
13 Reviews
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Commando (1985)
Arnie at his very best!
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that it has taken me 37 years to write a review for Commando.

I first saw it on VHS when I was about 9 years old (Unsuitable for that age group yes, I know, but my parents were never into the whole "movie ratings" thing).

Anyway, apart from developing a huge crush on Alyssa Milano for the rest of my junior/ high school years because of this film, I also witnessed a masterpiece. Commando is, and I firmly believe this, the best of the classic "action movie star" films.

I am also utterly convinced that this is Arnie's best film, forget T2, forget Predator, forget True Lies, forget Eraser (yeah right, as if Eraser stood a chance!), Commando is where it's at if you want to see the great man at the peak of his Hollywood powers.

So, Arnie and his daughter are living the "quiet life" in the mountains of northern California after Arnie has left his elite military unit and decided to retire. Unfortunately his subordinate from said unit (who Arnie fired for reasons never quite made clear, perhaps crimes against fashion?) has other ideas, and he has hatched a "cunning plan" for revenge and the humiliation of Arnie, and the overthrow of a banana-republic president all at the same time, yes, he has been very busy!

When we meet Arnie, he is carrying a huge log, that he just cut down, with a chainsaw, which is in his other hand, we immediately know this guy is not to be trifled with, and not just because it is Arnie, who we know from previous action films. We are presented here with such awesome masculinity that I am surprised the bad guys didn't just leave him alone and re-think their plans. But then we meet his daughter, and a softer side emerges, the "fun" Arnie who feeds deer from his hand and enjoys ice cream, maybe the bad guys were suckered in by this? I bet they were kicking themselves all the way to Hell for making such a grave error of judgement! Not long passes before she is kidnapped. After this affront by his old colleagues, who now clearly don't like him, we just know that violence will ensue (in fact, some already has).

I won't go into too many specifics here because I don't want to spoilt it for anyone who has not yet seen it, but once the story gets going it is really a "detective" story, you will marvel at how Arnie stalks down his opponents to extract information, at how he pieces the clues together so meticulously to find out where his daughter is being held, all with the help of the wonderful Rae Dawn Chong as Cindy.

When the time comes for the final confrontation, the viewer is ready, and under no pretense that this will be war (and I mean an actual war). It does not disappoint. However there are a few glaring errors in Commando which made me question Arnie's "Special forces" training, I will illustrate below (spoilers involved).

1: When Arnie sends Cindy into the mall bar to talk to Sully and she sends the cop outside to arrest Arnie he is standing next to a pillar. When the cop looks at him he basically pulls his head back and leaves his entire 6ft 5 hugely muscled frame still fully visible to the cop, not very Special Forces.

2: When Arnie rows in the inflatable dingy out to the final confrontation on the island, he does so in just his underpants. What if the guys were waiting for him on the beach? Again, not very Special Forces, and rather embarrassing!

3: When Arnie arrives at the final confrontation, he places explosives and totally destroys four buildings. Not once did he check that Jenny may actually be in one of them? He could have blown his own daughter to smithereens, not very Special Forces.

Even though these errors are unforgivable, Commando still stands head and shoulders above all other 80's action flicks. Simply because it is just so much fun to watch, Arnie is at the top of his game, the body count is in the 100's (literally), one-liners are aplenty and everything just works.

Lightning in a bottle my friends, lightning in a bottle.

Watch it, and tell me you didn't get goosebumps at the end when "We fight for Love" by The Power Station kicks in!
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The Batman (2022)
Too long for this type of film
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was genuinely looking forward to this, unlike many people, I was interested to see what Robert Pattinson did with the role, and where this story would take us.

I left the Cinema with very mixed feelings.

The overall tone, mood, cinematography and score of this film are excellent, there is much inspiration pulled from previous films such as Se7en, Zodiac, Blade Runner, Taxi Driver etc. Some of the cinematography is also reminiscent of films from the 1970's, very gritty and grainy with soft focus, take the subway station scene near the beginning of the film for instance). The Gotham presented here is a real dystopia, much more so than in previous film outings. It pushes up to the borderline of "too far" but never quite crosses it, you can just about understand why people still live there when they don't have much other choice, but only just.

Pattinson was a very good Batman (although not so good as Bruce Wayne) quite reserved and not too flashy with the gadgets, this made for a good change of character compared to what we are used to, I also liked the way he works the actual crime scenes with the Police, this gave a very refreshing and different perspective. You also get a very good sense of the fact that the criminals really fear the Batman. The general public are preyed on by the criminals, but the criminals are also afraid to step into the shadows and back alleys of Gotham because they are preyed on by the Batman, which is a nice touch.

The Riddler is also a rather good villain in the vain of the Zodiac as previously mentioned, even though his "master plan" really loses steam and becomes a little muddled towards the end.

There are some issues with this film, and I will touch on them here.

For starters, and the main issue for me, it is just far too long. In all honesty, a full hour could be cut from this film and it would actually be better for it.

Catwoman could be completely removed and the film would not suffer at all, in fact, again, it would be better without the character and her plot-line. Also the useless "romance" plot which has no chemistry and really goes nowhere, only really exists to extend the running time.

Lt. Gordon (aka Basil Exposition) is useless, how he ever ascended to his eventual role in Gotham is quite beyond me. He basically serves to provide an oratory narrative for the audience about what is going on. Every time they find a clue he just stands there and says "what does that mean?" and Batman gives him the answer.

The plot also moves around too much and tries to cover too many characters and too many different arcs (this may be the cause of the running time).

To sum up: Whilst it has succeeded in some areas, it has failed miserably in others, and this spoiled my enjoyment of what could have been an extremely well crafted two hour (two and a half at the very maximum) film rather than three hours with much unnecessary fat.

Unfortunately most films are heading this way nowadays: Bond, Fast and Furious etc they are all 2hrs 45mins plus, and they just are not the types of film to warrant such a running time, Batman is in the same group.

With The Batman, if they cut a couple of characters, strengthened a couple of other characters, reduced the running time and tightened the script up, it would have been a real winner. Unfortunately it is rather bloated.
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My favourite film of all time.
20 May 2019
The best film ever made.

I really cannot convey how much I love Back to the Future. I was born in 1976 so was the perfect age for when this was released at the Cinema. I spent my pocket money on "Back to the Future everything" sticker book, poster, pencil case for school, skateboard, you name it! I think I saw it about 5 times at my local Cinema, and then at least another 5 on VHS when it was released. I literally bugged the guy at the Video store not to sell it to anyone else when he was done with renting it out. I saved up and bought the ex-rental video from him when he got a new copy and watched it pretty much constantly!

Everything about BttF is perfect. The story, the cast, the score, the locations, the De Lorean! BttF is a pure time-capsule (no pun intended) that whisks me back to being 9 years old again.

Michael J Fox is wonderful as Marty in his break-out movie role, and I cannot imagine anyone else playing the role of Doc Brown with the perfection that Christopher Lloyd did. The rest of the cast are also extremely strong, everyone brings their game here to make the best film possible, and it shows.

Both Bob's (Zemeckis and Gale) created absolute magic and captured it on film, there will literally never be another one like this. I know Bob Zemeckis was awarded the best director Oscar for Forrest Gump, but for me, Back to the Future will always be his crowning achievement. Alan Silvestri and Huey Lewis and the News added the cherry to the top of this wonderful cake with their fantastic score and music contributions! We also cannot forget Steven Spielberg, without him, Back to the Future may never have been made.

If you are any kind of movie fan then BttF is a must. The fun and downright excellence of this film just shines through in every scene, it is infectious. You can tell that everyone had a great time making it!

BttF also has the best cliff-hanger third act of any film I have ever seen! I still sit on the edge of my seat even now, and I must have seen it 50 times (Will Marty and Doc's plan succeed?).

I showed it to my 7 year old son last weekend, and whilst he did not understand all of it, he loved watching it. There is a reason why Back to the Future became wildly popular, has stood the test of time, and is loved by different generations all around the world. The reason is because it takes the viewer through every emotion that a great film should, one moment you are basking in the cool of it all, the next you are laughing, the next you are on the edge of your seat. That, is visual storytelling at it's best!

Extra bonus points must be awarded for making the Time Machine a DeLorean, this was an inspired and genius idea. The design of the Time Machine is second to none, it looks exactly like you would think a Time Machine should, and is, by my reckoning, the coolest car in cinema history. Pulling a car with such a troubled history from relative obscurity, and turning it into one of the most recognizable in the world was a master-stroke.

I think being there in 1985 the first time around gives me a particularly special relationship with Back to the Future, but everyone should see it at least once, as I said, I think it is the best film ever made, and the collective work is the best trilogy ever made!

Thank you to everyone who came together to make the Back to the Future trilogy happen. You gave us something really incredible, unique, and timeless!
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Still to be beaten.
18 July 2018
In the action/ adventure genre I believe Raiders of the Lost Ark is the yardstick by which all other films should be measured.

There simply was not an action/ adventure film made before this which is as good, and there has not been one since (although the sequels came close).

Everything here works, there is nothing wasted. Nothing to bloat the film and make it boring, nothing to slow down the pace and nothing unnecessary. RotLA cracks along at a good pace, but occasionally gives the viewer time to breathe before we are off again on another leg of the adventure.

This is action movie making at it's very best, the cast, direction, cinematography, score, locations, story, everything is just perfect. Everyone involved in making RotLA brought their "A-game" to the table, and it shows.

RotLA is such an evocative film, from the opening jungle scene, to the Cairo markets, to the outline of Indy against the sunset as they dig for the Well of Souls, to the final "storage room" scene. The images Spielberg created here are masterful, the score by John williams complementing them perfectly. The action is pure edge-of-your-seat stuff, and there are a good few laughs thrown in too.

I was around 6 or so when I first ever saw it and I was blown away. I am still blown away every time when I watch it now (I am now 41).

A modern classic in every sense of the word, one that is far superior to the mindless cookie-cutter tripe that is churned out pretty much every week in cinemas 37 years later.

It really fascinates me how people can say that Raiders is for "kids with no brain" and give it a poor rating. These are probably the same people who turn up at the multiplex each month to see the next Marvel film, which is just the same as the last Marvel film, but with a slightly different character.

Nothing else to say really, if you haven't seen Raiders then see it.

You can thank me later!
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3 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a difficult review for me to write.

First and foremost I am a huge Steven Spielberg fan. I firmly believe he is one of the finest film makers the world has ever seen. Right up there with Kubrick, Hitchcock, Lean, Kurosawa, Lynch and the other great pioneers of cinema.

E.T. was the first film I ever saw in a Cinema, and as a 6 year old it left a huge impression on me. I have followed Spielberg's career and films ever since, I have read many books about him, watched interviews, documentaries, and all the extras on all his films. I almost feel like I know him personally. He is to me, like Halliday is to Wade Watts, someone to be looked at in reverence and awe. His films shaped so much of my childhood, and I will always be grateful for his contributions to popular culture. So many of the cultural touchstones we enjoy and take for granted nowadays would probably not exist without him. So, with a heavy heart, we come to Ready Player One.

I was extremely excited to learn that Spielberg was starting production on a film centred around a Virtual Reality universe that made huge references to 80's popular culture. When I first heard about it, I decided to pick up a copy of the book (which I had never heard of). Having read the book I enjoyed it, but did not think it was amazing, just quite good. The film, however, I felt had the potential to be something spectacular. I thought the collaboration of Spielberg and Cline would take the book, and with a little re-writing, a tweak here and there, bring it to the big screen in awesome fashion.

I was wrong.

Perhaps it was the fact that he was a little "starstruck" by working with Spielberg, but I cannot believe how much Ernest Cline has allowed his material to be torn to shreds and thrown in the trash can. Worse, actually, that he co-wrote the script, so he must have excised a fair chunk of it himself. I would genuinely say that a large proportion of the book is not present in the film, the setting, characters, and a handful of references and scenes are all you get. I would say 75% of the book is gone. I understand fully that books need to be changed and adapted to be made into a film, but something went massively wrong with Ready Player One.

I simply don't understand how the team behind this production (including Cline himself) could consciously allow this hatchet-job to happen. I am by no means an Ernest Cline fan-boy, but there were so many scenes in the book that would have translated brilliantly into the film (and not even ones that required licensing deals) and these great scenes were discarded. I won't spoil it by describing what the scenes were, but some of them would have given us more sympathy with Wade, instead they were glossed over and we don't really see his plight of having almost no money, no prospects, and living pretty much hand-to-mouth in a dystopian society. He just comes across as a surly teenager, which in the book, he is not. In the book he is a likeable guy who is struggling along in a life that has dealt him a poor hand.

Two of the challenges for the keys were changed completely, and this is to the detriment of the film. The original challenges should have been kept (or kept and changed slightly if licensing was an issue) and the ones created in the film (whilst, admittedly, being spectacular to watch) should have been side-line challenges that Wade takes part in and not the key challenges themselves. Many of the 80's music and videogame references are simply not there, perhaps due to aforementioned licensing issues? But for a film that sold itself on a retro 80's pop-culture vibe, the 80's nostalgia feeling I had during it was surprisingly low, I think that was mainly down to the music and there not being enough of it or having the wrong music playing in the wrong scenes. For example, Van Halen's "Jump" is totally wasted in a scene where Wade is just making his way around the Stacks. The music was put to far better use in the trailers (which, incidentally, were better than the film itself).

Much of who does what, and how things pan out in the story has also been changed around drastically, basically to give the actors something (or a bit more) to do. Art3mis is brought into the real-life part of the story far too early in an attempt to give the story some emotional grounding, unfortunately their relationship in the Oasis actually works better and is more believable. The villain Sorrento remains pretty much as he does in the book, but at the end of the film appears to have some kind of a change of heart that made me feel nauseous.

Even after my rant, there is some good stuff to be had here. The visuals are absolutely incredible, there are some references which catch you by surprise and are very welcome and there are some genuinely thrilling and funny scenes. In particular, the back-story of James Halliday and Ogden Morrow is played out well (even though you don't see very much of them).

So, all in all RP1 for me was a disappointment. After following the project from the beginning, watching the trailers almost every day since they released my excitement for this project had reached fever-pitch. Sitting in the cinema waiting for the film to start my hands were trembling slightly and my mouth was dry, I could actually feel my elevated heart rate, that is how much I wanted RP1 to blow me away...It failed.

I have to close by doing something I don't want to have to do. I have to lay the blame for my utter disappointment at the feet of my hero. I am so sorry to say this, but I fear he may have lost the magic that made him and his films so special. Spielberg was by far the most influential person on this project, "The Captain" as it were. I feel that this time "The Captain" steered the ship so far off course that no-one knew where it was going until it was too late. I don't understand how something with so much potential could have gone so wrong in the hands of a true genius.

The last 15 minutes of the film are a complete waste of time, some of it is actually laughable. I almost get the feeling that the end of the screenplay was not proof-read, and was just filmed mindlessly with no actual real thought behind the outcome.

Ultimately, if you can't guess what happens, Wade wins. Then he decides to perform a huge rug-pull on all the people who risked their avatars in the battle to help him win. He closes the Oasis on Tuesdays and Thursdays, apparently to make people spend more time together in the real world. So after all his speech about "I love the Oasis so much, are you willing to fight to help save it?" he shuts it down for 48 hours a week...Cheers buddy! As a gamer he should know better than anyone how angry gamers get when the servers go offline for ONE hour!

What a shallow and soul-devoid hero Wade is, did he spare any thought for the people who earn their living from the Oasis? who receive their education in the Oasis? the lonely people (which Wade once was) who have no family or friends and use the Oasis as a means of social interaction? apparently not...

You see, Wade is now ok after his big win, he has a nice girlfriend, a nice fancy loft apartment and a fat wedge of cash in the bank. Who cares what closing the Oasis a couple of days a week will do to the people who are left in the slums?

In the end, Wade shows early signs of becoming the very thing he was fighting against in the first place...

Shame really...
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Deadpool (2016)
What did you expect?
8 August 2017
I don't know what some people expected to see here.

They must not have watched the trailer or seen any advertising for Deadpool before actually watching it.

Deadpool is meant to be cheesy, corny, over the top, naff and all the things a super-hero film tries it's best not to be (but usually is).

This is the beauty of it, Deadpool is reverse-reverse ripping the p*ss out of all the other super-hero movies, and it does it with such style.

Deadpool takes all the things super-hero movies try their best to avoid (but fail every time) and magnifies them by x 10, that is the fun of it!

I love this film, it is a very welcome departure from the usual Marvel c*ap we have been receiving time and time again.

Well done Deadpool guys, can't wait for the sequel (or Deadpool's number 2 LOL).
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A stunning work of art
27 June 2017
The Neon Demon is an excellent, thought provoking journey into the state of the human condition. NWR takes the beauty industry and creates one of the most disturbing and unsettling films I have seen in a very long time.

Some films are not intended to be "watched" in the traditional sense. They are intended to be "experienced". The Neon Demon is one of these films, actually, less a film, more a work of art. The world created here is so absorbing I was mesmerised for the entire film.

Even though there is terrible and bloody violence in TND, that is not what unsettles here. It is the atmosphere, the constant feeling of dread and being preyed upon by ruthless predators, who seem to be around every corner, at the end of every dark alley...

TND is essentially a tale of innocence and vulnerability, and how that innocence can very quickly be lost (or consumed) in the world we live in today. TND explores almost every human emotion and feeling in a very intense way, fear, love, lust, anger, frustration, rejection, obsession, they are all here, and all laid bare in the starkest of ways with no apologies to the viewer.

We see the very soul of these tormented individuals, it provokes thought, introspection and if you are lucky, it changes your outlook on things. It can give an insight into some of the emotions we feel ourselves, in our every day lives, but would never act on them the way the characters in this film do.

It is interesting to see the very extremes of these emotions played out on screen, some in a rather abstract way, others more directly, some with shocking results, others with a more subtle undertone.

This film really is that powerful, and I am so glad that films like this continue to get the green-light.

Beautifully shot (the cinematography, use of colour, and shot-framing are masterful) wonderfully scored, and perfectly cast. TND is by no means an easy film to watch, but if you bring a strong stomach, and a non-judgemental attitude, you may be enriched by it.

Challenging, raw, and with something to say, a perfect example of the "art" of film.
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Firmly in the "so bad it's good" category
5 November 2015
The title of my review aside, I adore this film.

When American Ninja was released on VHS back in 1986 Ninja fever was rampant. Even in the sleepy little village where I lived in England, every single boy of my age dreamed of being a ninja. The school playground was rampant with us wannabe assassins in duffel coats!

In the aforementioned little village we only had one video shop, I spent weeks and weeks in a state of despair on Saturday afternoons, as we would go there only to see the dreaded "Film on loan" tab attached to the box.

Eventually we finally turned up one afternoon and it was there...With no "Film on loan" tab on it! my life was finally complete and we took it home. My parents were never really into the whole "film ratings exist for a reason" thing. Incidentally, neither were the parents of pretty much all my friends, ahhh...The 80's, these young un's today don't know what they missed.

Saturday evening finally came and American Ninja was inserted into the top-loader...As I sat eating my Vesta curry, My life literally changed in the following 90 minutes, I learned more than any teacher could ever show me at school, Joe was literally a god! This guy could do anything...Beat anyone! Most of my friends had already seen it and we were all finally on the same Ninja wavelength! We practiced Joe's moves, disappeared in a "cloud of smoke" (England gets a lot of fog in Autumn/ Winter) behind the school canteen, jumped over the tyres in the playground as part of our "ninja training school".

Watching it back a couple of weeks ago (now I am 38) It is total crap, but total crap of the highest order. I thought ninja's were actually, you know, supposed to be elite assassins. Here the baddie Ninjas seem to get away with being pretty mediocre to be fair, they miss the easiest targets, get knocked out by really bad punches and kicks, do lots of unnecessary front and back flips, and generally don't really perform very well. Our hero Joe also seems to have a problem, he acts like he has something uncomfortable inserted into his anus most of the time, even when he smiles.

The whole thing is just laughable.

But laughable in the best possible way.

Thank you Golan Globus and Cannon films, thank you Michael Dudikoff and Steve James, thank you the guy who did the music.

I am indebted to you all for this slice of my childhood that I can also enjoy now I am a grown-up, albeit in a different but still entirely satisfying way!

If you are in any way intrigued by the mystery that is American Ninja, I implore you to crack a beer, grab a big bag of crisps and settle down, you will not be disappointed!
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Too excessive
20 July 2015
I just found this whole thing bloated and excessive, at the expense of any decent story or realism.

The original Road Warrior painted a stark picture of a struggle for survival after the "end of the world as we know it". This is not like that at all.

I just felt that the theme was not properly explored here, I would have preferred to have seen Max on his own, surviving, and then maybe trying to help someone else later on in the film.

I didn't expect (or want) a Road Warrior remake, but I also did not expect (or want) what this turned out to be.
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Erm, no...
30 May 2014
Awful in pretty much every sense.

Do not waste your money on this pathetic excuse of an X-men film.

The very clever and interesting X-men franchise has now sold out and turned into the mindless summer blockbuster in the Transformers style.

Over the top everything, far too much exposition for the retards in the audience, boring story, paper-thin villains, I could go on...

I found myself checking my watch a few times during this over-long stinking turd.

My partner who is an avid X-men film fan ever since X1, turned to me as we were walking out and said "well, that was crap"...I had to agree.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Horrible show full of horrible people
7 April 2014
I made it to Episode 6 of season 2.

I am finished now...

As the title says, this is a horrible show full of horrible people, I simply could not connect with any of them, it bums me out after every episode and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, episode 6 of season 2 (Peekaboo) finished me off, I am not prepared to watch things like that if there is no balance (at least there is no balance for me, some people may find the "lighter" moments good, but I didn't) The show is just constantly depressing.

The acting is "ok" at best, the jokes are not really funny, the drama is annoying and has a "seen it all before" feel to it, and all the characters are selfish, miserable, stupid ar$e-holes.

People say this is the best show of all time, hmmm, I don't think so, this is not even in the same league as The Sopranos, and is certainly not as good as: Walking dead, Dexter, Game of Thrones, Mad Men and a few others I could name.

I give it 3 stars because there were one or two moments of decent comedy, and the occasional bit of good writing, but how this stinking turd comprised of human misery rates so high generally is beyond me.
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Skyfall (2012)
Disappointing and too much product placement
5 November 2012
Disappointing is the only word I can use for Skyfall, poor cliché-ridden script, too many blatant nods to previous Bonds, some really stupid ideas and scenes (Komodo dragons anyone?). I was very excited to see it and left the cinema disappointed and a bit angry at being cheated out of £8.00 NOT Bond...Casino Royale IS Bond. And am I the only one who felt that this was a mini-reboot of the reboot?

Shame really when the best thing about the latest Bond film is the appearance of the DB5.

I don't know if it is just me, but Skyfall also seemed like a huge product placement exercise, if you weren't looking at Omega watches, it was Heineken beer, or SonyVaio laptops, or Sony mobile phones, or Jaguar cars, or Macallan Whisky.

And they were just the ones I did see, there must have been others.

Also with 30 minutes worth of adverts for Omega, Sony, Heineken, James Bond video games etc. before the actual film started, I was just marketed-out by the end of it.

Very disappointing in the fact that they now use the most enduring franchise in film history to flog you as much stuff as they can.
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Inception (2010)
Not worth the hype thrown at it
5 August 2010
I have some advice for intelligent people who wish to see a great film about dreams...Watch Mulholland Dr. Instead.

I found Inception to be a strange animal, it's almost like a film that has been aimed at cretins to help them feel as though they are intelligent.

As far as having my mind blown I found myself still waiting for the "Blow" as the film wrapped, following two and a half hours of dull exposition, lacklustre performances, and cliché after cliché all dressed up as the "next big thing".

I am by no means a "Nolan hater" he has made some very solid films up to this point and has real talent, I also do not blame him for this offering as he obviously thought it was good, I blame the easily pleased and intellectually challenged people who have hyped it up to be something it clearly is not.

The 3rd greatest film of all time?...Give me a break.
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