
16 Reviews
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The Fall of the House of Ggeh!
24 October 2023
"The Fall of the House of Usher" is a lackluster adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's masterpiece. The bad acting is a glaring flaw, with performances failing to capture the complexity of the characters. Roderick and Madeline Usher, central to the story's success, come across as one-dimensional, unable to convey the necessary emotional depth. The supporting cast doesn't fare much better, rendering key roles in the tale unconvincing and uninspiring. As a devoted fan of Poe's work, this adaptation's misinterpretation is disheartening. It prioritizes style over substance, forsaking the psychological torment and gothic horror that make Poe's original so enduring. The narrative feels disjointed, with unnecessary subplots diluting the central tension. Attempts to introduce modern elements and social commentary feel forced and out of place in a story firmly rooted in the 19th century. In summary, "The Fall of the House of Usher" squanders its potential, delivering a subpar adaptation that fails to capture the essence of Poe's masterpiece.

The 10:1 geh ratio is also one of the factor that made me want to vomit my ears out. I am sorry Edgar, a degenerate demograph has murdered your art for the sake of unnecessary political correctness that gives back the majority and your fans just; nothing.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Dumpster Fire!!
23 November 2022
What a bad show it was. Season 1 at least had some positive things to consider but oh man, the season 2!! Where do I start!

This whole show felt like there was no acting direction and acting choreographer to begin with. Actors were doing whatever the hell they felt like. There are choreographers who instruct actors how to act like androids, robots and many other different roles. If there is none, the responsibility lies on the show's director. There were some scenes where extras kept superseding important characters on the frame. WHAT SORT OF A DIRECTION IS THIS?

Acting wasn't anything to be proud of as well. I expected a good performance from some actors, but they either didn't understand the show or didn't care to understand the role.

Should I also talk about the editing? Pretty sure they took the raw files without color grading and editing it. That's not how it works. Every scene looked dull.

But the casting choice! Oh Boy! I won't say much but I gotta find some unsee juice to revive my eyesight. I wanna take whatever the casting director was taking.

Now comes the camerawork. I won't complain much but just gonna say they pretty sure hired some of the worst of the industry. Shots were either too close, too far or way up there above actors with some weird angle for no reason. They used some of the UNREAL ENGINE 3 stock assets for VFX and CG. There are some shows from the early 2000s that look PlayStation 20 compared to this show's work.

Thank GOD this show was canceled. They make an abysmal show and expecting people to watch is a big joke itself. I don't know how this show got high ratings but sorry, you bunch of braindead people who loved this show couldn't keep this cringefest alive.

I do not recommend this show. AT ALL. They murdered the story with 0 plot. The only good thing about this show is the intro and that's the only time I felt like someone was doing their job properly.
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Barbarian (2022)
"Almost" a good flick!
14 November 2022
I was not fortunate enough to watch this movie in theatre. However, watched it after its digital release.

The director experimented so many things with this film. There were some Lovecraftian spice, fear of unknown, psychopaths, serial killings, horror, drama and what not.

Cinematography was good. Could have been lot better but still works great. The whole film was shot with a steady choreography. Yet, you could see some scenes, where cameraman failed to stabilize the shot. Can't tell if it were done on purpose but the movie isn't a "Shaky" fest to begin with.

Amazing acting though. No complain there. Each and every actor utilized the creepy environment of the set perfectly. Bill did some amazing scores during his screentime.

But all good things must come to an end, right? The direction was weak. Even though Zach wrote and directed the movie himself; can't tell which one was weaker (or maybe both were weak?!). And I honestly think the transition from first half to second half literally ruined the movie. It was a questionable choice to include someone completely different in the second half out of nowhere. The scandalous backstory of the second protagonist didn't help the movie in any progressive way. Heck, it even felt like a completely different film after the first half. The party ended exactly right there sadly.

Overall, the movie DID have an amazing strong first-half. I give the first-half a solid 8 and the second half a piss-poor 5. You can try watching this movie out but don't raise your hope too high. And DON'T EAT ANYTHING DURING SECOND HALF. Ciao!
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A little less drinking, a little more thinking.
20 October 2022
Wow! What an amazing movie it was. Undoubtedly one of Zack's finest work. The movie has been thrashed by the critiques just proves how out place these people are from the audiences. From acting to shot selection; everything was on point. Moreover, it's based on one of the greatest stories out there from a civilian's perspective. The movie didn't have any shortcomings nor it did have any dud moments.

This movie is definitely an underrated movie and it deserves a proper recognition. Just give it a try. A great flix that you will definitely enjoy with your family any time of the day. Thank me later.
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Pett Kata Shaw (2022– )
Rushed and felt Sore
29 April 2022
Chorki/-Redwan Rony promised us quality content but this series falls short on many aspects. As this anthology series is based on supernatural, unexplainable events; I will avoid all sorts of contemporary logic.

Episode 1 : Ei Building a Meye Nished

  • Good start
  • Good cinematography
  • Great acting
  • Great location selection
  • Good lighting
  • Great pace

  • Extremely bad makeup
  • Bad Foley (if you don't know the meaning, search it up)
  • Rushed ending
  • Bad CG

Episode 2 :Mishti Kichu

  • Good start
  • Good cinematography
  • Great acting
  • Great location selection
  • Good lighting
  • Great casting

  • Bad screenplay
  • Bad pace
  • Galaxy, science, E = mc2 like what? Why include these?

Episode 3 : Loke Bole

  • Everything was mind blowing (almost!)

  • Rushed ending

Episode 4 : Nishir Daak

  • Good location
  • Good cinematography

  • Bad casting
  • Bad acting
  • Bad dubbing
  • Bad screenplay
  • Bad dialogue
  • Bad CG
  • Bad pickup
  • Pace was horrible.

Final verdict : Almost all of the episodes had rushed or poorly executed endings. Like in episode 1 (Ei Building a Meye Nished), the ending was generic 101. Why finish the episode with an absurd jumpscare attempt from behind? Could just show that the narrator's wife came out of the room to meet with the boys and then the boys noticed that the wife's legs are pointing backward?

In episode 2 (Mishti Kichu), was it important to show what type of Djinn they are opposing/meeting? This episode's ending was also executed in poor manner but not as bad as episode 1. Pace was everywhere, pickup was ruined. Actors of such caliber do not deserve it and I felt sad.

Episode 3 (Loke Bole) was great. It had everything. Ending felt rushed and the director could have given this episode another 2-3 minutes for a better ending. The superstition of untied hair is for girls/women only, not for the guys. Instead could have used a different available superstition like "Do not pee in the jungle after sunset/midnight" or something else.

Episode 4 (Nishir Daak) was an all in all, a bad episode. Everything was bad. Only the location and cinematography had a highlighting standard. Another thing that messed up the charm of this episode was the stock CG used to glorify the scary eyes. What a missed opportunity there not to use the available camera crews and their skill for the horror factors. Also, what's up with all the research documents in the notebook/ipad?

Sometimes, Showing less is showing a lot. It has been a long lurking issue with our country's film/drama/movie industry creators, directors making content with a great start but finishing it with bad-poorly executed ending. When will our approach change? Also, why bother making 20-30 minutes long episodes with 4-5 episodes per season? That's just illogical. Instead make a movie. Foreign industries opt for a series or season because it is illogical to make a 10+ hour long movie. OTT producers are failing to grasp the recipe of OTT based series. It is acceptable that cable channels make 20-30 minute episodes because they have time slots but why are the OTT platforms following the same structure as cable channels? Isn't OTT supposed to be better and independent? Or the recent show, series creators/directors/producers do not have the capability or skill to create long & sizable quality contents? A famous director once said, "Actors are the quality of the car's gasoline, cinematography is the smell inside of the car, the story is how many people are in the car; too many people, nasty environment but too few people, kills the environment but ending of a story is the person who is driving the car. A bad driver can kill everyone but a good driver will carry everyone." Just Alas.
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From (2022– )
It's a Matryoshka doll with nothing inside
13 April 2022
The series starts off with a great kickstart. Episode 1 had a great magnetic field but to me, the interesting parts about the series ended there. The series creators were just felt like super confused, some episodes felt like it's a Stephen King lore, some episodes felt like it's one of those teen Riverdale cringe-fest, some felt like sci-fi, some felt like some medieval vampire-werewolf-esque and some felt like witchcraft-magic thingy from industrial revolution age. The plots and genre were confusing, the pace is confusing. It pains me to say that this whole season, nothing was explained, nothing was revealed and this whole 10 episodes felt like pilot episodes. Watching this series and season felt like the series creators are planning to make 20-25 seasons out of this story. How can you make an hour long episode, almost 9 hours of season and not explain or reveal a single dime-a-quarter of the plot and how absurd it is to put even more weird confusing things as cherry on the top? The series creators were so damn focused on the later seasons that they totalled the season 1 with nothing. From episode 1 to episode 10 had like 0.01% story progress because of the radio tower, otherwise, this whole season is a mindless piece of work. Can't believe the Russo brothers created it.
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An Epic gift for every Office Fans
30 April 2020
I am speechless, seeing Michael, John, Pam, Dwigth again. The episode was great also but releasing this extended short film as a stand alone of its own universe one big surprise. I had both tears and smile on my face while watching this film. A must watch film.
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Overall, a good movie
19 May 2019
Pastor Park is infamous for his debunking attitude towards religious stigma, cult belief, its bad practices and how it exploits the mind of general people of a society. It ultimately led him to a cult religious group called Deer Mount which happened to be related to lot of murders of young children who were born in 1999.

This film had "The Wailing (2016)" vibe from the beginning for some reason. Story focuses on specific people only. It had a huge potential to work and build some other characters. Only problem of this film is it lacks a good continuation of some characters that they introduced in the movie, completely drops them later as if they don't exist. I wanted to see police and Pastor Park working together.

Jae-hyun Jang is still young and a toddler among other veteran directors. Writers were inexperienced also. What I liked is, I saw they are hard working people; writers, directors..everyone. It shows that they tried their best to make it happen. It's not too long that there will be some good and great masterpiece from them after right amount of experience they achieve.

I have 0 complain about the actors. All did their parts professionally. This is what I like about Korean Film industry, the actors are super veteran when it comes to acting and you won't find anything to complain.

Ending was satisfying. Final 20 minutes of the film is really does the magic, it literally revived the whole film. I really like some of the symbolic messages they conveyed via Dogs, Elephant and Bird; is pure gold attached to Babylonian mythology. Kudos to director and writers for portraying it in such mysterious way.

Cinematography was average. Too many cuts and angle changes in some of the shots. In films like such as this one, it is best to keep a shot as long as possible since sudden cuts and angle change can and will kill some important momentum and it did for this movie.

Overall, really liked the film. I will give it 7. Don't know why it is so low in rating but definitely not a low six film.
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A film based on pseudoscience and bro-science
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, thank you for reading this review. Let's start the review part without any delay.

Movie had an amazing and well tamed CG and VFX. The moment you will start watching the film, you will notice the work that has been put together by the CG and VFX team were insane.

Story and Background Build Up:

Movie starts with a simple flashback to build the background of the movie. There was not backstory of the main guy Liu Qi (Played by Chuxiao Qu), how he struggled and how life was hard without a father but shows that he's just some petty guy trying to scroll out of the underground life in the most cheapest way with his adopted sister Han Duoduo (Played by Jin Mai Jaho). He wants to run away from the underground to live up there even though it is impossible for any sort of life-form to survive. Weird death wish. Then there comes Liu Qi who literally has no backstory except for first few minutes of shots where he's a kid and spending time with his father & keeps flexing about how genius he is and suddenly starts driving a car that requires at least 5 years of training. So here's the first half hour of me wandering around what the hell is going on with the characters with little to no depth of it. Also, he basically betrays his Grandpa, stole his id-card to drive off with his adopted sister for good even though he knows that his grandpa will go to jail or rot without that id. But later Liu Qi cries like hell when grandpa died(!?!Wut?) He literally left his grandpa to rot and die in the first place but he actually wants him to live?! Does he care for his Grandpa or does he not?

Then there comes International Space station, where everything's at least 200 years ahead of current technology but Astronauts uses early 1900's space suits for some reason, where helmet glasses are made of sugar-props; breaks easily, they don't have any navigator to control themselves in space (which we have currently) and ropes gets cut-off like your early 90's local cables. I don't know how they survived all this long with that technology where as on Earth, people who were wearing atmospheric dresses to defend themselves, falling, crashing and blowing off of the cliff, house and surface, still had their helmet glass intact without any tear (except for the Liu Qi's grandpa, who's suit received a hole out of nowhere and he died).

At this point, the movie has already passed 1h+ and still fails to attach its audiences to the characters.

Final speech given by Han Duoduo was laughable, only chance they got to communicate globally so that they can bring help, she starts with a stupid personal story and suddenly she drops the story like "F* it, we need halpp". Liu Peiqiang's (Played by Jing Wu) conversation to convince world leaders was beyond laughable, no one will buy that bs specially if someone's a world leader. Comedy and Joke sections were cringe, totally out of sequence and literally damaging to the tension and pace. Those things were so cocky, I felt like whether I was watching the same film or not. To the guy who wrote the scripts; "Brother, stick to the B-films, triple A is still not your cup of tea".

I give character Build-Up and Story a solid : 02/10

Logic, Science and facts :

Movie is built upon pseudo science, so don't expect much but since it was built on pseudoscience, they should have built a solid background story for each important character. So, for the whole movie, you won't understand a single thing, what they are trying to do, what they are saying and what will happen except for the only Logical thing in this film was, Jupitar is made out of Hydrogen. It's a huge risk to make a film built on pseudoscience cause you have to make your own science, logic, math, facts so that people get things since you won't find any information about pseudoscience (it's made up sci-fi story).

I give this section of the film a solid : 04/10

VFX,CG, sound and other special effects :

VFX and CG were cutting edge. If anyone complain about this section, either they are blind or in-denial to accept that there's a creative team out-side of Hollywood, capable of creating even better effects.

Dub section was UTTER CRAP. They really messed up. It was very noticeable that sometime, their voice was not matching their mouth-movements, or they are standing very far, bad weather but their was no jitter or shakiness in their voice but some plain and loud voice. It was hard to believe some people were paid to work on this dub section and pretty sure they were paid pretty well, Alas! I give Special Effects a solid : 09/10 Dub and sound section, a solid : 04/10

Acting :

3 words; IT WAS BAD. REALLY REALLY BAD. EXTREMELY BAD! Everyone acted so bad, they were so stiffed, even when they were crying, they were stiffed. Only one who acted really good for 10 minutes was ever-green Ng Man-Tat and when he died, I knew it the movie is going hell-drain and the only hope to watch this movie ended with his farewell. The foreign people acted like cow-dung, every-time I saw a foreigner, it felt like a bootleg comedy film. This is hard to swallow pill guys; no matter how hard people will try to diversify a film, asians will never look good alongside a white-hollywood hero and those european, american actors will never look good alongside asians. This is just a fact and it makes everything super cringe to watch.

I give section a solid : 05/10 (for Ng Man-Tat, otherwise it's 01/10)

Overall, it was an ok film. A fresh experience if you ask me since only big-budget sci-fi films were coming from Hollywood, this film is actually a new hope; a hope to stop a monopoly sci-fi industry that is ruining sci-fi industry for real. Film has potential. If there's another sequel, I hope the directors take notes from this film, fix the mistakes they did with this one and make it even better by strengthening up the weaker and weakest links.

Watch the film, you will kinda enjoy it if you have enough time in your hand. I watched it with stiffed face just like the actors of this film, had no emotions or expression of sadness or tension while watching this film; I was just watching this film and after finishing it, i said "Ok" and started playing Yakuza 0.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
Thought it would be a french toast but got a Juicy Steak instead!
2 April 2018
Counterpart (2017), a series which has interesting applied conspiracy theories, fictional science, love, romance, action, thrilling contents, suspense, sorrow, hardships, difficulties and what not. More over, it has a GREAT PLOT.

Screenwriters did absolutely mind blowing job here. I've never expected a piece gem like this from a person like Justin Marks (creator of the show) who's responsible for the following movies like Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009), Rewind (2014) and The Jungle Book (2016). Kudos to him. Undoubtedly excellent work.

J.K. Simmons (as Howard Silk) & Olivia Williams (as Emily Burton Silk) are two veterans who proved their reach in acting again. There was absolutely no one who acted bad in this show. Harry Lloyd (as Peter Quayle) did great with his sly spineless dog role who always put his tail between his legs whenever it comes to bravery or truthfulness. Nicholas Pinnock (as Ian Shaw) did good and same goes for Ulrich Thomsen (as Aldrich), Sara Serraiocco (as Nadia/Baldwin), Nazanin Boniadi (as Clare) and the cringy ass Stephen Rea (as Alexander Pope). Everyone did great. No complain.

Great cinematography,videography, editing, splitting, vfx, CG <= 100% on point.

I would have given this series a solid 9 but few things (these are the cons, don't hate me or hate the show) bugged me pretty hard from beginning to end :

#1 . That weird Futuristic cell phone that can be seen in the first episode and later in some another episode. First time it was seen from this Side (actual timeline) and later it can also be seen in other Side (other timeline). Why ? Guess it was a concept snap from the early work which later they scrapped the idea but decided to keep the scenes. You can also see no one uses that sort of phone and Other Side already mentioned, their phones are dumb comparing to this Side where people can be seen using iPhones or smartphones only.

#2. TOO GOD DAMN AMOUNT OF HOMOPHOBIC SCENES! DAMN IT! I do not carry any hate for gay people nor do I spread hate, they are just like normal person to me. I don't care what they do in their private life cause it's their PRIVATE life. This is not the way to teach children respecting gay people and also conditions like being gay or trans are not nature's path, it's an anomaly which occurs naturally, a defect which we need to accept not adore. Recent movies, shows really support this LGBTQ movements in the most wrongful way and this is bad. Don't teach children how have sex with same gender, teach them how nature works with its most beautiful and ugly traits at the same time.

Moreover, all those lesbian scenes literally damaged Sara Serraiocco (as Nadia) & Nazanin Boniadi (as Clare) character. Bad choice to put your LGBTQ empowerment in the most important characters for no reason.

#3. Why's J.K. Simmons (as Howard Silk) & Olivia Williams's (as Emily Burton Silk) daughter had British accent? Both of their parents had American accents (even though Olivia is English, her accent is not pure). This...this really bugged me a big time.

Otherwise, a "must watch" TV series, if not; it is undoubtedly one of the top 3 mind boggling piece of gem from 2017 and post 17. Ignore my above points that I have mentioned as cons, it's just my thoughts that I have expressed; nothing much. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed, trust me.
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The Mechanism (2018–2019)
It was like french fries without ketchup
26 March 2018
If you are expecting it like Narcos or other crime thrillers, I have bad news for you. Many will be misled by the trailer but it actually is somewhat around narrative and hopeless twists.

Brazil is a big country but the scandal didn't hit worldwide like other true events, so I was not sold to the series facts from the beginning just like every other viewers.

Because of this weak reputation of the story, Netflix should have ended it in the first season but left its audiences on a huge cliffhanger by not finishing the series. No one's waiting for the 2nd season and there's no anticipation. Even if it gets cancelled, still nobody would complain.

Season 1's direction is pretty good. From videography to acting. I was expecting to be alienated by the acting styles of a different culture but I did not. I am really impressed with that.

If you have spare time, I will suggest you to watch it. You won't feel worthless nor disappointed or satisfied. It will be like weird mixed feelings after watching it, trust me. You won't be able to tell whether you liked it or loved or hated it. That's how this show is; it's like a hot chick you pass by randomly and after 30 minutes, you won't even remember it.

Netflix or production house didn't invest money for fake reviews for this show, that's why the rating is low or maybe that's how the rating should work; appear original. At least legit 7 ratings are better than fake 8+ ratings *cought*cough*cough*MIND HUNTERS*cough*cough*cough*.

Anyway, give this series a try.
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Let me put this movie on a different tier
25 March 2018
All the Money in the World (2017), based on an enchanting persona, who showed the world that money can be achieved without any limiter but everything will go in-vain if there's no one to spend money on or in to.

Movie felt premium. Christopher Plummer (attended "J. Paul Getty" role) did an absolute amazing work. He obviously showed why he's a veteran when it comes to "acting".

Mark Wahlberg's performance as Fletcher Chase was So-So. He didn't blend with the character nor with the 60's-70's era. Whenever he appeared, it just felt like he's either a 90's punk rock teenage or a 2010's cool dad.

Michelle Williams is generally a great actress. I really loved what she did in Blue Valentine (2010), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Manchester By the Sea (2016), Shutter Island (2010), The Greatest Showman (2017) and many more but I really hated the way she acted in this movie. Her acting was completely flat and in some scenes, it felt like someone was making her acting in-front of camera on gun-point. Her facial expressions were; excited when it should sad or in tears, cringy eye and facial movements where it should be helpless facial expression.

Kidnappers did awesome job at acting. No complains on that. They were mind-blowing. The kid acted flat but acceptable cause the kidnappers were ... nice to him?! There was no panic or horror in his eyes. He was just there, director told him to scream, he screamed, director told him to throw his limbs here & there, he threw. No emotion whatsoever, he was just waiting to finish his work and get the paycheck. Won't forget to mention the useless intro where he was seen walking like a hillbilly, telling every call girls that he can take care of himself for no reason and then getting kidnapped. It was not an attention grabber at all but a lame example of a failed attempt. Instead they could have showed that the kid came out of a Cinema hall with friends, chatting about how he can get some money out his grandfather by faking his kidnap and then getting kidnapped for real instantly. They could make their audiences confused whether he was actually kidnapped or just faked it (Yes, it became a big news back then when it was published that the kid tried to fake his own kidnap, some simple research will make you learn about it). Completely failed to implement this part but later they tried to tell this part in the movie, in a poor way.

Few props and clothes looked poor, few scenes looked bad, bad angle and bad color correction and these are acceptable cause they re-shot a lot of things in a huge rush. This is why JP Getty's character looked out of the thread in some point but it can be forgiven.

Lastly I want to add is, about Kevin Spacey. I really don't care about personal life they live(d), whether they banged guys or girls or some weird scandals where it can't be proved whether it was legit or not, I do not free-fall on these stuffs unless it has been proven properly, not just by someone's verbal or written accusation. I just care about acting. Love actors what they are loved for, ACTING. If Kevin's personal life wasn't leaked like that and if his parts stayed in the movie, I will say it would have been an absolute disaster. His prosthetic and 3d makeups were looking really, REALLY bad, unreal and synthetic. Directors and their team picked Christopher Plummer for JP Getty's role at the end accidentally and only he ACED in the whole movie, rest of the people suked ass and you will clearly notice that those were bad selection, from Mark Wahlberg to Michelle Williams to Kidnapped Kid (Including Kevin). I still don't know why Hollywood wastes millions of dollars on some fake prosthetic, CG and VFX when they can pick actual veteran actors who can play the role perfectly, who resembles the most and who will appear much more organic with lot less money. The production house absolutely deserved the loss they faced for picking Kevin Spacey, wasting millions of dollars on him to make him look like JPG (Which he didn't look like at all, funny) instead of picking Christopher in the first place.

I give this movie a solid 7. Pretty time spending movie, specially it's a 2h+ film, so it got my attraction. Didn't love it nor dissatisfied but One thumbs up (not two) with a smirk on my face.
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Is it really that good?
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A love story between two worlds, two completely different life forms,The Shape of Water(2017).

There are two types of people for this movie, either you will completely love it or you will completely hate it. If you have patience enough to read my review, you will know on which type I stand my ground.

Basically, it's all about bestiality cause any creature you want have sex with except for human is called bestiality. A mute girl stealing confidential GOVT research subject from a facility with ease, little to no effort, it IS really hard to believe where everyone has access to this place, including low class cleaners.

Story didn't work for me for single moment. A secret research subject that can change the universe or wars between two countries or other important things, since 5 star military personnel were assigned to it and secret agents were involved, things didn't blend at all, specially with the subject importance and easy-peasy lemon-squeezy type of security system. Now you may ask, why was there a secret tunnel behind research subject that leads to all the way to loading dock? Anyone can secretly get in to that tunnel and spy on the researches?! Also why wasn't a single piece of surveillance camera in that long tunnel where as surveillance cameras are seen everywhere except for in woman's locker room? When they brought in the amphibious creature to their apartment, no one noticed it? Also when that creature ran away, also no one noticed it?

There was no effort to find that creature also. Story fell flat here. Either they show Richard Strickland (played by Michael Shannon) in his home or looking at his fingers pushing pus out of this dead fingers or smelling it. A 5 star military person is assigned to this research and ordering some guy with no backup or support to find this creature is beyond laughable.

Also they have readable key-cards to enter in the facility office but simple paper made id card (anyone can fake it if they want) that gets verified by guards to enter in the building that leads to loading dock directly, where anyone can enter the facility through that tunnel without having any readable key-cards? Are you kidding me?

There were many fine moments in this movie but since I didn't like this movie, focused on cons only.

Sorry but I didn't buy its story at all. There were a lot of plot holes, errors from technical to direction and lastly, whole story was faulty at some point. I don't mind watching fictional movies or reading them but one must have to make it believable.

Sex and masturbation scenes were completely unimportant and unnecessary. Also Giles (played by Richard Jenkins) as a Gay man was completely unnecessary. This didn't put a single change or affected the story except for empowering LGBTQ movements in real life, which is nice but not for a movie where director don't know how to use that as a element for the story.

Story : 5/10 Acting : 6/10 Cinematography : 6.5/10 Special Effects : 6.5/10 Enjoyment : 5/10 Character Development : 4/10

Is it really good for winning the Oscar? Hell No! I have no hate for Guillermo del Toro, he is best known for making cheesy stuffs and loved a lot of things that came out of his hands. This movie is not for everyone but made for some special bunch of people who won't find it sick but I did.

My final verdict, I give this movie : 5/10
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Bedevilled (2010)
Movie was flat, failed in the second half and ...
1 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how people rated this movie so high where as there are plenty of Korean Movies that are rated very low. For instance "New World (2013)" is 7.6.

Any how, since perspective matters, let's just talk about this movie.

This movie started moderately but the first 10-20 minutes were useless and petty reasons for Hwang Geum-hee (starred as Hae-won) to visit her village after all those years. Director could have given a strong plot like Hae-won visited her village because she saw someone getting killed or raped which reminded her of her childhood village friend Seo Young-hee (starred as Kim-Bok-nam) who was raped in her early age also. This could give a strong reason for Hae-won to visit her village. It even showed at one point that Hae-won saw her friend Kim-Bok-nam getting raped, slightly teased about the situation, so there were plenty of opportunities to use that plot as plot development.

Nudity was completely unnecessary here. Few scenes didn't even make any sense as why it was so important to show blow- job or Kim-Bok's brother in law forcefully have sex with her; naked; whenever her husband was not near. Simple acting and audio based cinematography could have done that even more dramatically here.

The way Hwang Geum-hee (starred as Hae-won) acted in this movie, it really puts me on serious level of doubt whether she has really stood in front of a camera or not. Her acting was so flat, so terrible and so dull, I even wanted to skip her parts. But since lot of movie data base gave this movie high ratings, I still kept watching the movie, hoping for something twisted plot.

Seo Young-hee (starred as Kim-Bok-nam) acted gorgeously. Her level of acting puts Hwang Geum-hee on a shameful slum as they had to act alongside each other in lot of scenes. The gap of acting skills between these two actress were so visible that at some point I thought the caster who selected Hwang Geum-hee for the "Hae-won" role should check him/herself for mental treatment. You can't put a gem alongside a dirty pebble.

In all interviews, the directors said this movie is psychological horror and even renowned database like AsianWIKI said the same thing. This movie is nowhere near psychological horror. Yes there were unstable characters in this movie but this movie does not put you on any sort of mental state; of disturbance. It's just some crime happening in a small village. There's no twist, there's no suspense and there's no dramatic wave of fear.

Still this movie had chances to make it more interesting as Kim-Bok-nam spent her whole life reading-dreaming about Seoul lifestyle and observed how Hae-Won acts as modern city girl. I literally cried how the director missed the chances of making this movie a good psychological horror is when Hae-Won left the village alone on a boat, barely escaping from the murderous intent of Kim-Bok-nam, they could easily showed that the woman who reach Seoul was not Hae-Won but Kim-Bok-Nam. An identity theft and a new life replacing Hae-Won's life definitely could have given this movie a new life but no, they gave a Cheesy 2 bucks hollywood type story or those stupid Indian action films. God knows how Kim-Bok-Nam found police station and why there was only one police in the station, how she found a sledge hammer, how she entered the station from the front door with that sledge hammer and not getting shot (the police had a gun for himself, he shots her later) and why Hae-Won was cuffed in the station. The ending was so cheesy that all those efforts from the crews-members went wasteland of drainage.

Final verdict, director seemed confused. He failed miserably on story focus section. It was utterly absurd that Hae-Won lied to Police regarding Kim-Bok-Nam's daughter's death, who was her childhood best friend, shared everything with each other and then later in the end told police the truth regarding a girl's beat-down that had occurred in front of her, for a completely unknown girl, she told the truth but could not tell the truth for her childhood best friend. This movie was ethically b00lschit and failed to show any sort of ethics but tried intensely. It is hard to believe, these directors, casters, producers gets paid for their job and they can't do it properly.

I give this movie a solid 4. It's an overrated piece of trash. It is really shameful to see this movie on per with "No Mercy (2010) - 7.4" , "Confession of Murder (2012) - 7.1" , "The Yellow Sea (2010) - 7.4" and many more on rating base. I guess it was a great hand trick of *cough*cough*cough*FAKE RATINGS*cough*cough*cough*
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Mother! (2017)
Even ͡ rubber has stretching limit
7 December 2017
Oh man, I am quite sure that this is going to be my shortest review ever.

͡ 120 min film, I was waiting and waiting AND waiting for some twisted or psychological plot and turns out to be ͡ bat shít crazy story. I guess Darren Aronofsky spent the whole time fúckíng Jennifer Lawrence right in the ar$$e instead of working on the story.

There is no plot twist, there is no psychological horror plot in the movie and the movie isn't even scary. If you want to see Jennifer Lawrence's tîts, then you can pirate it but I guess Fappening! did its job way before.

  • Javier Bardem was great as always.

  • Jennifer Lawrence acted way below average. There are multiple actresses who were more suitable for the role; from acting skill to compatibility.

  • The movie is full of nonsense screen-time scenes.

  • Story was shîth but it has ͡ great attention grabber.

  • Ending is so bad that ͡ fake Ghost hunter episode can turn out to be ͡ great masterpiece if put alongside this film.

  • No plot or twist or psychological connection whatsoever.

  • Would have given this film 1 but gave 3 for the ti..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hope this review helps.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Fell flat miserably but a good time passing show..
27 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I would like thank those people who read this review from top to bottom.

The show feels quite good if you watch the trailer or the first episode but from the second episode it starts to fall down quite miserably.I know many people are saying that the show is bad and others are going against them,judging them that the people who are giving bad reviews;only watched first 2-3 episode.

I must say,the first episode was great as hell.The story,plot,scripts,production house,crews,actors;all gave a promising upcoming episodes.But here's where it fell flat.

From the 2nd episode,you will start to notice that the director is confused.They show a murderer/rapist;Edmund Kemper,who murdered his mother by cutting off her head and gave fellatio to the dissected head,which he continued with his other victims.But the way everyone talked about Edmund,the whole conversation is quite simple;you won't feel thrilled.At some point you will know it's just some common tea break chit-chat,nothing much.

The 3rd episode is also about Edmund,right now you will feel like the FBI agents will use his methods,tactics and visions to solve murder,serial killing,rape cases.But the 4th episode will make you more confused.Whether the series is about 2 episode co-joined story telling or not as they completely ignores Edmund.

Rest of the episodes are about some killers like Benjamin Barnwright,which consists around episode 4 to 6.Those 3 episodes fell so flat that at some point you might think whether the script or story was written for some 10 year olds or not.There was no twist,no surprise and specially when you will find out whether the end result was righteous or not.

The series is full of unnecessary fillers & failed to develop the characters completely.

The most interesting character Edmund is just a piece of promised trophy just to attract viewers.I will say the director just used him for the misleading trailer.

They show Wendy Carr a lesbian for nothing.If you don't have any plan for developing a character's background,then don't show a small part of it out of nowhere and then suddenly never speaks about it.It's almost for 10 minutes that they show Wendy is a lesbian,FOR NOTHING but just to fill up the time.

Most of the cases that the FBI agents solve,is confusing.They won't tell you what Benjamin's case.Benjamin,his brother in law and sister were the murderer but Benjamin actually didn't murder his fiancé.They drag this small case for 3 episode and suddenly drops it with no resolution or what actually happened after they were wrongly accused.

Worst of the worst,Debbie is one of the most poor work from the production house.Her character was so poorly designed that you at some point will feel like skipping her parts.From her dialogs to character development,everything is bad.

They show a mustache guy who is suppose to be a serial killer,psychopath;is just there to make fake promises that he will do something in the later episodes.But no,he's just there for 3-4 seconds of screen time with no explanation of what he is or what he's doing actually.

The show will give you lot of inside conflicts between partners,colleagues but in the next scene,you won't find anything whether anything happened in the previous scene or not,the argument vapes away into thin air.

Except for Holden,Bill,Edmund & Brudos,all characters are useless to this series.You won't find any significant differences if you don't even show them in the whole series but alas,the whole series is consist around those rest of the people and they are useless,just imagine what happened here.

Good Side :

Brudos's episodes were great.I wish his case could get some long screen time.Brudos is the guy that will make you feel that the agents are actually meeting a psychopath.

Pecker's case was below average but since his "complain" against the agents is the subject for the whole series and the downfall of Holden's career,I didn't like the ending that happened with Edmund since the whole thing was about Pecker,a director has to be complete idiot not to include Pecker at the end.

Final verdict,if you are guy with lots of time in your hand,then watch it.Otherwise,it's just a confused,spread-ed story and poorly jammed series with misleading title and trailer.It's very simple "You killed him,you are the murderer" type series.It won't make you think or storm your brain for a single minute.The director seemed like a money hungry guy,who was so much into second season that he screwed up the first season by including unimportant stuffs that requires 3-4 seasons to describe.He was confused about which content should be picked the character and which not,which story line should be continued and which one not.

I give this series,5/10.
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