
11 Reviews
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Roulette (2012)
A dark hidden gem
25 December 2013
Roulette will surprise you if you give it the chance. Heavy plot, deep character development, and believable acting make for a movie that, although an indie, certainly is a marker of great things to come for all involved. The movie is actually all about character development as it deals specifically with 3 individuals coming to grips with themselves, realizing that every decision they make, and have made, leads them directly to where they are. Something many people do only when it is too late. There are a few moments that are drawn out that could have been just as effective had they been trimmed just a hair. But that is something easily forgiven. The story throughout seems to be pulled forward by flashbacks. This might seem confusing at times, but is suddenly pulled and bound together in a familiar yet dramatically memorable way. Not a date movie, but one to share on many different levels.
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No Country for Very Much Anymore
16 March 2008
I have to say that this movie was intriguing, full of surprises and more violent than I expected. And although I suppose I understand the intentions of the plot, as convoluted as it was, I am kind of disheartened that it won so many academy awards. It's not just that it was full of errors (check the goof section), nor is it that in my own humble unprofessional opinion that although Javier Bardem was great, I saw no acting that was worth the award - I just don't think the role was written well enough to support it. But most of all, I really don't know what to make of anything anymore when a film of such overwhelming violence is put on such a coveted pedestal. Yes, I am aware that there have been other violent movies that have won, and maybe it is just the sad revelation that as I get older, what we see as entertainment - strike that - what we see as THE BEST of entertainment, is still nothing more than useless violence that carries with it no repercussions for the guilty. The film industry rarely gives us what we need, but feeds us over the top with what we shouldn't have; glorifying theft, betrayal, greed, and as we see in our latest best picture, murder. Maybe I'm just getting older, I don't know. Personally I can handle the violence and all the other garbage, but I also believe the more graphic and blatant our so called entertainment becomes, the less value it must have. But as I said, this is just my unprofessional opinion, so I'll end this "review/rant" with this; if you are in the mood for a story full of death, some of it implied, some of it right there for you to enjoy - and if you are itching for a movie with no happy or justifiable ending, leaving you feeling like you went on a ride that was supposed to be the best ever but was really just sitting in your car parked in your garage with the motor running, then by all means...Enjoy!
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Night Skies (2007)
Well.....once is good enough
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose it has been my enjoyment of previous movies in this genre; Fire in the Sky, and Communion being my favorites, together with my reluctant opinion that quality in movies is just not what it was even 10 years ago, that made me bring a certain amount of prejudice along as I watched this. The movie itself is supposed to be based on "fact" although in reality it was a series of regression sessions with 1 witness. If you've seen Fire in the Sky, it will be slightly familiar ground, except with a stark "B movie" feel.

The plot seems drawn out from the beginning with a group of 20 somethings traveling in a motor-home. They get lost, crash it while narrowly avoiding a person fixing his own truck out in the middle of nowhere. There is little to no chemistry between any of the characters to make one believe that 2 of the couples are even married. The aliens themselves bounce around like paranoid speed addicts eyeballing their neighbors, while appearing "evil". This stylized approach to making things look twisted, ugly, and menacing to depict evil is childish and phony. Real evil doesn't let itself be recognized. The creatures therefore cheapen the effect the could have been possible. SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! The last point I will make, and this could be considered the spoiler, is the scene at the beginning and it's appearance again toward the ending. If one were to just see the beginning, it would be natural to assume she is getting chased by an alien. This is almost obvious when the reflection in an out of place shiny hubcap shows a distorted alien creature standing behind her. Well, come to the second viewing of this scene at the end, it isn't an alien, and even the reflection shows that it isn't. Why did they have to fool the audience into thinking something completely different? Very cheap. Very cheap. If you have nothing else going on, and just feel like zoning out, watch this. Otherwise, i am sorry to say, this movie just isn't worth it.
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B.U.S.T.E.D (1998)
It won't let you escape its grip
4 December 2006
I saw this on cable and was mesmerized. Then I tried looking up the title to buy the DVD but had a hard time. Even on IMDb its listed as Everybody Loves Sunshine instead of B.U.S.T.E.D. why? who knows. Anyway, Goldie rips the screen apart with his mean streak and doesn't stop. Very convincing. His character in Snatch not only looks so physically different but is the complete opposite. Good range. Bowie of course is Bowie, downplayed here but it never matters what he does, it's good. Goth has serious presence and the juxtaposition of his demeanor to the rest of the people around him is the perfect ingredient. Like I mentioned, I liked it enough to get the DVD. But the soundtrack is near impossible to find. At least for me.
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Tideland (2005)
Well......only if you're really into it.
25 September 2006
As much as I admire Terry Gilliam, I just couldn't get into this movie. I mean, its not like there is a single movie of Terry's that I can pick as a favorite, but this one would have to be the first in the exclusive non-favorites. To me it seemed incomplete, with an ending that was rushed maybe to meet a budget or deadline. For so many couch critics to recall the Alice in Wonderland scene of a fall into a rabbit hole was to me a grasp at something - anything at all to relate to. I have never read the original, so it is impossible to evaluate it as an interpretation, and maybe that is where my problem lies. It could be that Terry's interpretation was dead on. But if that was the case, then I would, if I could, beg him to look elsewhere for inspiration. Don Quixote was a project I was looking forward to, and that, I am sure would have been most worthy of TG's brilliant imagination. In my opinion, unless you are a true fan of Terry Gilliam, or are looking for something to relate to whilst in the midst of a heroin trip, I would strongly recommend that you see one of his many other films first so that you aren't recoiling in disgust the next time someone invites you to watch one of his earlier movies.
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Everything except the one thing
2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*spoiler alert*!!! Wow, this IS an amazing movie to say the least. Under-rated in my opinion. I won't go on and on about the plot, since there are plenty of other people doing that. But, I will say this, this movie plot was flawless, except for Lucy Liu's part. I know it's just a movie, but give me a break, the guy sleeps with her once, not 48 hours passes and he lets her in on the whole plan. Trust doesn't come with sex, as is commonly believed. And for someone to plan throughout their entire life a vengeance on everyone and more involved in their parent's killing, and then divulge everything because of a little roll in the sack seems a complete lack of focus. It makes the lead character seem not as bright and as driven as the rest of the film would have us believe. And, actually, Lucy's role could have been done away with all together and not have it affect the film one bit. Don't get me wrong, she is a good actress and a very sexy woman. But her character just took away from the film's bite. Especially at the end. I might have believed it, if Bruce Willis had acted more of a empathetic father-like figure, but the fact that he didn't, makes Lucy's part seem all the more confusing to me at least.
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The Machinist (2004)
Absolutely brilliant
28 July 2006
It is amazing this movie didn't win an Academy Award. I have never seen any movie like it before, nor after. Christian Bale, although one of my favorite actors since American Psycho, clinched my top spot with this one. His physical transformation will never be matched, and his acting is flawless. Both thought provoking and horrifying at the same time, it is a movie centered around guilt, decisions, and revelation. Full of symbolism, every scene is worthy of deep analysis - leaving you wanting to watch it again and again (just not so soon, due to its depth). My hat is off to the director, actors, and accomplished crew for making a movie so worth watching.
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simply put.
9 July 2006
Everyone else will tell you about the story over and over again. So I won't need to do that. But, what description I'll give is one in its most simplistic form. One that summarizes the overall feeling, because to put into words such emotion for each scene is not possible. You will understand what I mean once you see this masterpiece of heartache. For it is just as impossible to put into words the emotions of any soldier during wartime. I should point out that I saw this movie on an old B/W set and give my review from this standpoint. To me it was seeing this movie minus the color that really maked it stand out. What makes it timeless. Anyway, to give you a feel for this movie here is one simple sentence. Black and white, and red throughout.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Just a point or two about the greatest trend setter ever
3 May 2006
Well, instead of going on and on about Pulp Fiction, I want to add just 3 small points that I found more intriguing and absent from any discussions I've seen as of yet. Oddly, they all have to do with the Mr. Wolfe episode... 1. Something that had caught my attention from the first time I saw the movie is that Mr. Wolfe is called early in the morning at a house (or hotel room) that seems to be in the midst of a black tie party! An all-niter I would presume. Not to mention that he takes the call not on a cell phone as most of the other characters do, but on a corded phone in the bedroom! Kinda odd. 2. I had submitted this as trivia, and I hope I am right. But when Jimmie is talking to Mr. Wolfe in his bedroom, Wolfe says to call him "Winston". But when Vince and Jules thank him outside of Monster Joe's, he tells them to "call me Bruce". If I am wrong in this, I've got issues I need to work out because that's what I've heard every time I see it. Anyway... 3. I don't know if it was meant as a joke of sorts, but when we are introduced to Monster Joe's "daughter" (?) Raquel, it seems like they had just turned around as we see some huge lurch of a guy walk in the opposite direction carrying either a crowbar or some other tool/murder weapon. I mean, that guy is huge and I've always assumed that was Monster Joe, seeing he was the size of a monster. I know that someone completely different was supposed to be Joe, but those scenes were deleted so I almost suspect that it was put in as a sort of implication, or another Quentin "easter egg". Check it out, you'll see what I mean.

Please reply to this if anything I said was wrong....This is just one of those movies where you see something new every time it is shown.
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It's still got me.
24 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This, yes this, above all other horror or any other genre movies is my favorite. I guess I can't ever really get over that ending! The music itself is a constant heartbeat-like beat that burrows itself into the back of your neck throughout the entire movie. I've read so many comments that pan this movie in every aspect. In my opinion long speeches and character development aren't really that necessary. Special effects, especially nowadays with so much CG would take away what really is frightening here. And what is frightening and will always be so is the very idea of what is happening. The idea that evil does exist, and the very evil we would expect a church would give us sanctuary from is actually being born within. The scattered dream that all the characters share is wicked. Jittery and hard to understand at first and so gradually becoming clear is f*****g scary! And if one listens to the comments about people not even looking like zombies then they must have missed where on of the characters is actually made of cockroaches, falling apart after giving a warbled foreboding warning of what to expect. "I've got a message for you and you're not going to like it......pray for death" Classic!
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Gerry (2002)
so thirsty
30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I awoke this morning still very groggy, fixed myself some breakfast and then still half-asleep and struggling to keep them open decided to turn on the t.v. On came Gerry.....Wondering what it was, I pressed the info button and saw that it contained two well known actors; Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. "wow stranded in the desert...this is going to be interesting I thought." It took a while but the actors finally spoke....then they walked. I started to doze....but wait! they spoke again. Then sat down. Then walked. My chin slipped of my hand supporting it and BAM my face hit the couch....Crap..what did I miss. Oh, nothing; the actors were still walking...ah, beautiful mountains. yeah, and the desert...just like the deserts I grew up around and still live in. So much like No I'm awake! what happened! oh, they're still walking. Now they are laying down on white sands. Looks like they're about to take a dirt nap. oh, Matt is a passenger in a car driving through the desert...must be remembering his childhood. Probably his dad driving, the child staring must be himself - looks somewhat like him. He seems a little scared....I miss my dad who passed away about a year and a half ago....I really do. I think I....I think, this movie makes me want to die.
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