regarding the mysterious & creepy night club. Instead of waiting till he wakes up & can tell them what happened, two scantily clad girls armed only with a gun they CLEARLY don't know how to use, & their effeminate & physically ineffective male friend (whom I adore fwiw) decide to infiltrate the club on their own. Spoon and the air vent thing was insultingly bad.

They're ALLLLLL looking to get SA'd apparently, or at the very least unalived. Do NONE of them have ANY street smarts or sense of self-preservation?!!? How is their Red Flag Warning system not going off like crazy?!!?

The whole Bat Lady is evil/no she's not/yes she is thing got old, glad that's resolved. I suspect they'll replace that with the Dad is dead/alive/dead thing instead.

Here's hoping they smarten up for the last episode.
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Cobweb (2023)
Oh, What a Tangled Web of a Plot!
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, the good- Lizzy Caplan & Antony Starr are superbly creepy as the parents. I would have liked to see that played up even more.

Woody Norman was good as the main character. A little bit of a sociopath that you feel bad for.

Now, the rest- The teacher played by Cleopatra Coleman is such a cliche of a character. You know she's going to play the "Savior" from the very start. She *could* have been a smart, proactive Savior. Defying the system to protect a kid nobody else will. Instead she (very obviously) slips the kid her number, goes over there without any backup, & repeatedly enters the house KNOWING there's some serious shite going down & a child in danger, without calling for help to the many neighbors at home, much less police.

Then of course the second she gets some shallow cuts on her leg, she's immediately unable to propel herself except with her arms in a half-belly crawl. Until the next shot where she promptly forgets that and walks/climbs just fine the rest of the movie. Can we just stop with that nonsense please?

The irony is she doesn't really end up saving anyone. She just falls down a lot and looks scared.

Other nonsensical plot points- sister is supposedly locked in concrete pit in basement... but fed & watered through tiny hidden door two floors up? Huh? Parents seemingly have no clue how Peter could know about Sarah, yet there's obviously some kind of connection between basement cell & upstairs.

They can build a 12' deep concrete pit in the basement to hide their daughter... but bury the "missing girl" only about 6" deep in backyard? Also why does Peter's discovery of her body somehow seem to spark the blight among the pumpkins?

The ending is a bit confusing... he's supposedly in a different house... but, how? Where? Did they just not tell anyone about his sister? Is it a dream? Huh?

Really started out well, keeps you guessing, then it seems like Seth Rogen decided it was time to hit the bong & wrapped it up in a hurry.
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Scorpion: Once Bitten, Twice Die (2015)
Season 1, Episode 18
More Proof O'Brien is a Fraud
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We watch this show because my 12yo likes it. However the completely ABSURD pseudoscience is offensively and aggressively idiotic on every single level and makes us all dumber for having watched it.

Stealing a poisonous snake instead of the anti-venom that the facility would keep on hand in case of a bite? Dropping the animal that could prevent WWIII and then just laying there watching it run away? Snake venom that acts immediately upon DRINKING, but not so much when injected directly into the bloodstream? Habitat rain systems that constantly drench wooden structural beams?

Not to mention the overtly offensive ignorance regarding the three different countries depicted and their languages, history, cultures, and names.

It's been clearly documented that the actual Walter O'Brien is a liar and a fraud, using this show as a paid-for advertising for his consultation group. He refuses to take another IQ test, claiming he took one as a child (with no proof).

The plots of virtually every episode of this series should serve as further proof that not only is O'Brien NOT any kind of genius, but has an absolute distain for his audience and science itself.
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Good Omens: Chapter 1: The Arrival (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Extra Stars for Jon Hamm's Unpressed Ham
1 August 2023
This second season is off to a delightful start, pushing some well-known characters well out of their traditional comfort zones... even if they're unaware of it at the time.

Crowley and Aziraphale are absolutely delightful and perfect foils for each other's quirks and missteps. Their relationship is such a beautiful example of friendship... their intimate knowledge of each other's strengths, weaknesses, secret delights & sorrows is something I wish all men could have in their lives.

Imagine what a gloriously different world we'd have if this were true?

Jon Hamm is fabulous in all his abundantly blissful ignorance.

That is not an euphemism.

Or is it...?!!?

I still need more characters so I will say make sure to check out the X-Ray extras for delightful BTS scenes and interviews. HOWEVER- Whoever let David Tennant on screen in that mangy, pill-covered, bug-scuffle looking sweater should be sacked! IMMEDIATELY. Wardrobe was apparently MIA making fabulous Liberace-inspired evening wear.


David- Turn your sweaters inside out, gentle cycle, and lay flat to dry, Love. They deserve better.
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Delete (2023– )
Delete From Your Watchlist
3 July 2023
This series is basically a soap opera. Love triangles, back stabbing, lies, bullies, manipulating narcissists galore. Ot is NOT anything remotely sci-fi or horror... except for kind of a few minutes towards the end... sort of?

Oh, & there's a camera that appears from nowhere that makes people disappear to nowhere. There is not a single line from any of the characters wondering why, where it came from, where people go, how it works, or really any curiosity of any kind about this completely bizarre & impossible device. Only ways they can use it for their own selfish & sociopathic needs.

It's an incredibly shallow storyline that refuses to explore or even briefly indulge in exploration of the stranger aspects of the consequences of using it. One guy tells a whole bunch of easily disproven lies about a woman's whereabouts... NBD apparently? A whole bunch of people who disappeared from a secure facility suddenly reappear & not one direct mention of it?

At the center is someone who is having an affair, & someone else that's obviously abusive, & we're supposed to like them? I think?

Not one person is really likable in this whole show. The last episode has a big "WTF?!!?" that they *sort of* hinted at, but really just seems like a desperate ploy to force a second season that I will NOT be watching.
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Manifest: Icing Conditions (2020)
Season 2, Episode 13
Allegory for Fundamentalism
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A more logical, science minded character finally does a complete switch to almost religious zealotry, insisting they blindly do whatever "The Callings" SEEM to be telling them to do, despite it being well established that they often get them wrong. I get that traumatic times often push people towards desperate measures, but it's not like one of their lives isn't seemingly in danger every episode already.

The writers are seemingly terrified of "killing their darlings," to paraphrase Stephen King who offed his with aplomb. They've now established that apparently no one is REALLY in danger of dying, not even on this almost certainly misunderstood "death day." So what's the point? Nothing is really at risk, there's no real consequences.

On top of that, they seem to have entirely abandoned the interesting sci-fi angle and are now going for some full-on religious propaganda- just do as you're told, don't question anything, or those you love will be smited (but not really).

I am SHOCKED this wasn't canceled after this season and ridiculous Pollyanna ending.
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Masterclass In Compassion
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the monarchy has done terrible things, this show ignores all of that, I know this, we ALL know this, so moving on with this fictional retelling.

I have no idea what the relationship was like between the real Charlotte & George, but this version is sublime. Two people placed in impossible situations, with gargantuan expectations placed upon them... who WOULDN'T go a bit mad?!!?

As someone with a family member who is declining rapidly with dementia, I was in tears watching how Charlotte handled "Farmer George." The absolutely fearless and unbridled love she has for him informs her compassionate care in a way that I found profoundly moving & beautiful.

Brilliant spin-off. Of course I want more, but it was absolutely perfect as is.
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Light on Sci-Fi, Heavy on Melodrama
25 April 2023
This is a low budget film with some vague references to some "time-e-wimey" stuff.

It works despite/because there are no special effects/fancy props/etc to distract from the story with their low budget appearance.

However, the music editor really dropped the ball here. I'm no expert in post production, but often the background music sounded very odd, like it was somehow in FRONT of what was happening on screen if that makes any sense.

In several scenes there was zero sound/dialogue from the action on scene, just this bland soundtrack music that was too loud. I get that they were usually a montage of sorts. It just didn't work for me and was distracting.

With the exception of Gillian Anderson, the emotions and expressions of most of the cast were flat.

The way the ending was brought about was clever, I would have liked more info about how it all worked out, but that's me.

Oh, a final note- I get that Osment has been sort of cursed with a babyish looking face. However there's no way a rough, unshaven look like his would have been acceptable in that situation. It would almost certainly draw the wrong kind of attention.
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Disquiet (2023)
It Would Be Impossible To Spoil This Film
18 March 2023
The plot is so transparent and derivative that nothing I write here could possibly come as a surprise when it happens on screen.

I used to do SFX makeup for haunted houses where we had like 15 minutes per person and had to do a dozen each a night. Even though it was only (barely) seen in a dark, poorly lit room by kids and/or drunk adults, it all STILL looked better than what's shown here.

I swear, the brunette looks like her "stitches" are some kids temporary tattoos they're so bad. The "creepy" nails on the old man literally look like they're just cut out of old yellow tape and stuck it on. I am gobsmacked that anyone thought ANY of that was good enough for film, and I'm not even watching on an HD set!

Not worth renting, not worth watching. At all.
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The White Lotus: Arrivederci (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
She Deserved Better
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I get that Tanya's last minutes and death is somewhat reflective of her life... brief moments of competency and success surrounded by gross incompetence and complete ineptitude fueled by a complete lack of comprehension of her actual strengths and weaknesses.

I also get that people under pressure make poor decisions and often are unable to assess situations and problem solve in a reasonable way.

HOWEVER... the way the final scene was shot it's made to look like somehow the only way to get to/from the small tender boat and the yacht is to jump 20 feet down... or up for that matter. When in fact there's a large deck right at the water line (briefly seen in this scene, but prominently shown elsewhere) at the stern (rear) where she had almost certainly boarded and disembarked three times total already as the locations shown don't appear to have any kind of moorage capacity for a yacht of that size or depth. The tender is clearly shown tied up close enough for her would-be assassin to have disembarked via it.

Not mention that someone of her wealth and propensity to travel would have been on more than just this one yacht.

So to have her, an overweight, decidedly NOT athletic older woman decide to try to jump INTO the boat (not even the water and THEN climb in) really just sends her out on a depressingly stupid note that her character did not deserve.

Two stars off for that ending.
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Compelling, But A Missed Opportunity
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this overall, but having the majority of it happen in the one room of the cabin seemed like a missed opportunity.

I wanted to see more about the other characters, how they struggled to believe, what finally convinced them, maybe some hints as to why they were chosen.

The biggest missed opportunity to me though was the night they spent tied to chairs, facing each other, with the four strangers in the house and an impossible decision before them. What would they have talked about? How would Eric's faith and Andrew's cynicism factored in? What would their daughter have to say about it?

It seemed like such a huge set up, turning them to face each other that way, having it take place over night, that for NOTHING to be included felt like a big chunk was edited out for time or some other poor reason. There wasn't even the allusion that they MIGHT have talked... but how could they NOT?!!?

Dave Bautista as Leonard was phenomenal, I would be THRILLED to have someone like him be my kid's teacher! Eric, Andrew & Wen were also great though Andrew was so confrontational at times I wanted to slap him & tell him to STFU and LISTEN more.

No twists, and certainly doesn't paint god like beings in any favorable light. The opening scene with Wen collecting grasshoppers in a jar to "study them" is a not so subtle allusion to the possible motives of whatever force it is that's made these seemingly arbitrary rules to force the circumstances shown, but that's as close as we get to any kind of explanation or reasoning.

Worth streaming at home.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Dated Writing, Still Above Average
8 February 2023
I'm watching this in 2023, 8-12 years after it was all created.

It's interesting how much has and hasn't changed in the interim.

First, the acting and special effects held up surprisingly well. Makeup/injuries were typically well executed (except for the "spikes"), though I suspect they wouldn't hold up on an HD set.

Noah Wylie holds his own, though his vocal fry becomes grating towards the end. Connor Jessup was impressively nuanced as his son Ben. Maxim Knight grew into his role as the youngest son Matt in what must have been a tough time as an actor from age 8-14 or so. Colin Cunningham as John Pope was delightfully morally ambiguous and flirted with belly flopping right into being evil well.

None of the female characters were especially interesting to me. Virtually all had their value and sense of self worth dependent on the approval/support of a male character, & were at least one male's love interest.

The four lead actors/characters that appeared in every episode all appear to be white, straight, American men.

Of the top 11 actors, 8 are male, 3 are female. Among them the diversity consists of 8 white people, 1 Black man, 1 half Korean woman, and one woman who's a quarter Mexican and one quarter Italian. Nobody struggles with racism, aside from the (actual) aliens.

No characters, be they human or alien, appear to be anything other than CIS gendered and heterosexual.

Religion, race, sexuality, gender, politics are basically ignored. Sure, there's vague allegories that can be inferred, but because they're so vague they can be easily interpreted to mean whatever the viewer wishes them to mean.

There's nothing here that would push someone out of their comfort zone and provoke thought like Star Trek, or The Last of Us S1;e3.

Most plots are driven by people deciding to keep dumb secrets & tell stupid lies to people they supposedly love & trust, usually in service of their own ego, and at great rusk of harm to others.

The rest are people acting in a hyper aggressive manner, taking impulsive, emotionally driven and unnecessary risks that endanger everyone and go completely counter to all their professional training, but somehow don't usually incur great (unintended) harm.

If someone does succeed in advocating for a calm, thoughtful approach, it almost always backfires.

There is repeated mention of how we must "hold on to our humanity" and not become violent monsters like the aliens, as if humanity doesn't consist of the most senselessly violent and aggressive animals already on the planet.

I can understand why this was originally rated 7+, and I am glad it serves as a valid contrast of a decent show that could be done much better now with a lot more nuance, representation, thoughtfulness, and thought provoking storylines. It would be worth rebooting in 10 years or so.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Exquisitely Perfect
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of the best episodes of any show I've ever seen. On par with achingly beautiful episode of The Magicians 3:5 "A Life In The Day."

Nick Offerman plays what at first appears to be a familiar role for him as Bill, an immensely talented, competent & rather hirsute man who is most content keeping his own company, despises the government & other people, & loves guns & meat. LOTS of meat. Bill & Ron Swanson's collective cholesterol levels must just read "ERROR."

All is... good? Acceptable? Until the day a stranger names Frank (played by Murray Bartlett) falls into the picture.

The remainder of the episode is a privileged glimpse into what seemed an unlikely relationship in an impossible world.

They create an oasis for themselves amid a world of chaos & death. In their own version of Eden, it's not a sin to simply love who you love... unreservedly & without fear of judgement. The result- two hairy middle aged men with scruffy beards & "dad bods" is... beautiful. Every moment of it, from beginning to bittersweet end.

Post apocalyptic stories are generally full of the worst parts of toxic masculinity distilled down into some of the most vile examples of humanity, & Pedro Pascall's character Joel Miller certainly embodies some aspects of that. One has to be tough to survive amid constant chaos & loss. However Bill & Frank are able to survive in their own bubble outside the need for that emotional armor, & the result is a relationship that redeems humanity & gives me hope for humanity at large.

Thank you Neil Druckmann & Craig Mazin for making this beautiful piece of art. It soothed my heart in a way I wasn't aware it needed. What a better world it would be if all of us had the freedom to love each other the way Bill & Frank show us is possible.
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The Menu (2022)
Sapid and Satiating- DO NOT READ TRIVIA 1st!
17 January 2023
As of January 16th 2023, some jack hole wrote a whole bunch of trivia notes and didn't mark them as spoilers, so do NOT read them if you don't want the entire movie spoiled for you!

I submitted edits to mark as spoilers, so hopefully those go through ASAP.

As for the movie, even with many critical elements spoiled for me, I thoroughly enjoyed it. A few elements seemed unresolved, or perhaps I missed something during my first viewing. I plan to watch again for sure.

I've eaten at many fabulous restaurants, and appreciate artful presentations, but the pretentiousness of some of them spoils it. This film skewers them in such a delightful way. It's like a horror version of the epic food critic review " Bros., Lecce: We Eat at The Worst Michelin Starred Restaurant, Ever." Very much worth the read!
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Black Adam (2022)
Criminal Levels of Squandered Potential
15 January 2023
This film had so much potential to be something interesting, something poignant, and it completely wasted it all in such spectacular fashion that even the supernaturally charismatic Dwayne Johnson couldn't salvage it.

A diverse cast embodying refreshingly non-white heroes/anti-heroes & villains set in a beautiful and unique (fictional) location provided a timely backdrop for discussions about how well the world really works in a good or evil binary. Or what justification the "Justice Society" (whoever the heck they are, we don't really get a chance to know before someone in FX turns the digital blender on high and throws all the characters in together) has for stepping in and deciding that Kahndaq couldn't have their own protector after having ignored the suffering of it's people for decades at the hands of evil villains with access to superpowered tech & weapons.

Instead we get Transformers level of chaotic, unrelenting violence, characters you're never given a reason to care about, and an anti-hero who just straight up murders tons of people with little thought.

I've wanted to see The Rock in a superhero movie for years and I'm flat out pissed that I waited for it to be THIS one.

Best thing about it was that it's the last time we see Cavill as Superman. He burned all his bridges on set of Witcher, good to hear they're going a different direction going forward.
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Spirited (2022)
I Would Watch Ryan Reynolds Skin A Cat, With My Toothbrush...
4 December 2022
So you can imagine I was eagerly anticipating this movie with the added bonus of Will Ferrell AND singing AND dancing AND my unmolested toothbrush.

I really admired the unique take on the classic Scrooge story, with some BTS of how it all works. Reynolds as a slimy, conscious-free, 8-Chan contributing, GQP asshat is great. His character truly nails a core strategy of certain :COUGH!:gop:COUGH!: political parties in getting their base so fired up with rage that it literally short circuits their ability to do any critical thinking. It's also nice to see him in a nice suit as opposed to a blood stained lycra onesie and not looking like hemorrhoids on a Sharpei's prolapsed anus, after being in a horrible fire.

However (you knew this was coming), the musical aspect fell flat for me, and I don't mean just notes wise. Neither Reynolds nor Ferrell are Broadway musical caliber singers, and the music seemed written with that in mind. It allowed them to sort of talk/sing their way through it, without anything too difficult or frankly (awful pun intended) noteworthy.

None of the songs were particularly catchy, clever or memorable. Frankly the singing TikTok the two of them did was far more catchy than anything in this movie. The dancing/choreo was much more impressive.

While I appreciated the ending (no spoilers), I just didn't buy it. There just wasn't really anything leading up to it to lead me to believe it was realistic for that character.

Would I like to see a sequel? Hell yes I would! (See title) However, given the singing abilities of the leads, since you can't get fancy with the music, at least be clever with the lyrics. Channel (or better yet, HIRE) Lin Manuel Miranda for something more worth of all the great actors that were in this one (and hopefully the second).
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War of the Worlds: Episode #3.8 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Worth Sticking With It
5 November 2022
I hate when a series has such a disappointing ending that you feel angry you've wasted time investing in the show. I don't feel that was the case here.

No, everyone doesn't "live happily ever after," but then it's post-apocalyptic, dystopian sci-fi, so what do you expect? I'd be disappointed if they did.

Good character arcs, & redemption for those that deserved it.

My one big frustration was that throughout the last several episodes, but ESPECIALLY this one, they know they have very limited time on the surface, yet you almost NEVER see anyone hurrying, much less RUNNING. The fate of two worlds, BILLIONS of people is at stake and they can't muster up a slow trot even?!!? WTH??? There's just no sense of urgency at any point, knowing connections could be irrevocably broken at any second, and it's still "Hey! How's it going? Bob sends his love" type small talk. Ugh.

Other annoyance was the fact that in England, where weapons and ammo aren't as easily accessible as the US, they seem to have endless bullets to shoot at all metal robots, when it seems like some good spears, lassos, bolas or the like would have been much more effective (not to mention quieter). I hope the UK isn't developing a gun fetish too.

Otherwise, has next to nothing to do with the H. G. Wells version, but still enjoyable.

NOTE FOR THOSE NEEDING SUBTITLES The diverse cast was nice, but side note- they really need to coordinate subtitles with in show text. It often said "Speaking French" over the French translation in show, making it impossible to read. My French is good enough that I usually got by, but a few times had to turn off subtitles, rewind and watch for translation, then turn on again. Really annoying.
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